Falling in Love With Her Husband (6 page)

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Authors: Ruth Ann Nordin

Tags: #Romance, #Western

BOOK: Falling in Love With Her Husband
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had. But I didn"t dare voice that opinion.

“As much as she scares me, I do feel bad for her,”

he admitted. “I also feel bad for Rebecca. Kent"s not the

person he appears to be.”

I turned back to him in interest. “What do you


“I don"t wish to go into detail. Let"s just say that Ann

is much better off without him. It may not seem like it, but

she"s the lucky one between her and Rebecca.”

My eyes widened in surprise. I knew Alex didn"t like

to spread gossip, even when it was true. He would only

warn someone that something or someone else wasn"t a

good idea to pursue. As much as I wanted to know what he

saw Kent doing, I decided to keep quiet.

“Should I tell my aunt and uncle to get the loan for

you?” Alex pressed.

“Yes. It"s not like Ann wil ever want me. I have

nothing to stay here for.”

“You"re better off.”

I saw Debbie enter the classroom. “See you at

lunch,” I said as I left her seat.


That Sunday night I chose my best suit. I knew it

would be the last time I would see Ann at a dinner party

before I left for Jamestown, North Dakota. I fixed my tie as I

went over the words I would tell her. There was nothing to

lose at this point. I would simply tell her how I felt and tell

her that I knew she didn"t return my feelings but I wanted to

let her know before I left. At least, she would know

someone loved her even if Kent no longer did. Perhaps, it

would give her courage to find someone else.

I glanced at the picture I had of her on my dresser. I

hesitated to take it with me to North Dakota. What was the


Falling In Love With Her Husband

point in holding onto the past? I picked it up and stared at it

for a long moment. If she loved me, I could marry her and

take her with me. But even if she did love me, would she

really be content to go without the luxuries we were used to?

From what Alex said, the farmer didn"t enjoy servants who

did their every bidding. Ann wouldn"t be able to afford her

jewelry and fancy dresses. She would have to learn to

cook, clean, and do whatever it was farmer"s wives did. No.

She wouldn"t want to deal with the hardships out west. I

walked over to the trash can and held her picture over it.

Alex was right. It was time to let go of the past and move


“Mr. Todd, the Statesman family has arrived,” Laura,

one of my parents" servants, said.

“I"l be right there,” I replied. I dropped the picture in

the trash can. After tonight, I wouldn"t have anything else to

do with Ann.

I joined my sisters who were giggling around Ann

who seemed overwhelmed by the attention. I stood to the

side while Agnes and Abigail discussed corsets. I closed

my eyes. I knew more about female clothing items and

other feminine details than I cared to admit. Maybe being

alone on a farm would be a blessing. Then I wouldn"t have

to concern myself with such things ever again.

“Todd,” my mother greeted as she walked over to

me. “I think it would be nice if you offered to escort Ann to

the dance this Wednesday.”

“I"m the last person she wants to go with,” I replied.

“Oh, she just doesn"t know what a fine young man

you are. She probably needs a nudge in the right direction.”

“Please don"t. I appreciate what you"re trying to do,

but it"s not meant to be.”

“Wel , from what I heard, there are no other available

bachelors to take her. It might be God bringing you two

together. You never know.”


Falling In Love With Her Husband

“She doesn"t love me. Besides, she might like to

stay home for a change. She doesn"t look like she"s up to


In fact, during the meal, she looked like all she

wanted to do was go home and stay locked up in her

bedroom. Despite Alex"s insinuation that Kent wasn"t good

for her, it was still rough to watch her. She seemed sad and

trapped at the same time.

Our parents made their usual rounds of updates on

what their children were up to. I cringed as my father

discussed his plans for me at the bank. I hated to

disappointment him. I knew he would be upset when he

woke up one morning and I was gone. I would leave a note

explaining what I did and that I was still thankful to him and

my mother for all their care, but I knew it wouldn"t help. I

was about to get disowned.

At one point, my mother asked Ann if she planned to

go to the dance, but Ann stared at her plate, absentmindedly

fiddling with her peas.

“Ann?” Her mother lightly tapped her on the arm.

She immediately turned her attention to her mother.

“Mrs. Brothers asked you a question, dear.”

“I"m sorry. What did you ask, Mrs. Brothers?” she

politely asked.

My mother smiled at her. “Are you going to the

dance this Wednesday?”

“Yes, I will be going,” she softly answered.

I realized that she didn"t feel like going but would go

to please her parents. I sympathized with her predicament.

Only, I was getting out of my prison.

“Todd, would you be so kind as to escort Ann to the

dance?” my mother blurted out.

My face grew red from a mixture of embarrassment

and anger. Hadn"t we already discussed this? “She may

not wish to go with me, Mother,” I kindly, but firmly, replied.

I couldn"t look at Ann since I was too humiliated.


Falling In Love With Her Husband

“Of course, I would be honored to go with you,

Todd,” Ann replied.

I couldn"t say no with everyone staring at me. I knew

she only agreed because everyone expected her to. And

now I would take her because everyone expected me to. I

forced myself to look at her and smile. “Then I wil take


I pretended to be intensely interested in the roast

beef dinner after that. If the dinner could have gotten worse,

I didn"t know how. In three weeks, this would all be a

memory. It was the only consolation I had.

Once dinner was over, I decided it was time to tell

her what was on my mind. I didn"t want her to spend the

next couple of days worried about whether or not I would

ask to court her after the dance. The situation was awkward

enough as it was. Since she was ready to run off with

Agnes, I had to yell her name across the room in order to

get her attention.

She and Agnes stopped. Turning around, she

politely asked, “Yes?”

I hated being put on the spot. Everyone was staring

us, and it irritated me. I would have to speak with her in

private. I walked up to her before I spoke. “Could I speak

with you on the veranda?”

I knew our parents would be fine with this since they

could see us from the window.

She nodded and followed me out.

Now that she was in front of me, I forgot my well-

rehearsed speech. She sat on the bench and patiently

waited for me to talk. I shifted uneasily from one foot to the

other. I was going to tell her and that would be it. “What I

have to say isn"t easy for me,” I slowly began, staring at the

ground. I couldn"t make eye contact. I feared she would

laugh at me. Taking a deep breath, I quickly said, “I love



Falling In Love With Her Husband

It wasn"t the way I had envisioned telling her a year

ago. Back then, I planned to hold her in my arms and tell

her before I kissed her. This wasn"t anything like that. I felt

like a fool who was out of place. Hoping to avoid any further

awkwardness, I continued to talk.

“I know you don"t love me,” I admitted.

Before she could interrupt, I requested that she let

me continue. She simply nodded and waited.

I sat next to her, making sure there was adequate

distance between us so I didn"t spook her. “I wanted you to

know how I felt about you before I left. I don"t want to work

at my father"s bank. I know it"s what my family expects of

me, but I"m not going to do it. I want to be a farmer. I know

it sounds sil y but I believe it"s God"s purpose for my life. I

have a friend who knows a man out west who wants to sell

his farm and house so he can be close to his grown

children. I"m going to purchase his property.”

“You"re leaving? When?” She was obviously

stunned. No one but Alex knew my plans up to this point, so

I wasn"t surprised by her reaction.

“I"l leave the day after we graduate.”

“Where are you going?”

“North Dakota.”

“That far? But what about your parents and sisters?”

“My sisters wil get used to it. I think it might even

show them that they need to pursue their dreams so they

can live the lives they want. My parents will mostly likely

disown me.”

“Oh, they wouldn"t do something so drastic. Sure,

they wil be upset but they"l accept it.”

“No, they won"t. Trust me, Ann. I know them better

than you do.”

She closed her mouth and nodded.

“I know how you feel about Kent and I"ve accepted

that,” I went on. “It"s not my intention to make you


Falling In Love With Her Husband

uncomfortable. Now you don"t have to dread going to the

dance with me.”

Her mother tapped on the window. “We need to go,”

she yelled.

Ann turned back to me and smiled. “I"l miss you

when you leave. I won"t tell anyone your plans. And I"m

sorry I never gave you a chance. You are very nice.”

“Thank you.” I stood up with her. “I hope this wil

make going to the dance with me easier for you.”

“I don"t want to go to the dance because Kent and

Rebecca will be there, but it will be less of a burden since

you"l be with me.”

That was the first time she seemed to glad to be in

my presence. I took her picture out of the trash can when I

returned to my room. I stared at it again. If nothing else,

she was a friend. I packed it in my suitcase. I could always

throw it out after I made it to North Dakota.


Falling In Love With Her Husband

Chapter Five

Ann’s Point of View

Wednesday after school, I started getting ready for

the dance. I wanted to wear the nice emerald dress, but my

mother insisted I wear the pink one.

“But it"s so tight,” I argued. “I can hardly breathe in


“I know it"s uncomfortable, but it is your best dress.

Discomfort is a small price to pay for beauty, my dear.

Besides, you don"t want Rebecca showing up in a more

expensive dress.”

I sighed as Ginny pulled on the strings of my corset.

I almost passed out when she was done.

“You will be nice to Todd tonight, won"t you dear?”

My mother handed the dress to Ginny who put it on me.

“Yes, I promise.” I winced as Ginny fastened the

many buttons up the back of the dress. “I might faint


“Once you are married, you may relax your dress

code. I want to be sure you find a suitable bachelor.”


Falling In Love With Her Husband

I nodded. I already knew who would make a good

husband. Someone who wanted what was best for me.

Someone who loved me and not my family"s money.

Someone dependable. Someone I could trust. Someone

like Todd. My parents were right, and it was time I listened

to them.

I looked up at the mirror. This was it. I"d come too

far to back out now. I slipped on the pink gloves and hat to

complete the outfit.

I left my bedroom when the doorbell chimed. Todd

was here. In the hallway, I glanced at my reflection in the

mirror one last time. No one would guess my sudden plan.

I would ask Todd to take me with him when he went to North


“Here"s your fan, for when you feel hot at the dance.”

My mother handed the white lace fan to me. “Now, our

servants are taking the rest of the night off, and your father

and I will be visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Brothers at the

Clemmens" house. We should be back shortly before

midnight. Mr. and Mrs. Carson will be chaperoning the

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