Falling in Love With Her Husband (24 page)

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Authors: Ruth Ann Nordin

Tags: #Romance, #Western

BOOK: Falling in Love With Her Husband
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Coley is getting a new one later today.”

“Oh, that explains it.” I grinned. “I lose track of the

time back here.”

“I find it a peaceful place too. Whenever something

is troubling me, I like to come back here and take inventory

of the supplies.”

“Mrs. Coley? Are you here?”

I grimaced. I recognized Mrs. Carson"s shrill voice.

Mrs. Coley chuckled. “You won"t believe this. I don"t

know what happened but she"s actual y quite pleasant now.

I"l be right back.” She left to take care of her customer.


Falling In Love With Her Husband

She was right. I didn"t believe it. It was hard to

imagine that someone whose favorite past-time was

gossiping could be pleasant. I kept my thoughts to myself

and returned to work. I finished the bookkeeping and turned

to the inventory list. Good. She hadn"t fil ed it out yet. I

picked up the paper and began scanning the items on the


Mrs. Coley returned. “Mr. Randolph fell on some ice

and broke his hip, and Mr. Grant"s assistant isn"t back from

a home visit yet. Would you mind taking care of the

mercantile so that I can help the doctor?”

“I would be happy to help.” I followed her to the front

of the store.

“I shouldn"t be gone for longer than thirty minutes.

Thank you, Ann.”

I was familiar with what she did to help her

customers since I observed her many times in the past. I

stood at the counter for five minutes, waiting for someone to

enter the store but no one did. I walked to the window and

peered at the people who strolled by. I tapped my fingers

on the table holding jars of candy. I grinned. Children

naturally gravitated to this area of the store.

I looked up as a man with white hair pulled a wagon

to the front of the store and stopped it. I went back to the

cash register and waited for him to enter. To my surprise,

he brought in a basket of eggs.

“I don"t recognize you,” he said.

“I"m Mrs. Brothers. I"m fil ing in for Mrs. Coley while

she"s helping the doctor.”

“Oh yes. She mentioned you. Mighty proud of the

work you do. You save her hours of work.”

I blushed, pleased by his comment. “She has been

gracious to me.”

“Tell her that Mr. Whitman stopped by with the eggs.

She can pay me next week.”

“Yes, sir.”


Falling In Love With Her Husband

“Good day.”

I nodded as he left. I took the basket to the

backroom. I thought it was very kind of Mrs. Coley to say

positive things about me to other people. I smiled, grateful

she worked here. Who knew if anyone else would have

offered me free food for helping in this store? I went to the

shelf where Mrs. Coley usually put her eggs.

“My goodness, Ann. You"re just as beautiful as I


I paused. I recognized that voice. My hands

trembled as I finished putting the basket down before I

turned to him. Why now? Why here?

Kent"s smile widened. He was dressed in his best

suit. He looked as handsome and charming as I

remembered. But he wasn"t Todd. And in that instant, I

knew that I really did love Todd more than I had ever loved


“I believe I caught you by surprise,” he smoothly

stated. “I admit we parted under dire circumstances. I

made an error in judgment. I am no longer engaged to

Rebecca. She was a mistake. I came to apologize and ask

if I can court you again.”

“I"m married.” I glanced around the room. He was

standing in the doorway. An uneasy feeling crept up my


“I know why you married Todd Brothers. You were

distressed over my brief encounter with Rebecca. It is

understandable that you ran to the first person who offered

you comfort. This is my fault.”

“But that doesn"t change the fact that I am married. I

belong to someone else now.”

He laughed. “I"m sure we can find a way to get you

„unmarried". Real y, we can work through it.”

I couldn"t believe my ears. “I vowed to be with him

for the rest of our lives.”

“Vows are made to be broken.”


Falling In Love With Her Husband

“I"m not leaving him.”

“Hmm... I suppose you"re expecting then?”

I was shaken by the fact he would ask such a

personal question. I shook my head. What was I doing?

What time was it? Would Todd come by earlier than


“Then there"s nothing to fear. This marriage can

easily be dissolved.”


It struck me as odd that I would say that so clearly

when my hands shook. There was something in his eyes

and in the way he stood that I didn"t like. Why hadn"t I

noticed it before?

He sighed, as if with deep regret. “I hurt you more

than I realized. I promise that I will never hurt you again.

There is no other love in my life. You will always be the


He took a step toward me. His movements and

words flowed so smoothly together. He was very charming

and confident. He was nothing like Todd. No wonder I

didn"t notice Todd in Virginia. Todd was quiet and

sometimes clumsy. But he was sincere. He would lay down

his life for me. He would even give me up if it meant I could

be happy.

“I love Todd,” I final y said.

Kent laughed. “That"s sweet. Todd is a good boy.

I"m sure he"s treated you very well out here, in the middle of

nowhere. But a lady such as yourself deserves better in this

life. You were meant for comfort and riches. Look at your

clothes, your hair, your hands! You don"t even own a single

piece of jewelry. You may love Todd but he has you living

like a beggar. You were born for beautiful gowns, servants

to wait on you, for your every desire to be fulfil ed.” He

stepped closer to me. “Things I can give you.”

I had to get out of here! I felt like I was going to



Falling In Love With Her Husband

“Enough of playing wife,” he continued as he walked

closer to me. “Come with me. I can give you things that he


He reached out and touched my cheek. Startled, I

shrieked. His hesitation gave me the strength to move. I

bolted for the doorway. His reflexes were quick, for he

grabbed my arm.

“You can"t be serious,” he hissed. “You would give

up what we had for Todd?”

“Yes. Let me go!”

“Perhaps I need to show you what you"re missing.”

He put his free hand behind my neck and brought my mouth

to his.

“What is going on here?”

Kent released me and I nearly fell to the floor.

Looking up, I saw Todd, staring at us.

“Todd!” I ran to him but he backed away.

Todd shook his head, looking bewildered. “I can"t

believe this. I mean, it was a possibility but...”

“No. No! It"s not what it looks like,” I insisted.

“Don"t lie to him, Ann,” Kent softly stated. “It wil do

you no good to deny it.”

Todd didn"t say anything. He simply turned and left

the room.

“Todd!” I screamed and ran after him.

As I passed the doorway, my eyes fell on Mrs.

Carson who had her hand to her cheek, as if she couldn"t

believe her good fortune in overhearing a juicy piece of


I stopped when I saw her.
I’m doomed. Once she

blabs the whole thing to the town, everyone wil believe I’m

ready to leave Todd for Kent.

Todd was out the door before I looked away from


“I"l come back for you. I"m sure you"l come to your

senses in time,” Kent said as he left the mercantile.


Falling In Love With Her Husband

I broke into tears. Obviously, Todd hadn"t heard the

whole conversation. He just walked in on us when Kent

kissed me.

“I heard everything,” Mrs. Carson said.

I groaned. Her version would be sordid. Some

people still believed Todd stole money at the bank.

Mrs. Coley opened the front door and walked in.

She gasped. “Ann, what"s wrong?”

Relieved that she was back, I grabbed my coat. I

raced out of the mercantile. But Todd was long gone.


Falling In Love With Her Husband

Chapter Nineteen

Ann’s Point of View

The walk to Barbara"s mother"s house seemed to

take forever and I didn"t notice the chil in the air this time. I

was anxious to find Todd and explain everything to him, but

would he even believe me? I knocked on the door.

Calvin opened it.

“Is your mother here?” I asked.

“Sure she is, Mrs. Brothers. Come in and I"l get


He ran off before I had time to enter the house. I

softly shut the door behind me. Now that I was here, I

began to relax. Barbara would know what to do. At least,

she should have some idea of how I could make the

situation better.

Barbara walked into the room, a dish towel in her

hands. She was wiping some dough off of her fingers.

“What is it?”

“Kent came to the store and he wanted me to go with

him but I kept telling him I was married but he wouldn"t listen

to me no matter how many times I told him and then I tried


Falling In Love With Her Husband

to leave the backroom but he wouldn"t let me and he kissed

me and Todd saw us and thought I wanted to kiss Kent but I

didn"t and I tried to explain it to Todd but he wouldn"t listen

and Mrs. Carson said she heard the whole thing but we all

know how she interprets the truth and now she"l blab it all

over town and everyone, including Todd, will believe I

wanted to kiss Kent and Todd went home without me and

I"m sure it"s all over and I"l have to go back to Virginia now

and I don"t even want to be with Kent and...” I started crying.

“It"s all a mess and I don"t know what to do.”

“Calm down. You"re speaking too fast. Come, sit


I sobbed into my handkerchief as I obeyed her.

“I need to finish making a loaf of bread,” she said.

“Can you wait for ten minutes?”

I nodded. “Yes, I can wait.”

“Good. Now try to breathe. You can explain

everything to me on the way home.”

I sat in the chair and tried to slow my thoughts so

they weren"t all jumbled together. I suddenly realized I was

exhausted. I hadn"t slept the night before. I put my head in

my hands and focused on slowing my breathing. The action

was calming. I must have fallen asleep because the next

thing I knew, Barbara was tapping me on the shoulder,

asking me if I was awake. I stood up.

“Are you ready?” I asked.

“Yes. Calvin will be staying with my mother to help

her around the house. Bruce and Molly, come along.”

I helped her take the blankets and tuck the kids in

the carryall so they would be warm during the trip home.

Molly was so tired she fell asleep. Bruce was content to

play with a toy train his grandmother had given him. That

left plenty of time for me to explain my morning in the store

to Barbara. Snow was already beginning to fall and by the

time we got halfway home, it was apparent that we were

going to have a storm.


Falling In Love With Her Husband

When she stopped in front of my house, I heard

Todd chopping wood in the barn. I sighed. He was angry.

“I saved some food for you,” she said.

We got out of the carryall and she helped me bring

some jars and boxes into the kitchen.

“I"l leave you now,” she whispered. She put her

hand on my shoulder. “I"l pray for you and Todd.”

“Thank you,” I quietly replied.

Once she left, I put the food away. I could still hear

Todd chopping wood. He"d stay out there all day if I let him.

What should I say? I didn"t think he"d accept anything I told

him. I contemplated going up to my bedroom instead of

seeing him, but I wanted to resolve the matter. If that was

even possible...

I took a moment to pray before I headed outside.

The snow was falling heavily now. I couldn"t even see

Todd"s footprints in the snow. I pulled the hood of the coat

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