Falling for the Ghost of You (36 page)

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Authors: Nicole Christie

BOOK: Falling for the Ghost of You
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You see me

You need me

You are my way back to me

Back to me


Inside my soul there lives a war

You are my war

In your grace is everything I’d fight for

Say my name

Bring me back to the place I need to be


You said goodbye so how could it be that you're still here with me

You move through me

You speak to me

Your face is the only one I see

I just wanna come home to you


So tell me you love me

I need to hear you say

You forgive me

When everything's golden lies; tell me

You see me

You need me

You are my way back to me

Back to me

Back to me


Say you still love me

Forgive me

Move through me

Speak to me

Bring me back to the place I need to be

Back to me

Back to me

You are my way back to me

Please come back to me



Zane plays the last few stunning notes on his guitar, moving closer so he’s almost directly under me.  Distantly, I am aware of cheering and wild applause.  I didn’t
realize…I was so focused on
, I didn’t notice the crowds of people standing out there, avidly watching this very private moment.

I don’t care.  All I can see is Zane.  I see
, not the rock star—every girl’s dream.  I see the guy who laughed with me, fought with me, held my hand, and loved me.  There he is, looking up at me like I’m the only thing that matters.

I have to get to him.  I throw one leg over the railing.  Lauren
grabs my arm
to stop me.  L
aughing, Zane holds up a hand in a stop sign.

“I’ll come to you,” he calls.

He flips his guitar over so that the strap holds it in place across his back.  He looks so sexy like that, my knees go weak.  I watch breathlessly as he deftly scales the tree growing near my balcony.  The next thing I know, he’s balanced on the railing, right in front of me.

My hungry gaze drinks in the sight of him—his familiar sexy grin, those flawless features.  Finally, here in front of me, within touching distance.

His electric blue eyes look down at me, burning like dying stars in his fallen angel face.

“Happy birthday, Violet,” he says softly.  His fingertips gently skim my cheek.

I am so blown away by this boy I love, I can barely manage a “thanks,” in reply.

He flashes that half smile again.  “This railing’s kind of slippery.”


I jump back to allow room for him to climb over.  He does so easily, throwing one long leg over the railing, and turning to swing the rest of his body over.  Then he’s standing in front of me, nothing between us.

“So…” I begin awkwardly, feeling incredibly shy.  I tentatively reach a hand to touch his tousled hair.  “Blonde, huh?”

He stills at my light touch.  “Guilty,” he murmurs.

I take a deep breath, praying for courage.  I have so many things I want to say to him, but now that he’s here, I don’t know how
to begin


," he corrects me fiercely, taking my hand and squeezing it.  “I’m Aiden to
.”  He jerks his head to the side to indicate the rest of the world.

Breathing unsteadily, I stare up at him.  “What if I’m in love with both?”

He grins, holding out his arms.  “Then I’m all yours.”








I wish I could say that we lived happily ever after, but that would have been too easy.

People too
k videos of Zane singing to me—of course—a
nd they all ended up online. 
The very personal details of our
relationship explode messily all over the internet
.  I am picked apart and scrutinized by every media outlet and teenage girl alive, and it is not pretty.  I mean, I’m used to being insulted and gossiped about, but this is on a whole different level.  Seeing pictures of me online, and on television…buying tampons at the store,
checking out my rear end in the reflection of a store window, and—my favorite—being chased around the Taco Bill’s parking lot by a freaking crazy fan girl.

She was really big.
  You bet I ran.

Oh, and school sucks more than ever.  Half the school hates me, the other half wants to be my best friend.  Alissa Shermer actually tries to hang out with me.  I nip that right in the bud.  Stupid gossiping hag.

All this attention is mind
blowing, and not in a good way
  I hate it!
  Being an A-list celebrity's girlfriend means a girl can't eat a whole pizza without being put on"bump watch."  I'm on bump watch a lot.  I've learned not to go out until after I've digested.

How does Zane stand it?  I'm
nobody, and the paparazzi stalk me on a daily basis.  How do
you deal with those pushy jackasses shoving cameras in your face, asking personal questions like they have a right to
know every aspect of your life?
  One particular creep waits for me at work, and across the street from school every day just to ask me what my bra size is.

When I mention this to Zane, he immediately hires a couple of bodyguards to accompany me places.  They act as my chaffeurs, too, which I have no problem with.  I love my Bentley, but I'm forever worried something will happen to my baby.  Like a
crazy fan girl.

being in the spotlight
like this

I will put up
with anything to be with Zane.  I even try to tolerate
(ugh!) all the obsessed fan girls.  It's hard, but I'm dealing with it.  I trust Zane
completely now
, and I'm learning to live in the moment.

Oh, I finished my secret prince book.  I titled it "Secret Prince."  Creative, huh?  It's actually selling really well.  I guess there are a lot of people out there who want that simple happy ever after.
  Heck, I’m just thrilled I got mine.

That's not the only good news.  I've finally decided to do a deal with a major publish
ing house for my
Breaking Time
series, and I'm contracted for at least five more books.  There's also talk about making them into movies!  I still haven't decided if I'm ready for my writing to have that kind of exposure.  Zane thinks I should go for it.  I tell him I'll consider it only if he gets cast in the lead role.





Kim gives me a big hug.  I’m surprised by how much I missed her.  Her curly hair has blonde streaks in it now, and it suits her golden tan.

“You look great,” I tell her
as she leads me up to her room.

“Me?  Look at you!  You really do look like a rock star’s girlfriend.”  She laughs. 
“I love your hair that color.”

“It’s actually my natural one,” I say, self-consciously running a hand through it.  “Oh, before I forget—Lauren said to tell you thanks again for the outfits you sent over for the baby.”

Oh, no problem!  So little Rosie’s going to be okay

!” I brighten.  “Lauren finally got to take her home from the hospital last week.  The doctors don’t think she’s going to have any problems from being so premature, so we’re all relieved.”

“Thank goodness.”  Kim gestures for me to sit on her bed.  “She looked so cute and tiny in the pictures Lauren s
ent.  How’s Lauren doing, anyway?”

I shrug.  “She’s good.  Her mom and cousin are helping out with the baby, and it looks like she
can start Stanford in the fall.”

“That’s great!  I’m so happy for her.  And you.”  Kim changes the subject slyly. 
“So what’s it like living with
Aiden Cross

I’m so jealous!”

I can’t help the huge smile that comes to my face.  “It’s going really good.  Better than I thought
.  But h
ow are

“Oh, no,” Kim says swiftly.  She plops down in her beanbag chair and points to me.  “You’re going to tell me everything about your fabulous life first.  Have you gone to any parties yet?  Met any other famous people?  I saw pictures of you guys at the ‘Deep Ones’ premiere!  How was it?”

“It was fun,” I admit.  “It was kind of scary on the red carpet, though.  All these people telling you where to go, and all the fans screaming and cameras flashing
.  It made me nauseous.  I
kind of
threw up.”

“Oh, no!  Right there?!”  Kim is horrified for me.

“Right on Alaina Skye.  She was behind us.”

We look at each other and burst out laughing.  I’ve met Alaina Skye, and turns out she’
s a bit of a
bitch.  I don’t know why Zane is friends with her, but whatever.  And I didn’t try to aim for her like she claims. 
How can you aim vomit?  Silly bitch.

“So, are you gonna go on tour with Aiden—I mean, Zane—in October?”

I nod, playing with the chain of the necklace hidden under my shirt.  “Yeah…I’m going to put off colle
ge while I work on my books.  And I can do that anywhere, so why not do it on tour with him
, right?
  I’m really excited, too.  I’ve never been outside the U.S.”

“And you’
ll be with your honey
,” Kim teases. 
“You are so lucky!”

“I know!”  I can’t help but giggle with her.

“Be sure to invite me to the wedding,” she jokes, her eyes sparkling with amusement at my flushed cheeks.

“Yeah, funny you should mention that. 
I wanted to tell you in person…”

I pull out my necklace from my shirt.  Kim’
eyes grow huge as she spots the ring dangling from the end of the chain
,  S
he rushes over to me to inspect it
, and h
er screams are so loud, I worry the neighbors are going to think I’m murdering her, or something.

“Oh, my god!” she squeals,
taking hold o
f the ring, and slightly choking me in the process
.  “It’s gorgeous!  When did he ask you? 
did he ask you?”

“Like, a month ago, when we were in Maui.” 

I smile to myself, remembering that most perfect moment under the
waterfall.  Just the two of us.

I watch as Kim admires the flawless square cut diamond set in platinum.  I can tell she’s wondering how much the ring costs.  I wonder that too, but I’m too afraid to ask Zane.
  I have a feeling it’s worth a small country.

“C-congratulations!” she sputters, giving me another hug.  “When’s the wedding?”

I stick the ring back under my shirt.  “Um…we’re not sure.  Zane wants to do it soon, but I kind of want to wait.  I haven’t even told my mom yet!  I’m waiting until after she gives birth.  Don’t want to send her into early labor,” I joke feebly.

“Do you think she’s going to freak?”

in a breath through my clenched teeth.  “Probably,” I say, picking nervously at my nails.  “I think she’d want us to
wait until
after college, but…neither of us want to wait that long.”

Of course, our definition of waiting is vastly different.  Zane says he wants to do it before we go on tour in October; I want to wait a year.  I don’t know.  He did promise that if we got married right away, he would draw up a
my favor—w
here if I ever catch him cheating on me
, he would have to gain—and keep—a hundred pounds, plus tell every woman he meets from then on that he has a raging case of head lice.  I don’t think these stipulations would be legally binding, but it’s a nice thought.

Kim and I chat for a few minutes longer.  She tells me about a college guy she met at the beach last week, and shares some local gossip.  Oh, Matt and Rachel broke up!  Kim says Rachel caught Matt cheating on her with an out-of-towner.  I find myself feeling sorry for Rachel.  After the way things turned out, I kind of feel grateful to her.  No, that’s going too far.  Let’s just say I’m happy with the way things turned out.

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