Falling For Sakura: A Secret Proposal (Part 1) (32 page)

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“I’m taking the sofa,” he said to Sebastian across the corridor.

Shortly thereafter, Sebastian wanted to laugh at the whole situation. The brothers were in his bedroom, in their sleeping bags, positioned haphazardly this way and that on the floor. Except for Conrad, of course, who had already claimed the throne of the comfortable sofa for himself.
The greedy bastard!

“Reminds me of camp back on St. Joseph Island when we were young,” Hayden said softly into the dimly lit room.

The moon was bright outside, and the pale grayness cast an enchanting light across the brothers’ features as they conversed in low, soft voices.

Tristan chuckled. “Yeah. I miss those times. Us doing all sorts of stupid things.”

“Remember that summer when you dared us to climb that cliff by St. Helena Beach?” Hayden asked.

Their minds flashed back to all those years ago when they’d been on St. Joseph Island, daring one another to do all sorts of dangerous and stupid things, enjoying the fishing and hiking and rock climbing and especially surfing.

“Yeah!” Tristan said. “It nearly killed Conrad.”

“Hey!” Conrad voiced from his very comfortable bed. “That’s right. I was in the hospital and a cast for three weeks. It wasn’t fair!”

“And you missed the first week of school,” Logan said, chuckling.

Conrad laughed. “Yeah. That was the best part.”

“Except,” Darcy said softly, “we forgot all about Sakura.”

Dead, morbid silence descended upon the room at Darcy’s words, for it struck deep within their hearts.

“We’re working on making up for it,” Nicolas said, nodding.

“Yeah,” Conrad said cheerfully. “We’ll make sure she has fun in Hawaii.”

The brothers agreed with that sound idea and then uttered good nights to one another. Then quietness descended as one by one the brothers fell asleep.

* * * * *


Chapter 25

A Familiar Face



The sensation of a warm, wet tongue and soft fur on her fingertips woke Sakura. She fluttered her eyes open and stared up at the ceiling that seemed rather strange to her.
Where am I?
was the first question that popped up in her mind. She blinked a couple of times, trying to figure out if this was her bedroom. Surely, she would remember what her own bedroom looked like. But why couldn’t she remember how she got back to the apartment. More importantly, why did her bedroom look so different?  

The licking became more insistent, drawing Sakura’s attention to the culprit. The moment she saw Toby, she smiled.

“Hello,” she greeted softly.

Toby snuggled his head under her palm, begging her to pet him. She laughed and obliged to please the little beast.

“I think I’m going mad, Toby,” she said. “I can’t seem to remember where I am.”

It was then she sat up and realized she was in an enormous king-size bed that didn’t belong to her. When she drifted her gaze across the entire length of the large room, she sucked in her breath.

Oh Mother of God!
She realized she was actually sleeping in one of the brothers’ rooms and bed, and there on the floor were the Princeton brothers, all seven of them. She blinked and rubbed her eyes, to confirm she wasn’t hallucinating.

Toby snuggled himself against her chest and groaned softly as she mindlessly stroked him.

Oh God! How did I get here?

Last night. It must have been last night. She remembered Sosuke’s birthday party, the fun and the laughter, and then her finding Darcy and Toby under the cherry blossom tree.
The kisses.
There were those kisses she’d received from Darcy. Then Sebastian arrived, and he, Darcy, and herself were lying on the grass, staring up at the stars. And then nothing.

She gasped. One of them must have carried her into the penthouse. She bit her lip. One of them should have at least woken her up.
These men.

“Come on, Toby. We better get out of here,” she said. After all, it was a Monday and she had work to do. Not to mention, she had that appointment with the doctor. She needed to check out her health.

With Toby tight against her chest, she climbed out of the bed, minding the yukata, which she still wore. Stepping softly onto the thick carpet, she glanced from one handsome, manly body to another, trying to find the best course to reach the door—the exit. Tristan was just by her feet, closest to the bed. He slept there like a bodyguard, protecting her and preventing anyone from passing him. Hayden was next to him, head resting on Tristan’s stomach of course. Logan was to Hayden’s left, his body positioned diagonally to the brother. Nicolas was to the far side of the room near the desk. Darcy lay near the sofa, and next to him was Sebastian, near the door. So far, Sakura surmised Conrad was the only brother who had the most comfortable bed, being on that large, cozy sofa.  

Why didn’t they go to sleep in their own rooms, for God’s sake? And why didn’t they wake her up so she could return to the apartment?

She tightened her arms around Toby and tentatively stepped over Tristan and, at the same time, avoided landing her feet on Hayden’s face. The yukata didn’t help much either, as it was quite tight about the legs and taking long steps was just impossible. And that next haul required long steps indeed. Thus, she clutched the material of the yukata with one hand as she pulled the hem up her legs. Toby licked her chin, encouraging her. She smiled and nodded.

“Here we go,” she whispered as she pulled the hem of the yukata higher to the side and then stretched her leg out, overstepping Hayden’s body.

Someone grumbled in his sleep. It was Tristan behind her. When he quieted down, she moved over to the side, crossing over Logan. Suddenly, the stupid man stirred, turning his body just so. Sakura knew she was going to fall as his action caught the hem of her yukata. She found herself falling forward and shrieked out in dismay.

Sebastian woke up at the sound of the female voice squeaking and found himself greeted by Sakura landing on top of him. He was bloody surprised and mighty pleased to be accosted at such an early hour with such a beautiful and soft body. Because she was so small, her weight was nothing to him, so he didn’t feel anything when she smashed onto him. Though he couldn’t say the same for her. She looked like she was hurt rather badly, what with the painful face she was pulling.

She gasped and said, “Toby!” She glanced down, hoping like hell she hadn’t squished the little pup to death.

He was whimpering, and Sakura said, “I’m so sorry, Toby.”

Sebastian chuckled, his deep timber echoing loud in the quiet room. “I think he’s all right,” he said.

Sakura tried to sit up, but Sebastian tightened his hold on her and made her roll over him instead, to give Toby some space between them.

Sakura found herself flat on her back with Sebastian beside her. He was resting the weight of his body on his elbow as he gazed down at her.

“Good morning,” he said, a handsome smile on his lips. “Are you all right?”

Sakura pulled her yukata about her person, trying to cover herself properly. She shuffled herself back to put some space between them but found her endeavor was useless because she was trapped by another body to her other side. She turned over and met Darcy’s dark gaze. He was watching her intensely.

“Why are you up already?” he asked. “It’s not even six yet.”

She blushed and muttered, “I usually get up this early. It’s my biological clock.”

Toby chose that moment to wriggle out of Sakura’s arm. Once he was free, he jumped onto Darcy’s chest, gave him a good lick on the cheek in greeting, and then hopped over onto the sofa with Conrad, landing on the youngest brother’s chest. The dog then snuggled under Conrad’s blanket and made himself comfortable.

Sakura sat up and said, “I’m going back to the apartment.”

“At this time?” Darcy queried. “Don’t you think it’s a bit inconvenient for Lady Haruka?”

Sakura admitted he was right.

Sebastian gently nudged her back down between them, moving his pillow so she could share his. “Nicolas already informed Lady Haruka about you staying here for the night.”

Sakura sighed as she once again found herself in between the two men. When Darcy pulled his blanket so she could have some, she said, “No, in that case, I’ll just go and get some coffee.”

She moved, stood up, and pulled her yukata properly on her person. Then she said, “Excuse me,” and stepped over Sebastian’s body.

She was just opening the door when Sebastian said, “In that case, I’ll join you.”

“Me, too,” Darcy said.

The three came into the kitchen and met Beth there, who was getting breakfast ready.

“Good morning, Beth,” Sakura greeted.

Beth nearly jumped out of her skin. “Sakura?”

At Beth’s questioning look, Sakura said, “It’s a long story. I’m going to make some coffee. Would you like one?”

“Yes, of course,” Beth said, nodding, her eyes on Sebastian and Darcy at the door. They were grinning from ear to ear.

Some twenty minutes later, Sakura, Sebastian, and Darcy were enjoying their breakfast and coffee together in the dining room when Conrad joined them.

“Why didn’t you wake me?” Conrad demanded at the door, Toby in his arms. Toby barked at them in outrage as well.

“You were too comfortable in your bed,” Darcy said. “Come on.” He nodded at the chair next to his, which Conrad happily took.

* * * * *



“You know I can get to the clinic myself,” Sakura said, staring at Sebastian beside her.

“Yes, I know,” he replied, a grin on his face. “But I want to accompany you.” He changed the topic. “How are you feeling today?” He placed the back of his hand over her forehead as he looked at her closely. The intensity of his blue eyes made her blush, and Sebastian chuckled. “Not too bad?”

She pushed his hand away in annoyance. “Stop that.”

“Stop what?” he asked, teasing her, his face so close to her he made her feel a little weak in the knees.

“Stop looking at me like that,” she muttered. She sighed in vexation and turned her attention to the elevator door instead. It dinged in that instant and opened. Sebastian moved to the side, allowing her to exit the lift first.

They came into a posh clinic, and after Sakura informed the receptionist she was here for her appointment, she and Sebastian took their seats in the waiting area. Sebastian was holding Sakura’s hand and kept teasing her, leaving no doubt for everyone there they were a couple.

“Miss Sakura Tanaka?” a male voice said.

Sakura stood and came to face a pleasant man a little older than Sebastian.

“Sebastian,” the doctor said. “It’s been a while.”

“Dave, how’s Claire?” Sebastian asked.

“She’s good,” Dave said, “and busy with the kids.” Then he laughed.

“You’re keeping her busy.” Sebastian chuckled.

Dave returned his gaze to Sakura and smiled knowingly. “Sakura, please follow me,” he said.

Sakura nodded.

“Ah, Sebastian, do you want to come as well?” Dave asked.

Sakura blinked and quickly said, “No. No. That’s fine. I don’t need him. That is… I mean, he doesn’t need to come in.”

Dave looked a little confused. “It’s totally fine if Sebastian wants to come in. I see women all the time with their boyfriends, especially if it’s to do with contraception and birth control and trying to get pregnant or whatnot.”

Sakura glanced at Sebastian, who didn’t even try to hide his amusement.

“Sakura darling, do you want me to come in with you?” he teased.

Sakura glared at him, her face red. “No, I’m fine, Sebastian. Please stay here.” She turned to the doctor and said quickly, “Let’s go.”

Dave nodded and led her into his office. Once inside, he indicated for her to take a seat, which she did.

“What can I do for you, then?” Dave began.

Some fifteen minutes later, Sakura emerged from the office, and Sebastian stood impatiently as she came toward him.

“How was it?” he asked, a little concerned.

“I just needed to get some medication from the drugstore,” she said. “Iron deficiency. I thought as much. Always so tired.”

“It’s very common,” Dave said behind her. “Young ladies tend to get iron deficiency, what with not eating well and all.”

Sebastian glanced at Sakura. “You’re still not eating right,” he said. “We’ll have to take better care of you, sweetheart.” He caressed her cheek, his eyes soft on her.

Dave noticed the sentimental action and pretended a cough to get his friend’s attention. When Sebastian reluctantly turned to him, Dave said, “More red meat more often. And of course, more sleep.” He turned to Sakura. “You’re not sleeping very well, are you?”

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