Falling For Sakura: A Secret Proposal (Part 1) (27 page)

BOOK: Falling For Sakura: A Secret Proposal (Part 1)
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“I cooked your favorite today, Sakura,” Beth said. “It’s roast pork and chicken and, of course, chocolate cake and ice cream for dessert.”

“Yum!” Conrad said, rubbing his hands together. “Your chocolate cake is the best, Beth.”

“Thanks, Beth,” Sakura said and thought to add, “Do you want some help?”

“I had plenty of help, Sakura,” Beth said. A moment later, her minions came out from the kitchen. Sebastian and Nicolas were carrying the main dishes of roast pork each. Darcy had the two trays of chicken in his hands, while Tristan had two big plates of roast vegetables and
Logan two bowls of salad. Hayden was carrying some bottles of wine.

“Hey, you guys didn’t tell me you were helping with dinner,” Conrad accused his brothers, and Toby barked at them in outrage as well.

Tristan said, as he put his load down on the table, “That’s because you’re too busy being smitten by your sister.”

At this, the brothers laughed, and Conrad’s face reddened with embarrassment. Toby licked his cheek fondly, teasing him as well.

Sakura noted the brothers’ clothing was a mess, too, and wondered if they’d never been in the kitchen cooking before. No wonder there were swear words. She hid a smile because they didn’t seem to notice they looked quite a picture. Six hot men in dirty clothing was rather amusing and enchanting to watch. They were eye-candy to say the least, especially Sebastian and Darcy.

Everyone moved in to take their seats, and Conrad wanted to sit beside Sakura but found he was too late. Sebastian got to her left first and then Darcy her right. So he resigned himself to sitting beside Darcy, Toby still on his lap. Everyone else took the chairs around the table, and James demanded Beth be seated with them as well, which she happily obliged.

Everyone started digging in, hands taking and placing pieces of meat and vegetables onto their plates. Darcy was cutting a piece of chicken thigh and placing it onto a plate for Sakura when she noticed the burn marks on his hands.

“Your hands,” she said, caressing the wounds.

Darcy felt a surge of hot pleasure where she was stroking him.

“You’ve burned yourself?” she asked, looking at him with concern.

“Just a little,” he said, his eyes hot and intense on her.

Sakura saw the hunger and desire scorching his mauve-gray eyes and blushed.

James didn’t miss the two eyeing each other and noted Sebastian watching them too. He’d known the two brothers had feelings for Sakura since they were little, though they themselves hadn’t realized that until last year when they returned to St. Joseph Island for Mary’s wedding. It was a love triangle, and James knew it was hard for Sakura to choose between his two sons.

Tristan didn’t want to be left out and said, “Burned? Nah.” He lifted his hand and showed her a large bandage. “I cut myself. It was bleeding like hell!”

Logan said, “That’s because you can’t even use a potato peeler. You’re useless in the kitchen.”

At this, everyone laughed, including Tristan. He admitted he was totally useless in the kitchen and couldn’t do much more than switch on the kettle.

Once they calmed down, Hayden said, “Beth, out of all of us, which do you think would be the best house husband?”

Beth cocked her head to one side as she popped a piece of roasted carrot into her mouth. After a moment of chewing, she said, “I think it would have to be Master Sebastian. He’s very good in the kitchen. He didn’t complain one bit, and he cooked the pork to perfection.”

Sakura glanced up at the handsome man beside her and smiled. “I agree, Beth,” she said. “It’s moist and absolutely delicious.”

Sebastian was pleased at her comment and winked at her.

Tristan saw the wink and said loudly, “Hey, Seb, that’s my job! I wink at girls and you don’t! Got it?”

As everyone gave out another roar of laughter, Sakura flicked her gaze to Sebastian.
she repeated, and her heart began to beat faster and realization dawned on her.

Everything fit perfectly, didn’t it? Why hadn’t she thought of it before? Sebastian was her landlord. The name Seb was what his brothers liked to call him. Then there was the fact he was a swimmer. Even the part where he liked his sister’s coffee and wasn’t on speaking terms with her was true. Only that sister was her.

Sakura dropped her hands on her lap under the table and sighed, suddenly having no idea how to react. What was his purpose in not telling her his name in the first place? Really, how could he do that to her? Why didn’t he tell her it was him she’d been chatting with online?

Sebastian didn’t like the look on Sakura’s face the moment Tristan referred to him as Seb. He knew she’d figured him out and felt his guts churning rather sickly. To comfort her, he dropped one hand under the table and grabbed hers, holding her tight. Sakura jumped at the unexpected contact and tried to break free. Sebastian, however, wouldn’t let her go. She glanced up at him, pleading him with her eyes to release her, telling him she was confused by his actions.

Sebastian wouldn’t have any of it and just grinned back at her, telling her he’d talk to her after dinner. It was only when she agreed with a silent nod that he allowed her hand free.

“Sakura,” Brenda said from the distance of the long table, drawing everyone’s attention. “I got in contact with Mary.”

Sakura paled. She hoped her parents wouldn’t blame Mary for keeping her whereabouts a secret. She was about to explain to them it was her fault that Mary couldn’t tell anyone about her existence when Brenda said, “She told me she’s coming to Hawaii this coming week to meet up with you.”

Sakura replied a tentative, “Yes.”

“Well, we’ve decided a vacation in Hawaii would be good for us, too,” Brenda said.

“Mary?” Logan said. “Jesus! I haven’t seen her for ages.”

Tristan asked, “How is she?”

“Big,” Brenda said, laughing. In fact, she hadn’t laughed for ages, since that day Sakura had disappeared.

Her husband noticed. He laughed, too. He said, “She is big, darling. But not as big as you were when you had Tristan, Logan, and Sebastian.”

Brenda decided to glare at her beloved triplets, who at the moment were sitting scattered around the table and enjoying their meal tremendously. They’d put her through hell for nine long months.

“I was a full-blown balloon,” she said. “And it was you three’s fault!”

Tristan laughed. “Don’t blame me, Mother. Blame those two!” He pointed his fork at Logan and Sebastian.
“They pushed their way in. I had a right to be in your womb. Not them.”

A roar of laughter ensued. Once the cheerful noise died down, Conrad interjected, “Mary is coming to Hawaii. That’s awesome. About time the whole family goes on a vacation together.” Then he gave some more chicken to Toby, who enjoyed it tremendously.

“We were talking to Lady Suzuki,” James said, eyeing Sakura pointedly. “She said you’re one of the models for Mr. Tachibana’s summer collection?” He also avoided mentioning the names Tara and Alaina, who were models as well. He knew if those names were to come up, his sons would hit the roof.

As of last year, he no longer considered Tara his daughter. Her actions really upset him, and a Princeton would never do such as Tara had. Alaina, on the other hand, he still had hope she’d return to them. He still had hope she’d see sense and realize Tara for who she was—a cunning, manipulative woman. Of course, it was a good thing Alaina was still on good terms with Brenda, and eventually, Brenda would be able to make Alaina come back to them.

In response to James’s question, Sakura took a sip of her white wine and then nodded.

James continued. “They were having a dilemma about shooting sites, apparently.”

Nicolas chimed in. “I’ve already offered our resort as a possible site, Dad.”

“Yes,” James said. “But I was thinking of us, and I mean all of us.” Again, he looked at Sakura pointedly. “I want us to stay at the resort for a couple weeks.”

Sebastian said, “Sounds good.” He looked at Sakura. “You’d like that, won’t you?”

Yes, of course Sakura would like that. She’d wanted a vacation for ages but had never had the time for it. She’d always been so busy setting up her gallery. Even now, she thought it wasn’t the right time either because of her weird situation. “But I have work with Lady Haruka,” she explained.

“Ah,” James said. “Don’t worry. I’ve spoken with her. She’s planning on staying there as well. I’ve invited her and her family.”

“Really?” Sakura smiled, pleased.

The radiant look on her face was contagious, and it tugged deep not only in James’s and Brenda’s hearts, but the brothers’ as well. After all, they thought she really needed a vacation, and her spending time with them was the icing on the cake. They couldn’t wait to get her out and about and doing all sorts of fun things.

“Oh, and Katherine, Jim, and Michael are coming as well,” Brenda said. “I haven’t seen Michael for ages. He’s nine now.”

At the mention of Michael, Conrad pulled his face. The little brat had been his competition for Sakura’s attention as of last year. Hence, this year, Conrad decided to play dirty if push came to shove.

Hayden sighed. “And I suppose Richard will be coming as well?”

The brothers became serious all of a sudden at the mention of their cousin.

Brenda laughed when she saw the sour look on her sons’ faces. “Yes, of course.” To which they all groaned in distaste.

Dinner went well after that, and the brothers offered to clean up the mess. James and Brenda left straight after dessert because it was getting rather late. Beth herself retired to her own room, claiming she was tired after cooking and preparing the big meal, even though she had six pairs of helping hands. Of course, she refused to let anyone know it was seeing Sakura again that had shocked and drained her. Sakura’s sudden disappearance had broken her heart because she loved the young woman dearly. She’d loved Sakura since the day the girl had moved into Princeton Mansion all those years ago, looking scared and lost and very alone.

In her room, Beth secretly prayed to God and thanked him for keeping Sakura safe and returning her to them. Then she added that she’d go to church more often if he’d help Sakura find her biological mother as well.  

Back in the kitchen, once Beth was gone, the brothers got down to it, helping each other clean up. Hayden was scraping off the plates while Tristan did the rinsing. Conrad stood next to Tristan, putting the plates into the dishwater. Logan was clearing the table while Nicolas wiped the benches. Sebastian and Darcy were busy gathering the pots and pans and bowls. And of course, Toby was cozily asleep in the corner. When Sakura came in to see what was going on after she’d escorted her parents out, she laughed at the sight she beheld before her.

“What are you guys doing?” she asked, curious.

“Cleaning up,” Hayden said. “We could use another pair of hands.”

Sakura couldn’t turn down the offer, because really, the way they were going, it’d take them ages. But that
wasn’t the problem. The problem was she was sure Beth would scream in fright when she saw how messy her kitchen was once the brothers had finished

She headed straight to the sink and helped Tristan rinse the plates and told Conrad how to place the dishes right so they’d get washed properly. Cheeky Tristan chose to stand behind her and help rinse the dishes, both hands over hers and his face leaning close beside her. Sakura glanced up and glared at him.

Darcy said, “You’re invading, Tristan. Move away to a safe distance before Sebastian and I give you a good bash to the face.”

Tristan laughed. “All right. All right. I got it. She’s taken, ah, by none other than my own brothers.” He moved out of the way and opted to help Conrad place the dishes in the dishwasher instead.

When they were nearly finished, Sebastian pulled Sakura away from the sink. “I’m taking Sakura back. You guys finish up.”

He led her out the door, with Sakura barely able to say good night to the other brothers.

Darcy wasn’t happy Sebastian got to go with Sakura alone but had decided to let them have some space. After all, despite the fact that both brothers loved Sakura dearly, ultimately, it was up to Sakura to choose who she wanted to be with, and Darcy wasn’t going to play dirty and force her to choose him. He wanted her to be happy and chose the man she truly loved. Besides, Sebastian was a great guy, and Darcy loved and respected Sebastian as a brother. Winning Sakura’s heart was a healthy competition between them, and Darcy knew he’d get his chance with her soon enough. After all, that was
what they’d agreed upon this afternoon while Sakura had been sleeping. A healthy and fair competition between them to win Sakura’s heart.

 * * * * *


Chapter 22

Sakura and the Knight of Hearts



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