Falling for Fate (25 page)

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Authors: Caisey Quinn

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Falling for Fate
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“And what did Keaton say to make you behave like a first-class asshole this evening?”

“He said if I mentioned that to you, you’d think it was some romantic getaway and expect me to put a ring on your finger or some shit.”

Or some shit. Well, that sure as hell wasn’t going to happen. She almost laughed out loud. “Okay, first of all, Keaton is not the sharpest tool in the shed. And second of all, what makes you think I’d want a ring from you just because we spend a weekend at your beach house?”

“Right? That’s what I said, but the more I thought about it…”

She couldn’t just stand there and wait for him to cut her deep with whatever painful truth he was about to unleash. “The more you thought about it, the more you realized it was a horrible idea and sleeping with an employee is more trouble than it’s worth. Right. So let’s just keep it professional and pretend that’s how it’s always been. Deal?”

His dark brows lowered as he appeared to consider her offer. After the longest minute of her life, he nodded. “Yeah. You’re right. That’s the best option for both of us.”

His acceptance had a lump rising in her throat. She needed to get the hell out of here and put some much-needed distance between her and Dean Maxwell. Immediately.

“Exactly. So if you’ll excuse me.” She reached for the car door handle and startled when Dean’s warm hand settled over hers.

“I think I like my original plan better.”

Before she had time to question him, he yanked her roughly into his arms and covered her mouth with his. All thoughts of why this was a bad idea fled as soon as his thick, wet tongue lashed against hers. Kissing him hard, hard enough to release the pain he’d caused her when he’d acted like such an ass earlier, she let his big, strong body back her against the cool metal frame of the car. He groaned when she bit into his bottom lip. Acting of their own accord, her hands reached up and plunged into his hair, pulling at him even though it was impossible to get any closer.

“You’re still angry,” he said against her lips.

“Little bit, yeah,” she mumbled into his.

“Want to take it out on me in the back seat?”


With that, he pulled the back car door open all without breaking contact with her mouth. The two of them continued their physical assault on one another while crawling into the cramped back seat of Gwen’s car. His hand dove under her skirt and she felt him deftly removing her panties. She was already wet and knew that, if she let him touch her, she’d come in a matter of seconds much like she had on his desk earlier.

Grabbing his wrist and wrenching it out from under her skirt, she pulled back and grinned at him. “Remember what I said about reciprocation? You’re not the only one with plans, Mr. Maxwell.”

His eyebrows rose so high that they nearly hit his hairline. “And what kind of plans did you have in mind?”

“Dirty ones.” She began unbuckling the belt on his dress pants.

“Those are my favorite kind.” He helped her with the belt and his zipper.

She stared down at his smooth erection as it sprang free from his boxer briefs, marveling at the thickness. She couldn’t imagine it fitting inside her, though she knew it had. Perfectly.

Stroking him from base to tip, she watched his dick grow noticeably harder in her hands.

“Take your shirt off,” she commanded.

He did as he’d been told. Though he had some orders of his own to give. “You’re turn.”

“My turn what?” she asked, tearing her eyes from his muscular chest and his intricate tattoo.

“Whatever I take off, you take off. Those are the rules.” His cocky demeanor had returned. Usually, it infuriated her, but right now, it was a major turn-on.

“You know, it just so happens that I’m not really all that great at following
,” she informed him.

He made a noise of agreement. “So I’ve noticed. Okay, let me put it this way. You can take it off or I can tear it off. Good luck explaining that to Gwen when you get home.” He shrugged, but a dangerous heat burned into her from his stare.

Slowly, as slowly as she could manage, she began unbuttoning her dress shirt. Thank God she’d worn a clean, lacy bra today.

Dean nodded to it. “That too.”

“Hey! You’re cheating.”

“Do you see me wearing a bra?”

She kissed him on the mouth. Her bra was staying on. For now at least.

He’d been in control in his office, but now, it was her turn. Before he could launch into any further negotiations about her lingerie, she tore her mouth from his and folded herself onto her knees in the floorboard. A soft groan of surprise and pleasure slid from his mouth as she took his erection into hers.

This wasn’t something she was extremely experienced at, but she knew the mechanics. Trevor had always made her feel obligated to do it, like she owed it to him since they weren’t having sex until marriage. She’d dreaded it. But with Dean, she was eager to please. And feeling just insecure enough about her lack of experience to make her competitive as hell. She might not love him or even be capable of falling in love with a man again, but she certainly had warm, fuzzy feelings for his dick.

She sucked it in deep once and then swirled her tongue around the tip. Licking up and down the underside of his shaft, she waited for him to start squirming before she looked up.

“You want to shove in it in my mouth, don’t you?”

“So fucking bad.” His neck veins bulged as he restrained himself.

She placed a gentle kiss on his tip, tasting the bead of his pleasure that rose up to meet her lips. “Do it.”

Dean let loose a guttural sound from the back of his throat as he rammed his cock down hers. She sucked as hard as she could as he thrust in and out of her. Moisture pooled in her mouth, but there wasn’t much she could do about it. Her eyes watered as the intensity of pressure built in the back of her throat.

His hands gripped her neck as she pulled his orgasm out of him with everything she had. Then he released her suddenly. “Fate.
Oh fuck
. I’m about to—”

She paused her steady rhythm. “Come in me.”

His hands returned, this time landing softly on her shoulders. “A-are you sure?”

Her mouth made a loud, wet noise as she pulled him inside it once more. He thrust forward, groaning as he pressed himself to the back of her throat. Warm liquid filled her and she was grateful that he’d been in deep enough to keep it from sliding over her tongue. Gagging was not sexy.

After swallowing the remnants of his pleasure, she wiped her mouth and pulled herself up off the floor.

“Let’s go to the beach house now. Can you pack and be ready in twenty minutes?” Dean’s face held no traces of humor as he tucked himself back into his pants.

She grinned over at him. “It’s only Tuesday.” She found her shirt crumpled on the seat next to him and began the awkward process of putting it back on. Except it wasn’t all that awkward. Not really. At least not as much as it should have been. Wasn’t like she went around blowing her boss in the back seat of her roommate’s car on a regular basis.

“This is going to be the longest damn week of my life,” he complained.

She smiled. “Why’s that?”

“Because I’ll be sitting in meetings thinking about how good it’s going to feel to finally get you in my bed.”

She snorted softly. “And who says you’re getting me in your bed? I don’t recall agreeing to go to bed with you.”

“Seriously? Please tell me you’re joking.” His expression was pained.

She tried her best not to smile at his pouty demeanor. “In fact, I don’t recall you
me to go anywhere with you, Mr. Maxwell.”

“Ms. Buchanan,” he began, taking her hand and pulling it into his lap. “I would be honored if you would accompany me to my beach house this weekend so that I can finally act out the fantasies that have been playing in my head since June.”

She gave up her attempt at remaining unaffected and grinned impishly up at him from underneath her lashes. “Hmm. You sure know how to entice a girl. I’ll think about it.”

“Think about it?” He looked at her as if she’d spoken a foreign language in which he wasn’t fluent.

“Yeah. You know, where I contemplate your offer and form thoughts about it. Make a pros and cons list. Possibly run a cost-benefit analysis.”

His brows were knitting so close together that it looked painful.

She smoothed a finger over his forehead. “Stop that. You’ll get wrinkles.”

Apparently, he wasn’t amused. “Fate, what the hell? I thought we were on the same page here.”

She leaned back and studied him for a moment. He was even sexy as hell when he was pouting. Damn him.

“Has no one ever told you they’d think about it? You expect me to believe women just lie down with their legs open any time you make an offer?”

At that, his overconfident smirk returned. “Well, actually—”

“Shit, don’t answer that.”

She was one to talk. She’d practically jumped him on sight.

He leaned forward, closing the distance between them and pulling her onto his lap. “Please? Pretty please? Say you’ll spend the weekend with me?”

A steady throb began pulsating between her thighs.

Say yes. Say hell yes.

ean watched as her eyes shone in the dim parking garage lights. He’d begged and pleaded and she still hadn’t given him a straight answer about the weekend. Never in his life had he felt so stressed out after a blowjob. And what a blowjob it had been. It was like she’d read his every desire and begged him to act it out on her mouth.

A quick kiss on the lips and she’d bailed out, holding the door open for him. She’d kicked him out of the car with nothing more than a promise to think about his offer. He’d watched her until the taillights were no longer in sight.

Yeah, she’d think about it all right. He was going to make damn sure it was all she thought about.


ednesday morning, he could hardly sit still at his desk. The damned UPS guy should have been there by now. He’d paid the $24.95 for overnight shipping. Now where the hell were they? He worked through lunch, glad to see each time he peeked into the bullpen that she was as well.

Logging into his computer, he tracked the package he was expecting for the twentieth time. The status still read
out for delivery

He tried to concentrate on the spreadsheets he was supposed to be organizing into a coherent report for his father. But the numbers blurred. Into to her face. Her eyes closed, perfect teeth biting down slow onto that full bottom lip as she came around him on the beach. Her dark hair falling around her naked shoulders, her perfect skin. He was a drowning man. Drowning in Fate.

The knock startled him out of his fantasies. It was harsh. Denise came in through his intercom.

“Sir, Fate Buchanan is demanding to see you. Now.”

It was as if his prayers had been answered. Perhaps there was a higher power that actually gave a fuck about him.

When he opened his door, she was there. Bright-eyed and even more beautiful than in his fantasies. And she was mad as hell.

“Dean, what the—”

He closed the door and pressed her against it. “Do you like them?” He knew his delivery had arrived. Sending them to her at work had been risky, but he needed her to know how badly he wanted her to spend the weekend with him at his beach house.

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