Falling Away (39 page)

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Authors: Devon Ashley

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Falling Away
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When I got off the bus at my destination, I took a cab to the new address that was emailed to me. My heart began to race waiting for the door to be answered. Muffled noises squeezed their way through the door cracks, growing louder until a set of locks shifted open.

A semi-beefy blond guy with blue eyes answered, wearing khakis and a blue
and white
-striped polo shirt. Leaning against the door frame, he checked me up and down with interest, apparently pretty happy with what he saw. A wicked curl formed across his lips. “Oh, please tell me I can help you somehow.”

College guys.

“I’m looking for your roommate.”

“Damn.” His face went blank, already losing interest in me
way. Thank God. “Which one?”

“Evan. Is he around?”

“Nah. He and Kenny already took off for the night.”

I reiterated his previous colorful sentiment and allowed the overnight bag to crash to the ground. My shoulder sighed at the release. “Do you know where he went?”

He looked at my bag with curiosity. “Who are you again?”


His head jerked as his eyebrows shot north. “No shit?” It wasn’t really a question.

As he rubbed at his chin absently, I probed, “Why? Has he mentioned me before?”

“Actually, the mate won’t shut the fuck up about you. I think you’ve ruined him for all womankind, and I’ve already met two broads that’d love to claw your eyes out for it.”

“Well, maybe I can help with the first part of that. Do you know where he went?”

He drummed his fingers on the door frame, clearly debating over what to do with me, then finally pushed back to let me in. “Come on. I’m about to leave for work. I can drop you off on my way.”

“Thanks,” I said as I entered and closed the door behind me.

The blond walked through the living room towards the kitchen, but pointed to the left as he called out, “You can put your bag in his room. Last one on the left.”

“Oh, thanks, but I’m not sure he’ll actually want me to stay here tonight.”

Still walking away from me, I heard him mutter a sarcastic, “Yeah, right.”

Deciding it was better to leave my things in Evan’s room than out in the open of a home filled with college guys, I begrudgingly went down the hall. His room was cleaner than the living room, that was for sure. And pretty minimalistic like it was back in Rutland. Either he didn’t care about having a lot of crap, or he didn’t want it here for his roommates to go through. I dropped my bag on the floor of the closet and turned to leave, eyeing what looked to be a pretty comfy bed. It was really easy to picture Evan laying there, sprawled out across the mattress, moving closer and closer to the edge to seek me out as he slept, which he always did on the nights our bodies broke apart.

The soothing image caused a sigh to release deep within me.

I hated doing it, but I had to tell Robert the truth…that Evan was the one I wanted back. “Yeah,” he had said, his head dipping. “I figured, after that last kiss.” He wasn’t mad. Or even upset. At least not on the surface. He kissed me on forehead and held me in a long hug, murmuring for me
to be a stranger. I wasn’t sure if we’d ever get back the friendship we once had, and that saddened me
I could only hope that Evan wouldn’t mind a continued friendship, though I imagined any future
in person
contact with Robert would only be at public social gatherings between our shared friends. And that was something I was willing to do…for Evan.

If he would even take me back, that was.

Shane, whose name I learned on the way to TJ’s Pool House, had me dropped off in less than ten minutes. But before I could step out into the warm air, he said, “I should warn you that Evan and Kenny are meeting some girls here tonight.”

I froze, my head dipping at an angle towards him in disbelief. “
you tell me this? You had me leave my bag in his room.”

He shrugged. “You already came this far. Were you really going to turn around and go home?”

I turned my attention out the passenger side window. Bright neon lights shined down from the rooftop, painting my bare legs a sickening shade.

“Don’t worry about it. He hasn’t shown interest in any of the girls he’s met lately. Like I said, you’ve fucked him up pretty well.” My eyes glared as my head slowly turned his way, probably all creepy like that
girl, if the neon lights were hitting me right. It hardly fazed him. He lifted his fingers up on the steering wheel. “Just calling it like I see it.”

“Don’t hold back, Shane,” I mocked. “Tell me how you really feel.”

Again he shrugged, but his body language didn’t really scream ill-will. I muttered my thanks for the ride, then made my way in.

It was only nine o’clock, but a surprising amount of people already filled out the warehouse, mostly kids my age. My heart really began to pound, and when I didn’t see him right off the bat, I ordered some liquid courage before venturing deeper in.

Can’t believe he’s on a fucking date.
Serves me right for just showing up at my ex-boyfriend’s without an invitation. The last time I did that I had a bitch-war with my ex’s mom. Maybe me and Evan’s new princess can have a go-round too.

I meandered through, ignoring the suggestive leers of some and refusing the come-on attempts by the more confident ones. At least these guys were around my age. Older guys totally
me out when they did that.

My feet froze on the cheap, stained carpet beneath them. There he was, at one of the pool tables along the back wall. It took a second glance to be sure, ‘cause he was now
’ a shaved head that was pretty damn sexy, a purr rolling its way up my throat in agreement.

Sure enough, a girl was standing beside him as he leaned against the wall, playfully dragging her fingertips down the bicep that peeked beneath his short-sleeved gray t-shirt. He was talking to her, but his eyes were focused on the guy breaking the set. Blondie’s shirt left nothing to the imagination, and the hair she playfully flipped like a
was longer than the length of her skirt. And since it barely skimmed her shoulders, that was saying something about the skirt.

I groaned. Did girls turn their noses up at me the night
wore one of those
’ miniskirts?

Call me nosy, curious, or even jealous, but I opted to sit at a table for awhile. Evan wasn’t doing anything wrong, or anything he wasn’t allowed to do, I just felt the need to observe. Or maybe I just needed a little more time for the alcohol to tame my jitters.

I slowly sipped on my Amaretto Sour, enjoying Blondie’s attempts to connect their skin. For me, the best part came when she shot the cue
wildly across the table, and it hit the back wall. That’s when she pulled out the pouty lower lip and begged for help. (Insert eye roll here). Evan obliged, of course, but I smiled when he kept a gap between their bodies. When he offered to show me, there wasn’t an inch of his
body that wasn’t trying to invade mine. Though Blondie certainly tried numerous times to back into his package…

I let this go on another ten minutes, shooing away two more hungry suitors, before I finally picked up my phone. Pulling up Evan’s name, I sent the text,
Losing interest in teaching? You were so enthusiastic when you taught me how to play.

About twenty seconds later he reached into his pocket. After reading it, he curiously scanned the crowd. My mouth spread east to west, knowing there was no way he would recognize my new number. Not finding me in the darkness, he thumbed his phone, then turned back to watch Kenny sink his next shot.

My phone vibrated on the small round table.
Who is this?
I laughed to myself, not surprised I wasn’t the only girl he had enthusiastically taught pool to. Though with only one semester under his belt at Penn State, he probably didn’t have too many here.

Dare you to come find out.

The two girls made a beeline for the bathroom just as he pulled his phone out again. He pocketed it, said something to Kenny and left with his beer. Unfortunately, he went the wrong way around the bar, so I had to wait for him to circle and make his way into the dimness that enveloped me.

I leaned forward over the table, the pound of my heart intensifying, waiting for the moment his eyes would connect with mine. His body halted the moment they did, so dumbfounded he did nothing. Eyes pinched, his advance was so glacial I feared this was gonna go south really quickly. With pressed lips, he set his bottle on the table and leaned over it opposite of me, still cold.

“Hey,” I said fearfully.

He just stared at me, and the heart that cried so hard for him these past two months began to panic against its prison of ribs.

“What are you doing here?”

Yikes. That wasn’t happiness to see me. Compared to the Evan that showed love and heartache for me walking out the door, this Evan’s attitude was reserved for the guy that used to give him wedgies in grade school. Suddenly I wanted to bolt. I’d run all the way back to Rutgers if I had to.

Shaken, I said, “I need to talk to you.”

He dropped his head and roughly stroked his eyebrows. “Jenna, you’re not supposed to be here,” he said slowly, firmly.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered.

His head shook, but when his eyes lifted to meet mine again, I recognized the resignation within them. It hurt him to see me, but something inside was fighting the desire to shove me off and send me away

“You surprised me that night, okay? There were things left unsaid, and I need my chance to say them.”

I wished his face wasn’t so nonchalant. I could tell his mind was debating, but nothing hinted to which side was winning, the
hear her out
side or the
kick her to the curb

“You once asked me of the same, and even though I felt I shouldn’t have, I met with you anyways. For you.”
And look how well that turned out.
“Please,” I softly begged.

“Alright,” he surrendered. “Say what you need to.”

My lips curled to one side as the jitters in my stomach began to scatter and weaken. “Can we talk somewhere private?” My attention shifted back to his group of friends. “Some place you won’t have an impatient, maybe aggressive, date coming to look for you?” Out of the corner of my eye, I saw his head turn. Kenny and his date were making out, leaving Evan’s date to scan the crowd looking for him, her fingernails quickly tapping both sides of her hips. I could almost hear the
clear over here.

We turned back in sync and I lifted my eyes in amusement. Evan just replied, “Yeah,” finished his beer and motioned his head for me to get up. Internally, I
when his hand found the back of my shoulder, guiding me through the maze of tables and out the door to his truck.

As he opened the passenger door for me, I playfully said, “You brought Old Red with you.”

That got a partial smile out of him. “She may be old but she’s still reliable.”

Once out of the parking lot and headed wherever he was gonna take us, he asked, “So how’d you find me?”

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