Faithfully (14 page)

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Authors: Izzy Cullen

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Health; Fitness & Dieting, #Relationships, #Love & Romance

BOOK: Faithfully
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said, in a louder whisper, “You planned this out, too?” I wasn’t pissed, but I was annoyed he was talking to Sam and Lexi about our sex life. Alex removed the hand on my chest.

. When we were in the kitchen, they offered. I only said it sounded like a good plan.” I could hear the cockiness in his voice, which was sexy and irritating. 

Before I could protest
anymore, he had my mouth again and his hands were on my lower back, pulling me in tightly against his body. He walked me backwards to the bed and sat me down gently. When he pulled away, he yanked my top over my head and pushed me back to peel off my yoga pants. I sat back up, grabbing at him to pull him on top of me.

I unbuttoned Alex’s pants and shoved my hands along the waist to ease them off. Alex shimmied his hips to help in the removal. I plunged my hands inside his boxer briefs, wrapping my hand around him. Alex moved from my lips to my neck and
down to my breasts. He shifted my bra to have access to my nipples. I wanted to moan in pleasure, but I forced myself to hold in all sounds so we wouldn’t be heard. Alex and I kissed and licked every inch of each other before he entered me. By the time he did, I was already on the verge of an orgasm and grinding my hips into him as he slammed into me from above. I was trying my best to be quiet, but I must have not have done a great job, because Alex’s hand came up to cover my mouth. This action sent me over the edge, and I climaxed, my body shaking. When it was over, I wrapped my leg around Alex, holding him close to me. He slowed his pumping action and was breathing hard. He must have come with me, but I was so involved in my own that I didn’t even notice he was with me.

Alex rested his head between my shoulder and neck. We were both breathing hard and not saying anything.
We laid curled up for a while talking and catching up about the week apart until I felt him growing again.

“Are you kidding,
already?” I was shocked and surprised. I wasn’t even sure my body could take another powerful orgasm.

“I’m always ready when you are around.”
              He started nipping at my neck. I released my legs and shoved at his chest. I climbed on top of him, slowly riding him and allowing him to massage my breasts. Whenever I made deep plunges and rode them up slowly, Alex would let out a small hiss.
              “You are fucking killing me.”
              At those words, I picked up a little speed. Alex’s hands moved from my breasts to my hips. He was plunging me deeper onto him and bucking me back up with his hips. The force he was using was enough to hit my spot every time. I caught myself a few times, letting out small yelps. The movements continued to pick up speed until I was bouncing hard and fast on him. When he was close, he begged me to join him, and the sound of his voice was enough to push me over the edge. Alex slowed me and pulled me down on him and pushed me up slower, our hips and bodies working in a rhythm.

When we were
done, I collapsed next to him. I curled up into his side and he rolled to his side holding me close to him. I could have fallen asleep like this, but I knew I needed to get clothes on in case the girls knocked and needed me. I reluctantly broke away and climbed out of bed. I was rummaging through the drawers in the dark when Alex turned on the lamp. I immediately went to cover and he laughed.

“Seriously, you
should invest in blinds. With the lights on, anyone can see into this room.” I threw on his shirt while I tried to find my pajamas. Alex got out of bed in his full glory.

“They would have to be in the lake if they want to see anything.” He was right
. The cliff made it so that nobody on the beach could see into the house. Plus, realistically, nobody would be on the beach this time of year and this late at night.

Alex walked over and slid out a drawer that had different pajama sets for me. The
pajamas ranged from semi-trashy to fully conservative. I went with fully conservative; a pink thermal long sleeve and flannel pants. Alex threw on a pair of lounge pants and walked back to the bed as he pulled a worn tee over his head. When he got to the bed, he pulled down the covers on my side so I could just crawl in.










When I woke the next morning, Josie was standing next to me, looking directly in my face. I was startled at first, but then I smiled. “Morning, beautiful, how did you sleep?”

“Good, but the sun is bright in my room right now.” I laug
hed, because I was pretty sure Alex didn’t think of curtains or blinds when he moved in and remodeled the house. I would normally throw back the covers and have her crawl in bed with me, but Alex and I now shared a bed, and I wasn’t sure if I, or even Alex, would be comfortable with her climbing in. It was a touchy situation. I didn’t have time really to even finish the battle in my mind, because Alex’s voice interrupted the one in my head.

in, baby girl.” Alex lifted the covers between us. Josie climbed over me and tucked herself in. I turned and wrapped my arm around her and Alex did the same, his middle finger rubbing my forearm. “Did you have any dreams?”

“I don’t think so, why? Do you dream every night?” Josie
lay on her back, but rolled her head over to the side to look at Alex.

“Some nights, but the nights I don’t are the nights I know I slept really good.”

“I know I slept well, since I didn’t have to listen to Jazz talk to herself all night.” Jasmine was notorious for talking in her sleep, and some nights there was even yelling. She never woke up or even remembered it, but most of the time she woke the rest of the house up.

know, if you guys moved in here, you would have your own room.” I got up on my elbow and looked at him. I was slightly pissed. Actually, not slightly, just completely pissed. He didn’t need to bring the girls in on the decisions. This was something I was working out in my head. I knew Alex figured out I was pissed because he quickly changed the subject.

“Why don’t we go downstairs and surprise everybody with breakfast
? Uncle Johnny and I bought bacon and eggs for today.” I wasn’t one hundred percent okay with the whole referring to Johnny as uncle either. I was going to choose my battles at this point.

. Can you make chocolate chip pancakes too?” Josie was kicking the covers off her and everyone else in bed.

“Of course
.” Alex got out of bed and, of course, even in his flannel pants and t-shirt he looked amazing in the morning. “Give your mommy a kiss and tell her to stay in bed so we can surprise her, and if she is lucky I’ll bring her up some coffee.” Josie walked over to me and gave me a kiss. It was quick and she repeated most of what Alex said on her way out the door.

I was frustrated with him
. Normally I would keep it inside and have a mental battle with myself, but I had been working on talking with him and that was what I was going to do. Moving the girls in with him was a huge step. Having them leave the house that they grew up in, took their first steps in, was something not to take lightly. And what if months down the road the relationship changed? Moving them out would only cause more stress on them. This wasn’t just about me and making a small decision, and Alex needed to realize that before speaking to them about issues.

I was just about done fuming in my head when I could smell the coffee entering the room. Alex didn’t say anything until he was sitting on the bed next to me and the coffee was placed on the coffee table.

“I fucked up, but honestly, I bought this house to fill with you and the girls, and it sits empty most nights.” He had his right hand rubbing the left side of my face.

Alex, we met five months ago, and the first few weren’t exactly drama free. This is happening fast, really fast, and I don’t want us being swept up in this moment only to regret it later on down the road.” I was proud of myself for being able to put it all together verbally.

“My feelings won’t change. Are you planning on changing yours
, or are you not there?” He looked a little hurt and I knew I was part of the problem. Alex was so good at expressing his feelings verbally, but I still held back a lot. I couldn’t reveal my hand just yet in case he was bluffing.

I sat up before talking and Alex’s hand moved next to my hip. “God
, no, I’m there, but look at how fast we both got there. Doesn’t it scare you? If it were just me, I’d have moved in the minute I saw you walk down the beach, but it isn’t just me. Let’s say I move them and something…” Alex tried to interrupt and I put my finger over his mouth. “…something changes here.” I moved my finger and was moving it between us, pointing back and forth. “I move them back and they get confused, unsure, lots of things could go through their minds.”

“But I’m already staying with you.” He had a point, but it was different.

“Right, but how much did the girls have to move and change for that to happen?” I didn’t wait for an answer. “Not a lot, their world has stayed intact. We didn’t have to box their things and move them.” We both remained quiet for a moment.

“I get it
. I wish you had more faith in us.” He was still hurt. He was getting up to leave and I grabbed his arm and pulled him back towards me.

“I’m learning how to trust again
, and I’m so glad it is you teaching me. I just need time. It doesn’t mean I don’t love you.” I pulled him down enough to get both of my arms around his neck. “I have never loved another man like I love you. Every ounce of me loves you.” I felt the stiffness in him relax.

Alex leaned back a little so he could look at my face. “Every ounce of you does?”
He started poking at me and ended up tickling me until I was laughing and screaming for mercy. Alex finally stopped when I said I was going to pee my pants. He leaned in and gave me a kiss. “If you need more time, I’ll back off. Just keep telling me every day how much you love me.”

.” Before he got up, I said it again. “I love you.”

I heard everyone else start to rise, but I stayed in bed. I loved watching the water
, and today it was turbulent. The weather was changing, and I was surprised it hadn’t already snowed.

Lexi and Sam came in and joined me in bed. They said the guys and girls kicked them out of the kitchen. We sat there overlooking the water and talking. Sam seemed relaxed and happy to be with family. I was hoping I could talk her into staying longer, but I wasn’t getting my hopes up
. She is a west coast girl and would probably die in the ice-cold winters of Northern Michigan.

When breakfast was
done, we joined everyone at the table. The girls were beaming and the guys looked whooped. I could only imagine trying to keep reins on the three in the kitchen. I knew what they were capable of, but I could also say no to them.

Breakfast was just as good as it looked. When we
finished, we were all sitting back in our chairs and nobody talked. I’m pretty sure we stuffed ourselves. Lexi said she would clean the girls up and get them ready, and Sam and I agreed to clean up the mess. We should have seen the kitchen before agreeing. It was a mess, and when I saw it I knew the guys hadn’t said no to the girls.

Alex and Johnny tried helping, but Sam and I wouldn’t let them
, so they went and showered. By the time we finished, everyone was ready to start the lazy movie day. Sam and I still needed to shower and change. Knowing everyone was waiting, I was able to make it downstairs in record time. I loved how Alex didn’t make me feel like I needed to doll myself up for him. Sweats, a classic pony, and no makeup was good enough for him.

The lazy day actually went by fast. We had cold cut sandwiches for lunch and dinner was lasagna that Alex had brought in from a local restaurant. The only break we seemed to take from the
TV was to eat more food.

When it was time to head to our rooms, Johnny came up with the idea of us all sleeping in the living room. Lily was freaking out she was so happy. I
, on the other hand, had less enthusiasm, but felt I could give in for one night. The guys carried down the twin mattresses from the girl’s rooms. We brought down pillows and blankets. Josie and Jasmine slept on opposite ends of one couch, Lexi took the other full couch, and Lily took the recliner. I could never do this in my house, because my living room was too small, but there was still extra room in here.

We pushed together the three mattresses and placed blankets along the seams. Alex slept on one end,
me next to him and Sam, while Johnny was on the other end. Sam whispered over to us, “No funny stuff, and try to keep it PG tonight.” She started to laugh quietly. It wasn’t quite enough, because Lily needed to know why she was laughing, but Sam handled it like a pro. I still cracked under the pressure.

When I woke up the next morning, I was stiff. I sat up on my
elbows, looked around, and saw everyone was still asleep. When I looked over at Sam, I immediately smiled. Johnny was on his back facing the ceiling and Sam had her arm around him and her head on his chest. I had a feeling it wasn’t completely by accident. When Alex started to stir, I kicked Sam under the covers. She immediately jumped.

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