Faithfully (10 page)

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Authors: Izzy Cullen

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Health; Fitness & Dieting, #Relationships, #Love & Romance

BOOK: Faithfully
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              Alex was there when I woke up the next morning. We were able to have coffee together on the balcony off his bedroom before heading downstairs for breakfast with Sam. It was early for LA time. Our internal clocks were still on Michigan time. Sam finally came down to join us, and she looked pretty rough. I wasn’t sure if she was hung over or if she had just stayed out until the early morning.

“Morning, sunshine,” Alex said with a sarcastic undertone. Sam didn’t respond. She only grunted while she walked over and poured coffee from the pot sitting in the middle of the table. “Well, I have to head in soon, and you have a full day planned with Abby. What do you have planned?” I was surprised Alex didn’t already know or have it planned out with Sam.

“We can just hang here and veg around the pool. I could use some sun and a quiet day.” I wasn’t saying it to be polite. I liked the idea of just lounging. “Sam, we seriously don’t have to do anything.” I didn’t want Sam to feel like she had to entertain me. It wasn’t her job, and sitting by the pool was perfectly fine with me. I looked at Sam as she was finishing her sip of coffee.

“It’s taken care of. We will be visiting Knott’s Berry Farm’s today.” She brought the mug back up to her mouth and took another sip with her eyes closed. I was actually excited. I loved roller coasters and amusement parks. I had a smile on my face as I bit into my toast with the peanut butter and jam I had bought the day before at the farmer’s market.

“Hey, I know this may surprise everyone, but can we invite Johnny? He might have plans, but I feel I need to make an effort to get to know him.” Both Alex and Sam looked at me. Alex grabbed my hand and squeezed it in a supportive way while Sam answered.

“Yes, I think it’s a great idea. I’ll call him after my second cup.”

I went upstairs with Alex to get ready while Sam called Johnny to invite him on the outing. As we walked past the office, I slowed down and took a peek in to see what it looked like. I was surprised. It was pretty bare, like the office in his house in Michigan. I thought for sure he would have pictures and album covers all over his walls, but it was pretty plain. Alex took my hand and walked me in.

“Take a look around, but there isn’t much here
. I had most of it boxed so it could be shipped to Michigan to put in the office there and the studio.” I grabbed him by the waist and hugged him. Hearing this made me see that moving across the country was not a temporary thing. Alex was looking at possibly relocating for good. The more I was with him and saw who he really was the more my personal walls were coming down.

Alex kissed the top of my head and returned the hug. We stayed like that for a short time, and then we went into the bedroom and got ready for the day. We took a nice long shower together. We hadn’t been able to do that in months because of the girls always being around. After the shower, we finally got dressed and talked about the plans for the day. It sounded like it could be another long day on his end. I was happy he found an artist, but also sad that he would be spending the day in the studio instead of having fun with us. He left before I was ready, but I was able to give him a long, passionate kiss.

When I finally got downstairs, Sam and Johnny were both waiting for me. I immediately smiled. “I’m so glad you are coming with us.” I actually meant it, too.

“I couldn’t let you ladies have all the fun. Plus, sitting at home every day gets boring. Since I left rehab I haven’t done anything.”

“Well, we only invited you so we had someone to pay for everything,” Sam said jokingly.

“Gladly, it is the least I can do,” Johnny said while looking over at me. I wanted to tell him we were good and not to worry, but I thought it was best to ignore it so that it would start to fade from everyone’s minds.

We all walked out together and climbed in his Audi Q5. I climbed in the backseat and let Sam sit up front. I wanted to take in sights and thought it would be harder if I sat up front, because Johnny might want to talk. I was worried my silence would be taken the wrong way.

Before I knew it, we were pulling into the parking lot. The park had opened an hour before we arrived. Sam said it probably wasn’t very busy. Johnny turned his hat around and put on his aviator glasses. I honestly thought he looked different than the pictures that had been recently plastered all over the magazines about him going to rehab. I thought he would be safe from recognition.

When we went in, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do first, but I knew it had to be a roller coaster. We rode for a while before Sam started to bail a bit. I then realized she had been hung over and not just tired. I had to give her props for even attempting the day. I would have taken me up on the offer of just hanging by the pool. We left Sam on a nearby bench and jumped on another coaster. I was glad Johnny came. We didn’t talk a whole lot, but it gave me someone to ride with. When we were done, Johnny suggested we get Sam some grease for her stomach. I agreed, since I was starting to feel hungry as well.

Once we grabbed Sam and the food, we sat outside at a table. We had light conversation, but I couldn’t help but watch Sam and Johnny together. I knew they had known each other for a long time and that Sam referred to him and Steve as her other brothers, but I wasn’t getting a Sam and Alex vibe from them. I wasn’t even getting an Abby and Derek vibe. I felt there was more between them. I made a mental note to keep observing them.

We decided we had enough and were ready to leave during the early evening. I stopped in and bought each of the girls a different Snoopy stuffed animal. When I was done, I met up with Sam and Johnny at the exit. Sam thought we should go back to the house, have dinner, and swim. I really liked the idea. There was something about lying next to a pool that sounded relaxing, and my feet were hurting from all the walking today.

Once we got there, Johnny and I went to the back patio while Sam went to find Marie. “So are you ready to leave this beautiful weather and head home tomorrow?” Johnny grabbed a seat by the pool and sat down. I pulled a lounge chair up next to him and sat down.

“I’ll miss the weather, but I miss my girls so much more.” I hated to be away from them, but at times I felt it was needed for my sanity, as well as theirs. “Did you give it anymore thought on coming for Thanksgiving?” I looked at him.

“You seriously want me to come? I thought you might have been asking just to be polite.”

“Yes, and for the record, I’m not the type of person to ask just to be nice. If I didn’t want you to come I wouldn’t have asked.”

Johnny had a real smile on his face. “I think I will then. I’m glad you invited me.” Johnny took his hat off and put it on his knee. “It will be nice to get away from here. It’s hard to stay clean and not fall back into old habits.” I was sensing what a struggle this sobriety was for him, and actually proud of him for being able to say it out loud. I have seen my fair share of people with drinking problems come into the pub, but it took a strong person actually to admit they had one.

Sam finally joined us and told us we would have dinner in a little bit. She tried talking me into putting on my swimsuit, but I was too tired. Instead we just sat around and talked about nothing and everything. We laughed a lot and were still laughing when Alex came out to join us.

“I’d ask what is so funny, but I’m scared to hear the answer to the question.” Alex placed his hands on my shoulders and leaned down, giving me a kiss as I looked up at him.

“Oh, you know, we were telling Abby all about you and a few of your secrets.” Sam winked at Alex.

“I’m not worried,” Alex said with confidence, as if he knew that no matter what they told me that it would not scare me away. I wish I had that confidence on my end with our relationship. I was getting there, but past demons still popped up every once in a while.

Marie came with the food and we all sat around the table. We were all so quiet at first, since everyone was so hungry. When we were finishing up, Alex looked at me with a serious expression.

“Something came up and I need to stay the week to get everything straightened out.
” He set his napkin on his plate and slid it to the middle of the table. “I’m sorry. I would have Sam fly back with you, but I need her to stay here. It seems the artist she wants me to sign is a slight pain in the ass, and I’m making her stay and be the mediator.” He looked over and gave Sam a slightly pissed off look.

“You’ll be back for Thanksgiving, right?” It was our first real family holiday together, and for some reason I felt he needed to be there.

“Yes. The plan is that I’ll fly out Saturday morning so I’ll be there with a few days to spare. I can help your mom get things ready. Sam can fly back with me, too.”

I looked from Alex to Sam and seeing Johnny as my eyes floated past. “Johnny can fly back with you guys too, since he’s coming for Thanksgiving.” I had a smile on my face.

Alex looked over at Johnny. “Do you want to fly back with Abby tomorrow? You can stay in the apartment above the studio so you have your own space, or even in the house, since I’m never there. I know you said you needed a change of scenery.” I was slightly surprised by the invitation. Alex looked over at me. “If you don’t mind.”

“Absolutely not, but will you have enough time to pack?” I asked, looking at Johnny. I was flying out at five in the morning because it was eight in Michigan, and I didn’t want to get home too late. I could postpone the flight, but I really didn’t want to do that. I wanted to see the girls before they went to bed.

“Yeah, it actually sounds like a good idea. I’ll head out now so I can throw some shit together. I really don’t need a lot other than jeans, shirts, and shoes. It won’t take me long to pack.” Johnny’s whole demeanor changed. He seemed excited about the trip and the stay in Michigan. I was hoping this new environment and time away from LA would be good for his sobriety.

“Don’t forget a jacket and sweatshirt, and pretty soon you will need a snowsuit,” Sam quickly added. I didn’t say anything, but I stuck my tongue out at her. I was leaving this weather to head back to the forty degree weather and soon, very soon, snow.

              After Johnny left, we cleared the table and headed in separate directions from Sam. She was looking beat up from her long night from the night before and today’s fun. I was pretty sure she was heading off to bed. I gave her a hug and said my good bye just in case she wasn’t up when we left at 3:30 in the morning.

I needed to pack my things and get everything ready for the morning. This was always the worst part about traveling – packing. I hated packing just as much as I hated early flights. Alex was helpful. He got everything out of drawers and hangers, and he was handing the clothes to me so I could fold and pack them. I was happy to be heading home to the girls, but wishing Alex wasn’t staying back for another week.

When we were finally done, I decided to jump in the shower to wash all the sweat and grime off me from the amusement park. I let the water wash over me and didn’t realize Alex had joined until he started washing my hair for me. I loved having my hair played with, even when it was wet. When he was done shampooing and conditioning it, he grabbed a puff, put body wash in it, and started washing me. He started at my toes and worked his way up my back. I felt a soft nip on my left butt cheek. When he got to my neck, Alex turned me to face him and then started washing my front. This time he worked from my neck down to my feet. When Alex reached my toes, he started massaging my legs with his hands. First my calves, and then up to my outer thigh, working his way to the insides. I loved his touch. It was gentle, but with enough roughness that didn’t hurt, but turned me on.

His hands went to my ass
. He rubbed each butt cheek while he pulled me in closer to him. I then felt soft kisses on the outside of my folds. I was melting into him and wanted him. There was no stopping the soft moans coming from my mouth.

One of Alex’s hands left
my butt and was working on my clit along with his tongue. It didn’t take long for me to climax, and if it wasn’t for Alex’s strong arms holding me up I might have collapsed onto him. I went to return the favor, but Alex shut the water off and pulled me out of the shower. We towel dried each other off, skipped the robes, and walked into the bedroom. I made a beeline for the bed, wanting and needing him to join me.

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