Faceless (9 page)

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Authors: Martina Cole

Tags: #Fiction, #Suspense

BOOK: Faceless
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‘I know what you mean. I was at Marshall’s grave yesterday and I saw Maeve Cavendish. She walked right past me. I know why and all. Everyone knows she’s out and about so it will all start again, you mark my words, the phone calls, the threats … It will all start again, I know it will.’



‘We should have moved away before. When it all happened.’

Kevin’s voice was loud in the confined kitchen and Louise rounded on him.

‘Oh, that’s right. Run away. That’s you all over, you spineless git. Well, no one is forcing me from my home and that’s that.’

He sighed heavily.

‘In that case, you’ll have to put up with the hag then, won’t you?’

Lucy watched her mother and father in fascination. He’d never, ever stopped her before when she was going off about Marie.

Already her sister was working her magic. Like all men, her father was automatically on her side, no matter what she had done.

Louise looked at her husband as if she had never seen him before and he had just appeared to her as an apparition. She slung the spoon she had been using to serve the dinner into the sink and turned on him.

‘Who’s rattled your fucking cage? First she comes in with the hump and now I have you and all. I am plagued by the pair of you.’

She stormed from the kitchen and banged heavily up the stairs.

Lucy laughed nastily.

‘Pity Marie’s not here to see her handiwork. Even from miles away she can still cause a row in this house, can’t she?’

Kevin had had enough.

‘She didn’t need to with you here, Lucy. I seem to remember most of the rows were caused by jealousy, yours and your mother’s, and you can tell her that from me if you like. I am off down the fucking pub for a pint and a pie.’

Lucy was shocked by her father’s words. The fact they had the ring of truth about them didn’t help in any way. She stared at the debris of her mother’s efforts and felt a flicker of hatred once more for the sister who even as a murderess could still get her father to defend her.

As the door shut on him, her mother came down the stairs. She looked old suddenly. Old and haggard. Lucy felt ashamed of what she had caused.

‘Sit down, Mum, I’ll dish up, shall I?’

Her voice was small, like a little girl’s.

Louise surveyed the tepid food and shook her head.

‘Bin it, Lucy. I ain’t hungry now. He gone to the pub?’

Lucy nodded.

‘No surprise there then.’



Louise lit a cigarette and smoked in silence as her daughter cleared away. Her whole life was crumbling around her as it had once before. And the same person was responsible.

If only she had had an abortion all those years ago, how different her life would have been today.

How much easier it would all have been.

Patrick stood at the back of the club and watched Tiffany at her first night’s work. She stood out from the other girls because of her extreme thinness and was in high demand because she was new.

He saw her dancing provocatively before a table of middle-aged men. They would be her prime market and she was sensible enough to know it. Her legs were long for her height and she was narrow-waisted. If she’d only had her mother’s build she’d have been worth a fortune in no time.

When she went for her break he shot round to the dressing room. It was full of the smell of deodorant and fresh sweat. Girls sat around smoking, snorting and laughing.

He saw Tiffany’s eyes widen at the sight of him.

‘All right. Tiff? Thought I’d bring you a little gift.’

He placed the gram of cocaine into her palm.

‘A little gift of a little lift!’ He laughed at his own wit.

Tiffany was so pleased to see him she felt the urge to cry. She had missed him so much. Other than Anastasia he was her only source of affection. All the girls were looking at him. Some seemed to know him. Tiffany deliberately overlooked that fact, telling herself he was a dealer so of course some of them knew him. How well she didn’t care to dwell on too much.

As she cut herself a line and snorted it she felt all her inhibitions and fears melt away. After drinking down a large gin and tonic, she felt much happier.

‘You needed that, didn’t you, darling?’

She nodded.

‘You coming round later?’

Pat smiled at her.

‘I might. But I have to see a bloke. I’ll pick you up about two-ish and you and me can do my bit of business first, eh?’

She nodded, ecstatically happy now. She was high and she was friends with Pat again.

Life was looking up at last.



time in years felt restless. It was a strange feeling. Half of her was scared shitless at the thought of seeing her family again, the other half desperate for a glimpse other kids.

Her father was going to try and find out their addresses so she could at least look at them from a distance, even though it would be hard not to go up to them, talk to them. But she would have to be satisfied with what she got. That was something that would be true of the rest of her life, and she knew it.

She was finally glad she was released.

She had a job and she had had contact with her father. God love him, she knew the trouble it would cause if her mother ever learned he had come to see her. So the fact he had done it was all the more important to her.

She tried again to picture her children. She hoped they were happy, living good lives surrounded by nice people. It was important to her that her children were leading happy, fulfilled lives. Clean lives where they could look others in the face and know they were good people.

Marie smiled in the darkness.

If she could just look at them once more she would be happy.

Her father said that Jason had been with the same family for years. They had informally adopted him and that pleased her. She hoped her daughter had fallen on her feet as well.

If only she had listened to her mother all those years ago!

But Louise had not offered advice, she had demanded things of her daughter, and being the type of girl she was, that had made Marie worse. Each fresh shocking thing she had done had given her a feeling of satisfaction. Each time her mother went ballistic she had felt she had achieved something. Each time her mother called her a whore she had made sure she fully lived up to the epithet.

She had been such a fool! If only she had known then what she knew now. But then, as a friend in prison had once pointed out, eventually you regretted the things you hadn’t done as much as the things you had.

That was very true.

Every time she had picked up a drink or taken a drug she had felt better inside. She had needed to obliterate the present. Now she wanted to obliterate the past.

But she couldn’t.

All she could do was take the little things life gave her and be



grateful for them. Seeing her kids, even if only from a distance, would be the start of real life for her. She could put her mind at rest about them once and for all. Or at least she hoped she could.

Tiffany didn’t like Sol Medlock. He was a man in his fifties with a heavy belly and a distinct shortage of hair and teeth. She knew he was also a number one dealer and that Patrick needed him. That had been explained to her over and over in the car on their way to his flat.

‘So be nice to him, OK, Tiff? Just for me, eh?’

She smiled confidently at him.

‘Of course I will. Stop worrying.’

She was high as a kite. Patrick had given her a pipe to smoke and the buzz was astronomical. She felt invincible inside. It was a fantastic feeling.

‘Your eyes look fucking sexy, girl. You want to see them.’

She was buzzing. The car window was open and icy cold hit her face and it felt great. As they pulled up outside Sol’s flat, Patrick handed her another pipe.

‘Have a quick blast before we go in, babe.’

She was happy to oblige.

Ten minutes later she was sipping a vodka and Red Bull and could hear Patrick arguing with Sol in the state-of-the-art kitchen. The flat blew her mind. All steel units and polished wood floors, it was like a magazine picture. She wanted a place like this one day and was determined to get it.

Patrick came back into the lounge and sat beside her.

‘All right, mate?’

She nodded.

‘Can we go soon? I have to take the babes to playschool in the morning so I can have a few hours’ kip.’

Patrick looked at her with his deep blue eyes.

‘I need a favour. Tiff.’

She knew what he was going to say before he asked but still she told herself not to be so silly. That Patrick wouldn’t do this to the mother of his baby girl.

‘What do you want. Pat?’

He grinned, displaying his even white teeth.

‘Could you be nice to Sol for me, babe? Just for a while. I have to go and call in a debt otherwise he is going to cause me right grief.’



She was already shaking her head.

He gripped her arm tightly.

‘The thing is. Tiff, I ain’t asking as such. Know what I mean? He said if you put out for him he would give me the time I needed, see.’

Tiffany knew that she was being asked to perform a function Patrick would normally have required from one of his working girls. The confusion on her face was heartbreaking to see. Yet he just stared at her as if she was the one who was in the wrong. He could do that, make you feel you should be doing what he wanted instead of what you knew you should be doing.

‘Don’t do this to me. Pat. Please.’

Her voice was low, barely a whisper, and she realised he was not going to listen to her. Instead he prepared another pipe.

He was speaking in a singsong tone as if to a recalcitrant child.

‘Get that down you, nice and deep. Tiff. Then just do what the fuck you are told. You know I will not be crossed. If I say something, I expect it to be done. All my women know this, Tiffany.’

She took the pipe gratefully and drew deeply. The crack hit her brain in nanoseconds and she felt the overwhelming rush of euphoria.

Then Patrick smiled at her. A real smile.

‘Whatever he wants, OK? And I’ll give you a couple of ton for your trouble, baby, OK?’

As he left the flat Tiffany saw that Sol had been observing them from the kitchen doorway. He was smiling at her. She felt her heart sink down to her expensive sexy boots. She was caught in a nightmare and it was of her own making. She knew she should have walked out but she hadn’t.

What was it with her? Why did she roll over every time Patrick told her to? Even when she knew that what she was doing was wrong? Even the new rush of crack wasn’t enough to blot out the horror of exactly what she had agreed to do.

There was a ringing in her ears and she found herself feeling sick. As Sol put his hand on her shoulder she forced herself to relax.

It was how it had always been. Patrick spoke and she responded by doing whatever he wanted. As she walked to the bedroom with Sol she felt as if she was in a dream. She had learned to tune out the real world in care, and that stood her in good stead now.



Patrick was collecting from his girls. He pulled up beside them and smiled his endearing smile. Then he complimented each one of them before holding out his hand and letting them stuff it full of cash.

One girl, Bonita, a beautiful black girl with wide eyes and terrific legs, didn’t give him the money straight off.

‘Hey, Patrick. Channy Baker has been round the Cross - he took money from Camelia and Joely. I saw it with my own eyes, man. He wants in.’

Patrick kept on smiling.

Ten minutes later he had picked up two men from a bar and was inside the Hound Club in King’s Cross, a private drinking den that was fraternised by whores and pimps. Channy took the kicking of a lifetime as Pat watched. Then he took the man’s money and his weapons before personally kicking him in the face.

So it took him longer than usual to get back to Sol’s place.

He let himself in and poured himself a drink, but they were still out of sight. It wouldn’t be long, he decided, before he had Tiffany exactly where he wanted her. On her back with whoever he wanted, when he wanted, for money or for crack.

He opened the bedroom door and watched his girlfriend, the mother of another of his children, performing for him with a disgusting man.

It was a sight that gladdened his heart.

All women were the same. He had proved his own theory time and time again.


Chapter Five

Tiffany opened her eyes with difficulty. She could hear a hammering noise and it took a few seconds before she realised it was at her front door. As she dragged herself from the bed she saw that it was nearly twelve o’clock and her heart started beating erratically as she realised she had overslept. What the hell was Anastasia doing?

She rushed semi-naked into the child’s room. The little girl was sitting in her cot. Her soaking nappy was on the floor and she had been crying, that much was obvious.

‘Mummy …’

Her face creased with pleasure and Tiffany picked her up and hugged her tightly. The hammering on the door was still very much in evidence.

‘All right, I’m coming.’

Her voice was harsh and Anastasia started to whimper.

‘Did I make you jump, sweetie?’

Tiffany hugged her again as she opened the door.

‘Package for Tiffany Carter.’

She signed for it awkwardly and the boy placed it in her hallway, trying his hardest to sneak a peek at her tits. She ignored him. Putting the child down, she opened the package.

It was a game she had ordered for her daughter and Anastasia was soon clapping her hands with glee. She left the child playing and pulled on a dressing gown. In the bathroom she squatted to pee and saw her reflection in the mirror tiles around the bath. She looked terrible. Her eyes were dark hollows and her skin was grey. She had lost hours sleeping. Normally she was up and about for her daughter, getting her breakfast and making sure she was dressed beautifully for playgroup. The thought of what could have happened frightened her.

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