Explosive (19 page)

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Authors: Beth Kery

Tags: #General, #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult

BOOK: Explosive
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His hand dropped.

“Sorry,” he mumbled gruffly. He wiped at a sheen of perspiration that had gathered on his upper lip. He grimaced and sat up partially in the hammock. Sophie watched as he flung his shirt off with a flex and ripple of ridged muscle.

“It’s all right,” she murmured, her attention captured by the compelling sight of his bronzed, bare torso. “It’s a little warm. Do you want to go in to the air-conditioning?”

He lay back in the hammock and stared up at the trees. The color of his eyes reflected those of the scene above him, rays of sunlight spiking through dark forest green.

His choppy breathing slowly evened.

“No. It’s better now,” he said finally. Sophie wasn’t sure if he referred to his fading nightmare or the fact that his body temperature was cooling in his half-naked state. He glanced over at her, his gaze flickering from her face down to her waist. He reached for her upper arms. “It’d be even better if you came here.”

He guided her onto the hammock, her knees on either side of his hips. He smiled when he heard her soft laughter. Without saying another word, he drew her down to him, her breasts flush against his chest, and covered her mouth with his own.

Sophie moaned into his mouth when the impact of his taste and the pressure of his persuasive lips fully hit her consciousness. She tasted salt from his sweat and just the barest hint of the sugar from the sweet tea still lingering on his agile tongue. His singular flavor intermingled, the resulting taste so intoxicating that she found herself striking out for it again and again, seeking deeper in the depths of his mouth.

The kiss continued, as lazy, sultry, and sensual as the summer day. She felt the tension in his muscles, the evidence of an arousal that had flamed and then banked several times that day. But he seemed content for the moment in kissing her . . . in eating her mouth like it was the rarest, most succulent treat to be cherished. The only place he touched her was on her bare upper arms, where he lightly ran his fingertips over her skin and occasionally molded the muscles in his big hands.

Sophie found herself becoming hyperalert to those seemingly innocent caresses as Thomas continued to devour her mouth and his cock grew progressively stiffer until it felt like a thick, hot poker throbbing against her hip. Her flesh and blood turned to warm syrup under the influence of a kiss that went on and on, neither of them seemingly capable of getting enough of the other’s taste and caressing lips. Something about the relative chasteness of his embrace and the graphic, illicit evidence of monumental arousal struck her as delicious for some reason—familiar and forbidden at once.

She groaned softly when he captured her tongue in his mouth and sucked gently, feeling the suction of his hot kiss all the way to the depths of her sex. Her clit twanged almost painfully.

She broke their kiss and pressed her forehead to his.

“Let’s go inside,” she murmured between pants.

“Why? It’s nice here.”

She swallowed the lump that had grown in her throat as she stared into his increasingly familiar face.

“Sit up a minute,” he said.

Sophie did so, her movements causing the hammock to sway.

“Scoot back onto my thighs,” he encouraged. Once she’d followed his instructions, she watched, frozen, as he rapidly unfastened his cargo shorts and pushed them down around his thighs. His white boxer briefs stretched tight over his enormous erection.

“Thomas—” She warned, glancing out at the lake. She could see the two houses across the water’s expanse in the far distance. She doubted they could see any particulars, but there were also two speedboats within the area, although again, far enough away that the occupants wouldn’t be able to observe anything crucial . . . unless they came closer, that is.

“Shhhh,” he soothed. “No one will be able to see.”

Her protest died on her tongue when he drew his underwear down over his cock where it’d been trapped along his left thigh. It flicked up at being liberated from the fabric as though it were a living creature. Sophie just stared, awestruck into silence when Thomas encircled the tumescent flesh with his hand, settling it on his belly, before he leaned back in the hammock again.


She realized she’d been gawking at him like she’d never seen his beautiful cock before—like she’d never seen a man
. Something about Thomas made everything about the experience somehow new . . . amazing, even, Sophie realized as she reached for the throbbing column that lay between them, the stark evidence of his male desire manifested into flesh. Perhaps it was the novel setting, the way dapples of golden sunlight filtering through the trees flickered across his cock like a magical dance.

Or maybe it was his expression when she glanced up and caught him watching her face while she stroked him.

“Come here, Sophie,” he rasped.

Her tongue slicked her lower lip and she glanced out at the lake furtively before she shifted her hips, her opened vagina settling on the root of his cock.

“Don’t worry about anyone seeing,” Thomas murmured as he drew her down to him again with his hand on her shoulders. “Even if they did understand what was going on, they’d only be glimpsing something beautiful.”

He seized her mouth with his own, his kiss scorching her when his former ones had stoked her fires so deliberately, so carefully. It felt like the equivalent of suddenly submerging her entire body in hot water, his embrace was so encompassing. She became mindless with sexual hunger, molding his upper lip between her own, gently biting his lower one, tangling her tongue with his. And all the while, the inevitable ache grew in her until it became a pain.

She flexed her hips, rubbing her cloth-covered sex over his rigid erection, stroking him like a feline in heat. Thomas groaned, deep and guttural, and nipped at her mouth.

“Reach into my back pocket.”

She panted softly. Her body had transformed into a conduit of pure desire. Sexual electricity zinged through her flesh. She sat up dazedly, her eyes glued to Thomas’s face as her hands moved behind his thighs, trying to locate his wallet.

“In the pocket of the right fold,” he instructed when she found the supple brown leather holder and opened it with trembling fingers.

“Put it on,” Thomas rasped a few seconds later when she withdrew a condom.

Sophie swallowed thickly and tore the package. Thomas encircled her wrist when she reached for his cock. She glanced up, her eyes going wide when she saw the feral gleam in his eyes.

“I want you to put it on. But I
want it, too. I want to mark you, Sophie. I want my scent all over you. I want to fill you up with my come.”

Liquid warmth bubbled from her slit as a myriad of illicit images and sensations sprung into her mind: Thomas’s semen on her skin, on her lips . . . deep inside her womb. She thought of having him in her naked. She thought of telling him that she took birth control, but she didn’t, of course; couldn’t allow herself to be so foolish, so wild, so impulsive. But what he’d said perfectly paralleled her own desires. Without thinking, she ground her pussy against a hard thigh to ease the sharp pang of lust that went through her at the thought of having his steely flesh kiss her deepest reaches, of having his warm seed bathe her womb.

He noticed her arousal. His small smile was a caress of mutual understanding.

“Go on,” he encouraged quietly as he released her wrist.

Her hands shook as she held his firm penis and carefully rolled the condom onto his length. His girth stretched the prophylactic tight. She already knew from experience with him that the rubber wouldn’t reach all the way to the base of the staff. When she’d sheathed him, she fisted the cock head just below the rim and pumped him.

He hissed, taut and low, and reached for her hips.

“Come here,” he demanded through a snarl.

His hands swept behind her back and he pushed her down to him. He leaned up to capture her mouth in a pillaging kiss. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and rocked her against his straining erection, making Sophie moan feverishly into his mouth. She flexed her hips, riding the ridge of his cock, bearing down until she got just the right pressure on her needy clit.

He broke their kiss abruptly and lowered his hands to her thighs, sliding his fingers beneath the fabric of her dress. She continued to grind her pussy against his cock, mindless with lust. He grabbed both her ass cheeks possessively before he transferred both hands to one skimpy side of her panties. Her eyelids snapped open when he tugged and she felt the rip of the fabric. She met his glittering gaze as he ripped the other side of her panties and grabbed the material from the back, yanking it away from her body.

Sophie’s cheeks and her clit seemed to burn in unison.

He reached between their bodies for his cock. When Sophie realized she’d have to sit up to receive his length, her glance went skittishly back to the lake. But Thomas moved one hand to her upper back, keeping her body pressed down to his.

“Just lift your hips and I’ll try to work it in,” he muttered roughly.


He raised her hips and they shifted their bodies, both of them panting in tense anticipation. Sophie’s scalding cheek fell to the cool mesh rope just above Thomas’s head. She cried out in excitement at the sensation of him pushing his cock against her slit. When he’d fixed the steely head in her pussy, he lifted her dress to her waist and transferred his hands to her hips.

Sophie’s face lowered down over his as he slowly impaled her. His mouth twisted, as though he were in pain, in an otherwise rigid face. Sophie shook as he carved his way into her flesh until he throbbed inside her . . . hot, vibrant, and volatile.

He shut his eyes suddenly as a shudder went through him. He spread his hands over her ass and began to slide her up and down his cock, several inches out, several inches in . . . just enough to make her gasp loudly and drop her forehead to his, overcome by naked need. His breath struck her opened lips in choppy puffs, their mouths less than a half inch apart. He leaned up as he continued to thrust his cock in and out of her pussy, not really kissing her, just rubbing their sensitive lips together until Sophie couldn’t take the delicious pressure a second longer.

She delved her fingers into his hair and dragged his lower lip between her teeth. She dipped her hips again and again, frantically, increasing the depth and tempo of their fuck, crazed by the sensation of his cock filling her and firing her from the inside out. Her tongue sank into his mouth and she consumed him, flinging herself with abandon into the white-hot core of her desire.

She made a sound of protest into Thomas’s mouth when he held her down in his lap a moment later. She struggled to resume her wild possession, wriggling her hips to get friction and seeking his lips hungrily when he twisted his chin slightly, breaking their kiss.

“Slow down, Sophie,” he muttered gruffly. His cock lurched inside her when she continued to pluck at his lips, coaxing him back to her. She started and hopped back from him a few inches when he swatted her bottom hard enough to sting. Her eyes widened in amazement when the tingle faded to a delicious burn that transferred via some magical pathway to her clit.

His eyelids narrowed slightly as he studied her reaction. His hand gently rubbed the hot flesh where he’d spanked her. “I only had one more condom in my wallet,” he told her in a tight, low voice. “I’m about to explode with all that writhing and hopping around you’re doing. Could you please slow down? It feels too good. I want it to last longer than two minutes.”

She inhaled shakily at the sight of his wry half-smile. She nodded.

“Thanks,” he murmured, still stroking her ass. “Sit up for a second.”

They both grimaced in pleasure when she slowly raised herself, altering the angle of his embedded cock in her body. For a few seconds, she remained with her hands on his chest, panting. She felt so filled with Thomas, so combustible.

“It’s hot, isn’t it?” Thomas asked quietly, his gaze flickering over her face and chest, which like his, were covered in a thin layer of perspiration. “Lower your dress. I want to see your breasts.”

“Thomas,” she hissed warningly, glancing out at the shimmering lake. He turned his head and squinted as he examined the shore through the mesh rope of the hammock. There wasn’t a boat in sight, but that didn’t mean there wouldn’t be in ten seconds’ time.

The hand that had spanked her ass, still lingered in a caress transferred to her hip. Sophie inhaled sharply when he reached with his thumb. She trembled as she stared down at him and he drew tiny little circles between the slippery folds of her labia, zeroing in on her clit. He watched her, his eyes narrow slits of glittering green beneath his heavy eyelids. When her mouth just hung open, not a sound issuing from her frozen vocal cords, he knew he’d found his target.

“Lower your dress, Sophie.”

Her breath popped out of her lungs. Her hips made subtle little bucking motions against his finger, but he stilled her by holding her firmly down in his lap.

“Do as I say,” he murmured, not unkindly.

Perhaps he saw the hesitancy in her eyes, because he added, “What would be so terrible about someone seeing from a distance while I was making love to you, Sophie? You’re the last person on this planet who should be ashamed. You’re beautiful. I’m not ashamed of how much I want you. Are you ashamed of wanting me?”

,” she whispered honestly. Shame wasn’t an unfamiliar emotion to Sophie, although she hadn’t fully realized until that moment just how much it was part of the air she breathed, never noticing the toxicity of the emotion because she’d never experienced its absence. She felt shame for a body that sent all the wrong messages to other people, a shame that caused her to cloak not only her sexuality, but the vibrancy that accompanied her sexual nature.

But how could she possibly feel anything but pride that she was able to turn Thomas Nicasio’s eyes into concentrated flames of desire?

He stilled his magical thumb as she reached for the tie of the halter at her neck. His nostrils flared when she lowered the fabric over her bare breasts. The warm, humid air tickled at her exposed nipples, making them itch to be touched. She murmured incoherently in longing when his cock surged deep inside her flesh, her cry increasing in volume when he resumed stimulating her clit with his thumb.

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