Explorers of the Nile: The Triumph and Tragedy of a Great Victorian Adventure (66 page)

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Authors: Tim Jeal

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Rhodes House, Oxford

Letters of David Livingstone to Horace Waller, including one describing Speke’s funeral. A 17-page letter about Stanley from Horace Waller to Livingstone, and other correspondence about Kirk and Stanley; also correspondence of the Anti-Slavery Society connected with East Africa and the Congo. The original proofs of
Livingstone’s Last Journeys in Central Africa,
containing many passages later excised by Horace Waller, the editor. The diaries of Edward and Frank Pocock – the only written records apart from Stanley’s diaries and despatches of his great trans-Africa journey of 1874-77,.

David Livingstone Centre, Blantyre, Scotland

Miscellaneous Livingstone diaries and journals, including his Unyanyembe Journal, and the field notebooks from which Horace Waller assembled
The Last Journals of David Livingstone in Central Africa.
Also an ms copy of
Missionary Travels.

Peter and Geoffrey Speke’s Collection, Ilminster, Somerset

Oil portraits, including the famous double portrait with Grant; Speke’s guns, and some correspondence; also Speke’s copy of
What Led to the Discovery of the Source of the Nile
with the added ‘Tail’ (this book is currently kept in London).

Wellcome Library, Euston Road, London

Diaries of John Petherick and Harriet E. Petherick shedding new light on John Petherick’s bitter dispute with Speke. Letters written by Baker and Livingstone. Papers of Henry S. Wellcome (the pharmaceutical tycoon) and friend of Stanley and his wife, containing letters from them both, and from William Hoffman and A. J. Mountney Jephson.

Public Record Office, Kew

Correspondence between the principal explorers and British Premiers, Foreign Secretaries, officials in the Foreign and Colonial Offices. The opinion of Lord Palmerston on the achievements of Speke and Grant PRO 30/22, Palmerston’s opinion of DL’s colonial ideas PRO 30/22. DL’s correspondence with Lord Clarendon FO 84/1265 and with Lord John Russell FO 63/81. Speke’s Will PRO I.R. 59/68

National Archives of Zimbabwe

Letters from Livingstone to Sir Thomas Maclear and Sir Roderick Murchison; also DL’s letters to FO, Dr John Kirk, Charles Livingstone; James Stewart’s journals, and papers concerning the Zambezi Expedition.

Sanford Museum, Sanford, Florida

The papers of Henry S. Sanford: 48 letters from Stanley, from Leopold II’s personal secretary, Count Borchgrave, from various ministers, from Sir William Mackinnon, A. B. Swinburne and E. J. Glave.

Diplomatic Archive and Africa Archive, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brussels

Nine alleged copies, in a secretarial hand, of treaties with Congolese chiefs purporting to be verbatim transcripts of vanished originals signed by Stanley. One original treaty bears Stanley’s signature and is dated Vivi 13.06.1880.



(published books; also articles in learned journals mentioned in the notes)

Ajayi, J. F. Ade
Africa in the Nineteenth Century until the 1880s
(1998) Anstruther, Ian
I Presume: H. M. Stanley’s Triumph and Disaster
(1956) Ascherson, Neal
The King Incorporated

Atkinson, R. R.
The Roots of Ethnicity: The Origins of the Acholi and Uganda before 1800
Baker, Anne
Morning Star: Florence Baker’s Diary of the Expedition to Put Down the Slave Trade on the Nile 1870–1873
Baker, J. N. L. ‘John Hanning Speke’
Geographical Journal
CXXVIII (1962)
Baker, S. W.
The Albert N’yanza: Great Basin of the Nile and Explorations of the Nile Sources
2 vols (1874)
——Ismailia: A Narrative of the Expedition to Central Africa for the Suppression of the Slave Trade
2 vols (1874)
Barttelot, W. G.
The Life of Edmund Musgrave Barttelot
Beachey, R. ‘The Arms Trade in East Africa in the late 19th century’
Journal of African History
iii 3 (1962)
Beachey, R.
The Slave Trade of Eastern Africa
Beard, Peter
The End of the Game
Bell, H. H. J.
Glimpse of a Governor’s Life
Bennett, Norman R.
Arab versus European: Diplomacy and War in Nineteenth Century East Central Africa
——A History of the Arab State of Zanzibar
——Mirambo of Tanzania
Stanley’s Despatches to the New York Herald 1871–1872, 1874–1877
Bere, R. M. ‘Land and Chieftainship among the Acholi’
Ganda Journal
19 (1955)
Berman, Bruce and Lonsdale, John
Unhappy Valley: Conflict in Kenya and Africa
Bierman, John
Dark Safari: The Life behind the Legend of Henry Morton Stanley
Birmingham, D. and Martin, P. M. eds
History of Central Africa
vol. 2 (1983)
Blaikie, W. G.
The Personal Life of David Livingstone
Blake, G. H. ed.
Imperial Boundary Making: The Diary of Captain Kelly and the Sudan–Uganda Boundary Commission of 1913
Blixen, K.
Out of Africa
(1954 edn)
Brendon, Piers
The Decline and Fall of the British Empire 1781–1997
Bridges, R. C. ‘John Hanning Speke and the Royal Geographical Society’
Uganda Journal
26 (1962)
Brode, H.
Tippu Tip
Brodie, Fawn
The Devil Drives: A Life of Sir Richard Burton
Bryaruhanga, Christopher
Bishop Alfred Robert Tucker and the Establishment of the Anglican Church
Burton, Isabel
The Life of Captain Sir Richard F. Burton
2 vols (1893)
Burton, Richard F.
First Footsteps in East Africa; or, An Exploration of Harar
2 vols (1856)
——The Lake Regions of Central Africa
2 vols (1860) Narrative Press Edition (2001)
——Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah
2 vols (1856)
——Zanzibar: City, Island and Coast
2 vols (1872)
Burton, Richard F. and M’Queen, James
The Nile Basin
Cairns, A. C.
Prelude to Imperialism: British Reactions to Central African Society 1840–1890
Cameron, Verney L.
Across Africa
2 vols (1877)
Carnochan, W. B.
The Sad Story of Burton, Speke, and the Nile; or, Was John Hanning Speke a Cad?
Carr-Gomm, Richard
All Things Considered
——Push on the Door
Casati, Gaetano
Ten Years in Equatoria and the Return with Emin Pasha
2 vols (1891)
Catania, Charles
Andrea De Bono: Maltese Explorer of the Nile
Chadwick, O.
Mackenzie’s Grave
Chaille-Long, C.
Central Africa
Chavannes, P. de
Avec Brazza: Souvenirs de la Mission de l’Ouest Africain
Churchill, Winston
The River War: An Historical Account of the Reconquest of the Soudan
2 vols (1899)
Cockett, Richard
Sudan: Darfur and the Failure of an African State
Collins, Robert O.
King Leopold, England and the Upper Nile
——Land Beyond the Rivers 1898–1918
——The Nile
——Shadows in the Grass: Britain in the Southern Sudan 1918–1956
Collins, R. O. and Deng, F. M. eds
The British in the Sudan 1898–1956
Colville, H. E.
The Land of the Nile Springs
Coupland, R.
The Exploitation of East Africa 1856–1890: The Slave Trade and the Scramble
——Livingstone’s Last Journey
Crone, G. R.
The Sources of the Nile: Explorers’ Maps 1856–1891
Crowe, S. E.
The Berlin West Africa Conference 1884–85
Daly, W. M.
Darfur’s Sorrow: A History of Destruction and Genocide
——Empire on the Nile
Dawson, E. C.
James Hannington: First Bishop of East Equatorial Africa
Debenham, F.
The Way to Ilala: David Livingstone’s Pilgrimage
Dowden, Richard
Africa: Altered States, Ordinary Miracles
Driberg, J. H.
People of the Small Arrow
Driver, F. ‘Henry Morton Stanley and his Critics: Geography, Exploration and Empire’
Past and Present
Nov 1991
Duigan, P. J. and Gann, L. H.
Burden of Empire
——Colonialism in Africa 1870–1960
3 vols (1970–1971).
Dunbar, A. R.
Omukama Chwa II Kabarega
Emerson, Barbara
Leopold II of the Belgians: King of Colonialism
Farwell, Byron
The Man who Presumed
——Burton: A Biography of Sir Richard Francis Burton
——Queen Victoria’s Little Wars
Fisher, A. B.
Twilight Tales of the Black Baganda
Forrest, D. W.
Francis Galton, the Life and Work of a Victorian Genius
Foskett, Reginald ed.
The Zambesi Doctors: David Livingstone’s Letters to John Kirk 1858–1872
——The Zambesi Journal and Letters of Dr John Kirk 1858–1863
2 vols (1965)
Fox-Bourne W. R.
The Other Side of the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition
Fraser, A. Z.
Livingstone and Newstead
Fry, Joseph A.
Henry S. Sanford: Diplomacy and Business in Nineteenth Century America
Galbraith, J. S.
Mackinnon and East Africa 1878–1895
Galton, Francis
Memories of My Life
Gann, L. H. and Duignan, P.
Burden of Empire: An Appraisal of Colonialism in Africa
Geikie, A.
Life of Sir Roderick Murchison
2 vols (1875)
Gifford, P. and Louis, W. R.
Britain and Germany in Africa
(1967) see chapter by Jean Stengers ‘King Leopold and Anglo-French Rivalry 1882–84’; also in same volume R. O. Collins ‘Origins of the Nile Struggle: Anglo-German Negotiations and the Mackinnon Agreement of 1890’

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