Everything Nice (3 page)

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Authors: Mari Carr

BOOK: Everything Nice
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“I…I can’t go home.” She turned and looked at Charlie, ignoring him. Alex knew she wasn’t quite sure what to make of him and he suspected deep down she preferred Charlie to him. “Please, Anderson. I c-can’t go home.”

“Why not?” his friend asked.

She looked down at the ground.

“Allie, why not?”
He repeated Charlie’s question, concern and worry overwhelming him.

Tears sprung to her eyes and angry, pain-laced words flew from her in such a rush, he struggled to understand her. “I can’t watch it anymore! God, I’m not strong like Ginny. I never have been. I can’t watch my mother die! I can’t stay in that house and hear her crying from the pain or throwing up because of that fucking chemotherapy. I can’t watch my dad and Ginny act like she’s getting better when I know she’s not!”

She turned away from them for a moment and Alex could see her shoulders shaking as she tried to choke back the sobs building in her slight frame.

When she turned back around, the previous pain in her gaze had been replaced with unadulterated rage. “She’s fucking
! I know it! They think I’m a goddamn kid and that I can’t figure out the truth! They whisper about her diagnosis and shut up every time I come in the room. Do they think I’m stupid? Do they think I can’t

Alex felt her words in his gut. In their attempts to protect Allie—the baby—her family had left her alone, confused and forced to draw her own conclusions about her mother’s illness.

“Allie,” Charlie whispered. “She’s not dying. Your mom is fighting the cancer and she has a good chance, a
good chance of beating it.”

“God, Anderson. Stop lying to me! I can’t stand this anymore. I just want somebody to tell me the fucking truth!”

Charlie started to respond but Alex moved forward first. He reached out and gripped her shoulders, shaking her. “Anderson’s not lying. Your mom
fighting—hard. Just today the doctor said the treatment is working. There’s a good chance her cancer will go into remission. I’m sorry they’ve been hiding things from you, but I wouldn’t lie to you—ever. You know that.”

She didn’t fight his grip and looked at him closely. He suspected she was trying to read the veracity of his words in his face.

She’s not dying?”

He smiled and shook his head. “Like mother, like daughter. Both of you are too headstrong and stubborn to ever give in to anyone

She smiled at his comment before gasping back a relieved sob and looking at Charlie. “Swear to me. Swear he isn’t lying to me.”

Charlie moved forward and took her cheeks in his hands, holding her face gently in his grasp. “I would never
to you, Allie, and neither would Taylor. Your mom’s a fighter, just like you. She’ll beat this, I know it.”

Charlie pulled her forward and placed a soft kiss on her forehead and the image of it knocked Alex back a step. He struggled with the sudden awareness that there was something innately different about this girl, something special that he couldn’t quite put his finger on.


Now as she followed them down the hall, Alex knew exactly what it was.
Had known for some time.
She was
woman. She belonged to him and Charlie and all he had to do was convince them both to take a chance on what he’d felt in his heart for years.

“Wow,” Allie breathed when they walked into Alex’s bathroom. He grinned at her response.

He’d created the space with the three of them in mind. There was a large, open walk-in shower that filled nearly half the room with not just two showerheads but three. There were benches in all four corners and plenty of room for the three lovers to experiment. On the other side of the room was an oversized Jacuzzi tub and along the center wall were double sinks, above which hung a huge mirror and recessed lighting.

“I think I’d like to take back my previous comments about the extravagance of your bathroom,” Charlie said with a crooked grin.

“Oh so now you get it,” Alex teased as he recalled Charlie trying to convince him when they were building the house that such a bathroom was a waste of money.

Allie giggled and hastily began to strip off her clothing. “You’d both be getting it if you’d hurry up and undress.”

Her words hit their mark as Alex quickly unbuttoned and pulled off his shirt. He wondered if they’d ever be able to approach the act of lovemaking without dashing through everything. He knew they should be building up the anticipation of the moment, undressing each other, tantalizing and teasing, but he couldn’t see past the unleashed need that was clawing away at him, demanding that he take her now.

Once he’d shed the rest of his clothing, he stepped into the shower and turned on the water, adjusting the heat level until steam began to rise. Turning, he saw that Charlie and Allie were also naked and his friend was kissing her as if his life depended on it. Alex stood beneath the jets of water for several moments, watching as Charlie’s hands worshipped Allie’s body and his lips paid homage to her mouth, her cheeks, her ears.

One drunken night, Charlie had cried about Allie’s leaving. He knew his friend, too far gone at the time, didn’t recall the conversation. But it had torn Alex apart to know how deeply Charlie had been hurt by Allie’s departure—and to realize that it had been
words, his desires that had driven her away.

Shaking away the unsavory memory, Alex reached out to pull the couple into the shower. “Too much more of that and we’re going to run out of hot water before you two ever make it in here.”

Allie smiled and took his outstretched hand, letting him lead her under the pulsing jets. “Oh,” she sighed. “That feels wonderful.”

Charlie joined them, moving to stand behind Allie as Alex took his turn with her lovely lips. Alex felt Charlie’s hands caressing her body and every now and then his fingers, his knuckles, would brush against Alex’s chest. He tried to still the overwhelming impact Charlie’s accidental touches fired in his body.

Allie pulled back from the kiss to look at him and Alex was amazed to see total understanding and compassion in her gaze. “Soon,” she breathed against his mouth as she drew him back into her kisses.

Chapter Three


Allie reached for the bottle of shower gel sitting on a ledge and marveled over the fact she was truly here with Alex and Charlie. Over the years she’d thought of them almost obsessively. Worried she’d made the wrong choice by leaving. Fearful she’d thrown away her one chance at happiness with them.

Jim used to tease her constantly about her fantasies and she grinned as she considered the fact that only her boss would think her regrets funny. Jim was constantly amused by her remorse over losing out on the opportunity to explore a committed ménage. She’d fallen into depression and threatened to come home more than a few times during the past six years, but every time Jim would whisk her off to Italy or Switzerland or someplace where the scenery would leave her breathless, convincing her that she wasn’t ready, that it was too soon. And he never failed to prove his point that she’d made the right decision.

She’d needed to find herself and now, as she stood between them, Alex and Charlie engulfing her with their strong, sexy bodies, she knew she was offering them a whole woman, one with no regrets or unfulfilled dreams.

Well, other than the one I’m experiencing at the moment
. She giggled lightly at the thought.

“What’s so funny?” Charlie whispered in her ear, nipping at the lobe while pinching her nipples so firmly she dropped the bottle of shower gel.

She moaned at the intensity of his touches and instantly forgot his question.

Alex ran his hands over her hips, pulling her closer to him. His erection brushed against her stomach as he bent down to kiss her lips before murmuring against them, “You didn’t answer Charlie’s question.” His hands drifted to her pussy and his fingers toyed with her clit.

She sucked in an excited breath.
What was his question?”

Charlie chuckled. “You were smiling, laughing. Why?”

She looked over her shoulder at the face of her teenage crush and giggled again. “I’m just so happy. It sort of keeps slipping out.”

Charlie smiled widely at her words. “Oh I like that. I think we’re going to have to see if we can squeeze more of those giggles out.” As he spoke, he roughly pinched her nipples as Alex drove a finger into her drenched opening. She gasped loudly at the overwhelming impact of both men touching her, teasing her, driving her too quickly to orgasm. She’d barely recovered from the one in the truck and yet she suspected she’d be screaming in seconds.

Alex pulled his finger out, only to return with another. “I like the giggles,” he said as he thrust roughly inside her several times. She reached for his shoulders, clinging to them for support as her climax started. Charlie pinched her nipples again and she screamed, her body shuddering as she fell headfirst into the powerful orgasm.

For several moments none of them moved as the hot jets of water pounded against their bodies. Allie struggled and gasped to fill her lungs with air, besieged by the glorious sensations attacking her body. Her skin suddenly felt too sensitive, too cognizant of every drop of water, every brush of their rough fingers,
hot breath from their lips.

“I like the giggles,” Alex repeated, rousing her from her sex-induced stupor. “But I love the screams more.”

“Oh yeah,” Charlie agreed. “I think maybe I would rather hear a few more of those tonight.”

“Tonight?” she asked weakly, trying to work up the energy to be offended when both men laughed.

“We’re not finished yet, Allie. Nowhere near, in fact.” Alex cupped her cheeks and kissed her, lightly, softly, and yet it was enough to set her overheated body on fire again.

“I think you lost something,” Charlie said as he bent down to retrieve the shower gel she’d dropped earlier. She took it from him and struggled to force strength into her still-trembling limbs. She poured some of the sweet-smelling soap into her palm and reached over to rub the lather onto Alex’s chest while Charlie continued to stroke her breasts from behind.

Never in her wildest dreams would she have imagined the beauty, the intensity of being so close to these two men. They’d starred in all her young woman fantasies, but now she feared her heart would burst at the excitement of having them both so near, touching her, loving her.

Alex bent down and placed another seductive kiss on her lips and she melted at the contact. Charlie’s arms tightened around her and she wondered how much of her weight her legs were supporting and how much Charlie was. His strength mesmerized her and her body’s fluids ran rampant down her leg.

She turned slowly, pouring out more of the gel, using it to lather Charlie’s chest as well. While Alex’s upper body was completely bare, Charlie had a light dusting of soft hair around his rock-hard
. She ran her fingers through it as she massaged the gel into his skin. Alex used the lather on his torso to soap up her back, moving his body slowly back and forth against hers as his cock nestled between the
of her ass.

She shook her head slightly, willing herself to remain cognizant, in control. She refused to take another moment’s pleasure from them without returning a bit of it. They’d been so attentive, so amazingly sexy.

For the third time she added more gel to her hand, reaching down to use the soap on Charlie’s thick member. He hissed at her touch and she felt Alex stop moving. She could feel his gaze on her hand as she lightly caressed Charlie’s cock. Charlie’s eyes had drifted closed when she’d gripped him and Allie could feel the tension in Alex’s body grow as she slicked her fist up and down.

She knew Alex’s feelings toward Charlie hadn’t changed and she’d wondered several times since she’d returned home if the men had succumbed to them. After all, they had built a house together. It was her conversations with Ginny that had convinced her Alex hadn’t confessed his feelings to his best friend, and she couldn’t begin to fathom how he’d hidden his love for so long.

She’d thought long and hard about Alex’s comments by the bonfire over the past few years and she knew, deep in her heart, that she wanted Charlie
Alex. She could understand and sympathize with Alex’s desires, his needs—because she shared them. Right or wrong, she didn’t have a doubt she could give her heart and soul to both these men in an instant.

Turning her head slightly, she watched Alex’s eyes follow the movement of her hand and a delightfully sinful idea crossed her mind. It might be too soon, but she worried there was also such a thing as too late. She deliberately lightened her grip, softened her strokes.

Charlie’s eyes drifted open and she saw a touch of confusion in the depths of his lovely blue orbs. She’d obviously proven in the truck that she knew how to do this the right way.

“Am I doing it wrong?” the devil prompted her to ask with an innocent whisper.

“Harder,” Charlie answered, his hands on her hips, gripping her tightly. “You don’t have to be afraid you’ll hurt me.”

She tightened her grip, but this time only moved a couple of inches along his shaft, never touching the top or bottom, merely massaging the middle. She could sense both men’s frustrations growing.

“Show me,” she whispered to Alex. Charlie’s body stiffened at her words—but Allie couldn’t help noticing his cock did too.

“Allie,” Alex breathed against her cheek. She knew he meant to refuse her, so she halted his words, instead reaching for his hand and placing it atop hers on Charlie’s cock.

Both men sucked in a breath at the contact, even though Alex wasn’t actually touching Charlie, but rather resting his hand on top of hers.

She looked at Alex and softly repeated her request. “Show me how.” As she spoke, she smiled and watched Alex return it. He bent down to press a soft kiss on her cheek then turned his gaze to their clasped hands.

“Harder,” he
his voice so gruff with emotion he had to clear his throat. “Like this.” He tightened his grip on her hand and Charlie moaned. “And you need to move your hand all the way along his shaft. Like this.” He moved their hands, Allie’s still slick with gel, from the base of Charlie’s cock to the tip. Up and down they moved as Charlie closed his eyes and groaned.

“Jesus, that feels good,” he said as Allie and Alex continued their rough, loving caresses. On one upward move, Alex ran his finger along the tip of Charlie’s cock, playing with the slit, rubbing in the pre-cum he found there for only a second or two.

Allie suspected he’d forgotten himself for a moment because when Charlie’s eyes flew open and landed on his, Alex stopped, his finger still poised over the tip. They all stood motionless for seemingly endless moments.

Anxious to keep things moving in a forward motion, Allie repeated Alex’s touch and Charlie sucked in a breath. “Like that?” she asked, as if Alex had been sharing another secret of the male anatomy.

She felt rather than saw Alex nodding behind her. Charlie’s gaze never left Alex’s and she worried that she’d gone too far, too fast in pushing for this. Refusing to lose any ground, she reached back and cupped Alex’s balls with her free hand while forcing Alex to continue his lesson on Charlie. Both men moved at her touch and Charlie chuckled. The tension of the moment seemed to pass.

“Ever get the feeling she’s trying to play the top?” Charlie asked.

Allie was perfectly familiar with the term and started to inform him that she wasn’t merely playing. Unfortunately, Alex answered first.

“We’ll soon have that little flaw in her character corrected.” He replied with such cockiness Allie couldn’t resist giving his balls an extra-hard squeeze. Alex hissed and gripped her wrist firmly. “Easy with the crown jewels, hellion,” he warned.

“Easy with the caveman comments, Alex Taylor.
Seems to me there are plenty of roles to go around in this little trio of ours.”

Charlie grinned at her words, his hands drifting from her hips to her waist. “Can we divvy up the parts after this shower? My cock is about to explode.”

Alex looked at his friend guiltily and Allie felt him pull her hand along Charlie’s cock again. The force of his movement and tight grip stunned her and she thought for sure they must be hurting Charlie. She glanced up, concerned, until she realized he was about to come. Rather than pain, she saw complete concentration and bliss as he began to thrust into their joined hands.

“Fuck, I’m coming!” Charlie muttered as his cock erupted, his semen shooting out. Alex never loosened their shared grip and directed the jets of his friend’s seed so that it landed on Allie’s stomach.

“Holy shit!”
Charlie exclaimed as he opened his eyes. He watched as Alex rubbed his semen into her skin. “Christ, man.”

Alex laughed and Allie was overwhelmed by the sound of pure joy in it. He’d given them both so much, but the brush of his thick, hard shaft against her back reminded her that he hadn’t found his own pleasure.

She turned quickly, catching the surprise in Alex’s face as she went to her knees and engulfed the head of his cock in her mouth.

, Allie,” he breathed out as she slowly worked her way down his hard flesh. He was thicker than any man she’d ever seen and she wondered if perhaps she hadn’t bitten off more than she could chew…literally. Charlie’s hands drifted to her shoulders and she wished she could see what was going on above her head. Practically kneeling between Alex’s legs, with Charlie snug behind her, Allie knew the men were positioned close to each other—perhaps uncomfortably so—and she wondered how Charlie was reacting to that fact.

“Think I owe you one,” she heard Charlie mutter before he knelt down next to her. Her mind reeled as Alex’s hands found their way to her hair, gripping tightly. She could sense a slight tremble in his fingers and had no doubt he was amazed by his friend’s actions as well. Charlie’s face was next to hers and she heard his voice in her ear.

“Try to loosen your jaw, Allie-cat. He’s big, but you can take him in.”

She tried to follow Charlie’s commands. She knew how to open her throat, how to swallow a man’s cock, but part of her was worried about accomplishing the feat with Alex’s wide girth—and Charlie watching so closely.

Charlie’s hand drifted down her stomach and she felt his
touch against her clit. “Follow my directions and you’ll be rewarded,” he prompted, rubbing her clit more firmly. She gasped at the touch and felt a bit more of Alex’s cock glide into her mouth.

“Good girl,” Charlie muttered. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see him glance up at Alex.
“Seems our lady just needs the proper motivation.”

Allie started to pull back to tell Charlie Anderson just where he and his motivation could get off, but Alex’s grip on her head held her in place.

,” Alex soothed. “You can kick his ass later,” he joked. “Right now I need you to suck my cock.”

Allie remembered how much Alex had given her and moved forward again, taking another inch into her mouth. As promised, Charlie rubbed her clit hard, the touch divine.

She started to work Alex’s cock in earnest, his hands on her head and Charlie’s directions guiding her through the hottest blowjob she’d ever given. She was dripping wet, but all she wanted was Alex’s come. She wanted to give him an earth-shattering orgasm like the ones he’d rocked her world with tonight. Surprisingly, she suspected she was going to be sharing in what she’d intended to be a gift for him.

Charlie’s fingers continued to tease, tantalize, tempt and taunt her clit until she felt as if her heart would burst at the impact of so many sensations pummeling her at once. The taste of Alex’s arousal, the sound of Charlie’s mesmerizing voice in her ear and the feel of his hands on her body, the image of these two men loving her, loving each other even if they didn’t realize it yet, surrounded her.

She heard Alex’s moan begin deep in his chest and she engulfed him in her throat one last time as he erupted. She drank him down, feeling a twinge of regret when he pulled free. Her feeling of loss, of emptiness, lasted only until Charlie drove three fingers into her weeping pussy. She climaxed immediately, screaming in ecstasy at the unexpected touch.

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