The Sister Code (D.O.R.K #2)

BOOK: The Sister Code (D.O.R.K #2)
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The Sister Code


D.O.R.K. Series, Book Two



By Haley Allison



The Sister Code


Copyright © 2016 by Haley Allison.

All rights reserved.

First Print Edition: August 2016



Limitless Publishing, LLC

Kailua, HI 96734


Formatting: Limitless Publishing


ISBN-13: 978-1-68058-744-9

ISBN-10: 1-68058-744-7


No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.




To all my sisters…

Especially AJ, my only sister by blood. Thank you for all the good times. For being my crazy lunatic BSF—Best Sister Forever—and not anything like Raven




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Chapter 1



I set my laptop down on the table beside my window and lean down to plug the power cable into the wall. Behind the crisp, embroidered beige curtains, I can still hear the reporters’ clamor drifting up fifteen stories from the front side of the hotel. Pulling the sheer inner curtain aside, I gaze down at the paved area in front of the hotel where the paparazzi are gathered around. I chuckle at the irony of my spying on the paparazzi—since they never seem to stop spying on and stalking us—and shake my head at their dogged persistence. I have to give it to them—they’ve all done their jobs well since Dad, Cass, Jess, Raven, and I arrived in New York City. A little too well.

I shift into a comfortable position atop my cushioned chair, press the power button, and watch my laptop come to life, smiling at the piece of outdated technology I can’t seem to bring myself to get rid of. I wrote my first lyrics on this laptop. I penned my first private blog post. I found out a lot about myself, my family, and our past, which everyone in the entire world seemed to know about before me.

I open the blogging site and gently crack my knuckles before plunging into my usual round of word vomit. Thank God I’m the only one who can see this diary. If this blog ever became public somehow, I’d hate to think what would happen.




July 30, 2015

The Aftermath

The shockwave that resulted from coming forward with Jess and Raven surprised even me. We’ve become the biggest entertainment news story to hit the U.S. since…well, ever. The paparazzi are beating down our gates as we speak. Luckily, security at the Flintlock Hotel in NYC knows how to handle stars in their midst. Jess hired bodyguards for all of us this week, so we’ve got that protection when we go out in public, plus my Papa Bear is going to be trailing me everywhere, even when I go out with Raven tomorrow.




Right at that moment, a knock sounds at the door of my lush hotel bedroom.

“Come in!” I call out.

Dad peeks his head through the doorway. “You doin’ okay?”

I sigh and humor him with a smile, an ironic head tilt, and a thumbs-up. He’s asked that question at least ten times since we came in from the airport.

“Fine, Dad. Thanks for asking. I’ll be out in a little bit.”

He flashes me a smile and a nod, creeps back out, and closes the door gently behind him.

I turn back to the laptop to re-read what I just wrote.

Where was I? Oh yeah…




Dad, Cass, and I flew to New York in Jess’s private jet at her insistence. On the way here, Raven sat next to me and laid out our plan for this press tour. She somehow talked me into getting a makeover with her tomorrow so that we’ll look more alike. I mean, I guess it makes sense, since we’re identical twins. If we want to be the biggest twins in entertainment news, we’re going to have to play every card in the deck.

That’s the plan, by the way. Raven explained everything to me in detail on the jet. We’re going to play on the emotions behind the twin bond to get everyone to fall in love with us. Then we’re going to use our new status as the hottest twins in Hollywood to our greatest advantage. What she gets out of this, I’m not sure, since she’s not currently looking for acting jobs, but she told me exactly what I’ll get: a first-class ticket to the top of the L.A. music scene.

I’m not very excited about losing my beloved blue streaks, but I know it’s not forever. The only reason I’m even playing along with her game is because I figure the more publicity I get, the better. My only goal in life is to be a rock star. Being one of the Redinger-Daley Twins—as they’ve already labeled us—is a surefire way to make sure everyone knows my name and is curious about me. It’s a classic “ends justify the means” scenario.

I guess there’s another reason…she is my sister. I don’t know if she’s worthy of my trust, but she’s the only twin sister I’m ever going to have. I have to at least give her a chance. If this is what she wants from me, so be it. It’s not like it will kill me to sit through some interviews and look pretty.

Speaking of which, I have a plan of action for the press tour this week. People are curious about me, so I’m going to tell them everything they want to know as long as it’s not damning information. My plan is to keep these interviews light, cheerful, and drama-free. They’re all probably looking for my next dork-errific mistake, but they’re going to be terribly disappointed, because I plan to wow the entertainment world this week.

Guess I should go join Dad and Cass in the living room. This suite is really nice. Pretty small compared to the mansion, but it’s a pleasant change. Sometimes that monster of a house feels too big and empty. If I make it as a rock star, I wouldn’t mind living in a loft with just me, a cat, and a guy I’m in love with. Not the typical rock star dream, but then I’ve never been one to fit into a mold.

Deep breaths. Rolled out shoulders. War face on.

I’m gonna rock this press tour like it’s the first show of my future music career.






I plunk down onto the tan sofa by the wall in the living area of the suite and sprawl out, loving the ability to stretch my arms and legs. The flight here wasn’t too long, but it felt longer and more confining because of Raven breathing down my neck. Now that I’ve agreed to our little deal, she’s not going to leave me alone. I think she’s afraid I’ll change my mind. She messaged me at least seven times after we parted ways at the airport.

My phone buzzes in the pocket of my black jeans, but I ignore it. Instead, I glance sidelong at Dad and Cass cuddled up on the couch opposite me. The TV is going, but they’re not even aware of it. I don’t think they even noticed me coming into the room. They’re still staring into each other’s eyes and whispering to each other.

I guess it’s sweet. Twenty-seven years later, they still see each other as a gift from the gods. I’m getting used to all the mushiness now even though sometimes it creates an unpleasant lump in my throat. After all, they had to watch me with Gio all through the summer, which I’m sure was just as awkward.

Gio…my nose stings and my eyes water up just thinking of him.

I take my phone back out of my pocket to distract myself. Instead of a text from Raven, I see a text from an unknown number. I squint at the phone and realize that the number has an L.A. area code. Then I read the text and smile.


Hey, this is Dalton. Hope you don’t mind me getting your number.


I immediately add his contact info and text him back.


Me: Hey! Not at all! How are things going?


Dalton: They’re going. I hope everything’s going well for you.


Me: Meh, more or less.


Dalton: Glad to hear you haven’t been devoured by the dragon bitches yet.


I laugh out loud.


Me: You’re funny! Nah, so far they’ve been behaving. What’s up?


Dalton: Well I guess I was just wondering if our band plans are still on now that you’re not with Gio and friendly with Raven. I still really want to be in a band with you, but I understand if your feelings about it have changed.


Me: Our plans are still on. My relationship status doesn’t change a thing.


Dalton: Good. I’m relieved to hear it. I’ve been asking around among my music friends lately, but I haven’t heard anyone play yet. I figured we should do that together.


Me: I appreciate that. We can plan on holding auditions as soon as I get back.


Dalton: Perfect. When is that?


Me: It should be around the end of August.


Dalton: Okay, awesome. I’ll let everybody know.


Me: Thanks, Dalton. How’s Dev?


Dalton: She’s doing good. Her panic attacks have eased off a little lately, so I’m able to relax.


Me: That’s great! Tell her I said “hello.”


Dalton: Will do. I gotta run, but I have to tell you I’m really looking forward to the end of August. I’ll be waiting for your call.


Me: I’m looking forward to it too. Ttyl.


Dalton: Ttyl!


I lock the phone and slide it into my pocket again. When I look over to my left, Dad and Cass are watching me intently with teasing grins plastered on their faces.

“You talkin’ to a boy?” Dad asks with only a hint of a protective edge in his voice.

“Only in the best way.” I smile, draw my knees up to my chest, and lean against the armrest. “Dalton and I were just talking about starting a band when we get back.”

“Oh, sweetie, that’s wonderful!” Cass’s pretty face lights up with a smile. She bounces up and down in her seat like an excited schoolgirl.

Dad snickers at her girlish enthusiasm and turns to me. “You ready for a roller coaster ride, darlin’?”

My heart rate spikes at the mere thought of it. Every time I think about performing, it sets my blood racing. I see stage lighting and feel the rumble of the music beneath my feet. I hear thousands of screaming fans in the stadium. Dad allowed my Aunt Melissa to sneak me into a few concerts when I was younger, and I’ll never forget the feeling I got from being out in the crowd. But more than anything, I want to be up there on a platform living my dream. It’s all I’ve ever dreamed about.

“Yeah, Dad. I’m ready for anything.”

Dad’s face crinkles with a smile. He reaches over to take my hand in his leathery one and presses a kiss to my knuckles.

“I’m so proud of you, sweetheart. You got this. I don’t have a single doubt in my mind.”

“It’s nice to know my rock star daddy believes in me.”

Dad pulls me into his side and presses a firm kiss to the top of my head. “Always.”




“This place is so not me,” I mutter under my breath as Raven and our personal shopper, Vicki, lead me through the racks at Nothing But Chic Boutique the next morning. All around me I see nothing but a sea of floral print and neon. My rocker chick radar is not picking up even the slightest blip of an outfit that would suit my taste. They might as well have called this store “Nothing But The Latest Trends” because that is literally the only thing they carry. My heart sinks further the more I walk around in here. I’m going to look like an idiot in these clothes—not because of my looks, but because they’re not going to suit my personality at all.

“Do you have any questions, Madison?” Vicki asks over her shoulder from about ten feet in front of me. Her yellow stilettos click on the marble tiles as she sashays through like she owns the place.

“Yeah, what’s the ‘rich bitch’ version of a Hot Topic?”

Vicki and Raven whirl around to face me, finally giving me their full attention for the first time since we entered the store. I thought I grumbled that under my breath, but I guess it was a little louder than I thought it was.

!” Raven’s face has gone ashen. Little Miss Prim and Proper Rich Girl blushes when I use “naughty words” in front of people.

Vicki’s cherry red lips pout as she draws her perfectly waxed blonde eyebrows together. “You don’t like our store?”

Raven jumps in quickly. “I apologize for my sister, Victoria. She was raised on a farm by a retired rock star. Etiquette does not seem to be her strong suit.” She stares me down with her icy blue eyes—exact copies of mine.

Guilt settles in my stomach. “I’m sorry, Vicki. I didn’t mean to offend. It’s not you, it’s just this place doesn’t seem to be my scene.”

“‘Scene’ or none, this is where we’re shopping. As Jacie Redinger’s daughters, you and I are among the top trendsetters in the nation. We must look the part.” Raven brushes me off and the two of them continue to discuss our fashion choices without me.

Eventually, I find myself in the dressing room with armfuls of clothes that make me want to gag. I glance up into the full-length mirror to examine my recently changed appearance. Jet-black hair, bright red lipstick, and modest eye makeup adorn a face that once had an identity all its own. Now even my French manicure proclaims to the world that I am Raven Redinger’s exact physical copy. My whole goal in life was to be unique and make something of myself. I feel a twinge of guilt at letting that go, even temporarily, but I’d rather be known as a Redinger-Daley Clone—er, Twin—than the daughter Jacie Redinger abandoned as a baby. As long as I never hear the term “Basket Baby” again, it will be a step up.

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