Every Soul (21 page)

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Authors: LK Collins

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Every Soul
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“Yes, babe. Make me come in your—” His sentence is cut off by his explosion and obscene cursing mixed with his animalistic grunts. Delicious cum drenches my throat. Immediately, I swallow it all down and suck him slowly, cleaning him ’til his cock is empty. Finally, on my way up, with my lips fiercely gripping him, I pull away and make a popping sound. I smile in satisfaction, staring into his light eyes as he holds my hair.

“That’s where you had me, the first time I met you with those fucking lips.”

“Are you saying you only like me for my sexual talents, Mr. Adams?”

“No, there’s so much more to you than that. But your lips are something, Arion. Something else.”

He readjusts himself and pulls back onto the main road. His phone rings on the drive and he answers it over the car’s hands-free.

“Hey, Bain, are you guys almost here?” his dad asks.

“Yup, Arion had to pee so I pulled over for a minute, but we’re back on the road.”

“Good, we’ll see you soon.”

I stare at Bain with a scowl on my face. “I really do need to pee.”

He glances at the water bottle between us and I pick it up, slapping him on the arm with it.

“Ouch, you know that’s abuse, right?”

I just shake my head, happy to see him smile. For the last week, he’s either sulked around about the news of Kinsey or been on the basketball court. I’m hoping getting him away from everything will keep him in a positive frame of mind.

“Fine,” he grumbles, pulling up to a gas station. I slide my flip-flops on and strut inside.

After exiting the restroom, Bain is waiting for me. We hurry to the car and make the quick five-minute drive. The facility is nice. It’s a huge ranch-style house with a ton of property surrounding it. As we walk inside, I take deep breaths, remembering what he said.
She’s gonna love you.

I hope he’s right. We check in at the desk and get visitor’s passes, then we head outside where I immediately see Bain’s father, whom I recently met. He’s standing next to Bain’s mom and a smile beams across her face when she sees me.
That’s a good sign.

“Hey, Mom,” Bain says, leaning down his large frame and hugging her. “How are you doing?”

“I’m better now. Thank you for coming.”

“Of course. Mom, this is Arion. Arion, this is my mom, Renee.”

“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” I say extending my hand to her.

“That’s nonsense, dear. Give me a hug.”

I embrace her, closing my eyes, feeling all of my anxiety wash away.
She likes me.
I think my fear of rejection comes from my childhood. Since I lost my parents at such a young age, I never felt like I really belonged anywhere or that anyone truly loved me. It’s been so long since I’ve had parents like this to hug. I can barely remember how it felt to hold my grandma. I guess that’s why I always gravitated towards Barb and Jeff. Speaking of…I need to call them, or just stop by for a visit.

“It’s nice to meet you, Arion,” she says.

“It’s nice to meet you as well, Renee.” She smiles and we all take our seats. There are lots of groups of other families all seated at the different tables. Bain said today was a standard visiting day; they get one per month. I couldn’t imagine, but for their recovery, it’s what’s best. “How was the drive?” she asks us.

“It was good. Arion slept the whole way, so I got to think a lot about things.”

“I’m going to run to the kitchen and get us some ice,” Jack, Bain’s dad, says.

“Bain, what do you know?” she asks. I know exactly what she’s referring to – the news about Kinsey.

Bain gets nervous and swallows hard. I take my hand and rest it on his, to let him know that I’m right here. “Dad probably knows more. He talked to the FBI after the arrest.”

“He’s told me everything and it just doesn’t make sense.”

“It makes more sense now that someone did this to her, than the BS that cop was feeding us since the beginning. I knew she didn’t do it. She wouldn’t have.”

“I know, baby, and I’m sorry I didn’t believe you before. I was so lost and such a mess. I can barely remember those times; it’s all such a blur.”

“That’s a good thing. I wish I could forget it all myself.”

“I’m sorry, Arion. I know this isn’t what you want to hear the first time that we all meet,” Renee says.

“It’s okay. This is very important. I’m here to talk about anything that you all want to.”

“She’s right,” Bain’s father says, setting down four cups of ice. “We should talk about your son, who’s about to join the NBA, and which team’s gonna draft him.”

“I can’t tell you how proud of you I am. I know Kinsey would be too.”

“Thank you, guys.”

“Is there anywhere that you want to go?”

Bain looks at me and smiles, enveloping his hand around mine and says, “Anywhere that this woman will follow me to, I’ll go.”

Holding his hand tightly, I replay his words in my mind.

As nice as it was to see my mom and see how well she’s doing, this is where I need to be, alone with my girl. Even if it’s only for a few days, both of us need it tremendously. As I mix us both a drink and watch her through the windows of the beach house, I can tell she’s relaxed and at peace. She’s got her feet rested up on the large, round ottoman and is just watching the waves crash against the shore. As I walk outside, she turns and looks at me and I ask her, “You like the water, don’t you?”

“I love it.”

“So do I. Here,” I say, passing her the drink and sitting next to her. I stretch my arm behind her and she gets comfy on my chest. Both of us stare out into the vast horizon. There aren’t a lot of people in the water, but lots walk by enjoying the nice June day.

“Can we stay here forever?”

“You’ve said that before,” I tease her. “You did in New York and now.”

“It’s been nice to get away.”

“This might sound crazy, but just hear me out, okay?”

She kisses my neck and says, “Of course.”

“Quit your job. Help me manage my career.”

“Bain, that’s crazy. Plus, you have James.”

“And he’s busy. Things are only going to get crazier.”

“I don’t know. You haven’t even been signed with anyone yet.”

“Are you doubting my abilities?” I joke.

“Absolutely not.”

“Good,” I respond and set my drink down, kissing her soft lips, then guiding her to lie down on the large outdoor couch. For being a woman that knows what she wants, she sure lets me take control when I need it. We are a good pair like that. There are times I need her to control me.

She takes her hands and knots them into the back of my hair. I weave mine tightly into the back of hers and take my time trailing my lips over her mouth, beginning slowly then gaining more access. Finally, with our tongues fully connected, I kiss her the way I love. Her knees are slacked and my dick is as hard as ever.

“God, I wanna fuck you so badly.”

“Then do it.”

“There are people a hundred yards away.”

“So, let them watch. I want your cock inside of me now and I don’t want to wait.”

I stare at her, so taken aback by her words that it almost makes me come thinking about what she wants me to do. “Dammit, Bain, fuck me.”

Placing my hand over her mouth, I tell her, “Shhh, be quiet.”

She smirks at me, reaching between us and pulls her pants down. I slide my shorts down a little and look around. Then grip my cock at the base and slam into her. She cries out in pleasure, but my hand still covers those sweet lips, muffling the noise.

“You asked for it. Now be fucking quiet.”

Her breathing is heavy. Her chest heaving up and down, up and down. But my demand quieted her noises. Taking both of my hands, I hold her face and fuck her gently. I’m so turned on that someone walking by could see us. Her pussy is my kingdom – it was made for my cock and I love how perfectly we fit together.

Working her like this, she pulls my neck to her mouth and begins to suck on my skin. It helps to muffle her uncontrollable noises so I let her, knowing that it might leave a mark. It’s better than having to slow down.

“Fuck, baby, I love your pussy.”

Saying the word “love” so freely makes me realize that maybe my feelings for her are more than I ever intended them to be. I do love more than her pussy. Fuck, I love every goddamn thing about her.

Her heels are dug into my legs, holding us tightly together. Then she relinquishes her orgasm over to me and I lose it. She tightens that sweet pussy, holding my dick like a vice, causing me to grunt like an animal. Letting go, I come inside of this beautiful woman I love. Dammit, I love her. She told me to not have feelings for her and to just fuck, but I’ve failed miserably.

How could I not, with what we’ve been through and helped each other cope with? I slow my movements, so torn up by my mind-fuck. She protests my stopping and grabs my ass, pushing and pulling me in and out of her.

Upon opening my eyes, all of my fears fade away. Her eyes are closed and her bottom lip is sucked into her mouth. I keep my movements strong, and watch her as her face changes. Pleasure takes over her body, blood pulsing under her light skin, which is now covered in a sheen of sweat. Staring at her, she never opens her eyes and only trembles lightly. However, it lasts for at least a full minute and I don’t stop as aftershocks give little jolts here and there. I don’t know how to handle this or why I didn’t see it coming. Maybe I should talk to her this weekend and be honest and tell her my feelings?

“I swear to God, Bain, if you put me in that water, I’ll—”

“What?” I ask holding Arion in my arms, pretending to throw her into the freezing Atlantic.

“I’ll leave, that’s what.”

“Oh, are you going to drive away in your invisible car?” I tease.

She glares at me and I tense up, pretending to toss her. Instead I sit down with her resting comfortably in my hold.

“I would never do anything you didn’t want me to, even joking,” I reassure her.

“Thank you. Not only for that, but this entire weekend. It’s been great so far.”

“It has, hasn’t it?”

She nods her head and yawns a little. I watch her feet as she moves her toes in the sand. “Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?” I ask.

“Yeah, that would be great.”

“So, I know we said no cell phones this weekend, but James left me a message. The Knicks want me to come work out at their facility. It would be close to home if I got drafted there.”

“That’s really good, right?”

“For sure. When a team wants you, this is what you hope for.”

“What all will you do when you’re there?”

“I’ll practice, meet everyone, do interviews, and see if overall I’d be a good fit. I’d love to go to the Knicks.”

“When are you going?”

“Tuesday. Will you come with me?

“I have work.”

“If you’d quit, you could come and not have to worry about a thing.”

“I can’t do that, Bain.”

“Come on, babe, please.” I give her my best guilt trip. Being away from her makes me sick. I can’t imagine doing it all the time.

“Wherever you get drafted, we’ll figure things out. But I’m not quitting my job.”

I kiss her hair, not pushing the subject any further. I can’t push things with her. I already tried last night to tell her how I was feeling. She instantly clammed up and shut me down, looking at me like she did in the beginning when she kept reiterating the rules. I don’t need that anymore. I’ve accepted our relationship for what it is. I just want her and I’ll take her any way that I can get her. End of story.

“Come on then, let’s get ready for dinner.”

While Arion is in the shower, I check my phone. Thankfully, James hasn’t called again. Compared to his messages earlier, this is nice. I told him I was taking a few days and he now seems to respect that.

I get dressed in a pair of faded jeans and a t-shirt. I don’t care that my tattoos are showing tonight. In fact we’re going somewhere that accepts them. Heading back into the master bedroom, Arion enters and my dick gets hard. She’s in jeans like me, with a thin white tank top and clearly no bra. Her frozen nipples are hard and erect, pushing against the fabric. Looking down at myself in my jeans and white t-shirt, we are so much alike.

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