Everlasting Embrace (Embrace Series) (2 page)

BOOK: Everlasting Embrace (Embrace Series)
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Thanks Sophia.
I really didn

t know if I

d be able to talk him into it. I

m just glad he was able to listen to reason.




s been two month
s since I

and nearly three months since my best f
riend Ebony lost her husband,
Matt. Christmas
us by before we even knew it. I
n just a few
it will be the New Year. I know many of the town

s people were hoping that we woul
d have another party this year
but we just don

t feel up to a party. So much has happened in the past yea
and not a lot of it worth celebrating. It

s still hard to bel
ieve how many people we

ve lost:
Ms. Edwina, Mr. and Mrs. McCord

and Matt. If it

for Constance
Ebony, we would

ve lost her too.

I have to say
it hasn

t all been bad
have be
en a few good points. Like
, through losing Ms. Edwina, Ebony and Eliza have le
arned to communicate with her and
their long deceased parents. Then
when Mr. and Mrs. McCord, Nathanial

s parents
Isaac was able to save Nik
their unborn baby.
Mrs. McCord was bitten by a rogue vampire before she passed, the venom had the opportunity to infect her unborn child. We realized
almost instantly, that Nik is a day
half vampire
. Since Nik is a day
, he has vampire strength and skills, but survives as a regular human. After the McCord

s died, Luke and Nate tried to decide what would be best for Nik. They came to the conclusion that it would be best for Luke to return to college and complete his degree in order to get a proper job to support their baby brother. Upon th
eir decision, I
Nate, w
him to join me for all eternity

and help
him to
care for Nik as a vampire role model. I

m not happy about him giving up his goals and dreams, but I couldn

t argue with him when it came to Nik

s best interests.

noticed that Matt and Ebony

s little girl
and Nathanial

s brother
soul mates
. With some of the visions Ebony was having
learned more about angels. We found out another close friend of ours is a supernatural too. Since then
we have been able to confide about our existence to him

to Ben. When we discovered t
hat he is

part angel
part mortal

we knew he needed our help. A
is born from an angel and a mortal
. T
hey receive their powers around their eighteenth birthday. We

ve been working with B
en since we found out about him
and about the angels that want to destroy him. They were able to get Mel

nd Ebony

s Achilles

before we could help her. I only hope that throws the other angels off Ben

s trail. I mean
what are the chances of two
being in the same small town?

Now we are determin
ed to protect Ben and lead
him in the right direction. Unfortunately
we know very little about angels. Even though Matt, Ebony

s husband
was training to be a guardian

n angel of sorts

these angels are much different. Guardians are supernatural beings, here to help witches. They are good beings, but much different from God

s angels. I just hope we can find more information about them. I don

t understand why they are working so hard to destroy the
nephilim, rather
than train
them to do good here on

Ever since we began to protect Ben, the Williams family, ou
r shifter friends
thought it might
be a great idea to start a school for supernaturals. Elijah is working on the legalities
and almost everything is finalized

s found a great supernatural contractor that has begun
on an extension to our house
. The school will be underground and hidden away from all, but he has added a small extension to the house above to help conceal it. The
Magnificent Ones
are working on spells that will also help conceal the whereabouts of our school from others, mortal and supernatural alike. I think this will be the best place to hide and to teach Ben. Ebony and Eliza have been using magick to track other supernaturals. We

ve also contacted various known groups. In regards to the school, it looks as if when we open we

ll have thirty or more students. We

ve already began preparing, purchasing books and equipment fo
r their regular studies as well
as for their magickal studies and physical training.



Back at the house, Nathanial and Ben are filling the others in on the angelic attack. When Ebony and I walk in the room
they all turn and await our news.


s good to see you girls. W
e were beginning to get concerned,

Florence admits.


s all thanks to Ebony. She convinced the angel to give Ben time to prove himself. He

s given not only Ben, but us
, six months to prove th
at the angel

secret will not be in

en breathes a sigh of relief.

that is great news. But how
am I supposed to accomplish this?

I don

t know if there

s anything any of us can actually do. You just have to prove yourself
heart, and we already know that you are. I don

t perceive any of this being a problem,

Ebony explains.

is there any more news on when the school will be com
I just think that will be the best place for Ben. The

he called himself Martian

us that he
and the others are
and not just
the entire family
. W
e may have to work on getting the school set up a little faster than expected. I have to admit that concerns
me a little
with the babies around.

Sophia, we have faith in Ben
and we have to have faith that these angels will realize he means no harm. After all
they are dealing with vampires and witches

t harm any of you. Let

s just take precautions
to remain safe

and prove that we can be of assistance to them

Florence suggests.

I agree with Florence
need to be careful. H
e said they will be watching all of us. We already have the Cerberus and the d
emons to worry about

now angels. We need to find a way to work with them.

Ebony shows a hint of her stress.

Is there anything we can do to help speed along the opening of the school? I think things will be much better
once we can begin full training
and have the protective cover of the school,

I push a little more.

Elijah smiles at Florence, and I can see them both nodding in agreement. The
Florence ad

Well kids
; it

finished. A
ll we have left to do is decorate and stock it with supplies. Isaac and Constance are working to prepare enough of the synthetic b
lood to stock the entire school, s
we can make sure it

s accessible to those of our kind when they need it. Eliza
we will need to go shopping and get a full stock of magick supplies too.

Oh my God
I thought we were expecting to open in a few
ot right before spring

s for sure,

I respond with exhilaration.


m so up for a shopping trip. I

ve already started placing some online orders and have a pretty good stock back at the Manor to bring over, but nothing beats making a trip
into Boston to the magick store.


s excitement is evident.

Well maybe Ebony and I
can start decorating, while Nate and the boys move some furniture in. I believe I saw the f
urniture stored in the garage

I can

t park my car there,

I joke.

That would be great, Sophia
. T
he sooner we get the school set up, the sooner
we can bring in the students.
We have a lot of things to set up
and there

s more furniture coming tomorrow. We already have most of the dorm rooms set up with beds and dressers. We still
need to set up the common rooms
d move any of our history
r research books
from our library to the school library. If we work hard, we should be able to have everything set up within the week,

Elijah encourages.

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