Everlasting Embrace (Embrace Series) (8 page)

BOOK: Everlasting Embrace (Embrace Series)
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Chapter 6


Surprise Arrangements


Waking, I roll over and watch the love of my life sleeping. He looks so peaceful. Today Nathanial and I will begin the arrangements for our wedding. After his training session with Elijah

s friends,
Tryphosia, and her husband Azubah,
nes are going to bless his grad ring. We replaced the stone with a day crystal
, a
black diamond called
veneficus lamia sol solis partonus
, which is Latin for

magickal vampire sun protector

. Tryphosia and Abzubah have the ability to transfer all their knowledge to others, making training other vampires much faster. They

ve been able to help Nathanial and Nik since Nathanial

. They have been working with them for months now, but because of Nik

s age
it takes much longer for the implants to stick. They did intensive training when Nathanial was first
, but now return once a month to reinforce their training. This will continue until Nik is a little older and we are su
re he
has retained everything.

Today we are going to look at various wedding stuff. Funny thing is we haven

t decided on a date yet, so I think all the planning is just a little premature. Of course
my family doesn

t seem to agree. Glancing at the clock, I see it

s already
9 A
, only an hour until our first appointment.
As I lean
over to kiss Nathanial
he sleeps, his eyes pop open and he rolls
pinning me to our bed.

Good morning beautiful. Did you think you could steal a kiss?


I say with a grin.

No stealing necessary. Y
ou can have them for free.

He lowers himself closer to me, pressing his soft lips to mine. Lifting his hand, Nathanial tucks the loose strands of my hair behin
d my ears.
Then with one ha
d cupping my head, his lips slowly move for mine
kissing my cheek, then trav
el towards my neck. Tiny kisses
nd a nibble on my ear
fireworks bursting through every inch of me. I wrap my arms around him and pull him even closer to me. My heart bu
sts with love and admiration for the man before me. As his tongue wrestles with mine, I feel the platinum rod piercing in his mouth brush against my lips. Nathanial got his tongue pierce
after graduation. Just when I didn

t think he could get any sexier, he did something as simple as a small discreet piercing that adds sex appeal I never imagined.

As passions begin to rise

s hand slips under my shirt in an attempt to pull it off

then we hear a knock on the door.


I ask.

Sophia, you need to get ready. We are all waiting on you two to go plan this thing called your wedding. Maybe you can save what you are doing for later,

Alexander jokes.

Are you freaking kidding me? You butt in on our private thoughts in our room too


s kinda hard not to hear both your thoughts screaming.

Oh piss off

ll be righ
t out.

Frustration consumes me
as our lack of privacy becomes more apparent.

I better go take a cold shower before we go,

Nathanial jokes.

I better get down there.



Within ten minutes
Nathanial joins the rest of us in the family room. Matilda has been showing me the portfolio for the wedding planner
and I

m grateful for the rescue.

now that you finally decide to join us, maybe you two can pick a wedding date

Matilda smirks.

Wow, you know I really haven

t thought about it much. What about a summer wedding?

I suggest.

You really want to wait that long?

Ebony jokes.

I know
that is way too long,

Matilda gasps.

Seriously, it is like


six months away. There is no hurry to get married. I

ve waited this long. Plus
Nathanial and I have only been together for like two years

almost two and half

but still
we have time. Why don

t you and Alexander do the deed? What has it been
like a hundred year
s since you have been together
and still no official ceremony

I turn the pressure to my siblings.


um, thanks Sophia,

Alexander stumbles.

why don

t we talk about that? Why have you not made an honest woman out of me yet?

Matilda lectures
and the rest of us bu
st out

Nathanial l
eans over and whispers to me,


re in trouble now.

What did I do?

I guess you will find out now.

Alexander excuses himself for a moment. Mati
lda looks at me and asks,

hat did I do? Is there some reason that after so long he still won

t marry me? I mean

ve been living as man and wife for as long as we

ve been together.

Mati, it

s not you. It

s me,

I defend
remembering a promise Alexander and I made.

You? Do you not approve of me?

ears well up in her eyes.

No, it

s not that

I begin as Alexander walks back in the room.


s okay Sophia
I can handle this

He smiles and winks at Nathanial.

Now I have to be handled?

Matilda pouts. I have neve
r seen her this insecure before.
I guess my impending marriage is affecting her in more ways than any of us knew.

No, my dear Mati
ou do not need t
o be handled
his situation does. Please allow me to explain.

go ahead then

She plops on the oversized chair.

In 1894
s you know
Sophia was to marry a much older
. When we were
the marriage obviously never too
place. I promised her that neither of us would get married until we were both ready
and we would always have each other until that day came. She has told me several times over the years that I should make you my wife, but I refused until she found the same happiness. Now Sophia
has Nathanial and I have you. We are both complete. W
ith her about to make things official, I have been waiting for the right time to do the same.

Alexander pulls out a perfe
ctly polished round wooden box
and kneels before Matilda.

I hav
e loved you for over a century
and have held this near and dear to my heart for almost as long. Now that my sister has found true love
and I have kept my promise to her, we can both bask in the happiness of love together. Matilda, this is long overdue, but will you make me t
he happiest man in all eternity
nd agree to be my wife

nd partner

n the eternal life?

Tears stream down everyone

s face in the
room as we all await the answer. T
hen Matilda takes in a deep breath.

Of course I will
I have loved you and wanted this since the day you saved me.

Alex pulls out a ring

a 1900

s Edwardian, perfect yellow gold band encrusted with hundreds of tiny diamonds
a round setting on top
with at least eighteen diamonds circling a gold sett
ing that resembles a sunflower. I
n the center
a large cognac diamond. Taking her hand
slips the ring on her finger. W
ith a soft kiss of her hand
Alexander pulls her into his arms.

I have waited so long for this moment, and I h
ave one more surprise for you
for Sophia and you. Nathanial and I have been talking. We are wondering what you ladies would think of a double wedding?

Matilda and I look at each other, then at our men and back to each other. Running towards one
we begin to scream,

Oh my god...YES!

We grab a hold of each other in the biggest hug, then turn to our men and hug them. Matilda and I

ve always joked about a double wedding, but there was
never anyone for me, until now
ntil Nathanial.

Well now
if you will stop this screeching
maybe we can still make our appointment with the wedding planner in Boston

Florence announces
trying to shoo us out the door.

Before we go
I just wanna say something.
ijah and Florence
you have brought us all together and made us a family.
You have created a true family

a family that w
e are lucky to be a part of
. Thank you for taking us in,
showing us what family means. We owe everything we are to the two of you,

I announce
and they both come towards me, throwing their arms over me in a big hug. Florence begins to tear up
and the rest of the fa
mily races over for a group hug.

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