Eventide (Her Father, My Master) (7 page)

BOOK: Eventide (Her Father, My Master)
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thing that would make this better would be if my master had been here to watch. But unfortunately, that

wasn't going to happen any time soon.

I pulled my clothing back on, and made myself presentable once more. I would have to go wash my

hands before I went out on the floor.

With the click of a lock, I turned the knob to the office and peered out. My absence hadn't been noted

yet. I ran over to the sink, and quickly washed my hands, erasing the last bit of evidence of my crime.


“Shit,” I muttered, and dashed back to the office to shove the tape back in. Good thing I remembered

that. Then, I messaged my master, letting him know the deed was done.

His reply came as I went out to the front of the store again:
Good girl.

I flushed and beamed with pride. I was a good girl. I did so well in pleasing him.

Little did I know that he had another surprise in store for me.

Not an hour later, it was totally dead in the store. Derrick had gone home for the day, so it was just

me, Maddie, and Kat. Those two were thick as thieves at the moment, utterly ignoring me. I scowled and

scraped out the espresso machine again. It was amazing how quickly this thing got dirty.

The bell rang, notifying us of a customer entering the store. I looked up.

It was him. Mr. Hendricks.

My blood ran hot, then cold, then hot again. I tried not to stare at him, I tried to hide my face when I

felt the inevitable flush creep upwards. I was the closest to the counter, so I was the one he greeted first.

“Good afternoon... Krystal, right?” he feigned unfamiliarity, and he was congenial as always. I

swallowed and nodded.

“Yes, s- Mr. Hendricks.” It was instinctive to call him sir now, and I'd have to fight that instinct, hard.

“How's school going?”

I glanced to the side. Maddie had already noticed the arrival of her father, and was coming towards


“It's fine,” I replied blankly, staring down at my apron. I didn't know what to do, or what to even say.

“Dad!” Maddie called when she was a mere few feet away from us, grinning and waving furiously.

“Sweet pea!”

I blanched at the pet name, and that was a good thing. The blood drained from my formerly red face,

leaving me looking slightly ill.

“You remember my dad, right?” Maddie said, looking over at me.

“Oh, yes. I couldn't forget him,” I replied in a strained tone. This was far too weird and awkward for

my liking. For anyone's liking. Why did he even come here? He knew I was here. He knew Maddie was


I shook my head. He didn't need a reason to come here. He didn't need to tell me. He was my master,

and that was all I needed to know.

I backed away from the counter as Maddie and he engaged in light conversation, conversation I didn't

want to be a part of. I didn't want to see him in this capacity. It ruined the fantasy for me. I didn't want to remember that he was Maddie's father.

She'd ruined enough for me, I didn't want her to ruin this too.

There weren't any actual customers around, so I took the chance to slip into the back room and take a

breather, leaning against the white tiled wall and and closing my eyes, sighing deeply. I needed to calm

down, yet again. I took a deep breath, and thought of the roaring sea.

“Krystal!” Maddie's voiced pierced through the calming landscape in my head like a sharp dagger,

peeling away the imagery like old wallpaper.


“My dad wants an espresso! Can you make one?” She just yelled right through the door, without a

care as to who heard her. I scowled and rolled my eyes. So unprofessional.

But at least my anger took me away from my confusing thoughts. Thoughts which returned as soon as I

ducked through those black swinging doors again.

There he was, my master. Patiently waiting at the order counter.

“Um, what will it be, sir?” I asked awkwardly, standing on one foot, then the other.

“An espresso, that's all.” He leaned in now. Maddie and Kat had returned to their own corner of the

store, not paying attention to me or him. “And then you will meet me out back in ten minutes,” he

murmured softly into my ear. My breath caught in my throat as I stifled a gasp.

“But, sir-”

“No buts. Who is your master?”

I whimpered ever so slightly, and my breath bathed the skin of his weather-worn neck. “You are.”

“Good girl. Now, the espresso.”

I made the drink perfectly, as I always did, and handed the little cup off to Mr. Hendricks. I was

scarcely able to meet his gaze. How could he do it? Even here, even at my workplace, he had me

completely captivated and under his spell.

“Ten minutes,” he repeated, and then made for the store exit.

I had to think of an excuse, and fast. And I couldn't be gone for long. Maddie was still absolutely

useless on most of the drinks, and if we got slammed, Kat would need me.

In the end, I just told them that I needed to go outside for a quick breather, and ducked out the back

door as quickly as I could.

Mr. Hendricks was already there in the tiny back lot, waiting for me. He had a hungry, feral glint in

his eyes as he grabbed me and pushed me up against the whitewashed cinder block wall of the store.

“Did you miss me, pet?” he asked.

My eyes darted about. No one could see us. The back of the store was surrounded by thick brush and

trees, with only a little space to park a few cars, and a narrow lane for delivery vans.

“Yes,” I finally said, a thrill running up my spine. He knew exactly what he was doing. He made me

come for him, just a little while ago, and now he wanted to see the results of what he'd done.

“Yes, what?” he growled as he grabbed my neck, his thick fingers wrapping around my narrow jaw.

I gulped as my airway constricted. Only the tiniest amount of air was making it to my lungs, and I

already felt dizzy. “Yes, sir,” I said quickly, correcting my mistake, and he released his grip.

“Good girl. It seems this freedom is getting to you. I may have to do something about that.” With

every word he spoke he inched forward until he was pressing me against the wall. I could feel his cock,

everpresent and unmistakeably hard, pressing against my stomach.

“Anything you want, sir,” I whimpered, and bit back a gasp when he grasped my shoulders almost

painfully hard, jolting me against the wall.

“Of course I can do anything I want to you. I'm the master, you're the slave. Don't forget that.” As he

spoke, he brought a hand upward, grabbing my collar and pulling my head forward with it. “You


“Yes, sir.”

“Good. I want you to meet me tonight. I will have the house to myself.”


“No questions. Do as you're told.”

“Yes, sir,” I said, my heart fluttering rapidly in my chest. I would do anything for him.

“Good girl. Now get back to work.” With that, he released me, and strode off, confidant as ever.

Whereas I could barely stand. My knees felt like they were about to give out, so I merely stood and

stared at him until he disappeared around the corner.

And then he was gone. But I would see him again, soon enough. For now, I had to get back to work,

before my presence was missed.

Chapter 5

Now that I knew what I would be in for that evening, the last hour of work passed at an unbearably

slow rate, but it still passed. By two, I was more than ready to leave, but I had to wait for Suz to show up first.

It would figure that this was the day she chose to be twenty minutes late.

“Sorry I'm late!” she said to me in a sing-song voice as she traipsed through the back door of the

shop. I was currently re-organizing the stacks and boxes of cups.

“No problem,” I said, but inwardly, I fumed. I was really getting to dislike both Kat and Suz. Why

did they have to glom onto Maddie like they had? We'd been friends before Maddie started working

here. Maybe not the best of friends, but friends all the same.

“I'm out of here,” I called as I dashed towards the door, grabbing my purse and jamming my time card

into the ancient machine that kept track of our hours. I was free, free at last.

I blazed home as quickly as I could, patiently waiting for the text my master would inevitably send.

The one that would command me to come to him.

I missed him so much. And I felt nervous, very nervous. I'd spent a lot of time with Derrick in the

past week, and I couldn't deny that we were growing closer. I couldn't deny that I liked him. Maybe a

little too much. I wanted to get away from him, and get back to Mr. Hendricks, and reaffirm our strange,

beautiful bond.

At seven in the evening, after many hours of tense waiting with bated breath, my phone finally buzzed.

Come to me.

“Yes, master,” I whispered to no one in particular. I was ready. I'd been ready for over an hour now.

My parents knew I was going to Maddie's. I had as much time as I wanted. And after all, I was in

college now. I wasn't a high schooler that needed to be reigned in and watched all times of the day. I

was an adult.

The drive over to my master's house was short, and thankfully uneventful. Traffic was light, and I

made it there in record time. I caught myself when I began to pull into the driveway. Not here, not now.

Right now, this was Maddie's house, and I was supposed to be the secret visitor.

I drove my car down the street, and turned off the engine. Taking a deep, calming breath, I stepped out

of the car.

As I walked towards his house, I could feel my heart fighting against my body to escape. I was

nervous, nervous about what he'd planned for me tonight, and also excited. How was it that Mr.

Hendricks was still able to do this to me, after all these months? I thought for sure that the spark would

have died down after so long, but if anything, it was even more powerful than before, a raging fire within

my being.

He was waiting for me, at the threshold of the front door of his house.

I ducked under his arm, entering the house.

“You know what I want, pet,” he said simply, and I nodded as he shut the door. Clothing fell from my

body quickly, and soon I stood naked before him. This was where I belonged.

“Turn around,” he commanded in an authoritative voice, and I obeyed immediately, exposing my back

to him. He chuckled as he brushed my blonde hair aside, flipping it over my shoulder. “You really did

whip yourself,” he murmured as he traced fingers of the link pink welts that still remained on my body

from the self-inflicted whipping a few days ago. “Good girl.”

I felt a pang of anger at his words. Did he really doubt me? Did he really think that I would lie to him

about whipping myself? But I held my tongue. It wasn't my place to challenge him. It was my place to

obey. I remained silent.

“Do you like self-punishment?” he asked, his fingers now digging into those welts, causing fresh pain

to blossom within me.

“Yes, sir,” I answered quietly. And I did like it, though it was no substitute for him doing the


“I'll have to tell you to do more of that then, in the future. Turn around.”

I did so, and was now staring up at him again. There was that same, hungry glint in his eyes.

“Go upstairs,” he now commanded, and I obeyed, quickly making for the staircase to the side of the

door. I didn't even have a hint of what was to come.

I reflexively made for my bedroom, but when I got there, the door was locked. I turned around looking

in askance at my master. He'd just finished mounting the stairs. “Not there,” he said. “That room is off

limits to you until you return to me.”

“Yes, sir,” I said, my heart dropping slightly. Did he think of these breaks as me betraying him, going

out into the world without him? I chanced to look up through a curtain of blonde hair, and saw a slight

smile play on his lips. No. This was part of the play. It had to be.

“Come here,” he ordered. I trotted quickly down the carpeted hallway, and stood by him. I didn't

enter his bedroom. I waited for him to give me permission. A thrill ran up my spine, as it always did

when he controlled me like this. I loved feeling helpless and completely in his power.

“Open the door.”

I obeyed.

I entered the darkened bedroom first, and my master followed me, a dark hulking form behind my

smaller one. If he wanted to, he could just grab me and throw me on the bed, and have my way with me.

But I could tell he wasn't in that sort of a mood tonight. His mood was more... subtle. Controlled. And I knew that his mood was a reflection of what our play would be.

He flicked on the lights, and the bedroom was suddenly flooded with a dim, warm light. It pooled on

the red walls and white carpet, illuminating everything for me to see.

Of which there wasn't much to see. No hint of what our play would be tonight.

“Go to the corner,” my master issued his first command of our play, and I sunk even further into my

slave role, reflexively touching my collar as I followed his order. I didn't know how he wanted me to

position myself, so I merely stood, facing the wall.

“Down. On your hands and knees.”

I fell to the ground immediately, my knees thudding against the soft carpet. My master chuckled at my


“You don't seem to have forgotten your place, in your time away from me, but I want to make certain

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