Eventide (Her Father, My Master) (17 page)

BOOK: Eventide (Her Father, My Master)
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“Sorry,” he said, and I slapped the back of his head. “Hey! I thought
was supposed to be the

dominant one.”

“You are. Are you going to let me get away with that?”

His door finally opened, and he pulled me inside. With a swift kick, he slammed the door shut and

then pressed me up against the wall, pinning me with his own body. For a moment, I was brought back in

time, back the first time Mr. Hendricks had ever done this to me. “No,” Derrick said simply, and I saw

that fire flash in his eyes once more. He wanted this. More than that, he was capable of it. I was certain.

I wondered how I never saw that before. Maybe because he was so busy trying to be my friend, I

didn't think of him in any other way.

“Good,” I said weakly. “What are you going to do to me?”

The question seemed to take fuel away from his fire. He pulled away from me, releasing his grip. “I

have no idea.”

I growled. “You idiot, you have me up here, alone. I came willingly, expecting exactly one thing, and

you aren't going to give it to me?”

That did the trick. Derrick was riled up again, and he came closer. He pressed me against that wall

again, and I felt the heat of his body through my clothes, clothes that I desperately wanted to rip off at the moment. “No,” he said harshly, dipping his head so he could whisper in my ear. “I just don't want to go

too fast.”

“In this instance, fast is good.” I waited for him to make another move as I moaned softly and

squirmed against that white plaster wall. But he didn't. I kicked him in the shin. “Kiss me, you moron.”

That was all he needed. He pulled his head back slightly, his lips brushing against my cheek as he

moved closer to mine, and then our lips locked.

It wasn't fireworks, exactly, but it was more than I'd ever felt with my master. My other master. I felt

a pang of guilt as Derrick pressed his lips against mine, his tongue probing my own lips apart, but I

quickly quashed that feeling down as I returned the kiss. This was off the leash time.

He pulled me off the wall and into a tight embrace, his hands roaming up and down my body. I could

already feel an unmistakeable hardness in his jeans. He was rock hard and ready to go already. Amazing.

I wrenched my head away from his now, and we both panted and clung to each other. “Bed,” I said,

and let him lead the way. He had to lead the way, if he was going to be the dom he wanted to be.

When we hit his bedroom, I glanced around. It was a typical college bachelor pad. Messy, but not

dirty. A few used plates were lying on his desk, but it wasn't a pigsty by any stretch of the imagination.

I had an instinctive urge to clean everything though. It must have been my training.

“So, I'm assuming you've had sex before,” I breathed as we embraced again. I felt a slight pang as I

thought back to his previous relationship. He had to have had sex with Maddie, after all.

He flushed, pulling away from me now once again. “Actually...”

“No?” I looked at him, feeling slightly shocked.

“Not exactly.”

“It's all right,” I said in what I hoped was a soothing voice. This was going to be a little more difficult than I thought. I'd assumed he wasn't a virgin, but it seemed we were truly starting at square one. “But it's going to take a little longer than I thought,” I admitted.


I reached around and slapped him on the back of the head again. “Stop apologizing.”


I slapped him again, and we laughed.

“So, do you still want to do this?” he asked.

I looked at him, deeply, trying to find that fire. It would be difficult to pull that fire out, but I thought I might be able to do it. I wanted to try. “Yes,” I finally said. “But first, you need to show me how you

normally are in bed.”

“But I-”

“I know. But we can't just jump in. We have to take it slow.” I knew it would be as easy to scare him

off as it was for my own master to scare me off, so many months ago. We had to take it slow. “What

have you learned from what you read so far?”

“Well, I have to have a safe word, and I'm supposed to be aggressive, I guess?”

I chuckled. We would have to review the material more thoroughly, that much was obvious.. “Here,”

I said, taking his hand and leading him to the bed. “Tell me to disrobe.”


I glared at him. “Really? Just tell me.”

He paused, and for a moment I thought he was going to chicken out. But he finally said it. “Disrobe.”

“Good.” I obediently slipped out of my pants and shirt, leaving me in my underwear for him to look

at. His eyes were about to bug out of his skull.

“The bra too,” he said.

I smiled. “Now you're getting into it.” Expertly, I slid my hands up my back and unclasped the hooks

that held the bra to my body. Then, I shrugged out of the constricting garment, letting it drop to the floor.

“Holy cow,” Derrick breathed, his eyes roaming up and down my body. “You look great.”

“Come on,” I purred in what I hoped was a sexy way. I realized just then that I had as little

experience with vanilla sex as Derrick did. But I had to try. I slipped out of my underwear as well, and

dropped down onto his bed, bring my hands up above my head, and letting my legs part slightly. “You

want some of this?”

I felt rather stupid, but Derrick's eyes widened even further, and he hastily undressed as well. I was

right about his body. He was long and thin, with not a huge amount of muscle tone. Not like Mr.

Hendricks. But he was still good looking.

And his cock. It was long and thick, not quite as big as my master's, but still plenty big enough to

please me. It pulsed and twitched in the dim light, and I knew he was eager to be inside me.

“Condoms?” I asked, a sudden thought occurring to me. Mr. Hendricks didn't use them, but he didn't

need to.

“Oh, yeah.” Derrick dug through the nightstand drawer before triumphantly pulling one out. “There.”

“You just keep those there?” I asked skeptically.

“I bought them for... you know. You. Just in case.”

“Ah.” Now it was my turn to flush.

Sex with Derrick was a completely different animal from sex with Mr. Hendricks. While my master

had years of experience, and knew just how to please me, Derrick knew hardly anything. But he was

eager, and that eagerness compensated for his lack of experience.

He climbed on top of me, and murmured into my ear. “I don't want to hurt you.”

I laughed. “Trust me, you won't.” I lifted an arm, petting him down his side. “And remember, no

pressure. Just do what you'd like.” I hoped I would take any performance anxiety away from him with


It seemed to work. He slipped a condom onto his cock with only a little trouble, and then dropped

himself down on me again. I grabbed that thick dick and spread my legs even further, guiding him

towards my tight hole now.

“Oh, God.” He was trembling with nervousness and excitement, now.

And then I found that sweet spot, and he pushed.

It felt good, it felt so good. I was already wet with anticipation, and he spread me well, just like my

master did. He was eager, maybe a little too eager. He was already thrusting fast and hard.

“Slower, slower,” I said between moans. Derrick complied, slowing down slightly, but only for a

bit. He couldn't hold back forever.

It was over as quickly as it began. He thrust, faster and faster against me and came within five

minutes. It was about as quick as I expected it to be.

“Sorry,” he said as he pulled out, the condom now inflated with his come. There was a fair amount of


I pursed my lips, and slapped his side. “Remember what I said.”

“It's instinct,” he said ruefully.

“Well, get a new one.” As Derrick stood, I continued to relax on the bed. “So, that was your first


“Having sex, yes.”

“Won't be your last.” I grinned, and he grinned back at me.

“So, what now?” he asked as I finally rolled out of the bed, gathering up my clothes and dressing

myself once more.

“Now, you learn some more.”

We both got dressed and sat on the bed again, and I once again told Derrick everything I knew about

being a dom. Which wasn't as much as I knew about being a sub, but I still knew a fair amount. I told him

in a roundabout way how Mr. Hendricks comported himself – how to be an alpha male – things he should

do and things he should avoid. I also delved into the mindset of the sub.

“Wait. You mean you like pain?” he asked.

I nodded. “Very much, in fact. But it has to be delivered by a dom. I don't just want random men on

the street punching me. I have to trust them.”

“Do you trust me?”

“To a certain extent, yes.”

“What kinds of pain do you like?”

And that led us to a whole other conversation. I told everything my master did to me. The hair

pulling, the spanking, the toys, the bondage, the clamps, the ice, the wax. Everything. By the end of my

little monologue, Derrick sat staring at me with wide eyes.

“How have you done so much already?” he askd.

I flushed and dipped my head, letting my blonde hair fall in a curtain across my face. “I've been lucky

enough to have a good mentor.”


“I'm not going to tell you, okay?” I said defensively. He'd tried to pry here before, and I had to get him

off that line of thought.

“Sorry,” he said. I glared. “Sorry!”

“Okay, that's getting a slap.” I smacked him on his shoulder. “You need to get better about that.

You're too damned considerate for your own good.”

“I know. It's a mindset I've been trained into. Sorry.” He cringed reflexively.

“Just try to cool it with the apologies.”


“Now, on with the lesson.”

We spent the rest of my allotted time on his bed, not having sex however. We went through the first

book I got him, reviewing the material. I answered any questions he had, and I surprised myself with my

own wealth of knowledge. I knew a lot, more than I realized. My months – nearly years – of experience

were serving me well.

But it was difficult for him. Derrick didn't fall as naturally into the dom role as I had the sub. As I

read through the book with him, I came to realize exactly how naturally I'd fallen into my role. Was my

master just that good a teacher? Or was I that good a learner? I wasn't sure.

Regardless, we did make some progress that day. There was no other play that day though. Just

learning. Derrick may not have been the best natural dom, but he was an eager learner, and that was the

most important trait he could possess.

I was certain that he would go far.

Chapter 13

When I arrived home that evening, I found a new surprise my master had prepared for me. A new


“Have you ever heard of vampire gloves?” he asked as soon as I stepped inside the door, shedding my

clothing obediently.

“No, sir,” I said. I hadn't heard of them. But they sounded like they had a bite.

“Here.” He took an arm, and led me up to my room. I would have to go pick up my clothes later, I

thought idly as he gripped my arm.

He didn't show me those gloves right away when we reached my room. Instead, he tied me up, using

silk and hemp rope. The different sensations, the smoothness and the scratchiness, were a delight on my

skin. I loved it when he used different materials like this.

“Vampire gloves,” he said suddenly, after I was firmly bound and on the bed on all fours. One of his

favorite positions. “Vampire gloves are these.” He now rubbed the back of a soft leather glove along my

ass, trailing up my back. The sensation sent shivers up my spine.

I wanted to say something, tell him they weren't as bad as I thought they were going to be, but suddenly

he flipped his hand over and reached underneath me, grabbing one of my breasts firmly. It felt like I was

being stung by a thousand bees at once. Little teeth bit into my tender flesh, and I couldn't help myself. I jolted forward, out of his stinging grasp.

“Ah, ah,” he tutted, placing one of those biting hands on my ass now. I could feel the pinpricks on the

gloves just barely press into my flesh there. “How many spankings do you think you deserve with these?”

I whimpered and trembled, my skin quivering against the sharp barbs of his hand. “I have no idea,

sir,” I whispered. I really didn't have a clue. Even the one grip of his hand on my breast felt

overwhelmingly painful. For once in my life, I feared that the pain would be too much for me.

“Let's find out,” he grinned and lifted his hand, and with no other warning slammed it down on me,

hard. I screamed and lurched forward, unable to contain myself. It felt like a thousand spiders were

biting me there, a thousand bees, a million fire ants were crawling across a ten inch square piece of my

tender exposed ass. It burned, it flowed like hot lava through my veins, filling me with adrenaline.

I loved it, in a masochistic way. I wanted to feel it again.

As I panted and moaned in the bed, my ass throbbing already, Mr. Hendricks brought the glove down

again. And again. I couldn't take much of this particular punishment. By the fifth hit I was begging for

mercy. Blood well in hundreds of tiny pin pricks on my skin. I was burning. I was on fire.

“Please, please,” I begged. “No more.”

“No more?” my master said, his hand poised above me.

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