Evelyn Vine Be Mine (50 page)

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Authors: Chelle Mitchiter

BOOK: Evelyn Vine Be Mine
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“Grant!” I pleaded desperately, hoping he’d let me go over that edge this time. I bucked beneath him, communicating with my eyes just how close I was.


The bastard moved away!!!


I groaned with despair and glared up at him, but he flipped me onto my stomach and pulled me by the hips to my knees.




I pushed back eagerly, meeting him halfway as he slammed forward into me.


“Fuck!” he growled, freezing deep inside. He pulled out quickly and left the bed.


I whimpered at the loss, but a quick glance behind me told me he was ditching his dress pants and fishing out a condom. Glad one of us was thinking straight, I bent my head forward to nibble my wrists free, enjoying the taste of the thick snakes as they hit my over-stimulated tastebuds. I flipped to my back as Stone knelt on the bed again. He moved toward me, but I stayed him with one hand.


I wanted to play.


He stopped obediently, his eyes telling me that he wouldn’t be able to wait long. I frowned with disappointment at his already covered cock, but grabbed the melted chocolate and eagerly began finger painting his chest. I licked and sucked as I went, too impatient to wait until my art work was finished.


I coated one of his nipples and nibbled at it eagerly, enjoying the way his entire body stiffened and shuddered against me. With a growl, he pushed me back and followed me down, kissing me passionately as he thrust quickly inside - seeming not to care that he still had chocolate all over his chest and was smushing it on mine. I didn’t care either.


It was no slow, loving. It was a messy, desperate coupling and I could barely breathe through the excitement.


“Thank you for dessert,” I managed to gasp, and felt him grin against my neck.




When I woke the next morning, I was able to stretch out comfortably – an experience I savoured. I looked up to find Stone already awake, sitting up against the headboard wearing unbuttoned denim shorts. A small tub of ice-cream was in his hands and he was eating slowly, his attention fixed on the TV across the room. I propped myself on my elbows to see what was on, but the music clued me in first. He was watching a Slipknot concert. My eyes drifted down to the stack beneath the TV and saw quite an impressive stack of Music DVDs. I wasn’t sure which concert he was watching, but it wasn’t one I remembered seeing. I snuggled against his legs, propping my head in his lap as I watched the show.


I jumped as fingers threaded through my hair and stroked, a small spoon of ice-cream hovered in front of my lips and I accepted gladly. We lay like that for a while – Stone running his hands through my hair and occasionally offering me some ice-cream. I marvelled at how Stone had managed to squeeze his big TV into the small room – even if it meant he had no room for anything else. I rolled my eyes. Guys!


On the bedside table beside me, there were three photos in fancy silver frames – frames I suspected Briar had bought for him. In fact, I was pretty sure it was Briar who chose the pictures and demanded their place next to the bed.


The first picture was a shot of his family at Christmas. It looked to be fairly recent. His petite mother stood between him and Danny, her arms around them and a radiant smile on her face. Stone held Wendy in his arms, a small smile on his face as he looked down at his mum. All of them but Stone were wearing Christmas hats.


The second picture was one of Wendy, dressed in a ballet tutu, but standing in a boxer pose – a fierce expression on her face, but her eyes dancing with happiness. I chuckled softly and switched my gaze to the third picture. It was a close up of Briar and Stone, the band members blurred in the background. They were all in their school uniforms – Stone looking particularly sexy in his private school tan slacks, white shirt, red blazer and loose tie. The photo was a professional one, so I presumed Billy had taken it.


The crowd noise on the TV spiked and I glanced back at it to see what was happening. My jaw dropped as the drummer and kit began to rise in the air during his solo. I looked up at Stone and his lips twitched. He tilted his head toward the TV and bade me to watch with his eyes.


Holy Shit!


I sat up and leant forward in disbelief as the kit turned upside down and the drummer continued to play – hanging in mid air with his hair whipping about his masked face. I turned back to Stone again, my mouth hanging open, and he grinned.


“Joey rocks,” was all he said, reaching out to pull me against him and spoon-feeding me some more ice-cream. I presumed Joey was the drummer and snuggled in, watching the rest of the show as Stone handed me his silk shirt from last night and I slipped it on, only bothering to fasten two buttons.


“What’s the time?” I asked with a yawn, hoping I wouldn’t have to get up for my first class anytime soon. Before he could answer, Donny and Jamie barged through the door without knocking, laughing and joking loudly, before coming to a dead-stop when they glanced at the bed. They froze and gaped at us, not even jumping when Stone growled a little.


What? His eyes demanded.


I hurriedly buttoned a few more buttons and slid a little further under the covers.


“There’s a chick in your room,” Jamie said stupidly, still staring at me.


Stone raised an eyebrow and Donny tried to muffle a laugh.


“Hi guys,” I mumbled. Donny grinned at me and sat down on the bed. Stone put down his ice-cream and glared at him.


“Move,” he growled aloud when Donny just grinned back.


“Did you forget the workshop we have this morning?” Donny asked, leaning forward in an attempt to snag the ice-cream. Stone snatched it away though and handed it to me for safe keeping. Yeah, I know – I should feel honoured.


Jamie nudged Donny with a grin and wiggled his eyebrows, “I think he had other things on his mind.” He winked at me and I blushed bright red. Stone stood and grabbed both of them by the scruff of their shirts, dragging them to the door and roughly pushing them out.


“Give me five,” he said shortly, before shutting the door in their faces.


He buttoned his jeans and threw on a T-shirt, coming back to the bed to turn his alarm clock in my direction. I nodded, knowing it was time I got up and got ready for class too. He kissed me quickly and left.




“So,” Briar said smugly as she joined me in the library for a study session later that day, “How was your date with GG?”


“It wasn’t a date,” I told her, picking up a book and hiding behind it surreptitiously.


Briar snorted and leaned across the small table to peer at me over the book. “C’mon Evie,” she said, shaking her head of curls, “An art show, fancy dinner, just the two of you…even you have to admit that constitutes a date.”


“Fine,” I sighed, “But even people who are casually fucking go out to eat first.”


Briar threw back her head and laughed, causing one of the librarians to glare in our direction. I shrank a little lower in my seat and hoped Briar would keep the noise down. I liked the library. It was a nice, dark, quiet place to hide.


“Then how do you explain the necklace?” Briar continued with determination, “He had it made especially. He fretted about it for weeks.”


I scoffed and raised an eyebrow. Stone fret? Not likely.


Briar rolled her eyes, “He was nervous about it. I could tell. He wasn’t sure what you liked.”


“And he didn’t think to ask?” I muttered beneath my breath, but Briar heard me.


“Wouldn’t be a surprise if he did,” she said with a shrug, “Besides, he asked my opinion…sort of.”


“Anyway,” I said briskly, absently stroking the charm, “He said he wanted to spoil me. Men spoil their mistresses all the time. It’s like the golden rule. Keep her happy with pretty things and she’ll keep you happy in bed.”


Briar gaped at me.


“It’s true!” I insisted.


Briar collapsed in giggles and shook her head. “Idiot,” she muttered, then raised her voice a little louder, “Stone wouldn’t bother to buy you. If whoever he’s dating gets tired of him or vice versa…he just shrugs and finds someone else to bang. It’s not as if it’s difficult for him to find someone.”


I glared at her and slammed my book closed. “This discussion is over,” I said firmly, getting up from my seat and storming off.


“Evie, wait!” I heard her cry out after me, but I didn’t look back.




I walked into my room with a long sigh that night. After the conversation with Briar, I’d sat uncomfortably through all my classes, before heading to the rugby field to run lap after lap in an attempt to clear my head. A few of the rugby players had been out running laps too, and after a little hesitation on their part, they’d started running laps with me, asking about the band and I think maybe flirting a little. They certainly tried to casually drop in a lot of questions about Stone, which didn’t help me forget him one bit.


I lingered in the shower, relaxing into the hot spray, until Candy barged into the bathroom.


“Is Stone in there with you?” she asked hopefully, trying to peak around the curtain.


“No,” I said firmly, trying to pull the curtain to block her view of me, “And don’t perve on Stone.”


“Why?” she teased as she jumped up to sit on the vanity, “Because he’s your boyfriend?”


“No,” I said firmly, sticking just my head out to look at her, “Because you have one.”


Candy rolled her eyes. “I’m allowed to look,” she said with a laugh, throwing a towel at me when I turned off the taps, “How was your night last night?”


I blushed. “Good. Yours?”


Candy beamed and jumped down excitedly. “Mason has to go away this weekend, so he bought me two all-expense-paid passes to a spa in town. I thought we’d make a real girls’ day of it and go out afterwards…just you and me.”


I looked at her excited face and didn’t have the heart to turn her down…even if it meant I had to spend the whole day practically naked in front of a heap of strangers. I hated spas.


“Sure,” I forced a happy smile, “Sounds like fun.”


“C’mon,” she said when I’d pulled on fresh clothes, “Let’s go get some dinner…before Stone comes storming in here, demanding where you are.”


“He’s not that bad,” I whispered.


Candy just laughed.




Stone wasn’t at our usual table when Candy and I entered the hall. She shot me a ‘told you so’ look and sat down next to Briar. “Where’s Stone at?” she asked cheerfully.


Briar shrugged, “I thought he must be with Evie. I haven’t seen him.”


“He’s in his room,” Jamie said around a huge mouthful of burger, but didn’t elaborate.


I frowned at Stone’s empty seat and fidgeted with uncertainty. He never missed dinner. Was he upset with me? Was he injured or sick?


I glanced worriedly at Briar, who shrugged her shoulders at me. Her brow creased in thought, before she leant into Alec’s side and smiled up at him. “When’s that Music assignment due?” she asked him softly. Alec smiled back at her, slipping an arm around her shoulders.


“Thursday morning,” he replied, “Why?”


Briar rolled her eyes at me, “I bet you anything Stone’s only just starting the theory component now.”


Jamie’s head snapped up, “There’s a theory component?” His eyes widened in panic and he dropped his burger.


Alec groaned and dropped his head in his hands, looking over at Jamie through his fingers. “Need help man?” he asked slowly, trying to sound enthusiastic, but failing miserably.


“Dude, I owe you one,” Jamie said with a wide grin, gathering up his remaining food and shoving it in his backpack.


“You owe me more than one James,” Alec said with a laugh as he pushed away from the table and stood. “We still on for tomorrow?” he asked Briar and she blushed as every head at the table snapped towards them.


“Sure thing,” she said breezily, looking everywhere but at him. He grinned knowingly and tussled her hair, before slapping a hand on Jamie’s back and guiding him toward the stairs.


“What’s happening tomorrow?” Fredi and Candy asked in unison, leaning forward in their seats.


Briar rolled her eyes, “Nothing major. Alec’s just going to be my model for this suit design I have to create.”


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