Evelyn Vine Be Mine (61 page)

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Authors: Chelle Mitchiter

BOOK: Evelyn Vine Be Mine
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In fact, I decided with a sorrowful sigh, I should probably get started on it right now. I trudged back toward my building, kicking up dirt as my feet shuffled unenthusiastically forward.


“Hey Evie-baby!” a familiar friendly voice called, halting my slow progress.


I turned and smiled tentatively at Donny, welcoming the distraction, but still feeling slightly uneasy around him after recent events. “Hi,” I whispered with a blush.


He stopped and examined my face closely for a few moments. With a wry smile, he opened his arms. “Come here you,” he said with a chuckle, “No awkwardness between friends.”


I tentatively slid my arms beneath his and around to pat his back, keeping a bit of distance between us. He snorted, wrapping both arms around me and pressing me to him in a bone-crushing hug.


“Ow,” I muttered, but couldn’t hold back a giggle.


“There we go,” he said as he drew away, gently flicking the corner of my smile, “Let’s go for a walk.”


I glanced up at our building, knowing that I shouldn’t really procrastinate any longer…


To hell with it. I took Donny’s hand and let him lead me away.




When we reached the rugby stands, Donny released my hand and lay down on one of the benches. I sat on the one below his and propped my chin in my hands, my elbows resting on my knees as I stared out at the empty pitch.


“How are you holding up?” Donny asked me, all flirtation and silliness gone.


I didn’t turn and look at him, but could feel his intent gaze on my face.


“I’m fine,” I lied. The truth was, I was lonely. I wasn’t sleeping well either – so used to Stone’s huge presence beside me, that even my king single felt like a king double. To make things worse, I no longer knew my position within the group, or whether I even wanted to retain one. I didn’t know if I’d be able to handle being in such close proximity to Stone day in and day out. For another thing, I didn’t know if Stone would allow my continued presence.


“Do you miss him?”




“Evie…” Donny admonished.


“No,” I answered firmly. I didn’t miss him. Why should I? He was bossy and…moody…and, um…uncommunicative. I missed sex and I missed cuddles. That was all!


Yeah right, Evelyn.


“Are you going to let him talk to you?” Donny persisted, sitting up now and leaning forward intently.


I sighed. “I don’t see the point. Things are better this way.”


“What way?” Donny demanded, “You’re both miserable!”


I jumped down from the stands and started to slowly walk, knowing that Donny was following right behind. “I’m not miserable,” I murmured, “I’m happy. I have a new niece and I turn eighteen next week.”


Donny stopped in his tracks. “It’s your birthday next week? You’ll finally turn eighteen?”


I nodded absently. “Yep. I’m excited.”


He raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, you sound thrilled.”


I shot him a glare. “I am. I’m just tired.”


He held up his hands and left the subject alone as we continued to walk. Or he did for a few minutes.


“Okay,” he said abruptly, “So let’s say you aren’t unhappy…but what about Stone?”


“What about him?” I asked cautiously.


Donny stopped and gently grabbed my arm to halt me too. He gazed down at me seriously, frowning a little as he quietly said, “He’s hurting. You at least owe him the chance to talk. To end this thing you had properly.”


“But we don’t talk, Donny. We never have. That’s why we’ve been having so many problems! That’s why we’ll continue to have problems. Hell, he came to my room and he asked me with his eyes if we could talk! How is that progress?”


“You can’t expect him to do a complete change overnight,” Donny said quietly, “It’s something you both need to work at. You’re just as guilty of silence as he is.”


“I’m not denying that,” I whispered, “That’s the whole reason it won’t work. It’s just too damn difficult for both of us to change that much.”


“Taking the easy way?” Donny challenged softly, “The Evie I know is tough as nails. You weren’t raised to be a quitter.”


I flinched, Daddy’s memory way too fresh from the recent family emails.


Chin up, Evie-girl, he used to say, Don’t let them boys get you down. There’s nothing a soldier can’t do when he or she puts their mind to it. Perseverance, dedication and courage. That’s my little girl.


Or I was until he died and the others ran rough shod over the ‘baby girl’ of the family.


I was saved from answering as we rounded the last corner and, in unison, stopped dead. Stone and Fredi sat on the parking lot wall, their backs to us. Both of them were staring out at the cars, each of them nursing a bottle of beer and holding a smoke. The sun was starting to set and most people were already making their way to the dining hall for dinner. Stone and Fredi didn’t look like they’d be moving anytime soon though.


“Fuck,” Donny said beneath his breath, “She’s crying. I can’t stand it when she cries.”


I looked back at Fredi’s back, but couldn’t see any noticeable signs. “How do you know?”


His eyes blazed as they met mine, “Because I know her better than anyone else.”


“Then why is Stone comforting her?” I prodded softly, “Isn’t that your job as best friend?”


Donny exhaled loudly, “I’m not sure if we are anymore. These last few months…it’s just been getting harder and harder to put our problems aside.”


“Then don’t,” I suggested carefully, not liking to give people advice, “Face the problems. Take your own advice and talk.”


He raised an eyebrow at that and considered me for a long moment. “I will if you will.”


I crossed my arms over my chest. Manipulative bastard. “No.”


I dropped my arms and crept forward quietly, grateful for all the practice I had from sneaking about with the triplets.


Donny hurried after me. “What are you doing?” he murmured anxiously against my ear.


I slid him an amused smile, “Well, if you’re not going to ask her what’s wrong…we’ll have to find out the hard way.”


I plastered myself to a tree when Fredi suddenly leapt up and spun toward Stone, fire dancing in her eyes. Donny and I were still a good ten metres away, but we heard every raised word.


“What the hell am I supposed to do?!” Fredi demanded on a sob, “I keep fucking up! I know it’s my fault! I know I let him stir me up. I let him get to me until I say or do something that hurts him! I know I’m the one that made the mistake! Who keeps making the mistakes! I just can’t control myself around him! He drives me bat-shit crazy! One minute he’s making me laugh, the next, he’s making me so angry I could spit! Then, ten seconds later, I’m crying…or imagining him naked…or wanting him to hug me and tell me everything’s going to be okay!”


Donny stilled beside me, his body tight with tension. Stone didn’t say a word, his attention completely focused on Fredi as he casually sipped his beer. Fredi paused for breath, her shoulders shaking, before she suddenly shouted, “What the hell am I supposed to do?!”


Stone simply held out his arms and let her lean against his chest as she breathed heavily. He held both his smoke and his beer in one hand, the other slowly rubbing her back.


“Fuck it,” Donny breathed beside me, “Talk time it is.”


He strode out from our hiding place, cutting a determined path towards her. He grabbed her by the waist and tossed her over his shoulder, nodding at Stone even as Fredi squealed in surprise.


“Donovan! What the fuck?”


“Shut up,” I heard him growl, “You’re coming with me.”


Fredi’s mouth snapped shut in shock and I bit back an envious smile as Donny carried her away.


Shivers crawled up my spine, making me aware of someone’s gaze. Stone’s gaze. Only he had the power to make me feel like that from a distance. Belatedly, I realised I’d stepped from my hiding place. Heart pounding, my eyes found his.


My stomach fluttered and my breath caught. I was reminded of the first time I saw him – that first day I arrived. He’d had a similar affect, from an even greater distance. He was huge, powerful and completely electrifying in presence. His steely eyes cut through me, penetrating deep and making my throat convulse with some dark need I couldn’t name.


For several moments, we simply stared at each other, neither of us moving. Sounds and scents and sensations didn’t register. All I could see was him. All I could think, perceive or focus on…was him.


Suddenly, he flicked his cigarette away and withdrew another, still watching me closely as he bent his head to light the end. It was sexy. Don’t get me wrong, cigarettes suck and I hate them…but damn, he made it look sexy. And that pissed me off. Come to think of it, I’d been seeing more of the smokes and less of the sugar lately. That crushed packet he’d left on my bed that horrible afternoon had been the last I’d seen. Not good.


I gritted my teeth with determination and cracked my knuckles as I stormed toward him. He sat up a little straighter, his eyes moving more rapidly as he assessed my change of mood. I didn’t pay him any notice. I angrily snatched the packet of smokes from him, swiping the newly lit fag from his mouth and stomping it out with my shoe. I turned on my heel and crossed to the building entrance, tossing the half-full packet in the bin and shoving some coins in the candy machine.


No Smarties, but there were Skittles!


I punched the buttons, grabbed the packet and turned to find Stone walking toward me, a mere five metres away now and closing - his expression still controlled and watchful.


Not knowing whether I was still furious, or frightened, I pegged the packet of lollies at his head, hitting him square in the nose. I felt a brief flash of amusement at the look of complete shock on his face…before he grinned – that full, unrestrained, gorgeous grin he rarely let loose…


And it hit like a hot arrow right through my heart.


It scared the fucking shit out of me…so I ran.




I ran straight up to my bedroom and locked myself in, leaning against the door as I fought for breath. I locked my knees to stop the shaking and closed my eyes as I willed myself to calm down. What I needed was something to take my mind off Stone. Off everything. The assignment plan was definitely out the window. There was no way I could work on it tonight…not after the intensity of –


NO! Not going to think about it!


I picked up my phone and stared hard at the screen, wondering which of my siblings I should call – someone who wasn’t likely to ask about Stone or about my love life in general…


Oh great. That ruled them all out.


I jumped when my phone started to ring and a grin spread over my face. Cooper. I could handle Coop.


“Hey big bro!” I greeted cheerfully, my voice still annoyingly soft and sweet, despite the inner strength I’d found this year.


A feminine chuckle drifted over the line, smooth and sassy. “Not your brother,” I heard Bridget breathe on a sharp, happy laugh.


I blushed, still a little shy around Cooper’s girlfriend of three years and close friend for even longer. In my defence, it wasn’t as if I’d had regular contact with her. And she was intimidating!


You wouldn’t think someone under five foot could command so much respect and attention. Bridget Baker had an edge to her though. She was a brilliant mechanic and a reformed bad girl…but she still had that naughty aura around her. She could handle herself in a fight and she’d run in some pretty bad crowds – she’d seen and done things I’d never even contemplate. Not that Coop had told me so…I just knew. She made my brother happy though, so I wasn’t about to complain.


“Hi Bridget,” I said carefully, “How are you?”


“Call me Bridge, Evie,” she said quickly, “And everything’s great with me.”


“Cool,” I said slowly, lost for words.


“I hear you’re eighteen next week,” she drawled and I could hear the smug excitement in her voice, as if she knew something I didn’t. My heart rate kicked up with excitement. Maybe Coop had bought me an awesome present?


“Yeah,” I replied a little more enthusiastically, “but I haven’t made any plans yet.”

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