Read Eternal Breath of Darkness Online

Authors: Candice Stauffer

Eternal Breath of Darkness (18 page)

BOOK: Eternal Breath of Darkness
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“You want to sleep?” Chewing
on her bottom lip, she frowned. She’d certainly screwed things up. The last
thing she wanted to do was sleep.

“Not really.” Attempting to
stop the visions of death and destruction from moving through his mind, he
closed his eyes. “I want to hold you.” He forced his voice to remain calm, wanting
to hide the rage building in him, knowing it would alert her to the fact that
he knew what had happened to her.

Driving him insane,
massaging and tickling his chest and stomach with her fingertips, she snuggled
up closer to him. He grinned and, with barely noticeable movement, shook his
head. If she was purposely trying to torture him, she was succeeding.

She believed her time with
him was running out. Remaining with Haden wasn’t an option. She had one chance
to be with him. One chance to make love to him. Haden would never make the
first move. He knew she was frightened, and he would wait for her to make the
first move. Gradually, she started to explore his body with her hands, timidly
at first, and then more boldly.

He knew she was planning to
return to her uncle’s home, but it didn’t matter. Emmett was dead. One way or
another, no matter the body count, she would never be abused again. His blood
pressure soared; his entire body was responding to her touch, but he remained
completely still, holding her in his arms, allowing her the freedom to explore
his body at her own pace.

His body was so solid. He
was a magnificent man. His well-defined chest and abdominal muscles were tight,
trembling as she moved her hand lower. She heard him take in a sharp breath and
hold it in anticipation. He was such a strong and powerful man. His response to
her touch intensified her desire, flooding her body with such sinfully
intoxicating pleasures that she couldn’t stop touching him. She didn’t want to
stop; she wouldn’t stop.

Time seemed to drag on and
on; her touch was slowly pushing him over the edge of control. She made him
feel so weak. So needy. The torture she was forcing him to endure was
bittersweet. During his entire existence, he’d never resorted to begging for anything,
but his entire body was desperately pleading for hers. He thought he would go
mad when her hand briefly brushed against the hot, ultra-sensitive flesh of his
swollen cock.

Through clenched teeth, he
made a sound of something between a growl and a groan. Horrified that she’d
done something wrong, she lifted her hand. He ached to plunge himself deep
inside her body, so deep nothing could ever separate them. He needed to feel
her womanly heat tightly wrapped around his cock. Before he could stop himself,
he took her hand and guided it back to his erection. With his guidance, she
stroked the length of it. Groaning, he released her hand. She continued to
stroke the length of him. Tightening her grip, she repeated the motion over and
over again as drops of his hot essence seeped onto her hand.

His eyes flashed open.
“Caylee.” Her name came out a breathless, desperate plea. A fierce fire burned
deep inside him. He needed to stop her before it was too late, before he
couldn’t stop her. She’d suffered too much. She wasn’t ready. He knew he should
get out of the bed, but instead he turned onto his side and faced her.

She wrapped her arms around
him. “I can’t believe I’m in your bed.” She giggled. “It’s easier to believe
you can turn into a dragon and you have wings and can fly.”

Pulling her nearer and
wrapping her leg around his body, he pressed his cock against her belly. Taking
her breast in his hand and stroking her nipple with his thumb as he kissed her
lips, he pumped his hips, unable to stop moving against her.

“Haden.” Every inch of her
flesh burned. She felt completely empty, desperately wanting him to fill her,
needing to feel his cock deep inside her body.

“What’s wrong?” He trailed
kisses down her throat to her breasts. “Do you want me to stop?” Lightly, he
swirled his tongue around her nipple.

She took sharp breath. “No.”
The wonderful sensations that spread throughout her entire body startled her,
but her body wanted more, needed more. “Never stop.”

He chuckled. “Are you sure?”
He drew her nipple into his mouth, holding it between his teeth and swirling
his tongue over it. “Absolutely sure?”

“If you stop, I’ll never
forgive you.” Tangling his hair in her fingers, she held his head to her
breast, his hot mouth on her breast causing moist heat to pool between her

Leaning back, he gently,
splaying his hand over her chest, pushed her flat onto her back. “Never?”

Opening her eyes, she looked
up at him and shook her head. “Never.”

“Perhaps we should wait,” he
whispered so softly she could barely hear it.

“I’m tired of waiting.”

He gazed into her eyes for
several seconds, delving deep into her mind, searching for a hint of fear or
reservation. “There’s no reason to rush.” And there wasn’t. Not really. He
might die, but he was willing to sacrifice his life for her.

“Are you in my mind now?”

“I would never want to
trespass.” Looking far too innocent, he nudged her legs apart, making room for
his body. Meeting her gaze, studying her reaction, he positioned his body
between her thighs.

“You can’t hide it from me,
Haden. I can always feel you. I know when you’re in my mind.” She allowed her
hands to wander down the contours of his back muscles and then upward along his
sides. “You know what I want. You know what I need. What are you going to do
about it?” Biting her lower lip, she let her hands slide downward along his
sides and to the center of his lower belly, her hand brushing up against his
erection. “Or would you rather wait?”

Lowering his body, he kissed
her. Conflicted, he backed away and looked down at her, and then he closed his
eyes as he lowered his head to rest it on top of her flat belly. Guilt? He
groaned. He was actually feeling guilty for seducing her. “To be honest, I
would rather not wait.” He paused for a moment. “But I would wait.”

“I want you, Haden. I need
you. I don’t want to wait any longer. I can’t.” She ran her fingers through his
thick hair. “Look at me,” she whispered. Lifting his head, he met her gaze.
“I’ve never wanted anything more than I want you to make love to me, Haden.”

Their minds were so deeply
joined he knew she meant it. So, why the hell did he still feel guilty for
wanting to share something so natural with her? It wasn’t as if he were going
hurt her. Sure, he possessed the skills and knowledge to make sure she
experienced many mind-blowing pleasures. But what if he wasn’t to her liking?

Really? Was he seriously
doubting his ability to perform well enough for her?

At first Caylee didn’t
realize what was happening. She could hear his voice in her head, but it was
slightly different than when he was talking to her. But then, studying his
worried expression, she realized she was hearing his thoughts. She laughed

He arched his brow at her.
The grin on her face spoke volumes. She’d just heard his thoughts. Sure, she
was his true mate, so once the ritual was complete she would have the ability
to read his thoughts at will unless he prevented it, but not now, not in her
mortal state. But, by the grin on her face, there was no denying the fact that
she just heard what he was thinking.

Looking very naughty, his
lips curved up in a wicked smile. “Caylee, after all the lectures you’ve given
me, are you actually mucking around in my head?”

“No,” she replied too
quickly, her smile instantly disappearing, her eyes filled with fear as if she
expected him to hurt her.

He bent his head to kiss
her. “I was only teasing you, little love. I’m not mad over it,” he whispered
against her lips. “I want to be as close to you as possible for all of
eternity. It’s a wonderful thing, a beautiful thing for you to merge your mind
with mine.” She opened her mouth to deny it, but he silenced her with a long,
slow kiss so tender, so loving it stole her ability to entertain any other
thought than the taste and feel of his mouth claiming hers.

She wasn’t sure exactly when
it happened, but eventually his possession of her mouth elevated into something
more urgent, more demanding. She wasn’t afraid of the change. In fact, just the
opposite—she welcomed it, embraced it. When he reached down between her legs to
place his palm against her hot, silken mound, he was pleased she lifted her
hips and moved against his hand. Rewarding her eager response, he gently
stroked her clit and bent his head to suckle the hard bud of her nipple.
Moaning, she arched her body, pressing herself more firmly against his hand,
her fingers tangled in his hair, holding his head to her breast.

Slipping a finger inside
her, he stroked her most sensitive spot with his thumb. Her inner muscles
clenched tightly around his finger as he moved lower, slowly kissing, licking
his way from her breasts to her navel and then lower, until he arrived at the
hot, savory entrance of her body.

“What are you doing?”
Violently arching her body, nearly throwing herself from the bed, the air burst
out of her lungs in a startled gasp. “Haden, you can’t!” Her nails dug deep
into his shoulders.

“But I am.” Grinning
wickedly, he looked up at her for a moment, and then he bent his head and
licked her once. It was just a quick stroke of his tongue, but it sent wonderful,
powerful shock waves through her entire body. She squirmed restlessly, her body
trembling. He grabbed her hips and brought her closer, pinning her to his mouth
so his hot breath seductively caressed her most intimate place. He suckled
greedily, tasting her, feasting on her, savoring her, devouring her sweet

The pleasure was agonizing
and wonderful all at the same time. Her body shuddered. Her thoughts shattered.
What he was doing to her was so wrong on so many levels, but her body was responding
wildly to the forbidden act. A million thoughts raced through her mind, but
none made sense. None mattered. She should stop him. She couldn’t stop him. She
didn’t want to stop him.

Wanting more, needing more,
she pressed her body against his mouth. Groaning deeply, he stabbed her with
his tongue, gripping her hips more firmly. Opening her thighs wider, pressing
her against his mouth, his tongue delved deep. Her hot, creamy essence prepared
her body for his. Suckling her clit, he slid two fingers inside her. She was so
hot and slick, her inner muscles clenching tightly around his fingers. She was
so damn tight. He imagined his cock, buried deep, releasing his seed inside her
body. He groaned loudly, his cock nearly bursting as he continued to feed on her.

Delicious, explosive
sensations spread throughout her body, centering between her legs, burning at
her core. “Please.” She was desperate, her body feverish, needing his,
demanding his to fill hers. Her heart was racing. She had to struggle to catch
her breath. “I need you, Haden. I need you inside me now.”

He spread her legs to make
room, moving slowly, watching her closely, covering her tiny body with his.
“Caylee, are you sure?” It was more of a desperate plea than a question. He
heard the torment in his voice. There was no hiding it; she had to have heard
it too. There was no mistaking it for anything else. He could scarcely breathe;
his heart literally stopped. Lingering at her hot entrance his erection grew
even harder, throbbing so very painfully.

Eyes enormous, she stared up
at him, her palms caressing the contours of his heavily muscled shoulders and
biceps. How could she not be sure? She felt the heat of his cock pressed
against the entrance of her body. The sensation alone nearly brought her to a
powerful climax, her need building into a raging storm. She ached to feel him
inside her body. Deep. Filling her. “Absolutely.” She opened her legs further,
cradling his body in her hips, allowing the broad head of his cock to enter her

Gasping her name, he pushed
deeper, stretching the soft, satiny corridors of her body, but then he stopped
to gain control. Her body was so tight. He wanted to thrust harder, deeper. The
pleasure of being inside her body was so great it was painful. She was so hot and
tight, wrapped around him, annihilating his control. Restless, she wiggled
beneath him, needing more.

Reaching behind the nape of
her neck, he lifted her head to share the erotic view of his cock partially
buried in her. Lightning whipped through their bodies, and thunder rumbled in
their ears. Digging her fingernails into his shoulders, she arched her body to
meet his, watching as he ventured further, plunged deeper.

She felt her body
stretching, but willing to take him, wanting more, needing more. She savored
the sensation as he pulled out slowly. Eyes wide, she stared in wonder at the
glistening length of him, amazed she was able to take so much of him into her

“We fit together
marvelously, perfectly.” He kissed her deeply, thoroughly savoring it, his
tongue tangling with hers, his teeth nipping at her lips, the head of his cock
buried just inside her entrance.

“Oh, Haden.” Whimpering, she
squirmed beneath him, nearly frantic, her body burning up, needing so much

Releasing her neck, he bent
his head and kissed her throat, slowly working his way lower. “You’re so
beautiful, Caylee. Perfect in every way.” Cupping her breasts, he flicked his
tongue over each nipple.

BOOK: Eternal Breath of Darkness
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