Eternal Breath of Darkness (7 page)

Read Eternal Breath of Darkness Online

Authors: Candice Stauffer

BOOK: Eternal Breath of Darkness
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Finally able to step away
from her, he smiled at her, his black eyes burning with desire. “I need to deal
with Paul.” As long as the vampire lived, her safety was in jeopardy. “I’ll
take you home.”

“No, don’t go after him.”
She grabbed his wrist as if to stop him, but her fingers were barely able to
wrap halfway around it.

“He won’t be able to get to
you again.” He looked down at her tiny, delicate hand holding his wrist,
effectively restraining him. “I’ve no other choice.”

“I’m not worried about him
getting to me.” Stepping closer, she placed her hand on his chest. “You’re

“I’m fine. It’s only a flesh
wound.” He took her hand and held it. He needed to take her home. He needed to
go after the vampire. “Every second I wait complicates my ability to find him.”
He reached out with his other hand and wiped the tears from her cheek. “Please,
don’t cry.”

Her blood heated to a
rolling boil, her flesh aching, her heart racing. A wonderful, explosive fire
spread throughout her body, blazing through her. Her breasts felt heavier than
normal, swollen, full, and so ultra-sensitive, aching for his touch. She closed
her eyes and allowed her body’s desire for his to grow. She thought of his
hands, so strong and yet so gentle. His body was hard and muscular, so perfect
in every masculine way. She wanted to fall into the depths of his fierce
hunger. She wanted to abandon her fears. She needed to give her body and soul
to him, fully and completely. Her pulse raced. Her breaths came in rapid pleas.
She longed to feel the heat of his flesh against hers.

Startled by her thoughts,
she flung her head up and stared at him. What was she doing? Grinning shyly,
she bit her lower lip. It was his fault. It was just simply so wrong for him to
be so sexy. She looked down at her feet to avoid his knowing gaze.

He gently lifted her chin,
forcing her to look at him. “You’ve no reason to be ashamed of your desire to
be with me.”

She tilted her head to the
side. “I’m sorry.” She looked so sweet. Innocent. Afraid. Needy. Exotic. Damn,
the woman was seriously killing him.


“You know why.”

He moved closer to her.
“Your thoughts don’t insult me.” She felt his powerful muscles bunching,
rippling against her soft curves. He opened her hand and brought it to his
mouth. He kissed her palm and then very slowly ran his tongue over it. “They
drive me insane, but I’m pleased by them.”

She felt the moist heat of
his velvety tongue caress every inch of her body. She felt it blaze over her
flesh. “We … oh Haden, we’re friends.” She could hardy talk. “Haden,
I … you can hear what I’m thinking.” She felt feverish and damp. So achy.
“You’ve never hidden it from me.” He continued to tease her palm with his
tongue. She yanked her hand away from his. “I shouldn’t think of you like a
man. I know I can’t do it. I can’t cross the line from friends to lovers with
you. It would ruin everything.”

“I would be devastated if you
didn’t.” He stood there and studied her for a moment. She believed he couldn’t
possibly lose his mind over her, but he knew better. He was about to tumble
into a state of madness and take her with him. He needed to place a little
physical distance between them. If he didn’t, he risked causing her to hate him
for all of eternity. “We will have plenty of time to discuss this later. For
now, I will take you home. I need to go after him.”

The color drained from her
face. “No!” She stood on the tips of her toes, and, shocking him and herself,
she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. “Don’t go after
him,” she whispered.

Her love for him was genuine
and pure. It touched him so deeply he could barely breathe. He didn’t deserve
her love. He wrapped his arms around her. He shouldn’t, but he couldn’t help
it. He was so aware of how easily death could’ve snatched her away from him.
Tears burning behind his eyes, he lifted her up and held her against his body.
She was so very precious to him. So fragile. He could’ve lost her. How long
would it take to gain her trust enough to give her immortality? He held her
close, trying to alleviate his pain and fear, but his heart continued to ache.

“I can’t stand the thought
of you going after him.” She rested her head on his shoulder. “I’m so afraid
for you.”

He took a deep breath and
released it slowly. “There’s no reason for you worry about me.” He lowered her
onto her feet. He intended to step away from her to put some distance between
them, but he couldn’t. He needed to hold her for a little while longer. He
wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. Resting his chin on top of
her head, a surge of anger entered him. Hatred welled up in him. Paul’s days
were numbered. No one would ever attempt to harm her. She was the force that
caused his heart to beat. He wasn’t sure how he’d lived for so many centuries
without her. He wasn’t sure what kept him going, but he knew he wouldn’t
survive an hour beyond her death.

 “I need to go.” She
turned around to walk away.

Laughing aloud, he captured
her arm. “What’s your hurry? I know you don’t really think I’m going to let you
go alone.” His eyes turned black with strange flecks of silver.

“What are you?” Eyebrows
drawn together, she looked up at him.

“What do mean?” He really
hoped she wouldn’t press him for an answer. Eventually, he would tell her he
was a demon. It had been his plan all along. He’d been revealing his powers to
her a little at a time. By showing her the dragon he was attempting to further
desensitize her to the truth of what he was. But before he confessed to being a
demon, he hoped to fully gain her trust. Haden wanted no unnecessary deception
between them. Of course, there were things she didn’t need to know. Harmful
things, like the fact that he’d murdered her father to avenge and protect her.
When he’d realized her father had sold her to the men that held her captive, he
simply couldn’t allow the man to live.

“Why do your eyes turn black
when you’re mad?” She lifted her chin, and her lips curved up in the sexy,
defiant smirk he adored so much.

He smiled at her. “It
bothers you,” he whispered.

“Well …” She bit her
bottom lip nervously, wondering if she’d offended him. “It’s a bit alarming.”
Not nearly as alarming as witnessing him turn into a dragon, but she wasn’t
bringing that up. Not yet anyways.

“It’s not just anger. My
eyes turn black whenever I experience any powerful emotion.” He backed her up
against the building, moving slowly. “You see them change often because you
give life to and stir many emotions in me.”

Swallowing hard, she shook
her head. “Stop it.”

“Do not fear my touch. Your
body craves it. Your body needs it. Your body demands it.” Gently pushing her,
forcing her to face her fear, he used his body to trap hers. “Just as much as
my body craves, needs, and demands your touch.”

Eyes wide, holding her
breath, she stared up at him. “Please,” she pleaded, “I want to go home.” Her
heart beat wildly, pounding in her ears.

Smiling at her, he slowly
shook his head. “Not yet, little love, not yet.”

“Please, stop.” Holding out
her hand to stop him, tears filled her eyes. “What are you doing?”

“You’re safe with me.” He
kissed her softly. “You’re always safe with me. There’s no reason for you to be
afraid of our love.” He kissed her again, so very gently.

She placed her palms on his
chest. His powerful, well defined muscles tensed and bunched. She had every
intention of shoving him, but she didn’t. She froze. His heart was beating,
steady and strong beneath her hands. Hot electrical currents raced over her
flesh. Her body ached. She was on fire, burning up for him. Needing him.

Looking up, meeting his
gaze, she whimpered. “Haden?” She was shocked by the sound of her voice. It was
a nearly inaudible, husky murmur. “I’m not ready for this.”

“Don’t over-think what
you’re feeling, Caylee—embrace it,” he whispered against her lips. “Just kiss
me. That’s it. Just kiss me. ”

She brushed her soft, satiny
lips against his, intensifying the firestorm of passion raging through his
body. He groaned loudly, savoring the sweetness of her kiss, the innocence of
it. His cock swelled, hardened painfully. Her kiss was more stirring, more
erotic than any other kiss. It was so much more sensual, more satisfying than
any other. He struggled to allow her to set the pace of the kiss, to control
the intensity of it, hoping she would feel free enough to abandon her

Eventually his patience was
rewarded, and her kiss deepened as her body melted into his. The delicious,
intoxicating scent of her arousal filled his lungs, unmercifully ripping and
tearing at his control. His need for her spiraled out of control as her soft
moans vibrated against his lips. He parted her lips with his tongue. At first
he tasted her, and then he delved deeper, exploring the sensual heat of her
mouth more thoroughly.

Lifting her, holding her
body against his, he kissed her deeply, aggressively. She wrapped her arms
around his neck and her legs around his waist. He shuddered, his control
shattering into thousands and thousands of tiny pieces. Every muscle in his
body tensed and ached. His cock was unbelievably hard and heavy, painfully
pressed far too snugly against the seam of his pants. He was certain he would
die if he didn’t have her right then and there. He held her up easily, cradling
her hips in his palms. Even with the injury he’d sustained, her weight was
nothing to him. And even if it were painful, he sure as hell wasn’t going to
say anything.

He kissed her thoroughly,
roughly taking possession of her mouth, her body, and soul. For several
moments, he knew she was lost in the sheer ecstasy of it, but then he felt fear
welling up in her.

Meeting her gaze, he
miraculously found the strength to allow her to retreat. She needed to know she
was in control, even if it killed him. She stared into his eyes. He watched as
every fear was incinerated in the flames of passion he felt sweeping through
her. He savored the way her body was on fire, burning up for his. Needing his.
Demanding his. She was kissing him again, timidly at first and then, frantically.

The sweet, intoxicating
scent of her arousal filled his lungs. He was seriously going to die. He could
easily remove the barrier of their clothing with a thought and bury himself
deep inside her body. Her body was so hot and wet, so very ready for him to
plunge his cock deep inside her. Merging with her mind, he shared erotic images
of their bodies entwined and joined as one. He studied her reaction. He felt
her desire for him, but her fear of being vulnerable to him was also present.
He was possessive and powerful beyond her understanding. She knew he wasn’t
human, but that didn’t matter to her. She wanted to lose control with him, but
was terrified of the consequences. She wasn’t ready.

Despite her fear, he
could’ve coaxed her to allow him to possess her body, but he knew it would be a
mistake. There would be no manipulation. At least, not the first time. He loved
her too much to rush her. She wasn’t ready—her past still haunted her, a past
she believed she kept hidden from him. He would give her as much time as she
needed. Eventually, she would be free of the fear that stood between them. At
least, he hoped she would be free of it.

A black mist surrounded them
as he took her through time and space. “Open your eyes, little love.” He gently
lowered her onto her feet.

Opening her eyes, she looked
up him. She turned her head and stared at her bed, Remembering the moment she
was pulled out of it, her stomach rolled. She glanced down at blankets on the
floor. “How did we get here?” She never thought she would be afraid to be alone
in her room. But she was. In fact, she was terrified.

With a thought he waved his
hand and lifted, straightened, and pulled the blankets back. He picked her up
and carried her over to the bed. He lowered her onto it and then tucked her in.
“It’s a secret.” He leaned down and kissed her brow. “I will share it with you

“I don’t like secrets.”

“I know.”

“Haden, I am so … you
saved my life two times tonight. I still can’t believe that vampires are real.
I won’t lie. I was so afraid. Thank you.”

“I love you, Caylee. I will
always protect you. You will be safe here. Nothing will be able to enter your
room again.” He smiled at her. A very naughty, sexy smile that caused her
stomach to flutter and pulse to race. “But don’t thank me. Protecting you is a
purely selfish act. I have learned a second without you is an eternity of hell.
I need you around. I can’t allow anything to happen to you. I won’t.” She
opened her mouth to argue with him, but he continued before she could speak. “Keep
your mind merged with mine at all times so he won’t be able to use another
compulsion.” He traced her lips with the tip of his finger, and then he gave
her a small kiss.

Eyes heavy with fatigue, she
nodded. “You will be safe?”

“Absolutely—I couldn’t possibly
expect anyone else to keep you out of trouble.” Dissolving into a black mist,
he vanished.

She stared at the empty spot
where he had stood. She was terrified for him. She was tempted to call him back
to her and try to talk him out of it, but she knew better. Besides, from now on
she needed to stay as far away from him as possible.

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