Episode VI: Beta Test (19 page)

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Authors: Ben Winston

Tags: #Science Fiction

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"The majority of our world seems to have found the confidence that is eluding you, Congressmen. In fact, all the violent protests and riots are being blamed on the announcement by the government denying acceptance. With so many protests and angry citizens out there, in addition to the independent polls reporting otherwise, how can you deny that the majority of the people are not in favor of acceptance? Just for the record, there were a record five point three million people in Washington D.C., not two and a half. There are also documented reports and instances of hundreds of other, smaller protests taking place in support of the main event in Washington, D.C.! To the average American, this would appear to be an overwhelming majority attempting to send you a very clear message.

"What are your thoughts on the reports that several states are considering succession over this issue?" the Hostess asked.

The Congressmen shook his head. "Connie, those rumors are ludicrous. To the best of our knowledge, there are no states planning to secede. Beside the fact of it being illegal, that would only hurt the people living there. They would lose all the benefit of the federal government and support we give them on a monthly basis. Why would they even consider it?"

"According to our sources, they are considering it because they have lost faith in the federal government as an effective tool of public policy. They are claiming that by ignoring the will of the people, the federal government has abandoned the duties to which it has been elected. As you know, nine states have recalled not only their Representatives, but also their Senators. Surely this would support the assertion that some of the states are considering leaving the Union. As for what they would gain after they left, they could simply accept Core World status on their own. That would grant them protection and support under the Alliance," the hostess replied.

"No one wants to risk a civil war. Supporting such would show the Alliance for what it truly is; a conqueror. By involving themselves in an internal national crisis, they would clearly demonstrate that they had intended to simply invade if we didn't do as we were told. A good example is taking place over the Asian countries right now; several Alliance warships are poised to invade the nations of North Korea, Vietnam and China simply because they will not meekly bow down to them like so many others have. I can only wonder how soon their forces will arrive in orbit above us."

"Isn't it true that the nations of the Chinese Alliance is currently threatening asked for the protection of the Alliance?" the hostess asked.

"That is true, they did. However, Thailand had to agree to join the Alliance before that assistance was given. Hardly seems like the benevolent Alliance they are trying to portray themselves as, does it?" the Congressmen asked smiling smugly.

"That sounds like a very good question for our next guest to answer. Please welcome Ambassador Diane Gomez of the Alliance," the hostess said and stood clapping, as Diane walked onto the set. The Congressmen, who had not been told the Ambassador would be here, did not look happy.

After shaking hands with the hostess as well as the Congressmen, Diane took her seat. "The question asked by the Congressmen is a good one and deserves an answer. The nation of Thailand did request our protection from aggression by the so called Chinese Alliance. They made the request, and it was granted before they had finalized their decision to accept Core World status. If the records were to be checked, their decision to accept came the following morning. They asked and we responded as our promise to all nations. There is also an Alliance warship over the Korean Peninsula to assist the South Koreans as well as American forces stationed there if and when the Chinese Alliance does take action.

"I will freely admit that the Alliance Council is considering invading those countries that are refusing to listen to their own citizens based on the repression of the will of the people. However, because of the situation, that decision has not been agreed upon. Nor will it, until or unless more of the population can be made aware of the entire situation. Yes, the Alliance could have simply invaded and taken over the entire planet in less time than it takes to mobilize the American military. But that simply isn't the way we do things. We don't repress our citizens, we don't presume to think for them or make decisions for them that should be made for themselves," Diane replied.

"No, instead you influence the information given them so they believe a situation is not what it appears and dupe them into making the decision you want them to by lies and misinformation," the Congressmen said.

"Really?" Diane replied. "Please, tell me everything we have lied about or misrepresented. I'll correct it immediately and apologize to the people right here and right now before I surrender myself to authorities."

"Wait, surrender to authorities? Why would you do that?" the hostess asked.

"Because doing what the Congressmen has accused me of is highly illegal and punishable by incarceration or worse, depending on the severity of the offense. If I have lied or misrepresented the Alliance in anyway, they would be forced to withdraw completely from this world. Such an action would result in the eventual destruction of this entire planet when the Aracnise returned. By our laws, we could not even protect you anymore because of my actions," Diane explained. "I would never risk such a thing happening here."

"Tell me, Ambassador, why are you so afraid of a few spiders?" the Congressmen asked. "Don't you think we could handle something like that?"

"Like you handled it at the battle that took place in Canada? You lost the entire 7th Marines there and they were only trying to help our forces. That was only one small barely mature hive infestation. If the Aracnise return to this planet there, will be thousands of those hives all over the planet. Within a month of the initial infestation, there would be billions of spiders the size of a small car running rampant over the populations of this planet. In addition to having front arms that can slice through a steel I-beam like it was butter, they have shields and carry advanced weapons. At that point even we wouldn't be able to stop them," Diane explained. "So you tell me Congressmen, do you honestly think your forces can handle that?"

"Why don't you simply tell everyone what your real purpose is here? Why don't you admit you need us to fight these monstrosities for you and serve as a labor force to build the weapons and ships you'll need to fight? Why don't you simply admit that you're here to make us all slaves and force us to work for you?" the Congressmen said angrily.

Diane laughed at him. "You honestly believe that crap, don't you Congressmen? I will not say that because that would be a lie. I've already answered these baseless accusations once, but I'll do so again for those that didn't see it. We are building a massive infrastructure here in this system as well as the Centauri system. Those facilities will be used to build weapons and to do other research to improve either our weapons or the lives of the people of the Alliance. We have millions of requests for employment every day from the existing core worlds, and, frankly, a good share of those requests will be accepted. This will create more vacancies in the core worlds and in other industries, but all in all, we won't need to recruit anyone from this planet at all.

"The only reason we came here and made the offer we did was because it was no longer possible to hide our presence from the world. The Alliance is about the preservation of life. The Aracnise believe we are an ideal source of food so we oppose them. We would much rather turn our attention to exploration or to the pursuit of knowledge in other areas and fields of study.

"The offer was made because we of Earth are a sentient race that has little to no defense against the Aracnise. In all honesty, the Alliance does not need us. Adding another Core World to protect, especially one this far away from the others will be very difficult for them, but they didn't even question it. Yes, they need the resources of this system, but they did not need us in order to take them. They are here, and they made this offer so we can take an active role in our own defense as well as have the benefits that being a member of an advanced civilization has.

"That decision was almost defeated simply because of attitudes like yours, Congressmen. You are too suspicious of those trying to help you. You believe that there is always an ulterior motive. You’re right, in this case there is; but that motive is not what you fear it is. Simply stated, that motive is divided we will all fall, only together can we hope to survive and prosper as a people. That's it, there is your evil, vile motive for the Alliance making its offer to Earth. I guess I can understand your ire over it, I mean, after all, how dare they want us to continue to live!"

The Congressmen stood, took off the microphone attached to his lapel and stomped off the set.

Diane blushed. "I'm sorry Connie, and to everyone watching. Since the offer was made, I've been trying to tell them over and over that was all there is to this, but they refuse to believe it. I guess I'm just getting a little frustrated."

"Understandable, I believe that sentiment is shared with a great many of our citizens. May I ask what your opinion is about the possibility of some of the states accepting Core World status on their own?" Connie asked.

"My opinion is I think it's great. It shows that not all elected officials are ignoring their people and their duty. We have been contacted by several state governors about this issue and reassured them. If they do decide to do this, it will be as a state, and not just as the leaders," Diane replied.

"So the rumors are true then, several states are considering leaving the Union in order to accept Core World status," Connie said.

Diane shrugged. "I don't know for certain what they are planning, but I do know that this is an issue they are still discussing and considering, regardless of what the federal government has decided.

"If I may, I would like to clarify something the Congressmen brought up?"

"Certainly, go ahead," Connie said.

"While most of what he spoke of wasn't entirely accurate, one thing is. There will be a time of transition between the existing systems and full implementation of Alliance technology. During this time, there will probably be a lot of jobs lost. I agree, this is a bad thing. However, several options are available to cover this gap.

"In the Alliance, advanced education is available to everyone. As long as a certain grade average is maintained, the Alliance will provide for the student. During this transition, anyone signed up for retraining in a new job or position will receive the same benefits. Once acceptance is made, however, there will be more jobs available to the public as a whole. However, most of those jobs will be off-planet, and some of them will even be in space itself. Not everyone is cut out for that sort of thing, or will want to leave the planet. That's fine, no one will ever intentionally force anyone to do something against their will.

"If you lose your employment during the transition, simply register with the employment bureau; you will have to figure out what you would like to do, whether that means attending a college or simply advancing your education, or retraining for a new position. Once you have all that on record, it will be acted on as quickly as possible. In the interim, you will be provided for until the new arrangements take effect. This is not a welfare system. Retraining will only be allowed once a year, you will be required to either be in training or employed during that time. If you chose not to use this system, then you will be left to your own devices to seek employment as you will. I should mention that part of the retraining process includes placement. Certain professions will include off-planet assignments, but you will be notified before you commit to a career path of that possibility. No legal mumbo jumbo, no double speak. If you are willing to work in a profession you think you would enjoy, we will do everything we can to help you. However, if you don't really want to work, or think you can take advantage of the system and live off the state, you will find yourself left to fend for yourself."

"What about disabled persons that can't work?" Connie asked. "Or the elderly that have worked their whole lives and have retired?"

"Well, in most cases, the disability can and will be corrected and the person in question will be released back to work. If the disability cannot be corrected, then that person will be provided for as long as they remain under the care of a registered physician. Those that have retired can remain so. They've done their job, raised their family or contributed in other ways. If and where needed, they will also be provided for," Diane explained. 

After a few more questions the interview was concluded and Diane returned to her office at the U.N.

In the United States, thirty-nine states recalled their federal representatives. The new election each state held was not for the representative's replacement, but for the acceptance of Core World status. The remaining states also held similar votes without recalling their representatives. Core World status was accepted by an unprecedented, unheard of ninety-one percent of the American population. So the United States found itself in a new and uncomfortable position. The people of the country officially and legally disagreed with the federal government. However the Federal government refused to accept the state votes. Claiming manipulation by the Alliance.

One by one, each state announced their separation from the Union based on the decision by the majority of its population. They had lost faith in the federal government and resigned from its influence and control. Even the President's home state joined in the mass announcement. It was clear; the people had finally had enough of the corruption and greed of a few men.

The President ordered the military into the country and tried to impose martial law until 'order' could be restored. The troops that actually responded found Alliance troops waiting for them. Most of them simply surrendered their arms and were given transportation back to their home. The weapons were recycled into raw ores for use elsewhere. Without a shot ever being fired, the American government was overthrown by its own people and replaced with the Alliance. Protests stopped overnight, and everyone seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. There were still pockets of resistance; groups like the KKK and a few survivalist encampments tried to fight back and 'retake our country'. But it soon became clear to the survivalists that the transition wasn't a bad thing.

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