Episode VI: Beta Test (18 page)

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Authors: Ben Winston

Tags: #Science Fiction

BOOK: Episode VI: Beta Test
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"Small colony worlds are not core worlds. They govern themselves but are still seen as protectorates of the Alliance. Perhaps you can get more, or at least different opinions if you spoke to someone in a colony," Toku replied.

"I am Ambassador Holly of the United Kingdom. I have a final question for you, Citizen Undean, if I may?"

"Of course, Sir," Toku replied.

"The Alliance has offered military assistance to our people in order to overthrow some of the seated governments that are resisting the acceptance of Core World status. May we know your feelings on this matter?" the British Ambassador asked.

Toku was thoughtful for a moment. "I had not known that, Sir. I would need to think on it a bit more, but to tell you the truth, I am very pleased that they have. No one should be forced to live under oppressive rule. If our assistance is accepted, it would allow for far fewer lives to be lost in the fighting, since we can use our shields to protect our troops while only stunning yours and not killing them. I believe if a civil war between just your own people were allowed, untold damage would be done and thousands of lives would be lost if not more. In all things, the Alliance is about saving lives. We will do, or be willing to do, whatever it takes to save them," Toku replied. "Personally, I'm really surprised that the Council hasn't given approval for invasion. Perhaps they are simply trying to give you the benefit of the doubt."

"Are you saying you would support an invasion of this world?" the American Ambassador asked.

Toku nodded. "I would. However, I do have knowledge of the situation that a good portion of our society does not. Because of this, I believe invasion would not be favored by a majority of the Alliance, unless the whole truth of your world became public knowledge. If that were to happen, I believe the general public here would demand invasion. Again, I am sorry for my seeming disrespect, Ambassadors, but you did ask for honest answers."

The Sec-Gen thanked Toku for his assistance and asked if the Ambassadors would like to speak to any other citizens. With Sarah's assistance, they spoke to five more people that day before they recessed to consider the testimony heard.


arious Locations

Planet Earth

Sol System


iane was asked, by the British Ambassador, to meet with the British Prime Minister as well as the King. In the past, the Prime Minister had responsibility for governing of the Empire, but in recent years, the King had been becoming more involved in the day to day affairs. This was a very popular move by the King, supported by the people.

The long and short of the meeting had been a concern over the continuation of the monarchy in the event of Core World acceptance. Diane assured the rulers that Core World status would not mean the end of the Monarchy. In fact, she told them that such a social tradition would be supported simply because of the long traditions involved. She pointed out that existing British law already adhered to most Alliance Laws with the exceptions of marriage and certain economic regulations.

In the case of marriage, she clarified that anyone wishing to join together under a religion would have to adhere to the dictates of that religion, however civil unions, those conducted by the state and not a religion, be deregulated in that anyone who wished could be joined regardless of gender or even number, as long as all parties involved agreed. The state would have no further right to interfere in the relationships of its citizens.

Diane had to explain the economic structure of the Alliance in order to point out the economic differences. Both the King, as well as the Prime Minister, were greatly relieved to have a better understanding of the situation. They would still have the duty of governing the realm, but without the added expense of having a military. More money could be used for research and improving the lives of the common citizen.

Two weeks after that meeting, the King and the Prime Minister agreed to accept Core World status, but for the time being would work directly with Diane in her capacity as liaison to the Alliance, as opposed to UN governorship.

Following that move by the King of England, the Canadian Prime Minister also signed the agreement under the same terms. After that, all of the former British colonies also agreed to sign. That led to a few more European countries also agreeing to accept Core World status. Diane later found out that the King of England had been campaigning on behalf of the Alliance.

It finally came down to a few hold-outs: The United States, China, Russia, North Korea, Vietnam and Israel, plus three Middle Eastern countries led by devout Islamic leaders. However, after meeting with the Islamic leaders, they embraced the concept of Core World status; seeing that it would put an end to 'the Great Satan' and possibly to their own misled people that had resorted to terrorism.

It would take more than that to get the countries to agree to Core World status under the Alliance, but the leaders promised to begin work toward that goal.

All in all, Diane was happy with the progress. However, she felt that the remaining countries would never agree to the terms of Core World status. The United States was already very upset at the actions of its ally nations by agreeing to accept and had withdrawn Ambassadors from the Countries that had. For the first time in many years, the borders both north and south were closed leading into the United States. Neither Canada nor Mexico completely closed their border, but they did put restrictions on the people that crossed.

South Korea wanted to agree, but they were so closely tied to the United States that they declined discussing the issue.

North Korea, China and The People's Republic of Vietnam formed an alliance and began massing troops near the DMZ in Korea, as well as along the borders of Laos and Cambodia.

Cambodia and Thailand had already agreed to Core World status but Laos was still considering it. It was believed that they too would agree, once they worked out whatever issues stood in their way. The move by the new Chinese alliance made up their minds and they agreed; at the same time begging for assistance to prevent China and Vietnam from invading their country.

Since Vietnam and China were two of the countries Diane had warned would never agree, Lord Admiral Vance already had a plan in place for the removal of their leadership. Since now there were far more troops involved, he made a couple of minor changes to the plan for that area. In orbit above the area, the Alliance Cruiser Jonti Sa took up geosynchronous orbit and launched her fighters to patrol and for the pilots to learn the new area below them. Four more Alliance warships took up positions in the area as well. None of them tried to hide their presence, but they did maintain combat readiness.


nited States of America

North American Continent

Planet Earth

Sol System


n the United States, the most visible part of the Core Worlds issue, the general consensus of the people seemed to favor one last all-out attempt at a peaceful resolution. They were organizing a 'march' on Washington, D.C. They did ask the Alliance to provide transportation as well as security for the event.

Before agreeing to the request, Diane had to check with Lord Admiral Vance about the transportation requirements and logistical requirements of moving that many people in the time frame of the march. The task took Vance by surprise by he agreed that it could be done, but the security aspect would most likely prove more difficult.

Luckily, it was late spring in the Washington, D.C. area, so temporary shelters could be used to house the protesters. He had to get Council approval to use replicators in order to provide food and other required commodities. Of course there would also be on-site medical in addition to the peace-keepers.

All the permits were filed in accordance with the laws, but they were declined because of the projected turn out. District of Columbia officials felt that the projected unprecedented three million attendees would be more than current public facilities could safely handle. Diane herself called the administrators and worked it out.

As was normal for events of this size, the National Guard was activated to support the police, but the protest would be allowed to take place. The Alliance workers and drones rented or purchased land near Washington, D.C. and began to build and staff the needed facilities. Of course, there were the normal attempts at getting into the facilities to steal stuff, but security had been the first thing set-up. The shelters did not have any advanced technology in them, and the security guys actually took the 'spies' on a tour to show them around.

One of the 'spies' covertly let the security people know of a potential flaw in the defenses which was quickly corrected. The agent that pointed it out was released just as all the others had been with no one knowing he had actually helped the Alliance security.

The Alliance workers began preparing a month before the date set for the protest. As much as possible, Alliance personnel used local resources for food and materials, but still had to use replicators to make up the difference. A week before the protest was to begin, people began arriving by shuttle, as well as by ground. Many folks had traveled on their own to come to the large rally to let their leaders know this was something they really wanted. Alliance builders had added an additional five hundred thousand housing units to accommodate extra people, but had to be called back in as the number of arrivals reached three point two million and showed no signs of slowing down.

Distance was also becoming an issue, as many of the new 'camps' had to be built further and further away from the city. When the day came for the protest to begin, people were still arriving. The march went ahead as planned, but had to be limited in size. There were simply too many people. As it was, the surface streets of the city were closed down because of the protesters.

Vance had assigned the entire division of ground forces he had available as security to protect the protesters as well as the city. The National Mall was packed with people. From the White House to the Washington Monument, and from the Lincoln Memorial to the Capitol Building itself it was a great sea of people.

Speeches were given both for and against the issue, but in the end the message to the law makers was clear; the American people wanted to accept Core World status, and at the very least wanted the opportunity to make that decision themselves in a free election.

Amazingly enough, there were no large scale violent outbreaks. Even though the Alliance Marines providing security were not all human, no one really seemed to mind. Although, the Commanders did try to make sure that 'armed aliens' walking the streets were kept to a minimum.

The people came and made their point to their leaders. During the two week event, of which the march had been only one item on the agenda, there had been symposiums, classes, exhibitions, and demonstrations of Alliance technology. All of them being requested of the Alliance by the people that organized the protest. There was even a small booth representing the Alliance Military and the careers offered there.

Unknown to even the organizers of the event as well as Admiral Vance, when the event was over and everyone had gone home, General Ahrens formed up the entire Alliance Marine division at the Lincoln Memorial and marched them across the Arlington Memorial Bridge to Arlington National Cemetery. There, they split apart and lined the west side of Jefferson Davis Highway facing the vast Cemetery. As one, the entire unit knelt to one knee in a show of respect for their fallen brothers.

When they were done and without saying a word to anyone, the assault shuttles retrieved the unit from the round on Memorial Avenue. The 282nd Alliance Marine Assault Division returned to their normal duty stations.

However, before the Marines paid their respects and departed, Foreten Kree and his team of builders not only had to tear down everything they had built, they had to repair the damage done by the protesters. An entire fleet of drones slowly moved over the National Mall repairing the damage so many people walking on it had done. The groundskeepers were nervous about this, but after checking the work done by the drones, admitted that it would have taken them the rest of the summer to repair all the damage. The drones even planted all the gardens the groundskeepers had planned for that year and cleaned all the fountains, leaving them looking brand new. The Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool, which had plans to be closed and drained for repairs, was now fully repaired and looked brand new.

A week later, it was announced that a decision had been made regarding the issue. The proposal for Core World status was declined by the United States Congress. The issue would not be placed on the coming ballot since the issue had already been decided by Congress.


A few days after the announcement as well as many reports of violent riots and protests by the people, the Speaker of the House of Representatives agreed to a live interview on one of the popular televised morning shows. When asked how the Congress could reach the decision it had, the Congressmen smiled.

"Two and a half million people do not represent a majority in this country. Our own polls have shown us that the majority of the people in this country do not support Core World status as outlined by the Alliance. This is simply a case of the people not understanding all the issues involved here.

"We're talking about massive lay-offs, the complete and total dissolution of our military, acceptance of unproven and untested technologies that are potentially very dangerous to the people. Deregulation of the medical system alone could be disastrous. Add to all of that the fact that we would have no way to change our minds after the fact. Once we accept Core World status, that's it; there is no going back. Once done, it cannot be undone. We have to be very certain of this before we make this step, and we simply don't have that confidence at this point."

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