Enough (5 page)

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Authors: Briana Pacheco

BOOK: Enough
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“Sophie’s is down the hall.” I said.
Never thought I’d say that.

I tried walking by myself but my legs gave
out. Alex wrapped an arm around my waist and helped me to the room. He even laid me down. I’ve had dreams of this happening but with a different outcome. In any other time, I’d enjoy this.

Bryan’s getting the Advil and water.” He said.

Holy shit, he is sitting on the bed beside me.

“You don’t have to babysit me you know. Help him find it, please. I feel like my head’s going to explode.” I said. The music isn’t helping. I put a pillow over my head and groaned in pain.

I’ll go but don’t go anywhere.” Alex said.

I moved the pillow a
nd found him smiling at me. I guess he’s a joker. And that smile won me over completely.

I said.

got up, turned off the light, left and closed the door behind him. I turned on my side with my back to the door. I can’t handle the pressure. My eyes are starting to hurt and they feel like they are going to explode too. I shut them hard but it didn’t work.

The door opened again
a few seconds later.

“Finally, you take forever.”
I said.

I felt the bed dip next to me
. I’m not sure if it’s Bryan or Alex. It’s dark and I’m not in the mod to move. One of them put his hand on my shoulder and moved it down caressing the whole right side of my body. “What are you doing? Give me the Advil!” I said annoyed.

He went on top of me and turned me
over so I was facing him. It was too dark to see his face so I’m still confused. He pinned me down under his weight and I started to get scared.

“Get off me!”
What the hell. “Get off!” I tried pushing him off but he grabbed my wrists with his large hands. He’s really hurting me. “Stop, that hurts.” I tried wiggling my hands free from his grasp but he was too strong.

Shut up. You're use to this.” I heard.

I knew it wasn’t Alex or Bryan on me
after that. I don’t know who he is but I’m starting to get scared. And this doesn’t feel right. I have a strange heavy guy on me, holding my wrists together. I can’t move. I’m trapped. I feel the same way I did a few months back.

“Get off me!
Please, just leave me alone.” I said. Then I started crying. My head still hurts and crying made it worse but he doesn’t get off me. And what he said…I’m use to this. “Help!” I yelled.

One of his hands let go of my wrists, now holding both of them in one hand as
his hand went to my throat. I tried screaming out but my voice was trapped in my throat. The music is too loud too. No one can hear me.

“Shut up
!” He pinned my wrists to the headboard so hard, they started to feel numb. I think I see something on his forearm…what is that? A tattoo?

His hand left my throat and ran down my chest until his fingers grazed the end of my tank top. He
lifted up my shirt and started touching me.

“Stop! Let me go!”
I screamed but I couldn’t hear my own voice.

He started kissing my breasts

I tried wiggl
ing out from under him but he’s too heavy. My body’s too weak. I can’t do anything. I can’t even scream. The music sounds like I’m in the shower and my voice is hardly above a whisper. My head hurts. My throat hurts. My hands are going numb. I can’t–

He slid his hand down t
o my jeans and unbuttoned them.

“No, stop
! Help!” I tried again.

Then I
felt something cold and sharp on my side. A knife.

He pressed it hard
into my skin.

“Be quiet
.” He moved the knife under my cheekbone and slid it down. It didn’t cut me but I knew it was sharp enough to do it. The knife rested under my breasts as his hand moved back down to my jeans. He unzipped them.
Someone help me
! Then he sighed. “Why couldn’t you wear a dress? This would have been easier.” He said.

! Like I want this to happen.

I tried to wiggle under him but it’s useless.
He brought the knife back to my abdomen, just below my left breast. He pressed it deep into my skin. I felt it go through.

“Please don’t hurt me. Please
! I won’t tell anyone.” I cried. Maybe if I cry and I beg, he’ll stop. I don’t even know what he looks like. I can’t point him out in a crowd.
Please. Please, just stop

gripped the knife and slid it across my skin. I cried out in pain as I felt skin tear. The knife probably cut me about five inches wide.

“Nothing is going to happen
. I’m going to wait until you’re vulnerable. I want you to keep looking over your shoulder. When will you see me again? I will be watching you. Nobody will stop me. You should be use to this. You’re a whore, nobody will want you. I know everything about you. I will never leave you alone. I want to see you at your breaking point. That way I know I win. Your friends won’t help you, they can’t–”

The door opened, letting in some light but not enough
and someone came in. The silhouette of the body was male. “Help me!” I tried to yell but it was barely a whisper. Did he hear me?

“Emily, we found some
Advil an…what…get off of her!” Alex said.

Oh, thank God.

The guy on top of me finally let me go. My mind spun as his weight lifted off me. The movement was too fast. My head is pounding.

He jumped off of the bed and I’m pretty sure he
punched Alex because I heard the intake of air. The guy ran out of the room and I felt Alex get up and reach out for me.

“Emily, are you okay?
” He asked.

“Just get me out of here
, please.” I said wiping my eyes.

“I don’t know how to ask but did you…um…want that to happen?” Alex asked. I don’t blame him. I was in a dark room with some fucking lunatic but if someone walked in, it might look like I was hooking up with someone.

“No.” I choked.

y side hurt when I moved but I don’t care, I just want to leave. I feel like I’m going to pass out. I want to vomit. Someone almost hurt me. I was to weak to do anything about it.

“I’m going to find that–

!” I said cutting him off. Alex doesn’t know the guy has a knife. “He has knife. You could get hurt. Just get me out of here. Please.” I buttoned my pants and pulled my shirt down. Right now I’m glad it’s kind of dark. Alex can’t see how scared I am. How pathetic I look. He came over to help me and I leaned on him, I can’t keep myself up. “Where’s Bryan?” I asked.

“He went
to get Tiffany. I said I can bring the pills. I can get him if–”

, let’s just go…please.” I said.

He brought me
into the hallway. When we walked past people, some guys turned and did a double take when they saw us. They probably have their minds set on what happened in that room with me and Alex. I don’t give a shit. I just want to leave.

When we got out of the house undetected,
Alex told me his car is a block away. He half-carried me the rest of the way and sat me in his car. He got in and started the ignition. “Where do you want to go?” He asked.

So much is going through my head
and none of it is making sense.

.” I said. I thought about what my mom said before I left the house and if she saw me, she’ll probably think I’m drunk or better yet high. “No, I can’t go home. Just take me anywhere. I don’t care where.”

He gla
nced at me then nodded.

Yeah, that’s something a slut would say. Excellent.

I’m pretty sure I fell asleep in his car because when I opened my eyes, Alex was carrying me through a doorway. He stopped next to a couch where he was probably deciding to dump me on. He walked a few more steps and started walking up some stairs. I don’t know where I am. He laid me in a bed instead. Wow, it’s a very comfy bed. The silk sheets look black but since its dark in here it can be dark blue or some other color.

He took my heels off and
draped a blanket on me.

“Where am I?”
I whispered.

“My place. You fell asleep in the car so I didn’t know where to bring you. You take my bed and I’ll take
another room. I brought you an Advil and water.” He said pointing to a nightstand on my right. Then he turned on his heel and started to walk toward the door.

I grabbed his arm
with astonishing speed. “Please, don’t leave me alone.” I said. This is not how I pictured our first interaction outside of school but I’m scared. I don’t want to be alone. Especially not right now.

Through the moon
light shining through the windows, I saw he was debating whether or not to stay with the crying lump in his bed.

I said.

kicked off his shoes and crawled onto the other side of the bed.

I took the
Advil and laid back down, staring at the ceiling. Alex put his arms behind his head and stared at the ceiling too. We were both quiet and I honestly don’t know if it was the time to say anything.

Alex shifted and his arm brushed mine as he dropped it to his side.

I felt his fingers twitch and then they wrapped around my own.

I should turn around and push him away. After what just happened at Sophie’s, I shouldn’t be doing this. But I am. I curled into his side and I cried. I cried because I feel safe enough to cry. I feel safe
enough to let my guard down and do this.

Alex wrapped his other arm around me and I was cocooned in him.

It was literally the best feeling in the world.

It made me forget about what just happened. Kind of.

I don’t ever want to go through that again.

Who the hell was that guy?

I need to find out.

. This Isn’t Me


I woke up with Alex facing me and his arm around me. Man, this is a nice way to wake up. Wait, how did I get here? And why is he next to me? I don’t know if I should make some noise to wake him up or what but I like him here. It feels comfortable. Safe.

made a noise in his sleep so I snapped my eyes closed. I don’t want him thinking that I was watching him. Even though I was. And it was a beautiful sight.

He slowly moved his arm f
rom around me and I couldn’t help but feel disappointed. Oh, what I would give to know what he’s thinking about right now. And I don’t feel any morning wood. Either, he was already awake and controlled himself or he didn’t have any sexy dreams. That kind of sucks to think about because I am lying beside him…

After a few seconds, I slurred something and twitche
d my foot. Hopefully that works. I don’t know if he’s watching me. Hopefully he is.

opened my eyes and he looks gorgeous. As always. Man, those piercing eyes were stuck on mine and I couldn’t speak. His hair is messed up from sleep but it looks fucking sexy right now. I want to run my fingers through it but that just says, creep. And I’m not a creep. Not really.

We didn’t say anything
to each other for awhile but it wasn’t uncomfortable. I was busy trying to remember how I got here. Then the memories came flashing back like I was flipping channels.

The party.

“We can talk…if you want.” Alex said watching me closely.

I turned
my back to him because I do not want to talk about it. My eyes landed on the bathroom to my right. Yes, perfect. We have the same rooms. I have my own private bathroom too.

I got up and walked over to the sink.
I don’t want to talk about anything. Especially not with him. I saw Alex in the mirror and he was staring at something on the bed. “Emily…” He hopped out of bed and walked over to me. Okay, I thought he was going to pin me to the counter and do naughty things to me but when he turned me around slowly, I got the impression that wasn’t happening. I don’t know what he’s doing and he must have seen the confusion on my face because he said, “There was blood on the bed.” Shit.

I looked
down at my shirt and there it was. I have a blood stain right under my left breast. I lifted up the shirt and stared at the dried up blood on the cut. I forgot about that.

Alex left and came back with a shirt and sweatpants
in his hands. “You can take a shower here and I can fix that up or I can take you to the hospital.” He said.

No, I don’t like hospitals. I can just take a shower here.” I said way too fast. I have a piece of my body torn, sliced. What the fuck?!

nodded. He took out towels for me then closed the bathroom door. I didn’t want to keep him waiting so I took a fast shower. The cut hurt to touch so I just let water run over it which wasn’t any better.

I g
rabbed the towel and wrapped myself up. I put my bra and panties back on when I was done drying myself off, then I remembered Mom.
I need to go home
. Shit! I need to find my phone. I put Alex’s sweats on and decided go shirtless. He said he was going to fix the cut. The shirt will get in the way.

left his room and looked down the hall. This place is huge. I decided to wing it and I headed downstairs. I found him in the kitchen. Where are his parents? I didn’t see any family photos in the hall and by the looks of it, nobody else was home. It was so quiet that I only heard my footsteps on the floors. Weird.

I sat on a
barstool he set up for me and made sure to keep my back out of sight. He doesn’t need to see the tattoo. No one does.

We made small talk as h
e cleaned up my wound, put some cream on it and grabbed a big bandage out of the first aid kit on the table. “You might need to go to the hospital for stitches. How did this happen?” He asked.

I wi
nced as he put the bandage on and he gave me an apologetic look. “I don’t want to talk about it. Does anyone know I’m here?” I asked.

“Your phone was locked so I couldn’t call any
one. Emily, that guy in the room…” I put on the shirt he gave me. Hm, smells like fresh laundry and Alex. I can’t explain what Alex smells like but it’s damn good.

I found my phone
on the kitchen island. I have seven missed calls, twelve messages and two voicemails, all from Tiffany, Bryan and my mom. I put the phone down on the table and saw my wrists…

“Thanks for your help. I have to go.
Please don’t tell anyone what you saw. Not even to Tiffany or Bryan, okay?” I said.

are you going?” He asked looking me up and down.

“I have to go home. My mom is probably wondering where I am.” As I picked up my phone
, Alex glared at my wrists. He’s been looking at them ever since I sat down in front of him. They’re turning bluish-purple so I guess he wants to know how that happened. “Do you have something to cover this up?” I asked. I can officially say he’s not going to start anything with me. I am stamped as
crazy chick
in his book. And I wouldn’t blame him. I did cry on him last night and I’m getting fixed in his kitchen. Nothing about this is normal.

“Yeah, you can wear one of my sweaters. I’ll drive you home. Wait one sec
, okay?” He said.

I nodded and he went back upstairs.
Yes, I let my eyes land on his nice round butt when he walked away. A girl can dream.

I found the cupboard where the cups a
re and got a glass of water. That’s when I realized I didn’t really pay attention to Alex’s house. This house is really big…like
big. Where is his family? They would just leave him alone with a girl in his bed? My mom would freak if she witnessed that. No matter how old I am.

walked over to the living room and looked out one of the windows. I saw his Audi R8 in the driveway. That is one sexy car.

He came down
the stairs and handed me a hoodie.

“Thank you. For everything.”
I said reaching for it. Our fingers brushed and he zapped me. “Sorry.” We both said looking away.

grabbed his car keys and opened the front door.

Am I crazy for wanting to throw him against the wall and kiss him? Yes.
Yes, I am. He just looks kissable right now. And more…

We walked
down the stairs to his car. I got in and sat on my hands because I don’t trust myself with him so close. Even after what happened last night, I’m still lusting over him.

We drove in silence
and honestly, I was glad. I wasn’t in the mood for talking and I don’t think Alex wants to bring up what happened at the party until I want to tell him myself. Which would be never.

We got to my house
and Mom’s car wasn’t there. Great, she won’t be home to lecture me on not coming home last night. “Thanks again.” I said as I opened the car door. Alex grabbed my arm before I got out.

“Wait, give me your phone.”
He said. I hesitated.
Don’t get in over your head. He’s not going to call you.
I thought. He’s just being nice…he doesn’t really want my number. I unlocked it anyways and passed it over. He typed something in and handed it back. “Now you have my number. If you want to talk, just call or text. All right?”

“Yeah. Got it.”
I said.

“Do you want me to
walk you to the door?” He asked taking off his seatbelt. See, this is what I didn’t want. I don’t want people to baby me. That just makes me look weak.

it’s fine. What did I say at the party, ‘You don’t have to babysit me’ so you can go. And remember don’t tell anyone.” I said.

He nodded
. Good.

I got
out and walked up the stairs to the front door. I looked for my keys but remembered that I didn’t bring them with me last night. I had to move the plant that was next to the door, hiding the spare. I unlocked the door and waved back at Alex.

hesitated to leave but eventually did when I closed the front door. That was so embarrassing. Goodbye chances of kissing that beautiful bastard. Goodbye chances of doing anything with him!

I looked around for my mom but I knew she wasn’t home.
It’s Saturday so she’s off doing something and if her car isn’t here, she’s not here. I found a note in the kitchen instead.
Went to get your brother and sister from school. I’ll be back around 9. I left leftovers in the fridge and we are going to talk about last night. Where were you?


I wasn’t hungry so I went up to my room. I
climbed into bed and let sleep over take me. Why am I missing Alex already? We just slept together, literally and I already want him here to talk to or just look at. I’m delusional.

I took a nap and
woke up around five pm. It was dark out already but I closed my curtains, making it darker. I really hope that psychopath was lying about him watching me everywhere. That is just beyond weird and I don’t like the fact of someone watching me.

I went to my
bathroom and brushed my teeth in the dark. I didn’t feel like turning on the lights. I know my way around the house in the dark. The same house we’re about to move out of. Ugh, that thought just popped up into my head. I lived here for almost eighteen years. This is home. I don’t want to leave.

walked downstairs and went to kitchen to look for the leftovers Mom left. That’s when I noticed the light from the fridge wasn’t on. Isn’t it always suppose to be on when you open the fridge? Hm. I tried the stove light and same thing. Dead. I tried the kitchen, living room, and hallway lights. Nothing.

I panicked
for no reason and went to my room for my phone. I hate to be alone when the power goes out. Especially if that creep is out there. I looked up Alex’s number because honestly, he was the first person on the contacts list. Before I could hit send, something hit the back of my head, hard. I blacked out.


I woke up and tried to touch the back of my throbbing head. What the fuck just happened? My arms wouldn’t move when I jerked them. What the hell?

I looked up
into the darkness unable to see anything. I blinked a few times but that didn’t work. I moved my legs and felt my bed underneath me. I know the feel of my soft comforter. I’m in my bed…with my hands tied to my headboard. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Not again. I tried wiggling out of the things restraining my hands but I’m still weak. No. Ohmygod. Please. Someone has to come home. What time is it? Mom said she’d be back by nine.

black figure appeared at my door. “I swear you make it so easy for me to find you. And thanks for the key. That was not what I expected. How stupid of you to open the door and put the key back in the hiding place. Not that smart, Emily.” I know that voice. It’s his voice. “I must say I hated that I had to hurt you like that but you didn’t make things easy last night.” He was walking closer to me. God, why can’t I see his face?!

, don’t. Why is this happening to me? What did I do to you?!” He moved closer to the bed and sat down. He put a hand on my stomach then moved it to where he cut me. His hands are so cold. I feel it through my shirt.

The tears were start
ing to come out because I know this time he can do whatever he wants to me. Nobody’s home. And he knows that.

you, Emily? All those rumors going around in school.”

He moved his hand down to m
y thighs. Oh, God. No!

He tried spreading
my legs but I tried my hardest to keep them shut. I might be weak right now but I will not make this easy. Just delay this. Someone will be home. Soon. I hope. “So you want to play that way.” He got up and tore the sweats off me. Shit. This can’t be happening.

He got on the bed and
climbed on top of me like he did at the party. I tried moving my legs out from under him but it was useless. Again.

! Please don’t. Please! Just leave me alone.” I started sobbing harder and I kicked my legs against the bed. He took out the knife and slid it over my body. Him and his damn knife! He slid the knife down to my lower abdomen and with a quick flick, he sliced my panties and threw them to the floor. “Stop, stop! Get off me…SOMEONE HELP ME!”

“No one is going to help you.
” He said.

Then he
taped my mouth shut. I screamed but it only came out muffled. I can’t control what is going to happen. I can’t do anything.

, just go. Don’t do this to me. Please!” I tried to scream.

I heard him unzip his pants and before I knew it, my life was over.

Emily Vasquez is no one.


I stared out at my windows that were covered by my curtains. I’m too weak to move. I’m too weak to do anything. My throat hurts form the screaming that nobody heard. I don’t feel like me anymore.

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