Enough (3 page)

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Authors: Briana Pacheco

BOOK: Enough
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Are you sure you’re all right?” He sounded concerned but the sooner he left, the faster I would find out if my family’s moving or not.

“Yeah, now go. Get
ready. The party starts at eight.”

I turned around before
he could ask me anything else.

walked up the front steps and went inside.

. The Party


I went looking for my mom but couldn’t find her anywhere. I gave up and went to my room. I decided to take a shower to get all these dried tears and rain from earlier off me. It took me a while to realize how long I was taking when I heard a knock on my bathroom door.

, are you okay? You’ve been in there for a while.” Mom said.

I turned off the shower and wrapped myself in a tow
el. “Yeah, I’m fine. Let me get dressed and we can talk.” I said.

“Okay.” I heard her leave and close the bedroom door. I step
ped out onto my nice fluffy rug and wondered how many times I’ll get to rub my toes on it again. Hopefully for years to come. I put on my robe and looked through my closet. I took out skinny jeans and a cute pink tank top. I don’t care if it’s still cold outside. I picked out cute heels that matched the color of my tank. Now for the hair…maybe a high ponytail. It would look good.

I got my iPhone out of my bag and slipped it in my back pocket.
It was 7:20 pm when I checked to see if I got any texts. Damn! Everyone was going to this party. The texts were coming in like there was no tomorrow. I checked myself in the mirror and made sure my tattoo’s hiding. Good, I don’t want anyone to see it. I didn’t get it for other to see.

I went downstairs and found my mom drinking coffee in the kitchen.
I sat on the other side of her and waited for the verdict.

“You look nice. W
here are you going?” She asked.

“Sophie’s. There’s a little get together for all the seniors.”
I lied. It’s not a get together. It’s a party where alcohol will be served and people will be sucking face with random people. It’s my kind of party.

“Sophie.” Mom said smiling. “
How is she?” Me and Sophie were best friends since kindergarten too. Tiffany, Sophie and I were inseparable. She came from a family with money but she never liked to flaunt it. She was different than your average rich friend.

I loved her until we had the fall out.

She had her eyes set on a guy when we started high school. She never mentioned who, ‘bad luck’, she would say. When Zach asked me out she flipped out and said I stole her man and yada yada yada. I didn’t know Zach was the guy she was pining over. We never talked again. I made an effort but she never responded kindly. Zach and I dated for three years and close to the end of junior year, we went to the party where I got drunk and we fought, that’s how everything ended.

I think Sophie’
s dating him now. Yeah, she finally got her wish.

“I don’t know. We haven’t really been the best of friends anymore. So did you decide on anything yet?”
I asked changing the subject.

walked over to me and rested her elbows on the table.

“I have. The job sounds great
and I can’t let something like that get away.” She said. Kill me now. “We will be moving to Seattle. Rachel said you can stay with her until graduation.”

My world just exploded.

It’s not weird hearing Mom call Mrs. Diaz, Rachel. That is her name but it sounds as if I was being sent away for good. “Are you serious? Why? Is it because of the drinking? Mom I told you I can stop and I will. You don’t have to move. I promise.” I pleaded.

She stood up and started pacing
around me. By the look on her face, she’s not changing her mind. She’s set on leaving and nothing will change that. “Honey, it’s not about your drinking. I wish you would stop, but it’s bigger than that.” Her eyes found mine and they watered. Shit, it’s bad. “Honey… we lost everything. We don’t have anymore money. The bank has the house now. We can’t live here anymore. We need a fresh start and that’s in Seattle.” What?! What the fuck did she just say?!

I can’
t believe what she’s telling me. The bank doesn’t just up and take a house. It takes time. Mom has been struggling and I didn’t fucking notice. God, I’m the worst.

I got up and walked
past the living room to the front door. We’re broke. We have nothing. I guess its set. My life is officially over.

Before I could open t
he door, my mom grabbed my arm.

, don’t do anything reckless. Please. I am letting you go to the party because I don’t want you here when I start packing and making calls but please don’t come home drunk. I hate to see you like that.” She dropped my arm to my side and let me go. She’s letting me go because she doesn’t want me to see her cry. I know that’s why. I’m a shitty daughter because it’s not even in my mind to stay here and comfort her.

The wind had a chill
to it as I stepped outside, I didn’t mind. I walked down the front steps and turned left. This party is just what I need.

As I was walking
, I saw my neighbor, Ben, from four houses down. Ben’s new to Wilks Academy this year too. He’s a junior, and since we’re neighbors, we became friends. He was talking to someone. I couldn’t see at first but as I got closer, I recognized the ginger/nutmeg color hair. He was wearing a blue Aeropostale shirt and jeans that were perfect for his body. And that ass… Oh, God. My lady parts are enjoying the view. What is he doing on my street and talking to Ben? I didn’t know they knew each other. Must be because they’re new at school.

Damn, Em. You like nice. Off to Sophie’s?” Ben asked. I saw Alex tense up a bit. He’s right there…just a few feet away from me. I feel like I am in heaven. This is a dream come true.

“Thank you. Yeah, you?” I
asked. I’m hoping Alex would turn around and talk to me. Come on. Just turn around. I kind of dressed up hoping he’d be at the party. After today, I think he should see me dress nice. Yes, I want to show off a bit.

Juniors aren’t allowed.” Ben said shaking his head.

Crash it. They wouldn’t notice. You going, Alex?” I asked.

He turned around as if I just arrived and hadn’t been talking
to Ben.

“Yeah, I was thinking about it.” He
said then turned back to Ben after his eyes took me in. Man, that look did things to me.

I took the turn around
as a signal that they were not to be interrupted so I continued walking. “See you there then. Bye Ben.” I said.

Alex and Ben
were whispering about something I couldn’t make out. A few seconds later, Alex called out my name. Yes, my heart stopped for a second when my name rolled off his tongue. I liked the way it sounded.

Do you mind if I walk with you?” He asked. Hell no! I slowed down and turned to see him walking toward me. A smile lit up my face. Like I would deny myself the pleasure of him with me.

, not at all.” I said. Ben waved at us and walked back inside his house. “I didn’t know you knew Ben.”

, I knew his sister. She was close with my family.” He said glancing up at me. I almost melted, it was dark outside but those hazel eyes seemed to glow. Then I replayed what he just said. He knew his sister.

“I thought Ben was an only child
.” I said. “Is his sister at college or something?” He slumped his shoulders a bit and opened his mouth as to say something but closed it just as fast.

“Or something.
” He said softly. “She died last year.”

, I–I didn’t know that.” Ben never said anything to me.

and my sister went to college together.” He said. Oh… Alex has a sister. She must be fucking sexy too. Alex chewed on his bottom lip for a bit as we walked. I think he wants to say something. Should I tell him to go on? Is it any of my business? “One night they were going to surprise us during break and they never made it.” He said.

“What about your sister? What happened?”
I asked.

He said
never made it.

He was quiet for a while then looked up at me.

“They were hit by a drunk driver and the car was totaled. We found out a few days later,” he said. “Ben’s family moved to Boston and his family told mine that the city’s great. We joined in as well, so here I am.” He said staring at the ground.

I’m sorry. That’s horrible…” I don’t know what else to say.

I guess now I know why his life is so private…

“Yeah, well, I don’t really like to think about it.” He said. He started biting his lip again. “Where’s Bryan? I thought he never left your side?” Hmmm, so he does notice some things. I think he was also glad about the subject change.

“I told him I wanted to walk to Sophie’s.
He was hesitant but I finally convinced him and he listened. What about you? Don’t you have a car? Why would you want to walk?” I’ve seen the Audi. Everyone has.

He looked
up and gave me the most genuine smile. “I like to walk in this weather. Clear my head.” He said. So do I. It’s refreshing.

His arm brushed again
st mine when we turned a corner. I could just die. Now, only if he could take me in his arms and kiss me…

No, shut up. You’re going to scare him away.

“I know what you mean. Sophie’s party came just in time for everything that happened to me today. I just have to go to a party, get some alcohol in my system and–oh, I’m sorry…I think the last thing you want to hear about is someone getting wasted.” I said mentally kicking myself.

, it’s fine.” The look on his face said otherwise. “Emily, maybe you shouldn’t drink as much as you do.” Great he’s heard about my wild moments. “I’m not one to judge but you’re young and alcohol really messes people up. I mean…the last thing you need is someone to tell you what to do with your life.” He said catching my eye.

I know. If only you knew what my life was like though. Alcohol really helps out. I learned how to control it…” Why am I telling him this? “Bryan asked me not to drink at this party but he doesn’t know what’s going on with me. Especially at school. If you only knew...”
Shut up, Em.
Maybe Alex doesn’t know about the rumors. He did come to Wilks this year. With him around some of them died down but some kids still bring it up.

“I don’t believe those rumors. Just
so you know. Everyone has problems and everyone else wants to bring them up and twist the words. Bryan seems like he cares about you. You’re lucky to have him. Some boyfriends wouldn’t want a girlfriend that drinks and has rumors going around that she...you know” He had an apologetic smile on his lips.

I do
n’t know what to say. He heard about the rumors but doesn’t believe them. He doesn’t even know me and he already takes my side. “Bryan’s not my boyfriend. We’re just friends. He just looks out for me.” I said. Alex smiled and I swear that smile says that’s the answer he was looking for. I want him to know I’m single. Hello. Put flashing arrows on me with a sign for him to notice, please.

“Well, you should have someone like that as a friend.
” Alex said. “I always thought you had your life together. I guess we’re both the same. But like I said, we all have problems. If you wanna talk some day, I’m here. You know where to find me.” He said.

like I would just talk to him.

Lips would be involved but talking wouldn’t be going on.

Alex’s eyes caught mine and his brows rose. What? I didn’t–

“I did not just say that, did I?” I asked

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure you did.” He said smiling.

Ohmygod! Kill me now. Seriously. Fucking run me over and kill me.

I stared at the sidewalk as we walked and tried not to think of ways to hurt myself for that slip. God, I want lighting to strike me right now. I curled my hands into fists as we walked. I’m use to be up front with guys. I have last summer to think back on but with Alex it’s different. I don’t want to be the slut. I don’t want to be the one night stand. I want something and I want it with him.
I’m delusional for thinking of something more with him or anyone. My body has needs and that’s why I’m lusting over him. I need to stop. Like right now. But it’s hard…

I heard the loud music so I know we’re near Sophie’s.
I just have to ask Alex one question before I stop this. This obsession I have with him that is. I
to know.

What about you? Do you date girls that drink and have rumors flying around?” I asked.
Wow, congrats Em.
I grew a pair.

He smiled. “Depends on the girl.”
He said. I nodded. Good answer.

“So…I never asked…is Alex short for Alexander?”

I really don’t want to stop talking to him. Just having him beside me is making me forget about everything my mom said. And he smells really good. The wind is blowing that sexy smell my way and I don’t want to stop breathing him into my lungs.

shook his head. “No…Alexandra.” He said finding my eyes. I stopped short. What? Is he serious? He sounds and looks serious…

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