Enough (42 page)

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Authors: Briana Pacheco

BOOK: Enough
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!” Scarlett yelled from downstairs.

We w
alked into the living room and found any evidence from yesterday cleaned up. Wow, that was fast.

“Hi, M
om.” I walked in and saw Garrett. “Officer Miles.”

It’s just Garrett. I’m not on duty right now.” He said smiling.

“Mom, Emily has something t
o tell you.” Scarlett said. She may be older than me but she loves to snitch. Seriously. This girl is the big mouth of the family. And I’m talking sexually too.

“I told her it’s nothing.
” I said sighing. “The other day I found cigarette buds outside of the house. I think someone has been watching me from that spot.”

She described the cigarettes David use to smoke.” Declan said as he walked in. Mom’s eyes widened. I just noticed Scar and Declan don’t call David ‘dad.’ Is it because of me? What I told them? Did they cut off ties completely like they’re not his children?

“Is it him?
Did you see him outside?” Mom asked panicked.

“No. I don’t know.
I didn’t see anyone.” I said.

om turned toward Garrett in full panic mode. Oh, God.

“If it’s my ex-
husband then I need your help.” She said. She starting talking gibberish and pulling her hair a few seconds later.
Drama Queen

Is he dangerous?” Garrett asked looking at us.

Mom looked at me
then. Oh, great.

“He attacked me when I was younger.”
I said looking at the floor. I don’t want to think about it. I want that part of my life to stay buried. No person should have to recall the person they thought was their father trying to rape and kill them at the age of ten.

“I can try to have a patrol
car outside and see if there’s anything.” Garrett said nodding. He knows this family is fucked up. And he still want to help. “Right now…just don’t be alone. If he attacked you when you were younger and he’s back now, he might try it again.” Awesome.

“What if it isn’t him and it’s just some
random person smoking outside?” I asked. A lot of people smoke. They could just like the spot.

’ll have to wait and see.” He said walking over to the window to make a call. “I’ll need to know where the cigarette buds were.” He said looking at me.

“I can show you.” Declan said.

When they walked outside, Mom walked up to me and grabbed my arm. And now it starts.

“Don’t worry about it
. It’s probably just a smoker like you said. Better safe than sorry.” Mom said. The look in her eyes was nothing that came out of her mouth. She’s scared, maybe for me, the family, or both. “Alex, can I talk to you?” He nodded and they walked away to talk in private. I don’t even want to know.

I walked over to the window and
peeked on Declan and Garrett talking. They kept looking up at my bedroom window and nodding. Shit, I think they think it’s something.

arlett walked over to me. “Em, we just want you to be safe. It could be David. It’s probably not but after everything that happened to you–”

“I know.
” I said annoyed. “I don’t even know if someone is really watching me. Like I said, I’m just paranoid.”

That one word holds so much as she stares at me. I sighed and accepted that maybe something might be wrong. “Garrett will help us.”

Declan and Garrett walked back inside.
“There will be a car outside later today. There’s no evidence of trespassers so it’ll be difficult to keep them for long. School starts tomorrow, right?” Garrett asked.

“Yeah.” I said

ou should check in with your family often just to be safe.”

“Don’t you think this is a little t
oo much?” I asked.

“Emily.” I looked at M
om. “I don’t want anything else happening to you.” She said. “Any of you.” Fucking great. I thought I was done being tortured. I thought Giovanni was the last thing I’d go through.

“I have to go.
” Garrett said. “Grace, if you want to cancel the trip on Friday, I understand.” My ears perked up.

, I think we should–”

“What trip?” Scarlett asked before I could.

“We were going to drive up to New Hampshire for a concert but we can find another time.” Mom said crossing her arms over her chest.

would you want to stay–”

I shut my mouth when I thought about it.
Because of me. Great. I’m messing up Mom’s life too.

“I have something on Friday so you can go. Don’t let me mess up your plans.”
I said.

“What are you doing?” Sca
rlett asked.

“It’s something for
Victoria’s Secret.” I said shrugging.

feel everyone’s eyes on me. I know what they’re thinking.

Modeling?” Scarlett said.

, something like that.” I said chewing on my lip. I know I have these wounds so I shouldn’t get my hopes up. I glanced at Garrett a second later. “Thank you for everything you’re doing but please don’t change your plans for Friday.”

I walked out of the living ro
om and leaned against the wall. Is it happening again? This year is suppose to be different. I thought it was over.

Garrett gave me slight nod and said goodbye
as he walked past me. I walked through the kitchen and headed outside to the backyard. I sat on the swinging chair and stared at the ground. When will my life get back to normal? This fucking sucks.

om sat down next to me moments later. “Everything is going to be fine.” She said grabbing my hand and studying me.

No, it’s not.” I said. And then I spilled. I cried while I talked about how fucked up all this is and how I want to be a normal person with nothing to worry about. I don’t want to have to look over my shoulder anymore. I don’t want Justin to die. I don’t want to lose anyone. I just want everything to be okay.

Is that so much to ask?

“Is Justin starting the treatment soon?” Mom asked.

“Their working everything out.” I said. “Mom, I need him to get better. I know I just found out about the cancer but I love the guy. He’s like a brother to me. It’s like losing Declan. I just can’t go through it.”

“He’s going to get better.” Mom said. “He’s a strong kid.” She pulled me into her side and rubbed my back like she use to do when I was a kid. “I heard he had a lot of fun last night.”

Yeah, everyone was excited.” I said smiling. He didn’t get out of bed for so long and then I show up and he’s smiling and dancing around the house with his family and friends. I can’t help but say I feel special. I did that. I made him open his eyes a bit. “So what did you do all night?”

looked away, blushing. “That is something a mother doesn’t tell her children but we had a nice time and I’ll do it again.” She said.

“That’s good. You deserve to have a wild night here and there.”
I said teasing her. Mom needs to get out and have fun.

…it was a wild night.” She said winking.

“Mom! I don’t need
to know that.” I said standing up and walking back into the house. “Eww. You have me visualizing things I don’t need to see.” She laughed and followed me in to find Alex, Scarlett and Declan sitting at the table. “I have to poke my eyes out real quick.” I said.

“Gross, M
om.” Scarlett said.

“Sex is a natural thing. Don’t think you’re a
saint.” Mom said walking to the fridge. Scarlett’s jaw dropped and I covered my eyes in embarrassment.

“Okay, Mom. There are guys in here
and we don’t have to hear this.” Declan said. Like he doesn’t have sex either. Please. He’s the whore of the house.

pulled out some veggies and started chopping away. “Food should be done in thirty minutes, if you’re hungry.” She said. Gizmo strolled into the kitchen and stopped at my feet. “His treats are next to the fridge.”

turned and grabbed a few chewy brown bones.

“You need to lay off my bed.”
I said as he ate the treat. He jumped toward me for the other one. “Sit.” I said. He barked. “Gizmo.” He backed off and sat down then he titled his head and whined. I handed him the treat.

“We got an email fro
m the Dean this morning.” Declan said. “We can start classes on Monday if we want.” I looked up at him. I don’t want them to leave so soon. Monday, the sixth. That’s not enough time together.

“That’s great news
, honey.” Mom said catching my eye. She knows I want to spend time with my family. We were always close until Declan left for college and I started doing drugs. I disconnected from my life. I wanted to feel nothing.

“Yeah, that’s good.” I
said eyeing both of them. They seem happy to go but I can tell they don’t want to leave me here. They can’t protect me forever.

I caught Alex
looking at my right shoulder.

You have something on you shoul–”

It’s nothing.” Declan said cutting him off. I didn’t listen to Declan. I looked sideways and saw a huge bug on me. My eyes widened and I screamed. Yeah, classy. I flicked the bug off me and ran in the other direction. “She hates bugs.” Declan clarified. I shook my body and checked for any more. “It must be a girl thing.”

“That thing was huge!
” I said. I don’t even know what the fuck it was.

“That’s what she said.” Scarlett said
smiling as she walked out of the kitchen. She looked over her shoulder at me. “Don’t look behind you!”

I ran out of the kitchen
like my ass was on fire.

was nothing there.” Mom called out.

Not funny.” I said as I crashed into Scarlett.

“You better rock that audition.” She
said out of nowhere while looking at my soon-to-be scar. She looked behind me and I thought there was another bug but it was just Declan and Alex.

“Your face was priceless at that last one.” Declan said
laughing. He grabbed Scarlett’s arm and pulled her away. “Come on, I have something to show you.” When we were alone, I leaned against the wall staring at Alex.

So, do you want to do something today?” He asked.

! I can actually leave the house?” I said smiling at my joke.

Alex just held my eyes. Yeah, I know, I shouldn’t joke about possibly having a stalker who wanted to kill me years ago. And not to mention, Giovanni said he wants me dead. How did he know that and is it true?

“I know the perfect place.” Alex said taking out his phone. “I have to go but I’ll be back in less than an hour.” He said.

Anything fun?” I asked.

I’m getting rid of the other cars in the garage today. Sean had me hold them until the team got back.” Alex said.

Range Rover and the Escalade too?” I asked. I’m getting use to those cars. The Range Rover is on my list to drive.

I’m keeping those two.” I nodded. Yes!

l right. So what time do you want to go?” I asked.

“When I get back.
” He kissed me and I walked him out.

I went upstairs and tried to pull an outfit together.

25. Cinderella


I went into my closet and picked out a bunch of clothes. I don’t know where we’re going so I don’t know what to wear. I poked my head outside of my window and it’s still beautiful out so I picked cute black shorts and a light blue top. I looked in the mirror and I have to say I look nice. The shorts show off my long legs and covered the cut on my thigh and the top shows some cleavage but it takes attention off the cut on my shoulder.

I put on the necklace
Declan gave me for my birthday then found flats and heels that would make me look stunning. I tried both on and couldn’t decide which to wear. This is what I should be worrying about. Which shoes to wear not whether or not David is lurking outside.

It was around noon when my
phone rang. Tiffany.

I answered.

Hi.” Tiffany said cheerfully.

hat’s up?” I sat down at my vanity and applied eyeliner.

“Nothing much. Did you talk to your mo
m about the stalker?” I finished putting on the eyeliner and looked at myself in the mirror. “I didn’t mean it to come out like that.” She said.

“It’s fine. I told her and Garrett said he can have a
patrol car outside for a while. I told them not to freak out but you know how they are.” I said.

“Yeah but Emily
, if it is your dad they should be worried. Don’t forget what he did to you.” She said.

I slumped in my chair and looked at my hands.
My dad…yeah, right.

“I know.”
I said. We stayed silent for a while. “Tiff?”

“Yeah, I’m here.” I heard a little girl laughing.

“Where are you?” I asked.

“I just happened to pass by Lia
m’s house. And I saw Alex.”

“I consider this stalking.” Someone s
aid from her end of the line. Is that Bryan? It sounds like him.

“You saw Alex?”
I asked.

, a few minutes ago.” This is great.

, what’s he wearing?” I asked.

“Do you want the sexy version?” I couldn’t help but smile.

“We’re going out and I want to know where we’re going.” I said.

“In that case
, somewhere cozy. He’s got on an Aero shirt and I think sweats.” So not fancy, that’s good. “Go with the heels.”

“How did–
” What the hell?

“He saw us. Now what’s the excuse?”
Bryan said. The phone crinkled and I heard laughter. What the fuck are they doing?

Hi.” Tiffany said an octave higher than usual. “Em, thanks for telling me you’re not at Alex’s place before we got here.” She said annoyed.

The d
oorbell rang a second later.

“Tell them I say hi
and stalking is not the answer.” I said.

l right. Love you.” She laughed.

“Love you
, too.” I hung up and adjusted my hair, slipped into the heels and grabbed my purse.

When I walked down
stairs, Alex and Declan were talking until I got to the last step and they both shut up and stared at me.

“Are the heels to much?
” I asked. “I don’t know where we’re goin–”

“You look beautiful.”
Alex said. Those three words lit me up.

“Maybe you shoul
d wear a sweater.” Declan said.

I walked over to him.
“It’s beautiful out.” I said kissing his cheek. “You should have told Marie that too.” He got my point then smiled and shooed us out. Alex grabbed my hand as we walked out and I couldn’t help but smile because of how normal this feels.

hen I looked up at Alex, his eyes locked on mine. “Is something wrong?” I asked. He held the car door open for me as I got in.

“No, it’s just your eyes…they look a
mazing.” He said.

hen I wear eyeliner, my eyes get an even brighter blue than usual and I put on the necklace Declan got me so my eyes seem unreal.

He leaned down and
pecked my lips then he got in the car and started it up. The way we were driving seemed familiar. He turned onto the street toward the mall. Now, I understand why he’s wearing comfortable clothes. I’m comfortable. I love being in heels, I just can’t sleep in them.

“Everything I want
to do today is in there.” Alex said giving me a sexy look. Yeah, they have beds in here. I wanted to say. The mall has a variety of things to do. I guess I’m going to be surprised.

He pulled into the parking garage and opened the door for me.

“You don’t have to keep opening the door for me. I have hands.” I said. He gave me a sexy smile and slipped his hand in mine. We walked into the crowded building and headed toward the movie theater.

We spent a few hours here watching movies and doing couple things until m
y phone wouldn’t stop vibrating. It’s Bryan.

I can’t talk. What is it?

: Dad found out about Giovanni.

Fuck me.
I panicked.

How much about him?

Please don’t be everything. Please don’t be everything

: Everything.

I don’t know how I feel about that. I didn’t want anyone to know. Now my
knows. Just fucking great.

Me: I’ll call
u later, k?

: K

I put my phone aw
ay and watched the rest of the movie. After that, we went to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch. We talked about everything that was on our minds until two-thirty when Alex asked me when the last time I went shopping was.

I mean, the last time you went crazy shopping to unload.” He said. I thought about that day. I maxed out my credit card, Mom got pissed because that was suppose to be used for emergencies and she grounded me.

“The day after Zach and I broke up.”
I said. He gave me a cocky smile then grabbed my hand and brought me to the closest clothing store next to us. “What are we doing here?” I asked as we walked into Macy’s.

“Get whatever you want.”
He said.

My eyes landed on
cute heels on the wall. They’re perfect. But no…

“I can’t.”
I said. Alex walked me over to the shoes.

“Can I help you with anything?” A young blonde worker asked as she stocked up new arrivals.

“Yes. Anything she wants, ring it up.” Alex said. I looked over at him with my jaw on the floor. The blonde girl stood face to face with me and studied every detail of my body.

“Love those heels. Size six?”
She asked. I nodded. She grabbed the shoes I was eyeing on the wall and handed them to me. “I know the perfect dress to go with them. Follow me.” She told Alex to look for things for himself because it’s going to be a while. I looked back for him not to go and for this to stop but he was gone. Dammit.

–the blonde–was very helpful on finding the perfect outfits. She picked out dresses and matched the perfect shoes with them. I was in awe of everything.

“He must really care about you.” Jessie said looking
at necklaces.

“This is all too much. I’ll just take the first
heels you picked out and that’s–” We were at the front of the store when I looked across to the other side of the mall and my eyes landed on a beautiful, white strapless dress with blue and silver designs across the top.

s the dress I thought about for prom. It’s my dream dress.

“That is beautiful.” Jessie
said eyeing the dress the same way I did.

“I’ll be right back.” I
said handing her a box of heels. I don’t know where she put the rest of the clothes and shoes but right now that dress is all I cared about. I walked past everyone and stood in front of the window. It’s the right height so my reflection makes it look like I’m wearing the dress. It’s beautiful. It’s beautiful on me. Damn, this is perfect.

My eyes sifted to a corner of the window and I saw a reflection of a little girl. She was staring at the dress, wide-eyed too.
“Any girl who wears that will look like Cinderella.” She said.

t’s beautiful.” I said. She turned toward me with a toothy smile. “Is your parents around here?” I glanced around and didn’t find anyone watching us so that means her parents must have turned around for a second and she slipped past.

“Mommy is coming.” She said pointing down the crowded area.

a?” An older woman with bags full of stuffed animals walked over to us. Oh, thank god. I didn’t want this little girl to be lost.

Alex walked
out of Macy’s with bags in both of his hands. I hope none of that’s mine. He reached us before Amanda’s mother and glanced at the little girl standing in front of me.

stared at him when he stood by my side.

“Hi.” Alex said smiling down at her.

She smiled and looked at me. “Is he your prince?” She asked.

I caught his eye and smiled.
Something like that.

I said. She tugged Alex’s shirt and he bent over. She whispered something in his ear which made him smile. He nodded and said ‘Alex.’ He nodded again and said ‘Emily.’

a.” The older woman stood behind Amanda and put her hands on her shoulders. “You can’t run off like that. I’m sorry if she bothered you.” She said.

“She didn’t.
” I said.

grabbed her mom’s hand and glanced at me. “Bye, Emily.” She then stared at Alex a little longer and I think I saw him nod. “Bye, Alex.” She turned and her mother apologized again before leaving.

“Let me help you with that.” I
said grabbing a few bags from Alex. “I really hope that’s not mine.” He raised an eyebrow at me. It is. “I told her I only wanted the heels.” I sighed.

“She must be a bad listener.” He said. I rolled my eyes. He’s fucking with me. He
was looking at the photo booth a few feet away from us with a smile. “Do you wanna do one more thing?” He grabbed my hand and we walked over to the booth and waited for the people inside to finish.

“What did Amanda
tell you?” I asked.

“It’s a secret.” The people inside cam
e out and grabbed their photos.

Alex held the curtain open for me
and we stepped in. We looked into the camera and smiled. Click.

“You’re really not going to tell me?”
I asked. He kissed my cheek and I smiled. Click.

“She said she can’t wait to get older to have a prince like me.” I
found his eyes and smiled. Click. He cupped the right side of my face and I leaned into his touch. I love the warmth he gives off. We stared into each other’s eyes. Click.

He leaned in as close as he can get. “I love you.”
He said as he brushed his lips on mine and held me. Click. “I will never get tired of saying that.”

We were lost in the moment when we heard someone knocking on the outside and coughing loudly. We grabbed all the bags and got out.

“Are you done?” A large man and a petite redhead asked at the same time. We nodded, grabbed the long double strip of the photos and walked backed over to Macy’s.

I got a
sharp pain around my stomach when we walked past the restrooms. Cramps. They’re a bitch.

“Alex, can you wait one second?
” I asked.

“Did you forget something?”

“No.” I said. “I’ll be right back.” I handed him the bags and headed into the bathroom. I took a Midol and fanned my face when I felt myself getting hotter.

“Everything okay?” Alex asked
as I left the bathroom.

etting hot.” I said trying to grab bags from him.

“I got it. Come on
, you probably need fresh air.” He said not letting me grab any bags. I tried again but he shooed me away. Once we got to the car, he put all the bags in the trunk and drove out of the garage quickly. When the cool breeze fit my face, I felt better. I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes.

’s hand laid on my leg as ran his thumb over my skin. “Better?”

“Yeah.” I said.

The sun was already setting by the time we got home to find Bryan’s Jeep parked outside. Damn. When Alex parked, I opened the door and got out before he could help. He gave me a pouty face then opened his trunk.

“I got it
.” He said grabbing all the bags in one hand.

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