Read Enough Online

Authors: Briana Pacheco

Enough (20 page)

BOOK: Enough
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p. That tickles.” I laughed harder. “You’re so mean!”

rare to hear you laugh. I can’t help it.” He said.

My phone
chimed so I reached for it. “I swear I go to bed earlier every night.” I said not bothering with the text. I don’t want to know who sent it or what it says. I just want to spend time like this with Alex. It’s selfish. I deserve to be selfish. I dropped my phone on the nightstand and listened for footsteps outside in the hallway. Declan and Mom are probably busy. I turned back to Alex and kissed him again. I can’t stop myself now. He patted the bed. He grabbed me. He kissed me. I am officially hooked.

moved his hand under my shirt to the small of my back. I kissed him harder as he pulled me into him. I wished for this ever since he stepped foot in Wilks Academy. I can’t believe I’ve had him sleeping in the same bed as me and we never did
. I want more. I pushed him back against the bed and swung my leg over him. I felt every hard muscle of his body against mine. I ran my hand down his jaw, past his chest feeling for the hem of his shirt.


kissed him just so he wouldn’t finish that sentence. I scrunched up his shirt and finally he sat up to let me take it off. His hands were on my hips again so I stopped kissing him. He’s not sure on what to do. I can feel it. So I helped him out. I pulled off my shirt and pushed him back down against the bed.

Kissing Alex is my heaven. I get lost. I can’t breathe. I can’t think. But it’s worth it.
Everything he does, makes me want more. He’s like a drug and I’m addicted. Only, this is better than that. I’ve been there. I’ve hit rock bottom. This is nothing like it.

I was
so lost that I didn’t hear the knock on the door. I thought it was in my head but then it came again. I held myself up on Alex’s chest.

“Was that the door?” I whispered.

“I don’t know.” Alex said out of breath. Damn, that is sexy.

“Emily?” I rolled my eyes. It’s

“What?” I
called out. How does he even know I’m in here? Then I heard him turning the knob. My eyes widened. I threw myself onto the bed and grabbed the comforter.

didn’t tell him to come in.

“I found your iPod in Scarlett’s clothes.
” He said. It’s dark in here. Oh, man. I hope he doesn’t see anything. “I’ll put it on the dresser. Sorry for barging in. Tiffany doesn’t stop texting me. She wants to talk to you.” I gripped the blanket harder.

Yeah, um, thanks. I’ll talk to her later.” I said.

l right. Sorry.” He said. “Oh and Em…you have your own room.” Declan said closing the door. Oh. My. God.

shut my eyes and cursed my damn brother. He did not have to say that. “I’m sorry.” I mumbled.

“Don’t worry about it.”
Alex said. Is he laughing? I’m too embarrassed to do anything. What am I suppose to do now?

has never happened to me.” I said covering my eyes.

moved in closer and put an arm around me. “Emily, it’s okay.” He kissed my shoulder then pressed himself into his pillow. He’s smiling. I know it.

didn’t say anything. I couldn’t. I don’t think we
do anything to fix this situation except go to sleep.

Yeah, that’s what I can do.

10. Home Improving


I woke up to Alex holding me, his warm arms against my bare skin. I felt myself turning red remembering Declan walking in on us. I slowly got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I can’t wait to get my toothbrush back. I can’t wait for some privacy actually.

I got some mout
hwash and hoped it did the job.

I walked out into Alex’s room and over
to the windows where there was a light snow covering the streets. It was beautiful yesterday and today there’s snowflakes. Winter never made sense to me. Alex stirred in his sleep when I walked over to get my phone. I found it adorable when his hand patted the side of the bed that I was just on. He gave up when he didn’t find me.

I was smiling like a fool as I checked my texts.
Mark and Christy are worried about me. I have to call them later and tell them I’m fine. Probably throw in a photo so they can believe me. And I found out Tiffany’s boy toy just became her boyfriend. Now that that is out of the way, I can do my stuff.

eight in the morning and I have a lot to do.

arm fingers rested on my hip and I almost screamed. When did I sit down? A smile lit up my face when I saw Alex looking up at me. I crawled back into bed.

“You look beautiful in the morning.”
Alex said smiling.

“Just the morning.” I
joked. I stared at his lips and thought about last night again. “I’m sorry about last night. That was–” He grabbed my hand and leaned into me.

“Don’t worry about it.” He
said right before kissing me lightly on the lips. “We have a lot to do today.” He got off the bed and grabbed his phone. My eyes raked over his naked back for a few minutes. Pure perfection. “The security guys will be at your house in two hours.” Alex said.

How did you…is this another perk of being rich?” I asked

“Yeah. Would you rather call and wait a few days?”
He asked. “Didn’t think so. Are we going to your place?” I wish for other things.

” I said.

l right.” We got dressed and headed out. My family wasn’t up so why wait any longer. We can take care of this. I left a note on the kitchen island for anyone who gets up. “What car do you want to use?” Alex asked.

“Do you really have to ask?” I dug in my purse for the keys to the Camaro.
Alex smiled the whole way down the steps to the car. I started the car and drove to my house.

e was a police officer at the front door and one in a patrol car.

“Is the house still
under investigation?” I asked when we approached the blonde officer standing guard. He’s a young one.

“Do you live here?” He
asked looking at both Alex and I.

“I do. Officer Ryans told me we can come back in.”
I said.

, you can. We’re just here because there was a stabbing and he might be back again.” He moved aside. “I’m Officer Reynolds. If you need anything, let me know.”

“Sure.” I
said opening the front door. “Oh, we have home security guys coming around ten. Can you let me know when they’re here?”

ll do, Miss.” At least he didn’t call me ‘ma’am.’ Alex and I walked up the stairs to my room. The blood stain was still there on the rug and the window was open. Nothing looked touched and I was glad. I was not in the mood to clean up a ransacked room.

I walked over to
the window and stuck my head outside. There was only ground beneath my windowsill and to my right there’s a tree but it doesn’t look like it can be climbed. I never tried it though so I wouldn’t know.

he tree needs to be cut down and the rug has to go.” I said. I want my family safe. I want to be safe. I need to do things for that to happen.

“I know some people.” Alex
said leaving the room with his phone in his hands. How does he know people like that?

I walked into my
closet to check for things then my bathroom. I squeezed some toothpaste into the trash can and it looked normal. I don’t want to be poisoned. I grabbed my toothbrush and rinsed it. After a good scrub, I brushed my teeth. Why didn’t Declan pack a toothbrush?

Alex came back into the room and said,
“They’ll be here around the same time as the other guys.”

I leaned against the wall and looked over at him.
“Alex, thank you. For everything you did and still are doing.” I said. I’ll always be grateful. He gave me that you-don’t-need-to-thank-me look. We walked into the other bedrooms and checked everything. The windows were locked and nothing looked touched. I checked the kitchen and living room. The backyard was bare except for the swinging chair.

“What are you going to do about the rug?”
Alex asked. We sat on the swinging chair and looked out. It wasn’t that cold but we did wear sweaters just in case. There was just a dusting of snow.

“Do you kn
ow a guy for that to?” I joked. Alex had a look in his eye that said he did. “I was joking. I just have to pull it and it’ll come out. I loved that rug but…” I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t want to remember what happened in there.” For more reasons than one. “I want my family to be safe.” They’re been there for me since I was born. It’s time I give back.

“The other day you said you were lucky to have me in your life.
” Alex said finding my eyes. “It’s like you read my mind.”

“Do you want to go out tonight?”
I blurted. “All we do is stay home and sleep. And well I’m not like that. After all this is taken care of…maybe we can do something.” Say yes. Please.

“I’ll see if my schedule is free.” He
said giving me one of those smiles and I knew he was joking. “Sounds good.” Then he leaned into me slowly and planted a chaste kiss on my lips. Man, it’s been a long time since I’ve been kissed like that. Hell, I’ve never been kissed like that. It was so sweet and just…beautiful. That one kiss is doing all sorts of things to me and there wasn’t even tongue.

What do you want to do?” He asked.

“I was really hoping to go down to a racecar track
that I’ve heard off and drive a few a cars but they probably won’t allow it because I’m not a pro so maybe we can sneak in and break some laws.” I said. Alex raised an eyebrow at me. “What?”

“I’m just
not use to a girl like you.” He said with a look in his eyes. Is that bad? Damn, did I just dig my own grave? Before I laid eyes on Alex, I didn’t care what people thought about me. Now…I don’t want to scare him away. Alex smiled. “It’s a good thing.” He said reading my mind. “You’re different. You do things regular girls wouldn’t.”

“That’s what happens when you grow up in a family like mine. Is it weird?”
I asked biting down on my lip.

“No. I
like it.” He said. “You’re biting your lip again.”

“What are you going to do about it?” I
asked, waiting for what’s to come. Then I looked to my right to hide the blush when I saw a figure at the door. I almost jumped out of the chair.

, Miss. I didn’t mean to scare you. The security guys arrived. I told them to wait outside until I notified you.” Officer Reynolds said before going back into the house. We made small talk as we walked to the front door. He mentioned his name is Trey and I kind of told him about Scarlet. They’re the same age. I couldn’t help it.

There were two older men standing at the do
or when we got there. We got the basics and they came inside to do their thing. Five minutes later and they found us in the living room to say they’re done.

“That’s it?
That was pretty quick.” I said.

“Well Mr. Payne advises us to be qui
ck and do the best we can with customers.” One of them, James, said. I furrowed my brow. What? Then I saw it. A logo on his right breast pocket. It read Payne Securities.

“Oh. This is your company?”
I asked Alex.

Guilty. You asked for the best out there.” Alex said.

“Well our work here is done. Have a nice day and it’s
good to see you, Mr. Payne. Emily.” The other, Sam, said.

They walked off and Trey
closed the door.

, I don’t know the code.” I said. “And I didn’t pay them.” I reached for the door when Alex grabbed my arm.

“For security
purposes they don’t say the code out loud.” Alex said handing me a little piece of paper with numbers on it. “And I got it.” Yeah right. He’s not paying for it. “Do you want to arm it?” He asked changing the subject. Ugh, he can be difficult.

I turned toward the little box on the wall. Alex told me what buttons to press a
nd I armed it. It’s pretty easy.

I told Trey
about the alarm just in case it’s armed when he’s around then Alex and I went upstairs to my room. He helped me pull the rug out and move some furniture around. That’s what he gets for not letting me pay. He has to do some manual labor and I get to watch his muscles flex.

It was weird seeing the hardwood floors after so many years of that cozy rug under
neath my feet. We rolled it up and put it against a wall. That will be in the trash soon.

, how many businesses do you own, Mr. Payne?” I asked.

“They weren’t mine…
” He said. “They were my grandparents’ first and they got passed down to me after my family died.” He said staring out at the window. “I have a few.” Oh, god. What did I get myself into? He said he’s rich. I didn’t think he owned businesses.

I walked over
to my window when I heard voices outside. There was a guy with a chainsaw arguing with Officer Reynolds at the door so I ran downstairs. “Officer Reynolds, it’s okay.” I said.

A handsome
man appeared from behind Trey. His olive skin glowed from the sun and his amber eyes glowed under his brown hair. “Miss?” I snapped back to reality. I must have been staring at him because I didn’t see him extend his hand my way.

“Y-yes. Hi.
I’m Emily. I’ll show you around back.” I said. He has an accent. Oh, man. He dropped his tool bag on the hallway floor and followed me out. Another man came in to take care of the other half of the house. “Alex, can you show him what to do?” Alex squinted his eyes at me then nodded.

You have a lovely home. I’m Jessie by the way. You didn’t seem to hear me during the introduction.” My guy said in what I think is a Scottish accent. “Are you sure? It brings life to this side of the house.” He said eyeing the soon-to-be stump of a tree.

“Yeah. There’s more so the house won’t be bare.
” I said. He went to work and I walked away. I don’t need to be there. I walked toward Alex and the other guy. They were talking so I walked around the house to keep busy.

No one checked the shed in the back and I wasn’t going alone so I’ll wait for Alex. I looked over
every corner of the house and then I saw the basement window. I forgot to check the basement. Shit!

I walked back to Alex.

“Alex.” I called out. He turned away from the heavy set guy and walked to me. “We didn’t check the shed or the basement.”

Reynolds said he checked the shed already. Do you want to double check?” Alex asked. I like how he didn’t ask me in a there-obviously-isn’t-anything-there way. He genuinely seems to care.

walked to the shed and it was unlocked. I removed the lock and as I was about to open the door, Alex stepped in.

“So brave.” I said peeking over his shoulder.

Alex laughed and shook his head as he walked in. It’s like any simple shed. It’s a small tent with tools on the wall and boxes everywhere containing Declan’s things for cars. I turned on the light and glanced inside. I double checked for holes in the walls or anything that lunatic can climb in through and hide. It’s clear.

We walked back outside and I locked the door. I pulled the lock a few times
just to make sure. Nowadays, you never know. We walked back to the front of the house when the guys were about to start the chainsaw.

“Sorry.” We
said jogging past them both.

There was a new
officer at the door when we turned a corner. He looked to be in his late forties with salt and pepper hair. He has stunning green eyes too. “Where’s the other guy?” I asked a little disappointed. Shit. I didn’t mean it like that.

“Officer Reynolds
’ shift was up. I’m up to date on everything though.” He said. “I’m Officer Miles.”

“Did anyone go in the house?”
I asked.

, Miss. Our job is to make sure of that.” He eyed me and Alex then he smiled.

“There are two men working on the house
. Their things are in here so if they need to get it, they can come in. But watch them.” I said. He nodded. “Can I bring you anything?”

BOOK: Enough
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