Enhanced: Brides of the Kindred 12 (The Brides of the Kindred) (25 page)

BOOK: Enhanced: Brides of the Kindred 12 (The Brides of the Kindred)
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Six shifted and groaned aloud as her
fingertips stroked lightly over the tender sack between his thighs.

“Mei-Li…ah, Gods!” he growled. “What are
you doing?”

Mei-Li froze. “Just…massaging you,” she
said softly. “Is that okay?”

In answer, he shifted, raising up to give
her more room and Mei-Li found she was able to reach around and cup his long,
hard shaft in her palm. He was so thick there was no way she could wrap her
fingers all the way around him but she tried anyway, stroking up and down as he
gasped and pumped into her hand which was still slick with oil.

Mei-Li was surprised at how erotic it felt
to hold him in her hand—to know that she was responsible for his pleasure and
the low sounds coming from his throat. Six might claim that he had no emotions
and maybe he didn’t, but the sounds coming from him said otherwise. There was
definite passion in his voice as he groaned her name.

Close now,
she thought, wondering how in the world she had the nerve
to do this.
He’s close and as soon as he comes, I’ll be in the clear. I’ll—

Suddenly Six moved away from her grasp and
flipped over. He sat up and caught her wrist in his hand, looking at her intently.

“What…what’s wrong?” Mei-Li felt like
she’d been caught with her hand in the cookie jar—literally. But he had said
she could touch him so what was the big deal?

“Why are you doing this?” Six was still
giving her that piercing look.

“Well, I mean…I’m, uh, massaging you, like
I said. You told me I could go first so I thought—”

“You thought if you got me to spend my
pleasure and come first, you could avoid being touched and massaged
yourself—didn’t you?” His raised eyebrow said that he knew he was right.

Mei-Li felt her cheeks getting hot.

“What? No! I mean, I never…”

“Yes, you did.” Six shook his head. “Do
you really fear my touch that much? I thought you trusted me.”

Mei-Li blew out a frustrated breath. “I’m
not afraid you’ll hurt me,” she explained. “I just…don’t like being out of
control. It’s not easy for me.”

“It is not easy for me either,” Six said,
surprising her with his candor. “To strip off my exoskeleton and protective
clothing, to allow myself to be completely bare with you and to open myself to
your touch—that is not without effort on my part. In fact, it goes against
every single instinct of self-preservation I have. If anyone but you had
reached between my legs the way you did, I would have cut off their hand.”

“You…you would?” Mei-Li looked at him
uncertainly. She had that feeling again—the same one she’d had when she was
kissing him. The feeling that she was doing something dangerous—reaching
through the bars of the cage to stroke a tiger and trusting that it wouldn’t
bite her hand off. Literally, in this case.

Six nodded slowly. “I would. But I allow
such intimacies from you—allow you to make me open and vulnerable—because I
trust you. Please, Mei-Li…” Gently he cupped her cheek and looked into her
eyes. “Will you not trust me as well?”

“I…” She bit her lip again. How could she
refuse him when he looked at her that way? “All right,” she whispered at last.
“I…I guess so.”

“Thank you.” He nodded gravely. “Then if
you would please lie down, I believe it is my turn to massage you.”

“But you didn’t…um, finish.” She nodded
down at his thick shaft which was still fully erect against his flat belly.

“Your pleasure comes first,” Six said
simply. “Would you prefer for me to start with your back or your front?”

“My…my back please,” she whispered.

“As you wish. If you will lie down, I will
select the proper oil to begin.”

Feeling incredibly nervous, Mei-Li lay
down on her stomach as instructed. She turned her head to the side and the
made a little cushion under her cheek, giving her just the right support.

Then she felt his large, warm hands on her
shoulders. He was using the faintly almond scented oil, just as she had, and he
seemed to know exactly what he was doing.

Mei-Li had to bite back a groan as he dug
his thumbs into the knots that had formed in her shoulders. God, she was tense!
If she could just relax she was sure the massage would do her good. She was so
tired and this was one of the best rubdowns she’d ever had. If only she didn’t
feel so nervous about what would happen when he eventually turned her over…

But instead of doing that, Six took a page
out of her own book. Reaching around, he slid his large hands under her chest
to cup her breasts. Mei-Li moaned as she felt his palms rub against the
sensitive nubs of her nipples. Almost without knowing what she was doing, she
arched her back a little, raising up and giving him better access.

Six took full advantage of her new
position and tugged gently on her nipples, sending sparks of pain and pleasure
through her entire body. He was straddling her body now, urging her up on her
hands and knees and to her dismay, Mei-Li found she was eager to obey his
unspoken commands.

The new position made her feel open and
vulnerable in a whole new way. She had been dreading turning over and letting
him touch her everywhere. But feeling his big body looming over hers and his
large, warm hands caressing her from behind was so completely different than
what she had been expecting that she somehow forgot to be afraid.

“Does this feel good?” Six rumbled softly
in her ear, his large hand sliding from her shoulders all the way down over her
ass to her thighs. “Does it feel right, Mei-Li?”

“Y-yes,” she stuttered, unable to lie.
“It…it does. Feels good and right, I mean.”

“Good, then let’s see how
being taken from behind. Spread your thighs.”

“What?” She cast a glance back at him,
over her shoulder. Up until now she had kept her legs tightly closed despite
the provocative position she had allowed him to put her into. But now he was
asking her to spread for him. And she could only think of one reason why that
would be. “I can’t…can’t have sex with you tonight,” she gasped, though a part
of her wanted to throw caution to the wind and give in to the tight, stretching
pleasure of letting him sheathe his cock to the hilt in her hot pussy. “I just

“I have no intention of filling you
tonight,” Six murmured. “I simply have a different kind oil to use on you.”

“A…a different kind of oil?” She glanced
at him again and saw that the look on his face was both serious and sincere.
“What…what does it do?”

“It heats on contact with your skin,” Six
told her. “You should find it pleasurable—very pleasurable if I apply it

“Oh? And where…where are you supposed to,
uh, apply it?” Mei-Li somehow managed to ask.

“Your outer pussy lips,” Six said
matter-of-factly as though he was going to rub suntan lotion on her back. “This
oil is especially made for this area of your body.”

“Oh…” Mei-Li closed her eyes for a
moment—was she actually considering this? She really shouldn’t—it was going too
far. And yet… “Just…just the outer lips?” she asked at last.

“That’s all,” Six assured her soothingly.
“I simply need to apply it to your outer mound and pussy area.”

“Well…all right. If that’s all.” Feeling
both nervous and turned on at the same time, Mei-Li reluctantly parted her

“Raise up more—let me reach you,” Six

Biting her lip, Mei-Li raised her ass
higher and soon she felt something warm being stroked lightly over her outer

As Six had promised, he kept the new
oil—which seemed to warm her all over—strictly to the outside of her mound. His
big fingers traced gently over the outside of her pussy until Mei-Li felt
herself getting swollen and achy with need. She knew it wasn’t right to wish
it, but she couldn’t help thinking how nice it would be if his fingers slipped
just once and slid into her folds. God, she was hot!

As though reading her mind, Six murmured
in her ear,

“I have another kind of oil as well,
Mei-Li. For another area. Will you let me use it on you?”

“What…what other area?” she whispered,
looking around at him, although she could already guess.

He gave her a level look. “It’s for your
inner pussy, of course. I need you to spread your legs even wider so I can
reach your soft, inner folds and caress your soft little cunt with my fingers.
Can you do that for me, Mei-Li?”

“I…” Her breath seemed to catch in her
throat. “I’m not sure.”

“It’s just for you inner folds,” he
murmured. “Not your clit or your pussy channel.”

“I…I thought you’d never been with a
woman,” Mei-Li gasped, playing for time. “So how do you know so much about—”

“I downloaded a female anatomy tutorial on
my simulator,” he murmured. “And I studied it thoroughly. Believe me, Mei-Li, I
know everything I need to in order to bring you pleasure…or to simply massage
you. Will you let me continue?”

“I…” She bit her lit. “So you’re not going
to…to touch my clit? Or to, um, penetrate me?”

“Not unless you want me to,” he murmured.
“For now, I am simply massaging you. True, it is a very intimate massage, but
still just a massage.”

“Oh…” she said. His insistence that this
was just a massage seemed to put things in another light. As apprehensive as
she was, it didn’t seem quite as dangerous to let him stroke over her open
pussy as long as he avoided her aching clit and didn’t penetrate her with his
fingers. Maybe this would be okay.

“Trust me,” he said softly and Mei-Li
decided to.

“All right,” she whispered. She was still
up on her hands and knees and she opened her thighs even wider and lowered her
head to her arms, letting her ass rise high in the air to give him easier
access. The new position made her feel both wanton and hot and she moaned
thickly when Six’s fingers came back with some new, warm slippery liquid and began
to caress the inner folds of her pussy.

Over, up, and around he rubbed, sliding
the tips of his fingers deep into her folds and yet somehow managing to avoid
the throbbing button of her clit. Oh, he circled it gently over and over until
Mei-Li thought she was going to scream, but he never actually touched her
God, he wasn’t lying when he said he knew his way around female
She could feel the pleasure building inside her but it had no
place to go. Six never quite gave her the direct stimulation she needed to

“Six,” she moaned softly as he teased her.
“This is
. I’m so…I can’t take much more of this.”

“Then perhaps you’ll be interested in the
last kind of oil I simulated for this experience,” Six rumbled.

Mei-Li cast a wary glance over her
shoulder to see that his gray eye was half-lidded with what she would have
sworn was lust and need if he’d had any emotions. “And what…what is it for?”
she somehow managed to ask.

“For your clit,” Six told her, the very
tip of his finger stroking lightly—just once—over her hot little button and
making her moan. “And for here.” His fingers slid down her wet, swollen folds
until they reached the entrance to her pussy. “It’s to massage you inside,” he

“But I thought…thought you weren’t going
to do that,” she said weakly. “I thought this was just a massage.”

“It was—up until now,” he growled softly.
“Now I need to make you come.”

“Oh, God…” Mei-Li knew she shouldn’t go so
far. Probably she could put this off if she really wanted to. The problem was,
want to. She wanted to feel those gentle fingertips caressing
her most sensitive spot, wanted to feel his thick fingers filling her up. She
wanted that so badly…

“Mei-Li?” he murmured. “Will you spread
your legs and let me stroke your clit? Will you let me penetrate your pussy and
fuck you with my fingers until you come?”

She couldn’t stop herself from whispering
one tiny little word.


“Good.” He reached for another bottle of
oil and anointed just the fingertips of his metal left hand. “Then open for me
and let me touch you.”

Up until now he’d been touching her
right-handed and Mei-Li was sure the metal covering his left hand would feel
cold. Instead, it was even warmer than his right and the metal felt silky
smooth against her heated clit. The drop of oil he massaged so tenderly into
her swollen bud burned like fire for just a quarter of an instant. But before
she could gasp or jerk away, the burn became a warm, pleasurable glow that
seemed to radiate out to her entire body and made her clit throb with pleasure.

Or was it his fingers that were making her
throb with pleasure? Suddenly, Mei-Li became aware of a very minute, tiny
vibration that was happening between her legs. After one dazed and
uncomprehending moment, she understood that it was coming from his metal
fingertips. Somehow he was able to use his enhancement as a kind of sex toy—a
vibrator that could pinpoint in the most accurate way imaginable exactly how
she liked and needed to be touched.

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