Enemy Overnight (13 page)

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Authors: Robin L. Rotham

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Enemy Overnight
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His lack of scent frustrated her but she tried to content herself with slipping her fingers into his hair. It felt cool against her hot flesh, and she moaned as she sifted through it over and over while his tongue played intimately with hers. Oh, it felt so good, so perfect. The skin of his face was so smooth compared to the men she’d known.

Then both his hands skated roughly over her breasts to her shoulders and pushed her suit down her arms. Jasmine stiffened at the realization her fake breasts were about to be on display, but she tried to continue with the kiss, tried to comfort herself with the silky tickle of his hair over her shoulders as he leaned over her. Surely with hair like that, he couldn’t be bad enough to truly hurt her if he found out what she was.

Don’t kid yourself.
He’d already shown his ruthlessness to her.

Instead of terrifying her, the reminder made her tummy flutter.
terrified her, to be turned on by the memory of his brutality.

Shauss pulled his mouth just a hairsbreadth away from hers. “Don’t be frightened,” he whispered. “I will never harm you.”

“If I please you,” she stipulated.

He pulled back a fraction. “I will never harm you. Period. You
trust me.”

He went to pull her sleeves off and she resisted, instinctively covering her breasts with her hands. The action slid the stretchy fabric right back up over her shoulders.

Apparently deciding she was reluctant to be the only one naked, he stepped back and pulled down his own zipper. After he stepped out of his uniform, he stood there for a long moment and let her look at him. She’d convinced herself that the memory of his cock was exaggerated by the terror she’d experienced, but no—she’d remembered it exactly right, long and straight and deep red against the pale flesh of his muscular belly. Though they’d barely done more than kiss, he was fully erect.

She should be quivering with fear at the thought of taking that immense column of flesh inside her body. Instead her mouth watered.

“Touch me,” he whispered.

Sucking in a shaky breath, she reached out with one hand and trailed her fingers down the hardness of his breastbone, delighted that the black hair there was just as smooth and soft as the hair on his head. When she glanced at him, Shauss was staring down at her, and the intensity of his gaze made her return her attention to her fingers, which had made their way almost to his navel. Some instinct made her dip her index finger into that intriguing hollow. He sucked in a breath, and she glanced up again.

“Don’t stop there.”

Her heartbeat was loud in her ears when she continued down his rock-hard abdomen. When she threaded her fingers through the crisp black curls above his cock and tugged, he grunted. Smiling, she let her palm slide over the head of his cock and held it there, intrigued by his slick heat. She slid her palm in tiny circles, spreading his lubricant around. It sucked that she couldn’t smell him, it really did.

His long, long legs made servicing him on her knees impossible, so she leaned over for a taste.

“No,” he said, restraining her head mere inches from his cock.

“But I want to,” she pleaded. “Please.” Oh Lord, she was desperate to consume something of him,

Grasping her forearms, he hauled her upright. “Not this time.”

When he shoved the suit off her shoulders again and tugged it off altogether, she covered herself with her hands. She’d never felt all her implants so keenly, and even after Monica’s reassurances, she couldn’t help worrying that he’d notice she wasn’t a real woman.

“Would you like something to help you relax?” he asked in a low voice.

It was a tempting thought but she couldn’t risk taking something that might loosen her tongue. “No. Can’t we just get it over with?”

“Garathani females enjoyed hours of foreplay, and I was under the impression that Terran females had a similar preference.”

“Well, normally that would be true,” she said tentatively, licking her lips. “But in circumstances like this, the longer you drag it out, the more nervous I get.”

“Have you forgotten your promise to give yourself to me without reservation?”

“Excuse me, but I just tried to go down on you and you refused,” Jasmine reminded him tartly. “I think I’ve done my part.”

“Well, I intend to see that you orgasm at least once before I penetrate you,” Shauss said. “You’re very small and should be as loose and wet as possible.” He looked over her shoulder. “Perhaps a penetab is in order?”

An instant later he held his hand out and something that looked like a large lavender pearl appeared in his palm.

Startled, Jasmine turned. “Who are you talking to? Is someone in here?”

He looked at her sharply. “Ah, that’s right—you know about observation flares.”

Jasmine’s throat seized. Oh crap, someone

“I’d hoped to spare you this, but perhaps it’s for the best. As your mates, Hastion and Tiber are responsible for witnessing the initial claiming.”

She stared at him, absolutely aghast. “You mean they’re watching us?”

“Yes. But only the first time.”

“You should have warned me!” Blushing twenty shades of red, she snagged the spread off the bed and she wrapped herself in it before demanding, “Tiber, Hastion—show yourselves. Now.”

Her other mates appeared out of thin air, sitting side by side on the couch.

“God, this is so embarrassing! How long have you guys been here?”

“Not long,” Tiber said without moving from his spot. “Be at ease, sweet Jasmine. We are merely here to protect you.”

“From what?”

“Your claiming must be witnessed, and as Shauss explained, that duty falls to Hastion and me. Without a witness, the claiming isn’t officially recognized and you might wind up with another—” his brow quirked up as he looked to his left, “less desirable mate.”

Jasmine’s eyes widened. “Oh no. Don’t tell me…”

Shauss sighed. “Zannen has demanded
, a mating ritual in which one or more
, typically family members—or, as in Zannen’s case, rivals—witness the initial claiming.”

“You mean he’s been watching us too?”

Zannen appeared on Tiber’s left and more humiliation heated her cheeks as she realized she’d begged to suck Shauss’ cock in front of the baldheaded ape.

“No. Absolutely not. He’s got to go.”

“Unfortunately it’s his right to be here, and since the minister has confirmed it, so it will be. If any of the three of us fails to finalize his claim within the protected time, Zannen will be here to assert his own claim.”

“You mean he’ll try to…”

Shauss shook his head. “He won’t just try. He
fuck you.”

Chapter Nine

The words
fuck you
resonated within her body, taking her breath away, but she stood her ground. “Over my dead body.”

“I suspect he wouldn’t let that deter him,” Shauss replied with a nasty glance in Zannen’s direction.

Jasmine sent a nasty look of her own. “Don’t get your hopes up, Lieutenant, because it’s never going to happen. Ever.”

The big oaf just sat there and grinned at her.

Jasmine’s nerves jangled. Well that was just great. She was about to have sex with one alien in front of three others—her mother would be so proud.

“I promise, you won’t know they’re here. Zannen isn’t even allowed to speak or he’ll lose

“Yeah, right. Believe me, there’s no way I’ll not know.”

Even as she said it, the room and all the men in it disappeared. Her breath caught in her throat. She and Shauss were enveloped in a flare image of a flowery mountain meadow. The warmth of early afternoon sun rained down on her.

“Does this help?” Shauss asked.

“I don’t know. Can they see us?”

“Yes, but as I said, I’m going to make you forget they’re even in the same star system.”

Shauss tugged the blanket out of her grasp and Jasmine automatically covered her breasts and mons with her hands, her heartbeat thundering in her ears.

“You’re extraordinary,” he murmured.

“Can you get rid of the illusion, please?” It was unnerving knowing the other men could see her and she couldn’t keep an eye on them.

“You’re certain?”


The room appeared again.

Her stomach muscles jumped when his hand grazed over her waist and slipped around behind her. He pulled her close and covered her mouth with his, and she worked to get back in the mood, running her hands up his chest and wrapping her arms around his neck again.

Then his fingers tickled her bare mound. Before she could pull away, she was startled to feel something cool slip between the lips of her sex. His fingers pushed it inside her and she gasped when it began to tingle immediately.

She broke away from his mouth, breathing raggedly. “What is that?”

“It’s a penetab.”

He guided her backward to the bed and lowered her without any apparent effort.

A low moan made her turn her head. Hastion was leaning forward with his head between his knees.

Tiber put a hand on his back. “Are you all right?”

“Actually, no. I’m feeling nauseated and my head is pounding,” he said in a muffled voice.

“I’m not surprised, considering the extent of your injuries,” Tiber said. “Why don’t you return to your quarters and rest. I’ll have Empran observe your vital signs to ensure your brain injury isn’t more serious than was first diagnosed.”

“I should be here.”

“Zannen will suffice as witness,” Tiber assured him.

Jasmine bit her lip as Hastion left. She’d really done a number on the poor guy.

The pearl chose that moment to catch fire inside her. “Shauss!”

“Now you’re getting ready for me, aren’t you?” he said with a wealth of satisfaction. He settled on the bed beside her and reached down between her legs. She tried to roll away but he began a slow, firm massage of her mons that did nothing to ease the burning inside her.

When she looked toward Tiber and Zannen, agonizingly aware of their presence, Shauss took her chin and forced her gaze back to him. “Forget them. They have nothing to do with us right now.”

Forcing air into her tight lungs, she said, “I’ll try.

He leaned down and licked her mons. “How is it that you’re so smooth?”

“Laser hair removal.” She laughed nervously. “Monica was green with envy.”

Shauss chuckled too. “I’m sure. Garathani females generally aren’t allowed to remove body hair.”

“Why not?”

“That’s an explanation best saved for another time.”

He tried to ease her thighs open but she couldn’t let him in. He finally managed to snake his tongue into the notch at the top of her mons, and while it aroused her on some level, Jasmine had to force herself to lie there with her hands over her breasts, staring at the iridescent blue ceiling and pretending to enjoy it. Every time his tongue flicked over her “clit”, she jumped, not in arousal, as he must surely think, but in apprehension.

The thing he’d put inside her made her feel like she had a bladder infection.

“Shauss, please,” she said desperately.

He frowned. “You don’t seem wet enough.”

“This first time, could we
just get it over with?”

He tried once more to spread her legs. “Stop resisting and relax. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I’m trying!”

After a moment’s hesitation, he said, “Is it time to get out the restraints?”

She stilled, staring at him as genuine excitement finally flashed over her skin. It was crazy, but she’d suddenly never wanted anything so badly.

“Look at the pulse jump in your throat,” he murmured. “And your pupils are expanding.”

She just stared at him, her heart thumping.

His slow smile sent her stomach into freefall. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

Oh Lord, what was she getting herself into here?

“I hadn’t planned to introduce this element to the equation quite so early,” Shauss said, rising from the bed. “But perhaps we should start out as we intend to go on.”

Opening a cabinet, he removed a pair of leather cuffs.

“You’re taking an awful lot for granted,” she said in a tremulous voice as he fastened one of the cuffs around her wrist. Lord, she was trembling all over.


“What if I don’t enjoy it?” Yeah, right. Like that could happen.

“Then we’ll try something else. Have you never done this before?” he asked, fastening the other cuff. When she gave a quick negative shake of her head, his smile deepened. “You don’t know how glad I am to hear that.”

He clipped the cuffs together in front of her then grabbed both her wrists without warning and dragged her up the bed toward the head of the bed. She didn’t even have time to struggle before he fastened the clip to a silver ring over her head. Her eyes widened as she took in four similar rings attached to the headboard. She hadn’t even noticed them before—they looked decorative.

“Look at her breasts,” Shauss said, stretching out beside her. “They’re augmented with implants.”

Jasmine gasped and immediately tried to jerk her arms down to cover herself, her heart thundering. This was a horrible idea. Naked, naked, naked—she’d never
so naked.

“I don’t understand why Terran women feel the need to improve upon nature’s bounty,” Tiber murmured.

“Nor do I.” Shauss leaned over her face. “You must have been extremely small before the surgery. Delicate. And yet every bit as beautiful, I’m certain.”

That’s what he thought—he hadn’t seen her with rolls of baby fat and no breasts at all.

She squeezed her eyes shut, shuddering when he raked his teeth over her earlobe.

He started kissing her neck and shoulders as he moved over her, sliding a knee firmly between her thighs. His hands pushed them wide open.

“Now where were we?”

Settling on his belly between her legs, he held her nether lips open wide as she bucked with discomfort. “You’re going to come for me so you might as well resign yourself.”

She tried, honestly she did. The way he licked and sucked at her tender flesh felt really, really good, but the longer he did it, the more tense she got. Surely he would notice that her “clit” wasn’t swelling or twitching or doing whatever it was real clits did. None of her human lovers had ever noticed or cared, but they’d never concentrated so completely on her, never picked up so quickly on every little detail.

When his tongue slid deep inside her, she whimpered. Jeez, he had a long tongue, and oh, the things he could do with it… Nothing had ever felt so good as that sinuous squirming and fluttering in such a sensitive place.

She writhed uncontrollably, fighting a scream of frustration. Why her? The sexiest man ever created, arguably the reigning grand master of oral sex, was focusing all his powers on her…and she couldn’t come! Why
, damn it?
Why, why, why?

He backed off, provoking both relief and disappointment. Then his long fingers resumed the quest for her orgasm, sinking deep, twisting, searching while his mouth went to work in earnest on her “clit”.

Her nervous tension felt ready to explode, and using it as a substitute for sexual tension, she writhed and bucked under his touch before stiffening her whole body.

“Oh God, yes!” she cried, doing Kegels like there was no tomorrow. Embarrassment even added some heat to her cheeks, and by the time she collapsed onto the mattress, she was actually kind of proud of herself.

When she finally looked at Shauss, he was watching her with narrowed eyes. “That was quite a performance.”


Shauss imagined his face was just as red as hers. Jasmine couldn’t have come up with a better way to humiliate him if she’d tried. She was fortunate he’d picked up on her act—if Tiber or, Peserin forbid, Zannen had pointed it out to him afterward, he’d have been livid.

“Oh God, I’m sorry,” she groaned. “There’s just no way I’m going to come with them watching.”

“Jasmine,” he said in a stern tone, “if you ever try to fake an orgasm with me again, you’ll be punished.”

“Um, punished how?”

“Test me and find out.”

When she hesitated, it occurred to him that a bit of punishment might actually help her achieve orgasm—Peserin knew Monica had derived considerable pleasure from having her cunt spanked. But Jasmine wasn’t Monica and he couldn’t assume she would react the same way to the same things.

It was a tempting thought though.

“I’ll behave,” she finally said.

“I’m glad to hear that. However, I think you deserve a bit of punishment for this one.” He flipped her onto her stomach. Reaching into the bedside table, he pulled out the tube of lubricant and squeezed some onto his index finger. She squirmed as he slid it between her buttocks.


“Don’t worry, I’m not about to fuck your ass. Yet,” he added darkly, squeezing his finger into her tight anus without giving the little chit time to adjust. She’d earned more discomfort than that, and he was about to see she got it. “Merely preparing you for my spur.”

Straddling her legs, he grasped her hips and pulled her up until he could set the head of his cock against her vagina. “If you become alarmed or are truly in pain, you have but to call me Mellors and I’ll stop.”

“Mellors,” she repeated with a frantic nod. “Got it.”

He gritted his teeth and slowly worked his cock into her hot, tight cunt, his heart racing with excitement.


She whimpered and continued a half-hearted struggle until he was seated completely. Then she was still. The sight of her bowed before him, her long slender back heaving, her tangled hair concealing her face, and her hands clenching and unclenching in the bedding, satisfied him like nothing ever had. She was a beautiful little submissive.

He slapped her buttock and she cried out.

“Are you going to fake another orgasm?”


He slapped the other one and relished the deep pink tinge rising on her pale skin.

“Are you absolutely certain?”

“Yes!” she choked out.

Believing her, Shauss withdrew with care and fucked her slowly, rocking his hips forward and back in a sensuous rhythm as need coiled in his gut. Peserin, but she was tight! The friction was almost unbearable, but he felt the evidence of her excitement easing his way. Sliding his hand down, he was gratified to note the abundant slickness coating her petals now. He caressed her, toying with her and enjoying the throaty moans that burst from her throat.

All too soon his knees began to shake with urgency, the urge to flood her with his seed rapidly consuming him. He thrust faster and faster, his body on fire, sweat rolling off him in sheets.

His spur began to emerge and he stopped, breathing harshly. By all the powers, he didn’t want to come before she did but he wasn’t sure he could resist.

“Here comes my spur,” he grunted, spreading her buttocks. He slid it into her as carefully as possible, and her broken groan drove his arousal even higher, making it hard to maintain any semblance of control. Though he stayed with her as long as he could, Jasmine never seemed to get any closer to orgasm, and his failure to please her was bitter medicine to swallow.

Not wishing to torture either of them any further, Shauss braced his hands beside her shackled arms and battered her with short, hard strokes designed to finish him off quickly. The rush took him without warning and he shouted, filling her with his seed even as he resented the lack of primal satisfaction that should have accompanied such an intense release.

She lay beneath him, unmoving, and didn’t look at him when he moved off her.

“Gentlemen, have you seen enough?”

* * * * *

Still shaken and aroused, Tiber reported to Infirmary Three to work on the mate assignments, which recommenced next week. Monica was at the replication station.

“Empran, can you not fuck with me for once?” she said.

Tiber leaned against the bulkhead with a grin. He needed a little more time to collect himself, and it was always amusing to watch Monica interact with the computer. For some reason, Empran exhibited an uncharacteristic propensity for obtuseness with her.

“I am not programmed for sexual activities,” Empran replied.

“Just tell me how this thing works.”

Empran activated a holochart in front of Monica’s face. “Read the directions.”

“Hello, they’re in Garathani!”

Tiber barely suppressed a snort of laughter.

“What language would you prefer?”

“English, you misbegotten pile of factory seconds!”

The holochart blurred and reformed in English.

“Thanks,” Monica said grudgingly. “Leave the image up until I cancel it.”


After reading further, she said, “Okay, this seems simple enough.”

She placed a spray bottle into the replication chamber, and ordered, “Evaluate.”

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