Enemy Overnight (10 page)

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Authors: Robin L. Rotham

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Enemy Overnight
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Jasmine gasped. How in the world could the classically beautiful Shauss and that brawny bastard possibly be brothers?

Without taking his eyes off of Zannen, Shauss said, “Minister, you cannot allow this.”

“Actually,” Cecine sighed, “I must. He
within his rights under the law.”

Jasmine jumped when Shauss slammed a fist on the table. “Then the law should be repealed!”

“Perhaps, but for the moment it still stands.”

Then the minister stood and scanned the chamber. “Unless there is some objection from the council, I’m granting Lieutenant Zannen

When no objections were raised, he addressed Shauss but looked at Jasmine with a troubled expression. “Lieutenant, may your bond prove worthy of what you’ve sacrificed for it.”

Chapter Seven

“So this is a little awkward,” Monica said, leaning against the exam table.

“Just slightly.” Jasmine could barely look at her. God, how had this happened? “I am so sorry, Monica. I can’t believe—”

“Jasmine, relax.”

“Relax?” Jasmine repeated incredulously. “I just swiped your mate and you want me to relax?”

“You didn’t swipe my mate. Well, you did,” Monica corrected with a wry grin, “but not the one you think you did. I actually kind of had my eye on Hastion for our next second.”

“Oh my God, you mean I swiped both of them?”

“No, just Hastion. Shauss was more like a gift.” When Jasmine gaped at her, Monica hurried to say, “Don’t worry, I was pretty sure he was going to claim you anyway, but when Kellen told me what was going down, I just gave Shauss a little nudge to make sure you didn’t get stuck with that bonehead Zannen.”

Jasmine felt dizzy. “Oh my God, Monica, you pushed Shauss to claim me?”

“No, I encouraged him to do what he needed to.”

“Oh my God,” Jasmine repeated, heat blazing in her cheeks. And here she’d thought Shauss was taking her because he wanted to. “What did you tell him?”

“I didn’t betray any of your confidences, if that’s what’s worrying you. Shauss only rebonded with us to protect me from having to choose another mate, so I made it clear I didn’t need his protection.”

“Oh my God.”

“Will you quit saying that? Jesus, I thought you’d be happy.”

“Happy! I have to have sex with Shauss

“Gasp! You have to fuck three incredibly sexy aliens—a fate worse than death.”

“It’s not funny!”

“Well, excuse me for saving you from that hulking bastard.”

“Monica, the minister was going to make
my primary mate, not Zannen.”

“Tiber? But I thought…” Monica blinked. “Did Shauss know?”

“Yes, he knew! Tiber challenged him for me and Shauss threatened to kill him if I didn’t agree to…to…”

Monica stared at her for a minute and then a huge grin split her face. “I knew it! Shauss is stuck on you too.”

“You just don’t get it, do you?”

“What’s to get? Not only are you going to have unlimited wild monkey sex with the guy you’re in love with, but you get to take a flaming-hot exhibitionist and a sensitive doctor type for a bonus test drive. What is the big fucking deal?”

“I’m not in love with him!” Jasmine shouted. “And you want to know what the big deal is? I’ll tell you what the big deal is!”

“Well, lay it on me then!”

Jasmine paced between the exam tables, clasping her hands behind her hips to still their shaking. She couldn’t believe what she was about to do, but she just had to. She couldn’t take facing all this alone.

“Tell me something, Monica.” She stopped, staring at the newly buxom doctor. “Is your Hippocratic oath still in effect now that you’re no longer human?”

“There’s no reason to get ugly,” Monica snapped. “I’m just as human as I ever was, and yes, my oath still means everything to me.”

“And what about the rules of doctor-patient confidentiality? Are they still as important to you?”

“Of course.”

of course
about it,” Jasmine insisted. “You’re no longer governed by the laws of the United States.”

“Yeah, but I’m still governed by my conscience.”

“So if I talk to you about a medical condition you’ll keep it to yourself.”

“I already told you I didn’t betray your confidences to Shauss, and believe me, I really wish he’d known about your menopause before he agreed to anything.” It was Monica’s turn to pace. “I did point out how you’re built and told him it would be a miracle if you could carry a Garathani baby, which technically is true, but I only did that because I was pushing him to protect you and I didn’t want him to go into a bond with you, anticipating the pitter-patter of little extraterrestrial feet.”

She stopped and looked Jasmine in the eye. “But I repeat, I
betray your confidence.”

“Well, thank you. But if I told you about something else, something more serious…”

“Jasmine, you’re pissing me off,” Monica growled. “Yes, of course I’d keep it to myself. Unless it was contagious or something, if it put others’ lives in danger.”

Ah, now there was the catch. If Monica thought she might put others’ lives in danger, she’d feel compelled to tell Kellen.

“Monica, I swear I’m not contagious or dangerous in any way, and I need your promise that you won’t reveal what you learn about my condition to anyone.
, and that means Kellen and Shauss too.”

“You’ve got it, already! Now tell me.”

Jasmine searched Monica’s face. “You know the nasal spray I asked you to replicate for me?”

“Yeah. It’s on my to-do list for this afternoon.”

“Great.” Jasmine wiped her hands on her legs. “But it’s not really for menopause.”

Monica’s gaze narrowed. “So why did you tell me it was? What’s it really for?”

“It really is a hormone complex.” Jasmine took a deep breath. “But it’s designed to suppress part of my endocrine system.”

“Say what? Why?”

“Please promise me you won’t go crazy.”

Monica rolled her eyes. “Would you just spit it out, for God’s sake? What’s wrong with you?”

“The truth is…” Jasmine braced herself and looked her square in the eye. “I’m Narthani.”

* * * * *

“Well, this is…rather unexpected,” Tiber commented as they waited outside the infirmary.

“Indeed.” Shauss still couldn’t believe he’d said Tiber’s name. Of all the warriors he could have chosen… Verr, Holligan—Peserin’s hell, even Zannen would have been better. He was strong, ruthless and more than able to keep Jasmine in line, as well as protect her from threats. That she couldn’t stand him was only a point in his favor—with his singular lack of interpersonal skills, there was no way Zannen would ever be able to talk her into further sexual contact after the initial claiming. And despite Monica’s assessment of his malleability, he
be controlled, probably much more easily than Tiber.

But no, Shauss had doomed himself to months—and potentially the rest of his life, if Jasmine could be persuaded—with the ship’s wily psychiatric doctor.
was a mystery only the Powers could fathom. And he hadn’t even negotiated terms with the man! If he’d been thinking ahead, he could have offered Tiber third position on the condition that he settle for the initial claiming and not press for more, and Tiber would have accepted for no other reason than to protect her from Zannen. Now he was free to woo her as he pleased during his guard rotations.

Shauss was going to have to establish his dominance over all involved in the bond immediately.

“I could have let you challenge me,” he told Tiber.

“You could.”

“You’d be dead by now.”


“So why did you challenge me?”

“Because she needs a champion.”

Shauss stiffened. “
will be her champion.”

“That remains to be seen.”

“Tiber, do not make the mistake of trying to usurp me.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.”

“In this bond or in Jasmine’s affections,” he specified.

Tiber’s brow rose. “You assume Jasmine’s affections are yours to lose.”

Shauss looked away, his jaw clenched. Tiber’s determination to zero in on his weak spots obviously hadn’t lessened in the slightest. Beating his troublesome ass into submission was going to be a real pleasure.

* * * * *

Monica’s jaw dropped. “What the fuck do you mean, you’re
?” When Jasmine shrugged apologetically, her eyes bugged. “Jesus Christ, do you realize the position you’re putting me in? You’re Narthani! You’re the—”

“Enemy. I know.” Jasmine sighed. “Now do you see why I was so careful? I had to be sure you wouldn’t take this straight to Kellen. God only knows what they might do to me if they find out.”

Monica recoiled. “
to you? Jasmine, the Garathani aren’t barbarians. I don’t think they’d do anything to you unless…” Her eyes narrowed.

“I promise you, Monica, I had nothing to do with Pret beyond what I told you. Honestly! I would never have helped him if I’d known what he had planned. I was just as much a pawn as you were.”

“That’s not what’s worrying me. The big picture says that there are aliens at work on Earth besides the Garathani, and now you pop up and say, ‘Hi, I’m Narthani!’” She winced. “Holy shit, Kellen will have my ass if I keep this from him.”

“I know, and I’m sorry, Monica, but please don’t tell him.” Jasmine looked her in the eye, laying bare all her fear and hope and uncertainty. “I’m begging you.”

“Why should I trust you?”

Looking away, Jasmine swallowed. That was the question, and it would always be an issue. Not only was she Narthani, but she’d already helped a rogue Garathani perpetuate felony kidnapping on one of their females, albeit innocently. Nothing she did or said could convince anyone that she harbored no ill will toward them.

Her stomach clenched. The gamble hadn’t paid off. She was probably about to be incarcerated, interrogated, maybe even executed. The possibilities spun in her head until she wanted to vomit.

“Jasmine! Snap out of it!”

Monica was waving a hand in front of her face.

“Hey, I’m not saying I’m going to turn you in. I just want to hear your story before I put my life and the lives of everybody on this ship into your hands.” She gestured to the desk in the corner. “So have a seat and talk to me. Please.”

That was something, anyway, and a very reasonable request.

Taking a deep breath, she began her tale. “I was thirteen when I found out the truth…”

* * * * *

Bumping up over the curb into her yard, Jasmine steered her bicycle around the side of the house and into the backyard. She was a half-hour late and didn’t look forward to the lecture she’d get if her father was home. He was so paranoid and overprotective, she was about to smother. Mom would probably let it slide though—she’d always been cooler than Dad.

Squeezing the hand brakes, she slid to a stop by the garage door and peered inside. Rats! He was home. Fifteen minutes minimum of pure torture was headed her way.

Sighing, she dismounted and grabbed her backpack off the handlebars then leaned the bike against the garage. A heartbeat later she changed her mind and used the kickstand—Dad hated it when her bike handles left scuff marks on the siding. He was almost as anal-retentive as he was paranoid.

. Jasmine grinned. She’d read about that at the library and thought it fit him just perfectly. The ultimate anal-retentive control freak.

And just think, in five years she’d be eighteen and could move out on her own, away from him and his crazy ideas. They were going to be the longest five years of her life.

She punched in the security code without looking and then shoved her key into the lock. Their doors were always locked whether they were home or not. Stupid. Nobody else on this block locked their doors unless they were gone overnight or out of town for the weekend or something.

Turning the key, she slipped into the kitchen and automatically reset the alarm. The backpack landed under the bench by the door and her grass-stained sneakers weren’t far behind. Jasmine padded to the fridge in her socks and opened the door, looking for something to fill the noisy cavern of her stomach. Cheerleading was hard work, though she was lucky enough to be too tall to throw around. She’d hate that, having to trust one of those turkeys to catch her. Especially when a routine was new, the guys tended to drop as often as they caught.

Grabbing a can of diet soda and the carton of cottage cheese, she kicked the door closed. Two minutes later she was sitting at the table, enjoying her guilt-free little snack when her father walked in.

“You’re late.”

“I know,” she mumbled around a bite. Swallowing quickly, she added, “I’m really sorry, Dad. Cheerleading practice ran late and I—”

“Come to the den at once. Your mother and I have something to discuss with you.”

“Uh, okay.” She scooped up one last big spoonful and shoved it into her mouth before snagging her soda. Jeez, what was up with him? He was acting even weirder than usual. He looked funny too. His hair looked like it hadn’t seen the business end of a brush since the light bulb was invented.

Her mother was already there, sitting on the couch with a worried look on her face. That wasn’t good.

Jasmine took the chair her father pointed at, carefully setting the soda can on a coaster. Her father sat beside her mother, directly across from her.

Without preamble, he said, “You have developed blemishes on your face.”

Heat bloomed in her cheeks. All this drama because she was getting zits? “Gee, Dad, thanks for noticing. I swear, I’m washing my face every—”

“Your hygiene habits do not concern me at this time. What concerns me is that your body has begun maturing.”

“Well, thank God!” Jasmine rolled her eyes. “I was beginning to think I’d never grow up.”

“Child, this is a very serious matter. There is a reason you have not matured at the same rate as the other girls of your acquaintance.”

Jasmine frowned. “What do you mean?”

“You’re not human.”

Well. Okay. That was special.

“Um, you’re kidding, right?” She grinned at him uncertainly. Halloween was just three weeks away. Maybe he’d finally discovered what a joke was and had decided to play one on her.
I’m not human. Uh-huh, pull the other one, Dad.

“How often have you known me to jest?”

Right. Jasmine swallowed. “So if I’m not human, what am I?” Not that she believed any of this crap.

“You’re a species closely related to Terrans, but considerably more evolved.”

Oh God, he’d finally done it. Her father had officially gone off his rocker.

Jasmine snagged her soda and stood up. “I don’t know what I’ve done to make you act like this, but consider me punished, okay? I’m going to my room now. Call me when it’s safe to come down.”

“Sit. Now.”

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