Empty Promises (The Promises Series Book 3) (20 page)

BOOK: Empty Promises (The Promises Series Book 3)
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“Have we—” He pauses then shakes his head. Then he smiles that panty-melting smile. He runs his knuckles gently down the side of my face and with that he's gone.

I feel like I'm going to cry. How stupid is that? I mean, he's Jesse Kingston and he was just being sweet to a fan. I get it. I know it, but the sting of tears won't stop.

Sera knows and she pulls me into a hug.

“God, Luce.”

I nod and sniffle, blinking back ridiculous tears.

“Girls, we need to board,” my mom calls.

“Dude, was that Jesse Kingston?” Joey asks.

I nod.

“I bet Lucy needs a change of panties.”

Even though he's totally right, I reach over and punch him in the arm. “Pig.”

“Joseph Anthony Russo you will watch your tongue.”

Sera hands me the autograph and pen. I look at her.

“Did that really just happen?”

She nods. “And you have proof.”

She hands me my phone and there's a picture of me and Jesse. My breath catches. We're staring into one another's eyes as he caresses my face.

“Oh my God, Sera.” This time there's no holding back the tears.

“I know,” she says and throws an arm over my shoulders as we board the plane, pulling me in for a half-hug. “The electricity was zapping around you two. I thought we were going to be electrocuted.”

I sigh.

Sera looks around to see if she can spot Jesse.

“He's likely in first class.”

“Yeah, probably,” she says, taking her seat.

I sit next to her and look out the window. I can't believe this. In two days I audition for a major starring role in a movie that would make my career if I land the part, I'm moving to Los Angeles
I met Jesse Kingston, touched him, and he kissed my hand—a hand that's still tingling from his lips.

“We should have let mom upgrade us. Do you think we can sneak up to first class?” Sera asks.

I smile softly. “As much as I'd love that, I'm not a stalker and I don't want him to think I am. I'm going to hold on to what he's given me today and keep it close.” See? I'm not a stalker.

She nods. “I can see that.”

“Maybe one day…”


We sit in silence for a minute as the flight attendant tells us about the emergency exits, my mind blank as if it can't comprehend what just happened.

The jet engines fire up and we're lifted off the ground.

“You going to send me those pictures?”

Sera smiles. “Already done, darling. Already done.”


“I got an amazing picture of his ass.”

“Only one?”

She gives me a look of exasperation. “Please. Try twelve.”

“Twelve? Why twelve?”

She grins. “A dozen hot buns.”

I laugh. My sister totally rocks.




©2014 Anne Mercier



IT IS KIND of a tradition now, that I start my acknowledgements with an apology to my amazing husband and children: I’m sorry—again. I broke my promises—again. You know by now that if my laptop is open, you need to fend for yourselves. Believe me when I tell you that I know how lucky I am, you’re all so understanding and patient. I love you, guys. You are my world.

Author Kathryn Andrews, my book bestie… Fist bump! Book #3 can you even believe it? I don’t need to tell you how awesome you are, you should already know. xoxo To all the wonderful bloggers that have loved the Promises series, your support astounds me, you rock!

The Perusing Princesses, Elizabeth, Kelly and Emma; If you count all the waves, in all the oceans, that’s how much I love you gals.

My BETA team! Dana, Susan, Ali, Trish, Jen and Megan. WOW, just wow. I never in a million years, expected the reactions to this book that I received. I’m blessed to have you all in my corner.

To my best friend and sister-in-law, Lucy. You know I’m officially Mrs. Last Minute, but you always drop what you’re doing to help me out anyway. Love you!

The Pimpers… Author Anne Mercier, Dana, Sanne, Alexis, Susan, Heather, Pauline, Lynn, Irma and Ali. Thank you for telling everyone about my books. You girls never fail to make me smile. I can’t express in words, how grateful I am. (which is kind of ironic, considering words are my thing!) The wonderfully talented
Melissa Gill
of MGBOOKCOVERS & DESIGNS. You knocked it out of the park AGAIN!

Jennifer Roberts-Hall
Thank you for your wonderful editing skills, you are like super woman! You climb mountains and then go home and edit. I’d climb a mountain and then go home and die!

Marie Piquette
You are a dream to work with. I know I can always depend on you, and I can’t commend you highly enough!

(JT Formatting) my brilliant formatter, you are the most helpful person in the world—EVER.

Finally, a huge thank you, to you the reader. It’s truly astounding to me, that you’re reading my third book, after loving the others. I am so humbled.



Her Website:


E-mail: [email protected]






Book #1
Promises Hurt

Book #2
Forgotten Promises

Book #3
Empty Promises


Reveal – A New Adult contemporary romance, coming mid-2015.


Throughout the Promises series, you meet Emily, Blair and Ethan. Although their stories are fictitious, the problems that they have to overcome are very real. If you have been affected by any of the issues raised in this or any of my books, there is always someone here to listen and help.




Macmillan Cancer Support –



Leukemia and Lymphoma Society –





Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline –



The National Domestic Violence Hotline –


BOOK: Empty Promises (The Promises Series Book 3)
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