Emma's Home (The Fairfield Series) (10 page)

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Authors: Maryann Jordan

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Emma's Home (The Fairfield Series)
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“I seem to be greatly under-dressed,” she said jokingly, feeling self-conscious.

“Well, I plan on taking care of that, darlin’,” Jake replied, his voice husky. He pulled off his shirt tossing it into the ever-growing pile of clothes on the floor.

As he was unzipping his jeans, Emma could not help but gawk at his naked chest. Jake was powerfully built, with chiseled abs, thick muscular arms, and broad shoulders. Emma’s eyes traveled down over his tight stomach muscles and the delicious V that traveled down into his pants. He pulled off his jeans, while reaching in his pocket to get out a packet and toss it on the bed. Emma couldn’t help but stare. Jake in his boxers was a sight that she would never tire of. He was without a doubt the most gorgeous man she had ever seen.

“Like what you see?”

Emma’s eyes darted back up to Jake’s face, seeing the smirk on his face. Emma laughed.

“Actually yes. I love what I see!” she replied.

Jake continued to hold her stare as he slid off his boxers and lowered himself on the bed. Laying on his side with Emma next to him on her back, he roamed his hands over her body exploring every delicious curve. His lips clasped over one nipple as his hands continued their exploration. He sucked one nipple fully before moving over to the other one, giving both breasts the attention they desired.

Emma felt the electric shock from her nipple directly to her core. Wanting more, she slid her hands around to his broad back, pulling him closer.

As he continued exploring her breasts with his mouth, his hand moved lower and to explore Emma’s wet folds, pushing a finger inside. Emma moaned and began pushing her hips closer to him as she reached down and grasped his cock in her hand. It was impressive, silky and hard, and much larger than either of the boyfriends she had ever been with.

She suddenly felt self-conscious, realizing that she had only been with two men before and assumed that Jake had been with many women.
He has so much more experience than I do. What will he think of me? What if I don’t satisfy him?

Jake felt that she had grown still, and he moved his head from her breasts up to peer down into her face. He could see hesitation in her eyes.

“Emma girl, we can stop any time you say,” he assured her, assuming she was having second thoughts.

“That’s not it,” she admitted. “I just don’t know… I mean, it has been a long time and I …,” she mumbled.

“Babe, this is going to go at your pace,” he assured her. “But just know that I don’t do this as a one night thing. What’s going on between us, I want it and I think you want it too.”

Emma looked into his eyes and nodded.

“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, but more than that, babe, is your heart. You care, you give, you make everyone around you feel better just by being in your presence.”

Emma was stunned. No one had ever said those words to her. Her heart was melting, but he wasn’t through.

“I love bein’ with you and I want you with me. This tonight, is just continuing you and me,” Jake said.

Emma’s insecurities fell away and she pulled him close, sealing her lips onto his in a deep kiss.

Growling, Jake moved over her, resting his weight on his arms, not wanting to crush her. Knowing his size, he wanted to make sure she was ready. He slid his hand down her body again, slowly pushing a finger into her wet pussy. Moving his finger back and forth, he revealed what elicited the most pleasure for her. Amazed at how responsive she was, he watched as she moved her hips in rhythm to his fingers. Wanting to take care of her first, he lowered his head to her breasts, sucking hard on her nipples. Sliding another finger into her wetness, he moved them around in constant motion adding pressure.

Emma felt the orgasm building as the pressure inside wound tighter and tighter. Never experiencing this with either of her previous partners, the loss of control was exhilarating.

Jake, realizing that she was close, tugged harder on her nipples as he moved his thumb over her clit, applying just enough pressure to send her over the edge.

Emma screamed out his name as the tremors overtook, feeling shattered into a million pieces.

Jake slowly pulled his fingers out after her inner muscles stopped clenching around them. He held her closely, moving his hand in slow circles over her stomach as she opened her eyes and smiled.

“You okay, baby?” he whispered just over her mouth as their breath mingled.

“Oh yeah,” she whispered back, her smile lighting up her face. He leaned back in for a soft, gentle kiss. Emma kissed back, as though she needed his breath to live.

As their kiss deepened, he reached over to grab the foil packet. Leaning up, he rolled the condom onto his cock. Emma’s eyes were dilated with passion as she helped guide him to her opening. Jake entered slowly, filling her a little bit at a time, allowing her to get used to his size. Emma moaned at the feeling of fullness and pressure. Jake found himself seated fully and he began to pump slowly.

“Goddamn, you’re so tight,” he said through gritted teeth.

“I’m sorry,” Emma answered, feeling the need to apologize.

Jake moaned as he began to pump faster and faster. “Woman, that’s a good thing!”

Emma was too far gone in passion to feel embarrassed at her comment. She could feel the building of tension, starting in her core and radiating out.

“Come on, babe,” Jake said, knowing he was getting close and wanting her to come first. The feeling of delicious friction continued, and Emma could tell she was at the cusp of her orgasm. Jake reached down and fingered her clit, pushing her over the edge.

Emma’s orgasm exploded, taking her whole body in its wake. She was barely aware of Jake, when he tensed, his jaw and neck muscles straining, as he came right after she did. Jake dropped down onto Emma, trying not to crush her. Emma did not seem to mind, as she slowly moved her hands over his sweat slicked back.

Jake raised up on his arms, peering down into her face. Emma looked up smiling, and moved her hands to cup his face. He brought his lips back to hers in a slow, languid kiss. He rolled to the side, moving his weight off of her. He got up and stalked to the bathroom to dispose of the condom. Striding back to the bed, he noticed that she had moved under the covers. Raising his eyebrows, he leaned down and snatched the sheet back.

“Don’t want you to hide that beautiful body, Emma girl,” he said. He lay back down on the bed gathering her into his arms. Cuddling in bed for a while, they allowed the feeling of contentment to wash over them.

Emma’s stomach growled, and she giggled. “I think I need to go to the kitchen and fix some dinner,” she said.

Jake could have stayed in bed for round two, but wanted Emma to go at her pace. Getting up, she threw on his shirt and her panties before leaving the room. Jake smacked her on the ass as she passed him in the bedroom. Squealing, she turned around, attempting a pissed off look.

“That look won’t work on me,” he laughed. “And I like you in my shirt,” he added. Emma smiled and headed down the hall, sweeping her tresses into a messy bun. A few minutes later Jake walked into the kitchen, leaned against the doorframe and watched Emma flitting around the room. She was like a tiny whirlwind, moving around as she threw together a quick meal. The chicken was already baked and it took little time to sauté the vegetables.

Jake’s shirt was huge on her and yet he could clearly see her nipples poking through the material. Every time she raised her arms to reach for something high, his shirt lifted enough to show the bottom of her perfect ass. He shifted uncomfortably as he felt his blood running back to his dick again.

Glancing over her shoulder she saw him standing there, looking like an Adonis. Standing still for the first time since entering the kitchen, she stared at his masculine perfection. Her eyes took in all of him, from his sex tousled hair, down his defined six pack, his low slung jeans hanging on trim hips, all the way down to his sexy bare toes.

Smirking, Jake asked, “Something I can do for you, baby?”

Jolted out of her thoughts, Emma blinked and snapped her mouth shut. Huffing, she turned to pull the hot rolls out of the oven. “Well, you can stand there looking delicious enough to eat… or you can set the table and we’ll feast on this meal for now.”

Laughing, Jake took the plates and silverware off of the counter and set the table. For the rest of the evening they ate, talked, watched TV, then headed back to bed for round two and three before falling into an exhausted sleep.

Waking early the next morning, Jake watched Emma sleeping on her side. Her hair fanned out on the pillow behind her with just a few wisps falling across her face. One hand tucked under her head, she made the slightest noises as she slept. The sheet had fallen off her shoulders, and he could see the curve of her full breast. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. A feeling of contentment overcame him.

Emma’s eyes fluttered open, first in confusion, then a slow smile came across her face.

“I could wake up every mornin’ in your arms and be a happy man,” Jake admitted.

Emma’s eyes grew wide at this confession, her smile even brighter. “And I could do the same,” she agreed shyly.

Jake’s arm snaked around her and pulled her tighter. They lay flush together, and she felt his cock nudging her.

Emma raised her eyebrows. “Ready again?” she asked with a chuckle.

“Oh baby, I am always ready for you,” he claimed as he leaned in for another toe curling kiss. Round four came before they made it to breakfast.

Chapter 7

few days later, Tom, Jake and Mike were sitting at their desks discussing a new case they were working on. Like many small towns, the citizens of Fairfield enjoyed a low crime rate for a number of years, but now that it was a growing city, crime was on the increase. Drug use among teenagers was on the rise, and last night the police busted a party where various drug paraphernalia had been confiscated. Arresting the teen users was only part of the solution but they needed to get at the source of the drugs coming into their county. So far, their leads had resulted in dead ends. The drug runners and dealers stayed one step ahead of the police, and the detectives were increasingly frustrated. Mike had been trying to compare their data to some of the surrounding counties to see if he could find correlations. Tom and Jake were reviewing the evidence from the scene of last night’s party.

Mike looked at his watch and stood. “All right guys, I’m heading out. Got a date and don’t want to be late!” he joked. He looked down at Tom and Jake still sitting at their desks. “Don’t know what you two are waiting on – not with your women at home,” he said over his shoulder as he left their office. Tom tossed another file on his desk in frustration.

“Jake, I’m done, man. I can’t look at this shit anymore today.” Smiling, he added, “And I’ve got a hot wife at home who is off work today, just waiting for me.”

“Don’t rub it in, Tom.” Jake answered back, also tossing his file on his desk.

“Well, don’t you have a sweet little brunette waiting for you?” Tom asked. “How are things going with you and Emma?”

Jake, closed mouthed as usual, just said, “They’re goin’.”

Seeing the little smile on Jake’s face, Tom continued, “Yeah, I hear you. But I also think that sweet girl is the best thing to come your way.”

A slow smile spread across Jake’s face as he looked up at his friend. “Don’t I know it!” he replied.

“So why don’t you make it official?” Tom asked.

Surprised, Jake looked at his longtime friend. “We’ve only been together a few weeks.”

“Hey, I knew the minute I met Carol, she was it for me. I couldn’t wait to get a ring on that finger,” Tom replied.

Jake nodded, remembering how he made fun of Tom being pussy whipped so soon after meeting Carol, but now he completely understood. “Yeah, I remember,” Jake answered. “But I don’t want to scare her off. I want to make sure that this is right for both of us.” He looked back at Tom and grinned. “But I’m not letting her get away.”

Rising from their chairs, the two friends fist bumped and headed out of the station, each anxious to get to the women awaiting them.


A few days later, rising before dawn, Emma made her way to the front porch swing with her cup of coffee. Always a morning person, this was her favorite time of day. Dawn. When the day was new and held infinite possibilities. Skimming the tops of the trees on the east side of her yard, the sun’s light was painting the dark sky a softer shade of blue. Continuing to watch the sun rise, the sky became a kaleidoscope, as reds, yellows, pinks, blues and oranges all clashed with each other. A slight morning mist floating across her yard began to dissolve.

The only sounds Emma heard was the squeaking porch swing and birds flitting around the bird feeders. Looking at the bird feeders, Emma smiled at the memory of Jake’s gift. One morning, he drove up to her house bearing gifts. A bird feeder, birdbath, and different types of bird seed. Running into the yard to greet him, she questioned his gift. His simple explanation: she had once mentioned that when she lived in her apartment she would feed the pigeons and she always wished to be able to feed song birds.

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