Emergence: Return of Magic book 1 (6 page)

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Others would form bands to raid those communities, being too
lazy to break ground and grow their own food.  Maybe some of these issues
could be settled by the elves, society had been present before technology as
well, she knew they would just have to relearn it.  Lives would no longer
be dependent on a government program, people would need to learn to depend on
their neighbors and community again.

In a way, it would be like the old west… but without even
guns and trains.  Although… coal burning trains might still work, and some
older technologies that depended more on natural occurring components. 

Nim trained her and John some more, all the while she was
supposed to connect to the magic, commune with it, so she’d be able to do so anywhere
or anytime, under any circumstances or distractions.  She wouldn’t be able
to close her eyes in a battle, or call a time out to recharge her staff. 
Her and John’s training was almost opposite though.  She was learning to
back away, parry or avoid a blow to give her time to access her magic. 
John on the other hand, was being taught to fight offensively with his sword.

Her shoulders and arms ached by the time they called it a
night, and ate dinner.

Right after dinner, Nim got up and kissed John and then her,
on the lips.  She felt a strange sort of peace settle around her.

“Good night,” Nim said in a soft voice, and they both
watched her leave.

Suddenly alone with John, she felt a little shy suddenly,
and her mouth was a bit dry.  There was no doubt in her mind what she
wanted, and it didn’t help that she could still taste Nim’s lips on hers.

John got up, “I guess we should all turn in.”

She stood and nodded, and stepped around the table closing
the distance.  She stood close, well inside his personal space, and looked
up into his eyes.  She reached out and touched his chest with her hands
flat.  Her heart raced when he bent his head down, and she went up on her
toes to meet him halfway.

She sighed in pleasure as she kissed him for the first
time.  She felt warm, and a stirring tingle between her legs as she
slightly parted her lips.  As she’d hoped, he deepened the kiss. 
When they broke apart he had a question in his eyes.

“Are you sure?  I know a lot has…”

He cut off when she covered his lips with a finger and
whispered, “Sleep with me tonight.”

He smiled, and kissed her more passionately which lit a fire
in her center, and she released a breathy moan.  No matter how good that
first kiss was, it was nothing compared to the second.  She realized he’d been
holding back his passion for her sake… he wasn’t holding back any more. 
She was more than willing to follow as he took her hand and led her back to the
master bedroom.

She loved the way he watched her, as they undressed for each
other.  His gaze caressed her body, and she warmed further, she felt…
moist, and couldn’t wait to feel him inside her, possessing her.  She also
felt safe, protected, and she knew John wouldn’t hurt her.

They took a moment to take the other in, and she couldn’t
help licking her lips as he took in his well-built hard body, and he was quite
well endowed as well, she was a little breathy with desire as he took her into
his arms, and kissed her.  She moaned as she felt him grow against her
stomach, achieving his full length.

She squeaked in shock and then giggled when he picked her up
by her ass cheeks and carried her over to the bed.  He joined her, and
started to explore her, sending small shocks of desire and pleasure to her core
as he caressed her body with his fingertips.  She reached up and around
his neck with one hand, pulling him down to her into a deep kiss, as her other
hand reached down, and lightly stroked him.

She shivered, and her legs opened further, as she stretched
herself open for him, without conscious thought.  Foreplay next time,
right now she was burning with desire and wanted him to take her.  She
could feel how moist and ready she was for him, and gasped as his roaming hands
found her breasts.  His fingers were gentle but strong as he kneaded her soft
yet firm flesh and teased her nipples with light grazes of his thumbs.

“Please,” she said softly, as she felt his pleasure against
her moist and ready entrance.

She stared into his eyes, as he gazed into hers, and she
gasped as she stretched around and enveloped the tip of his manhood.  She
trembled and opened her legs wider as he pushed into her, filling her with his
throbbing length until their bodies met.  Her body arched and she ground
up into him, as he ground down.

Her body got used to the intense pleasure of his invasion
quickly, and when she was about to tell him she was ready, he started to take
her.  She met his thrusts with her own as their eyes locked.  She’d
never had it so good, and it was much better than she’d ever imagined with him,
and she had a very good imagination.

She gasped out, “Harder, faster,” and cried out in pleasure,
lost in their intense coupling as he met her demands.

All her thoughts, worries and responsibilities from the last
few days melted away.  She felt safe in his strong arms, giving herself to
him, so she surrendered to the intense pleasures of her body joining with his.

“Don’t stop,” she begged when she felt herself crest. 
The tight coil of radiating pleasure so close to release.  Then she felt
his thumb press down on her clit, and the coil snapped, radiating blissful
pleasure throughout her body like a hurricane, and overwhelming her mind. 
She gasped as she felt him grow within her, while she still trembled in
bliss.  She felt a deep sense of completion and a surge of profound
emotional pleasure as he expanded within her, and started to fill her with the
results of his ecstasy.

She was lost in the way it felt, as her body trembled and
fluttered around his manhood.

She smiled after the trembling stopped, and asked softly, “I
hope you’re not planning to sleep yet?”

John kissed her softly before he said, “Always for you
Katie, god your beautiful.”

She grinned a little cheekily, and said playfully,
“Goddess…  That’s goddess I’m beautiful.”

He snorted and rolled off her to the side, and she squealed
when he grabbed her and slid her body against his firmly.

“You don’t say?”

She nipped his lip, “Oh, I do.  I also say… goddess
he’s got a nice big co…”

He cut off her words with a lingering and demanding kiss
that left her breathless.

“Is that all I am to you, eye candy and a vessel for your
pleasure?” he asked playfully.

She shook her head, “Of course not, you’re good at massages

He snorted, “Is that all?”

She shook her head and smiled shyly, “Nope.  But I
couldn’t possibly tell you about all of it, your head wouldn’t fit out the door
in the morning.”

He raised an eyebrow, “Is that so?”

She nodded in mock seriousness, “But you know what?”

He shook his head, “What?”

She kissed him softly, lovingly, trying to say what she
couldn’t say out loud, with a kiss instead.  Then she started to kiss her
way down his body, exploring his chest and stomach with her mouth, tongue, and

He caressed her face and she looked up, “Know what?” he
asked curiously.

She looked up at him through her eyelashes and said
sultrily, “I bet your other head will fit in my mouth, and I bet it really
likes it there, why don’t we find out?”

She saw his eyes widen, and then he sighed in pleasure as
her lips wrapped around him…


10 – Sean

The women were freed, and Sean was sensitive enough to know
to keep his distance, and kept the gang away from the back room as well. 
He did want to help the women though, so Cynthia had taken that role. 
He’d realized almost immediately they could stay in the Walmart short term, but
it wouldn’t work for long.  Eventually they would run out of dry food,
plus they would need meat and other proteins to stay healthy.

He also found out through Cynthia some of the women had
children at home, alone, probably starving.  They hadn’t wanted to risk
the kids when they and their husbands had come to the store to find food. 
Cynthia had then explained about his powers, and while the women seemed a bit
freaked out, right now near him seemed to be the safest place, which he knew
was a little ironic.

Except it wasn’t, he wouldn’t hurt a woman if she didn’t
attack him, so it was safe.  Still, creepy guy with zombies, he was
surprised they hadn’t run the other way.  Needless to say, Cynthia had a
lot more empathy than she used to, and seemed to have it all handled to his

He had his men load up all the big rolling garbage bins with
food, there were twelve of them.  Then they all left the store armed with
food, weapons, and other camping type equipment.  They were also taking a
lot of seeds out of the garden center, for a farm.  They walked through
the town, picking up variously aged children and a few older people, and headed
away from civilization into open country.

He needed a place not too far, that had available water, land
to plant some crops, and preferably a building or two already there.  If
at all possible, there should also be some kind of hunting or fishing
nearby.  He’d never been an outdoorsman, and really had no clue. 
Yet, he had all these people following him now, twenty-one zombie men, and one
woman, who wouldn’t eat.  It was the other thirty or so live women with
children along that was his concern.

He had no clue.  He didn’t bother to do anything, and
just waited.  As he expected a little while later Cynthia came up with one
of the woman.  She was in the mid-thirties, with brown hair and
eyes.  She still looked attractive, but then he was in his thirties
too.  She didn’t look too scared of him, but she was wary.  He didn’t
judge that, if some guys had been ass raping him, he would be leery as well.

Cynthia spoke softly in a melodic calm voice, “This is
Terry.  She might know of a place.”

He smiled without showing his teeth and nodded at her to

Terry cleared her throat, “There’s a small tributary, with
fish a few miles east.  It’s near the Oslo reservoir as well. 
There’s some land of course, if you’re thinking of planting?”

He nodded, “Big towns won’t work, especially right
now.  Once there’s an infrastructure of horse pulled wagons again, maybe
that will change, and cities will happen again.  But right now, we need to
bring the people to the food, or where we can grow some.  Even this,” he
waved his hand, “The suburbs won’t work, because we need to hunt game as
well.  Probably bird, or wild pig.  I’m not sure if we could even
plant enough in back yards for it to work if we didn’t have to hunt to
survive.  What about shelter?”

Terry frowned, and then nodded.  It was the simple
truth, there was no way to get food to towns right now, the only options were
to move to a farm, or make a new one.

“There’s an old closed down school near there, should have
plenty of room.  We’d need mattress of course, and possibly more
clothes.  This is all insane isn’t it?”

He nodded slowly, “Extremely insane.  When we get to
where were going, I’ll start the men gardening and send some out for
mattresses.  At first we’ll have to make due.”

She nodded and asked in a rush, “Why are you helping us like
this, you don’t know any of us.”

He frowned, “Seemed like the thing to do.  I’d probably
be happy with just Cynthia, but with the power I have… I can turn the evil
bastards into labor, and protect the good ones.  Shouldn’t I do
that?  Plus, it will be nice to have the company.”

He had the thought to add that eventually they might find some
men that weren’t dicks, for the women.  Another part of a successful
community was children, the next generation.  But considering she was most
likely a very recent widow, and had been abused, he decided it would be stupid
to mention it now.

He waited for her to give him directions, and he was
surprised she stayed with them.  It was late afternoon by the time they’d
covered the distance.

He’d seen a few other people, they seemed to disappear into
their houses, or hide as he passed.  Those he did see had haunted eyes,
and he wondered how many would die simply because they would sit on their ass
until they starved to death.  Not that he was judging, he’d been doing the
same thing until he found out he had powers.  No, he just truly wondered
how many people would still be alive this time next year.  All the
millions in the cities around the world were already dead, so what now?

He sent a few of the men to break into a mattress store and
load up.  It would suck for them, but they were undead so wouldn’t complain. 
The rest of them he set to breaking ground in the school yard field which was
huge, and guarding the building, as he broke in and let all the woman in. 
For now, the women and children took a couple of the classrooms.  Cynthia
and him chose one as well, close by.  They also put all the food into one
of the rooms.  The place was huge.

For a moment he wondered what the hell he was doing, was he
a mayor now, of his own little community?  Life was truly strange
sometimes.  He sat down in the teacher’s chair, leaned back, and drank
some water.  He needed to relax badly.

He heard the door shut, and lock, and looked up.  God,
Cynthia was so damn beautiful.  She stripped, and then laid on top of the
desk, wantonly opening her legs wide, offering herself to him as she looked up
at him with desperate desire, and a sultry come fuck me look.

It was almost as if she could read his mind, he chuckled at
that thought, and then joined her…


He sighed as he woke up.  He had a sudden craving for
coffee, but knew that wasn’t very likely.  At least he had a mattress to
sleep on, and a couple of changes of clothes.  He turned and looked at
Cynthia, lying naked next to him with her eyes closed.  He wondered if she
was really asleep, or just acting like she was because he’d wanted to sleep
next to her.

He shook his head, not supposing it mattered in the least.

He woke her up with his morning wood, and when they finished
they took a shower together in the locker room.  A cold shower.  He
needed to work out a way to get hot water, he also wanted to figure out a way
to keep the water going, eventually he knew the utility would fail, he was kind
of surprised it hadn’t yet actually.

He sent his zombies to shower as well, three at a time, so
they didn’t start to stink badly, and then sent them on various raids for
things they needed besides food.  More soap, clothes, and other female
necessities that the women had put on a list. 

It was toward the middle of the day that he felt a warning
from one of his zombies, they’d never done that before.  He got up and
moved to the back of the school, where the specific guard was that had sent the
warning, and there was what looked like a drug gang of some kind walking across
the field, this was southern California after all, although they were a bit
further north than those types had usually roamed.

They had machetes in their belts, and were carrying baseball
bats.  He started to wonder if grabbing bows was a waste of time after
all, maybe he’d been the only one to think of it after all.  He walked out
to meet them, as they came forward with smirks on their mouths, but of course
all their gazes rested on Cynthia’s sexy body when they saw her walking next to

He wasn’t proud of it, but she was dressing a little
sluttier today.

“What do you want?” he asked calmly before they spoke.

One of them laughed, “Everything of value you have, and your
woman.  If you run now, we might let you live.”

He knew he wasn’t going to talk them out of it, so he
thought he’d get in at least one good insult before the fighting started. 
There were only six of them after all.

He rolled his eyes, “Leave now, and I’ll let you.  I’m
running a women’s shelter of sorts here.  We don’t have anything of value
except perhaps dresses.  Would you like a dress?  It seems clear to me
that it couldn’t be our soap your after…”

He was being a bit cocky, and when one of them came at him
without talking back or threatening first he was a bit flatfooted.  The
bat didn’t make contact though, Cynthia dodged forward faster than he could
track, and stabbed her fingers into his neck.  He stopped cold, and she
tore his throat out and pushed him back.

The other five stared in shock as she bent down in her black
mini-skirt and halter top, and wiped the blood off of her fingers on the dead
guy’s shirt.

“I’m going to kill you mother fucker…” screamed one of them.

That had been what he expected the first time, and he
reached out and ripped the man’s life force out, it snapped out of him hard and
fast, and the guy just fell to the ground like he had his strings cut. 
The others went wide eyed, and turned to run.  He was afraid they’d just
come back, or hurt someone else.  So he reached out and took the rest of
them long before they could escape, and then raised them.

“Twenty-seven zombies and counting,” Cynthia said softly.

He looked over at her in surprise, he hadn’t been thinking
that at all, which meant she was thinking independently.

She smiled, and kissed him, “You don’t want me to be like
them baby.”

It was true, he didn’t, he wanted her to be loyal, and obey
him, even love him, but he also hadn’t thought it was really possible, that it
would all be an illusion.  He knew he was self-deluded, and honestly
hadn’t really cared.  Now though, he wondered just how real she could
be?  She was undeniably having independent thoughts, within those
parameters.  She’d also defended him when he hadn’t even passed that
order, or thought of it.  He could admit to himself that guy had caught
him completely off guard by skipping the pre-fight insults. 

She was also a lot stronger and faster than he’d thought she
was.  He checked and saw she had a lot more life energy in her than the
other zombies.

He must have been feeding it to her when they… coupled.

The six men got up, one with a regrown throat, and he sent them
straight to the shower, before they’d come right back outside to help establish
their crops.  After all, he hadn’t been joking at all about the soap
insult, they all reeked.

He was even more bemused when they went back inside. 
He’d forgotten about the blood, and had stopped and waited, when Cynthia went
into the women’s bathroom to wash her hands.  He decided then that she
could do whatever she wanted, wear whatever she wanted, as long as she didn’t
betray him, or turn away from him, he wanted to see what she could
become.  She was already… magnificent.

To his surprise, she stayed in the slutty outfit, and he
wondered what that meant, since she had a choice.  Did she want to dress
that way to please him, because she loved him, or… he shook his head.  Just
trying to work it all out in his head started to give him a headache, so he
decided to shrug it off, he certainly didn’t mind if she wanted to dress that

The next week passed quickly.  More people joined them,
on both sides.  Several people had taken note of his zombie activities in
town, and followed them back to the school at a distance, out of
curiously.  It had been a nice surprise for him when they opened a dialog,
and they were just looking for a safe place, that had food, and had a plan.
 There were also more troublemakers.

By the end of that week he’d accumulated sixteen more
zombies, for a grand total of forty-three.  He also had several more
families living under his protection, including the fathers this time
around.  He thought there were close to fifty people now. 

They didn’t seem scared really, but they were all a bit
tentative at first, and seemed respectful.  So it was all good to
him.  A couple of them even had some engineering know how.  So they’d
set up a tub, and a primitive hot water heater for it.  They even went out
and bought some PVC and hand pumps to pump water directly from the nearby
tributary for when the water failed.

As far as Cynthia, she had stopped surprising him when she
did something rather independent.  She’d even seduced him a couple of
times, which wasn’t a big surprise normally, but since he hadn’t been at all
thinking of sex at those times, he thought it significant.  Not that she
ever had to try very hard to do so.

He still wondered at times if he was deluding himself, but
he felt a lot less self-conscious about how he felt about her.  He loved
her, and couldn’t imagine going back to his life when he’d been alone.

It was that night, at the end of that first week, when he
got another warning.  It was early morning, and he’d still been asleep,
maybe an hour or so before dawn, he wasn’t sure since he forgot to wind the
damn clock again.  He jumped up and put on some clothes, and watched
Cynthia do the same.  He never got tired of looking at her.

She looked over and smiled coquettishly, and he reminded
himself he was needed outside.  They ran out the front door this time, and
looked around.  He felt it then, he felt her.  A life force unlike
anything he’d seen or felt before.  If a normal life force shone like a
beacon, this one shone like the sun.  He walked over that way a little
warily, this was new and he didn’t want to do anything stupid.  Even
Cynthia looked a little wary at what we would find.

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