Emerald Eyes (37 page)

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Authors: N. Michaels

BOOK: Emerald Eyes
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I exhale a controlled breath. “Patrick, I’m not going to play your game, so please, if you have something to say, say it. If you don’t, I’m going to get up and walk away.” I raise an eyebrow.

Patrick takes a deep breath and runs his hand through his perfect hair. “Fine. You deserve to know,” he breathes out.

Instantly, my heart triples its speed and chills shoot across my body.

“What is it?” I keep my voice leveled.

Patrick leans closer, putting his arms on his knees.

“A friend of mine used to date Eric. He was very abusive with her. He
hurt her.” Patrick shakes his head, disgusted.

I swallow hard, “What’s her name?”

Patrick looks at me, confused. “I just told you he abused her and all you care about is her name?”

I inhale quickly, “I’m sorry. I guess I’m just shocked to hear this, that’s all.” I feign uneasiness.

I know how rough Eric can get… and I like him that way, but I want to know more about this woman, more about Eric.

Patrick stares at me for a moment then speaks. “Her name is Ava. She told me that he could never be gentle, just fuck her like an animal with no feelings. She had
Katherine. The only reason I didn’t beat the shit out of that abusive dirt bag is because Ava begged me not to. But that’s not all, later on he started cheating on her with some other woman, right after Ava told him she loved him. When Ava found out about the other woman, she left him. I don’t want the same thing to happen to you, so I’m giving you the heads up now. Eric is not who he claims to be.”

“Who… who was the other woman?” my voice wavers.

Don’t tell me its Eliza. Please
but her.

The waiter comes back with a new whiskey filled tumble and places it in front of Patrick.

“Ava only got a last name from a reservation he made in a hotel, Montgomery. Like that blonde he brought to SoFi in Miami… Shit… it was probably her!” Patrick mumbles to himself then takes a drink.

I feel my hands tremble so I clench them tightly.

I knew it. Damn it, it’s always her. I was smart to keep those three dangerous words to myself. I guess they frighten Eric so badly, that he will do anything to get out of the relationship.

“Thank you for the heads up, Patrick.” I smile tightly.

Patrick returns my smile, but it falters as his eyes shift behind me. I take a deep breath and turn around to confirm my inkling, and I am right. Eric is walking towards us… with a pissed off expression.


“Eric…” I breathe and stand up to great him.

He looks godlike. His jet-black hair is perfectly in place with those sexy strands falling neatly on his forehead, and his magnetizing eyes burn brightly with too many emotions.

“Hello kitten, being naughty?” he whispers when he reaches me then kisses my cheek lightly.

I shiver and shake my head, “No. We were just chatting about Miami.” I glance at Patrick who rises to his feet and shakes hands with Eric.

“Good seeing you, Miller. I was just leaving.” Patrick drops two hundred dollar bills on the table. “It was lovely catching up with you, Katherine.” Patrick lifts my knuckles to his lips.

“Yes, you too, Mr. Green. Have a good night.” I smile and lean into Eric, hoping that with my body flush against him he will see there is no reason to worry.

Patrick’s eyes bore into mine, as if he’s telling me to remember his warning. He let’s go of my hand then walks past us towards the exit. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I slowly exhale and turn to face Eric.

“Hey – “

“We’re leaving.” Eric says without as much as looking at me.

I clamp my lips shut and nod.

If he has something to tell me, and I’m sure he does, he won’t say it here.

Eric closes the door behind me and settles into the driver seat of his Bentley.

“How was dinner?” Eric asks while merging into traffic. His voice is calm, but there is an edgy undertone that stiffens my spine.

“Great, we had a lot to catch up on. Julia is engaged.” I smile, looking out of the window.


“Why did you come to Nobu?”

“I was done with my meeting, and I wanted to pick you up.” His voice is cold.

“Eric, what’s wrong?” I look at his sculpted profile.

“What were you doing with Patrick?” his tone now accusatory.

“I was talking to him. In a public place, Eric.”

“What were you talking about?” Eric snaps.

“Are we going to your place or mine?”

Eric glances at me with a frown, “Why are you evading the question?”

“I’m not. It’s just not a talk I want to have while we’re driving in the crazy streets of Manhattan.” I explain.

Also, I’d rather look at you while you’re driving.

My God, Eric turns me on by just driving. His long, muscular arm is almost stretched as he grasps the top of steering wheel with his left hand, while his right hand rests on the gear shifter and his rock hard thighs move the slightest as he alternate between the gas and the brake. He even handles the car with elegance and control.

Eric takes a deep breath, “Fair enough. We’re going to my place.”

We don’t utter another word until we walk into his living room. I sit down on the couch and Eric positions himself in front of me, sitting on the edge of his oval coffee table, leaning his arms on his knees so we are at eye level.

“What did you two talk about, Katherine?” he asks calmly and this time it’s genuine.

Let’s see how long he’ll stay calm.

I look deeply into his light azure eyes. “We spoke about Ava.”

Eric tenses in a blink of an eye. His eyes widen with shock and his dark eyebrows pull down.

“She’s the same woman, isn’t she? The one that was scared of your aggressiveness in bed?” I whisper.

Eric swallows hard then stands up. He walks to the showcase cabinet that is further into the room. He opens it and pours himself a drink. He tosses it back then pours another. He finishes that one as well then closes the cabinet’s door.

“That’s her.” Eric whispers with his back to me, and I feel my heart breaking a fraction at the fact that Patrick was right.

“How does he even know her?” Eric turns to me, scowling.

“Apparently, she is one of his good friends. He was just telling me how you broke her heart by cheating on her with Eliza. Really, Eric? I never though you were that kind of a man.” I look away from him before I start crying.

It hurts so much to realize I was wrong about him.

“No! That’s not what happened. I didn’t cheat on her.” He says appalled.

Eric moves swiftly, one moment he’s two feet away, the next one, he’s too close for comfort. His hands take mine in a tight grip, tight but not painful.

“Katherine, no. I didn’t cheat. After
night, I broke things off with Ava but a week later she came back to my apartment, telling me she loved me and that she was positive I could change. I told her that we were not a good match and asked her to leave. Ava found out that the day before she came by, I was with Eliza and considered it as me cheating.”

Unsure, I look into Eric’s eyes looking for deceit, but all I find in the mesmerizing depths of them is sincerity, fear and regret. I can imagine a woman going crazy over him, literally crazy.

I almost did…

“I believe you.” I say quietly, holding his gaze.

“I’m sorry, kitten. I shouldn’t have reacted that way. I just can’t stand it when that fucker is next to you. I see red and go into primal mode. All I want to do is rip his head off for sharing the same fucking air you breathe.” Eric clenches his hands.

“You seemed pretty nonchalant when we were in SoFi, while I was dancing with him.” I raise a questioning eyebrow.

Eric smiles devilishly, “Remember how he had to leave in the middle of your dance?”

“Yes, but that was his father. He called and said he wasn’t feeling well.”

“That was me, telling his father to get his son back to the hotel or I would drop their contract.”

It takes a moment for the words to register. “You didn’t… oh my God, Eric!” I exclaim with a disbelieving smile.

Eric narrows his eyes at me with a self-satisfied smirk. His hands snake around my neck then he pulls my forehead to his.

“The hell I didn’t. You are mine, kitten… even before I knew it.” He rasps and kisses me passionately.

My fingers curl around his wrists and I moan into his mouth as his tongue caresses mine. I move to straddle him and feel him harden and thicken beneath me. I break the kiss and look into his hooded eyes.

“Need you.” I whisper breathlessly.

And that all I have to say. Eric rises and holds me close to him, walking us to his bedroom. I kiss him softly, teasing him; I bring my lips to his then pull back, making him desperate. Eric growls and tightens his arms around me.

“Kiss me,” he demands.

“I got you, tiger.” I murmur and give him what he wants.

Eric kept me in the dark all of Thursday about his plans for tonight. He did say, something romantic and intimate, and that, we will be heading there right after work.
Like that helps.

With that enigmatic information, I picked Altuzarra’s Nina printed dress for today. It can be worn for the office and for a romantic date. I slip into it and zip it up; leaving the top button open, it gives enough cleavage without being slutty. I hurry, trying to put my fauve Christian Louboutins sandals on. I’m sleeping over Eric’s so I take a few panties, a pink cotton tunic and a pair of black capris and fold them neatly into my rose poudre Lady Dior bag. I probably wouldn’t even have a chance to wear them, remembering the promise Eric whispered into my ear yesterday in the office.

“I’ll be on top of you this weekend, all weekend. Be ready to be fucked raw.”

Oh I’m ready…

Eric’s last meeting was done at six forty two sharp. He walked his client back to the elevator and I finished up on my last report. Just as I was turning my computer off, my door opened.

“Ready?” Eric dazzles me with his charming smile.

I beam back at him, “Yep!”

I pick up my bag from the bottom drawer and get up. Eric places his hands on my waist and pulls me to him. “You look beyond beautiful.” He rasps while his hungry eyes roam over my body then shift over my face. His sensual gaze feels like an actual caress, lightly touching me over the bridge of my nose, my cheekbones and finally my lips.

“Thank you. You don’t look so bad yourself.” I tease and smooth my hands over his navy jacket.

Actually, Eric looks fantastic. His tailored navy suit fits him to perfection, showcasing his tantalizingly virile body. His crisp white shirt is stretched over his hard muscled chest and his striped silver and blue tie adds a touch of sophistication and grace, an urbane dream come true.

“I’m dying to know where we’re going.” I whisper.

“You’ll find out soon enough.”

Eric kisses me softly but when my lips part, his tongue slips into my mouth and teases mine. Quickly, our gentle smooch turns it into a passionate, sinful kiss that leaves me breathless and burning for
him when he pulls away

“Let’s get going. Our reservation is at seven.” Eric husks.

His hand lands on the small of my back, making me acutely aware of his proximity, which intensifies the throbbing between my legs. When we step out of my office, Rose looks at our body language and her eyes shoot between Eric and me.

I’ll be hearing her questions on Monday, I’m sure.

I smile and pretend she’s not totally gawking at us.

“See you Monday, Rose.” I smile and she mumbles something that sound like, ‘See you then’. Eric takes my hand and entwines it with his as we ride down the elevator to the garage. When we reach our cars, I come to a stop.

“Are we driving separately?”

“No. We’ll take my car.” Eric fishes his keys from his pant pocket and presses the fob that unlocks his Bentley.

“What about my car? I don’t want to leave it here for the weekend.” I look at my

“How about this, I’ll have someone park it in your building so you won’t worry about it.” His warm hand caresses my cheek.

“Thank you, I appreciate it.” I smile.

“No problem kitten, anything for you.” He kisses my temple and walks me to his car.

“Give me your car key, I’ll go leave it with the guard.”

I hand him my key and watch him walk to the night shift guard. Eric hands him the key and tells him something with a very serious expression, then gives him a very nice tip. The guard nods his head and Eric claps him over the shoulder then turns around to come back to me.

“Done.” He smiles.

“Thank you, again.” I kiss him on the corner of his lips.

“Tease.” He groans and opens the door for me.

Once we’re settled, Eric scrolls through his contacts in his cellphone through the Bluetooth interface in his car and dials a contact simply named, ‘Max’.

“Mr. Miller, how may I help you today?” Max’s voice comes out of the speakers.

Max’s manner of speech reminds me of uncle Boris’s, trained to take and give orders.

“Evening, Max. There’s a beautiful silver Porsche, parked in Miller Financial Enterprise. I need you to drive it to Archstone Clinton on west 52
. Keys are waiting for you with the night guard, his name is Julian.”

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