Emerald Eyes (32 page)

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Authors: N. Michaels

BOOK: Emerald Eyes
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“I love it when you look at me like that…” he whispers.

“I can’t help it… you always look so fuckable.” I grin and he returns my smile.

“As do you, my kitten, and I would love to bend you over this bed and tear you to pieces, but I have a very shady client to nail.” Eric straightens, pulling me up with him. “And no. It’s not much of a first meeting with this weasel. I just got to get him to sign and I’m done. You go ahead and work this perfect ass off.” He growls quietly in my ear, his hand slides over my butt, kneading it greedily.

After picking up my red gown and shoes in a bag, we head outside. We climb into Eric’s Bentley and head towards my building.

“I’ll come over the moment I’m done.” He glances at me with a promising look, making me inhale deeply.

“Can’t wait.” I mumble and look at his breathtaking profile.

I’m sure God was pouring a lot of, ‘Gorgeous’, ‘Sensual’, ‘Mesmerizing’ and ‘Just Perfect’ into Eric’s mix.

“You’re doing it again…” he glances at me with a smirk.

“Oh hush… let me enjoy the view.” I roll my eyes and he chuckles.

I’ve come to long for the sound of his laughter. Crave it like the air I breathe. It’s smooth, like honey running down my throat. Eric places his hand on my thigh as we arrive to my building. He pulls over then looks at me, his eyes tender and warm. He leans close enough for our noses to touch.

“See you soon, kitten.”

I kiss him softly, relishing the perfect movements of our tongues sliding and caressing, our mouths fitting perfectly against each other. I break the kiss and look into his hooded eyes.

“Go get ‘em tiger.”

His kissable lips break into a grin and he gives me a quick peck. After waving goodbye to him, I head into my building. I greet Laura and hand her the bag with my stuff.

“So…?” she looks at me expectantly.

“Well… I’m officially off the dating market.” I smile.

“Hooray!” she claps her hands and giggles like a seventeen year old.

“We were suppose to go to the gym together, but he had an issue with a client so he’s gone fixing that. So I’ll be working out alone.” I pout.

“It’s ok, let the man do his job and you go do some crunches and push-downs.”

“Push-ups not push-downs.” I laugh and she waves her hand to shush me.

“Yes, yes I know. Go workout so I can start lunch.”

I hurry into my bedroom. I take the white silky scarf off and grab my concealer, quickly hiding the redden mark Eric gave me. Once I’m done, I rush out.

“Bye!” I call out and blow her a kiss.

Laura winks and walks away into the kitchen. I grab my phone, remembering how Eric went nuts last Sunday. He was calling me and I hadn’t taken my cell with me, he got so worried he actually came by to check up on me.

No worries tiger, I got it with me this time.

After four intense hours, I
every muscle. I’m sweaty and horny, since all I did was imagine how Eric’s body would look like when he would lift weights, how his washboard abs would ripple with every crunch.

Oh God…

I wipe my forehead with the plush white towel and grab my phone. Nothing. Not a text, nor a call… nothing. Frowning, I dial Eric’s number but it goes straight to voicemail. Unease slides down my spine, slaying my horniness but I shrug it off. He’s working, trying to get his client to sign with him. No reason to worry. I down half of my mineral water and head back home.

I come back to a very angry Laura.

“Why didn’t you come back for lunch?” she pins me with a disapproving glare, but it looks ridiculous on her. It’s like making a fluffy bunny scowl so I end up smiling.

“Oh come on, you know I never work out for just an hour or two.”

She sighs and shakes her head, “Sit, I’ll warm you some food.”

I settle on the stool and after a beat, devour the delicious chicken in the oven she places before me. After a long hot shower, I head into the living room and settle on the piano. I glance at my phone, still nothing. I place it in front of me, on top of the piano and start playing, ‘Kissing You’ by Des’rre.

Closing my eyes, I sing along and let go. Falling into the rhythm and letting the melody wrap around me, invade me then burst out me in a beautiful harmony. Hitting the last notes, I exhale a deep breath and slowly open my eyes. I see my phone. I frown at it and pick it up. No new messages, and no missed calls. I glance at the time, seven forty three.

Why hasn’t he called or at least texted me? He said he wouldn’t be long…

I mutter a curse and decide to become a couch potato for the rest of the evening. I bundle up in a blanket Laura gives me, turn the TV on and switch channels until I find a cooking show. I bid Laura goodnight and watch the young aspiring chefs try to finish elaborate dishes in the time giving to them. Three and a half episodes later, my phone goes off. ‘Burning Desire’ by Lana Del Rey is the ringtone that chimes and I know its Eric without even looking at the screen. I look at the time and take a deep breath.

It’s almost midnight.

“Hello?” my voice sounds impersonal.

“Hey, kitten. I’m sorry it took me so long to call, it took a while till he surrendered.” Eric’s chuckle is barely noticeable over the background noise of laughter and chatter.

Unexplainable irritation flares in me, “Where are you?”

“We went to celebrate. I’m in 48 Lounge… is everything ok? You sound off.”

What the hell is wrong with me? He went to celebrate a success at work. I should be happy for him not being a clingy and irrational. Snap the fuck out of it Katherine!

“I’m fine, just a little sleepy… and lonely. Congratulations on nailing him. I knew you had it in you.” I giggle and he answers with a rumbling laugh.

The sound of his warm laughter smooth over my ridiculous edginess and I smile widely.

“I miss you too, kitten… you have no idea how much I want to be inside you right now.” Eric’s voice drops to a sensual growl and I shudder as my sex clenches on emptiness.

“I’ll see you tomorrow and reward you for your achievement.” I husk and hear his sharp intake of breath.

“Will you now? And what will be my reward?”

“A lady never reveals her secrets. You will have to wait and see.” I say satisfied as a plan forms in my mind for tomorrow.

Eric grunts, his breath fans across his phone, making me shiver with need as I imagine his hot breath on my neck.

“Sweet dreams, my beautiful kitten.” He purrs.

“Sweet dreams, tiger. Be good.” I say softly.

I smother the three words I’m dying to say but know I can’t say them over the phone for the first time. The moment we hang up a serene calmness settles over me. That’s what he does to me with just a phone call. All the anxiousness I felt before fades away, and I realize how much I trust him, how much I love him. Smiling, I go back to my show. Ten minutes later, I’m struggling to keep my heavy eyelids open. I turn off the TV and force myself to get to bed. I crash down and cocoon myself with my soft warm blanket. I see Eric’s wonderful smiling face in my mind, and with that perfect image, I fall into a sweet slumber.


Excitement buzzes in me as I make my way to work through the crazy streets of midtown Manhattan. Today is the day I’m back to work not only as Eric’s executive assistant, but also as his girlfriend. I don’t know why I am so hyped up about it. I’m reacting like a fifteen-year-old girl.

I step into the elevator and with every level I ascend, my heart pulses harder and faster and I feel near damn giddy just at the thought of seeing Eric again. It hasn’t been that long since I last saw him, but I can’t help my craving for him, my undeniable yearning to be with him every second I got, to touch him, to taste him, to

Oh good God…
Now I got myself all worked up. I take a deep calming breath and step out of the elevator, heading towards my office. I fidget with the strand of pearls around my neck, and smooth my nervous hand over my powder pink sheath dress.

Calm down woman… you saw him yesterday.

But something is different in the air. Something more official, or maybe it’s all in my head. I greet Rose and enter my office. Immediately, my eyes flicker to the glass wall and I freeze in my spot.

What the actual fuck?

Eric is leaning back against the front of his desk. He’s dressed in a sharp black suit and pale blue shirt with a matching baby-blue tie. His massive arms are crossed against his broad chest, and he is scowling at the woman sitting in front of him. Fucking Eliza. Jealousy flashes in me and possessiveness claws at my chest. I take another deep breath, drop my cream Chanel purse on my desk and open the glass door. Eric’s eyes shift from her to me. The moment our eyes lock, he turns into a living marble statue.

“Good morning.” I smile a well-trained smile I always used when I was forced to socialize with my parents co-workers.

“Oh, Katherine! Hello, good to see you.” Eliza rises from her chair and turns to face me.

My mask slips in, “Thank you. What brings you here today?”

She swallows nervously, “Umm… well, I actually stopped by to speak to you… both of you.”

She looks at Eric, but he’s still rooted to the spot and apparently forgotten how to speak. I cross the room and stand next to Eric. I mimic his position and lean against his desk.

“By all means, go ahead.” I say.

She smooth her hand over her perfectly styled blonde hair, a nervous tick I presume.

“I came to apologize to the both of you. The way I behaved in the Gala was atrocious. I feel horrible for hurting you both. I should have never said those terrible things. It was truly horrible of me. I’m sorry.” She smiles, but her eyes are cold, like two ice cubes staring at me.

I don’t believe a word you say… you must think I’ve never dealt with your kind.

I glance over at Eric and when he looks at me, I see it in his eyes. He’s letting me take the lead.

“We accept you apology, but I doubt we will ever be in the same social circle again.”

I look back at Eliza, finding that I was right. Even though she’s controlling her facial expressions, she can’t hide the anger and hatred in her eyes. Satisfaction blooms in me, but I’m able to conceal it and portray a calm demeanor.

“I really don’t want to lose your friendship, Eric.” Eliza pleads Eric with puppy eyes.

No, you don’t want to lose his status, money and the endless orgasms he gave you with his amazing cock… I get it. But you don’t always get what you want. Sorry…

Eric warps his arm around me, pulls me closer to him.

“I’m sorry, Eliza, but like Katherine said, we accept your apology but that’s where we say our goodbyes.” He says with finality.

Eliza’s gaze drops to the floor and her body trembles with what I assume is undiluted rage.

“I wish you the best.” She says through gritted teeth, then turns around and leaves the office.

I exhale softly and look up at Eric. “Well that was a great way to start the week.”

His eyebrows lift, “You have no idea.”

Softly, I stroke his cheek, “Thank you for backing me up.”

“Don’t thank me for what is my duty to do.” Eric’s hand lifts to the small of my back, like he can’t help but touch me.

“And what duty is that?” I whisper.

“To protect you, to stand by you, to help you, to cherish you, and my most favorite part, to worship you, body and soul.” His eyes heat up in an instant and I have to bite down my lip to hold back a moan.

“That sound like a very hard duty.” I murmur and lift my head slightly, bringing out lips an inch away.

“Kitten, the only thing that’s
is me,” he quietly growls and pulls me against him, letting me feel his raging erection.

I gasp and he closes the tiny gap between our lips. It’s hedonic how his body presses against mine, how his firm lips glide softly against mine, how his expert tongue slides in and out of my mouth, exploring it, consuming me with his passionate kiss. I grip Eric’s shoulders as he deepens the kiss, but when I hear my desk phone ring I pull away.

“Time for work.” I pant lightly and give him a quick peck.

Eric shakes his head, “Never thought I would be the one who wouldn’t want to go back to work.”

I giggle and walk towards my ringing desk phone. Right before I close the door behind me, I glance back at him. He’s still in the same position watching my every move.

“I hope you didn’t forget about your reward.” I wink and the turquoise depths of his eyes burn brighter with undeniable desire.

The moment I got back to my desk, I was swamped with work. Answering calls and making Eric’s schedule for future meetings, and boy was he going to be busy in these two upcoming weeks. Between meetings and invitations to events, Eric’s booked back to back. I wondered if I needed to schedule some time for him to use the bathroom.

As lunchtime approaches, I begin my preparations to reward Eric. I call the restaurant across the street and order lunch. A rib-eye steak with a side of grilled asparagus and garlic mash potatoes for Eric, and broiled salmon with their specialty sauce and some sparkling water for myself.

When Eric leaves his office for a few moments, I silently prey for the delivery to arrive while he’s gone. Twenty minutes later, still no Eric and no food. Just when I’m about to pick up the phone to call the restaurant, a knock sounds on my office door. I open the door and let the young delivery guy into Eric’s office. I pay him and set the glass coffee table in the sitting area in Eric’s office. I keep the plastic containers closed so the food won’t cool down, and as I place the San Pellegrino bottle on the coffee table, Eric walks in.

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