Emblazed (13 page)

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Authors: Nikki Narvaez

Tags: #Paranormal

BOOK: Emblazed
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Kiera laughed, “I hope so. I haven’t had any since before I moved here.”

“Wow, that just … sucks,” Kimber said.

“Don’t remind me. I’m already well aware of that sad fact.”

“Well, hopefully we can find you a hot college guy to hook up with.”

Kiera laughed, “Yeah, maybe. You guys ready?”

Kimber took one last look in the mirror before nodding her answer. I went into the
bedroom to grab my clutch and put on my hot pink heels before heading for the stairs.

Kimber and Kiera chatted as they followed me, but my attention was mainly on Jace
lounging on the couch. He wore a teal button-up shirt with a collar that had the top
two buttons undone, giving a glimpse of his tan, toned chest. The sleeves were drawn
up to his elbows, and his biceps bulged under the fabric.

His eyes snapped up to meet mine as he gave me his signature smirk. I coyly smiled
back before looking away and focusing on not plummeting down the stairs in my four-inch
heels. That would be super classy.

Once I reached the bottom, Jace walked around the couch towards me. He wrapped a hand
around my waist, setting his hand on the small of my back, drawing me close to him.
He leaned in, brushing his cheek against mine and enveloping me in his scent as he
whispered seductively in my ear, “You look gorgeous. I can’t wait to get you back
home tonight.”

I felt my face flush, deepening the color already on my cheeks. He pulled back to
look in my eyes, which brimmed with desire as a result of his words and proximity.

Stop looking at me like that or I’ll tell everyone to leave without us and take you
back upstairs,
Jace growled in my mind.

I softly laughed before threading our fingers together and turning towards the door,
where Kimber, Zane, and Kiera stood talking. “Everyone ready?” I inquired.

Zane grabbed the door handle, ushering Kimber and Kiera forward, “After you, ladies.”

Jace disentangled our fingers and guided me forward with his hand on my back. Once
we were all outside, he turned around and locked our door before we set off walking
toward the pier to my boat. Jace hopped in first before helping Kiera, Kimber, and
I get in without twisting an ankle while trying to step in the swaying boat in our

Jace helped me in last, bracing me against his body. He brushed a curl out of my face
as he asked, “Are you sure you want to do this,
mi amante

I nodded, not wanting to speak for fear of my voice cracking. It would be stupid to
pretend that I wasn’t nervous, but I wasn’t going to let fear and anxiety rule me.
Facing my fears was a step in the right direction on the path to becoming who I needed
to be to stop Uranus.

I needed to be stronger, stronger than the terror that threatened to pull me under
when I thought of failing the world, and most importantly, failing Jace. Failing him
almost inevitably meant our death,
death, and that was my biggest fear of all.



As we walked into the club after a delicious meal of Spanish tapas and wine, I felt
free. I was off the island, doing what I wanted, not hiding at home.

The wine had washed away my fears and doubts, replacing them with the liquid courage
everyone talks about. I silently dared anyone to fuck with me. If they did, I would
make them regret it, and they would think twice about challenging me the next time.

Kimber ended my tipsy inner rant by loudly yelling, “Let’s get this parted started!”

Jace led us to a VIP section, the same one he had been in the first night we met.
Being famous definitely had its advantages. Everyone took turns pouring themselves
a drink from the bottle of vodka and its accompaniments while we chatted and joked.

After my second drink, I pulled Jace on the dance floor. The club mainly played salsa
and Latin music, but on college nights and special events, they played more mainstream
and hip hop music for the younger crowd.

Jace rubbed his hands along my hips as I grinded my ass against him to the beat. I
could feel him harden through his pants as he pressed me flush against him with his
hand low on my belly. His other hand traced down to my exposed thigh, causing goose
bumps to break over my skin.

Dancing in public was very dangerous for us, given that our desire for each other
was normally high, but add alcohol to that mix and we were on the brink of public

Jace turned me around, positioning the thigh he was caressing over his as his fingers
slid upwards towards my wet core. He pulled me closer to him, concealing what he was
doing as he teased the edge of my lace panties.

Just as he eased under the thin fabric, Kimber and Kiera barreled through the crowd,
almost ramming into Jace and I as they both drunkenly squealed, “We have to pee!”

I was about to tell them to go to the bathroom by themselves when Kimber grabbed my
arm and ripped me from Jace, dragging me between her and Kiera as they stumbled to
the bathroom. I looked back at Jace apologetically as he stood alone on the dance
Sorry, baby.

Don’t worry. I’ll have my way with you later.

A spark of heat immediately rushed to the juncture of my thighs, and I suddenly wanted
to end our night out and go home. I turned back around right before we walked into
the bathroom.

Kimber and Kiera rushed to a stall while I waited by the sink. Another woman exited
the third stall, and I entered, deciding I should go then so I wouldn’t have to make
another trip later.

After we washed our hands and exited, I searched for Jace on the dance floor. He wasn’t
there, so we made our way back to our VIP section. Once it came into view, I was furious;
a slutty brunette, whose boobs were popping out of her too tight dress, was draping
herself all over Jace.

He tried to remove her hands, which were roaming all over his arms and chest, but
the bitch was persistent. She would reposition her hands on another area of his body
whenever he attempted to move them. Jace must have sensed my flaring anger because
he snapped his gaze up to meet mine before trying to calm me in my mind,
Baby, don’t. She’s just drunk. You know I only want you.

If she doesn’t get her hands off you by the time I get there, I’m ripping her off
by her hair.

Jace turned his attention to the touchy female and said something, but it didn’t deter
her efforts. I was almost there, and I was planning to follow through on what I had
told Jace. I stopped behind her as I heard Jace say, “I have a girlfriend.”

His statement didn’t bother her, and she replied, “I can keep a secret. What she doesn’t
know won’t hurt her.”

Fucking bitch!

She continued to flirt and touch Jace. I tapped her shoulder, clenching my fists at
my sides to keep from pulling her hair out. She didn’t acknowledge me, so I shouted
over the music, “That’s my boyfriend.”

The bitch laughed, actually fucking laughed! She obviously had a death wish.

I couldn’t take anymore. My increased jealousy and possessiveness from our bond overpowered
all other thought as I grabbed her hair. She yelped in pain as I turned her to face
me, pulling tighter as I snarled, “Fuck off, skank. He’s mine.”

I shoved her away, causing her to stumble in her hooker heels. She glared furiously
as she stalked back towards me. She raised her hand as she screeched, “Bitch!”

Her hand came down to slap my face, but I grabbed it before it could connect. “Don’t.
Walk away now before you regret it.”

I flung her hand away, but she advanced toward me again, obviously not one to back
down. Bouncers appeared behind her as she balled her hand into a fist and reared it
back. The mountain-sized men rounded her, stepping in between us before she had a
chance to throw her punch.

I smirked at her around the shoulder of a guard before returning to our VIP area.
Jace smiled as he shook his head at me. “What?” I innocently asked.

“Did you really need to do that? You know I have no interest in anyone but you,” he

“I know, but obviously she didn’t. I had to make her understand.”

He laughed as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. “I love you and your temper.
It’s kinda hot.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah. I think I should take you home right now and show you how hot you make me,”
he rumbled deeply against my ear.

“All right, everyone, time to go,” I voiced over the music. Jace chuckled behind me
as Kimber whined, “Already? We haven’t even been here that long.”

“Kimber, it’s already after one. We’ve been here for a few hours,” I countered. “Wait,
where’s Kiera?”

“She went off with some guy to the bar. He was really hot,” Kimber gushed. Zane frowned
at her, but she didn’t notice, thanks to her buzz.

“I’ll go get her. Wait here; I’ll be right back,” I said as I darted off.

Kimber slurred behind me, “Wait, I’ll come with you.”

I waited for her to catch up before we wound our way through the crowd. As we neared
the bar, I caught sight of Kiera pressed up against a broad chest with her hands tangled
in messy golden hair as she eagerly kissed someone. Piercing blue eyes speared mine.

It was Hermes.




Intense panic and fear laced my veins. I darted around, immediately seeking out Brielle
since the feelings weren’t mine. My heart pounded as I pushed through the crowd, my
own fear starting to surface because of hers.

I came upon her clutching Kimber’s hand, standing as stiff as a board. I rushed to
her and grabbed her shoulders, turning her to face me. Her face was pale, almost as
pale as when she had blacked out, and her eyes were widened in fear.

“What’s wrong,
mi amante
? What happened?” I questioned urgently.

She jerked her head back in the direction of the bar before darting it back to me
with a look of confusion drawn across her face. She repeated her actions, and I followed
her gaze to a dazed Kiera. “He was … he was right there. I saw him.”

“Who, baby?”

She swallowed deeply before answering, “Hermes.”

My muscles tightened in anger as I looked around the bar, frantically searching for
Hermes. Even though I had never seen him before, Brielle had described him, and I’d
caught glimpses of him in her thoughts.

My eyes continued to survey the room as I said, “Let’s get Kiera and go.”

The three of us walked to Kiera, who had the same look of confusion as Brielle. She
saw us approach and tried to hide her confusion by plastering on a fake smile. “Hey
guys, what’s up?”

“We’re leaving,” I replied curtly.

I was on edge and wanted to get Brielle out of there as soon as possible and back
home where she was safe. I didn’t wait to hear Kiera’s response before I turned and
ventured back to the VIP section, towing Brielle behind me.

Zane stood waiting with his arms crossed, scanning the crowd impatiently. When he
caught sight of us, he visibly relaxed, but as soon as I reached him, he scolded,
“I hate when you do that shit, bro.”

I knew he was referring to taking off without a word or apparent reason. I just shrugged
before saying, “Let’s go.”

I wrapped an arm around Brielle and pulled her into the side of my body as we left
Sevilla. As we exited, a whisper sounded in my ear, “She will be mine.”

I twisted around, searching for the source of the murmur. The darkness of the club
through the doorway hindered my sight, but I could still see that there was no one
near me except the bouncers and our group.

Hermes was fucking with me, trying to get under my skin. I hated to admit it, but
he was succeeding. When it came to Brielle, saying that I was protective and emotional
was an understatement.

One thing was undeniable—Brielle was mine and only mine. Hermes would never have her.
I’d kill him before he took her from me.

Brielle tightened her arm around my waist as we waited for a cab to take us back to
the dock. Her body trembled slightly against me, her wide-eyes searching around us
in fear. I pulled her closer to me, hoping my actions would make her feel safe.

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