Elohim III: The Return (17 page)

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Authors: Kerry Barger

BOOK: Elohim III: The Return
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John wrote in Revelation 2:10,
"Ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life."
The entire world would witness the fulfillment of this prophecy. On November 11, 2012, following a border incident that happened on the previous day, Palestinian rocket and mortar shell fire from the
Gaza Strip
began to fall night and day, landing indiscriminately into Israeli territory. A total of 64 rockets hits were identified on this first full day of the attack. Rockets with longer ranges also began to fire and a number of Israeli civilians were wounded. Several were treated for shock, and there was extensive property damage. The missile attacks then continued for ten days until November 21st when the last barrage of 116 Palestinian rockets were fired and a terrorist bomb exploded on a bus in the city of Tel Aviv, wounding 28 people.


Several hundred combatants on both sides of the conflict were injured, some fatally, but only four Israeli civilians died. The Palestinian civilian casualties were over twenty-five times greater. A rallying cry from
Psalm 91:5
by those in Israel who were being bombarded daily became
"Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day."
The expression of this verse by the Israeli civilians being bombed by scud missiles was repeatedly broadcast by all the major media networks during this ten-day ordeal.



Only those who consider the author of the Book of Revelation to be a true prophet of Elohim would make any connection between those of John and those of the Old Testament prophets. Orthodox Jews and Muslims obviously do not. Even most Christians don't believe that any of his prophecies apply to the 2012 event. The ten-day tribulation prophecy of Immanuel was addressed to an angel (or messenger) who served a church in Smyrna. The ancient city, established by Alexander the Great, is now an empty archeological excavation site on the outskirts of the city of Ismir in Turkey. The prophecy was preceded by these words: "I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
--Revelation 2:9
. This identifies the church in Smyrna as a group of Jewish Christians, whose current members are now likely to be living in Israel. However, one prophecy in the Book of Daniel ends with the phrase "...there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days."
--Daniel 12:11-12
. From end of this prophesied period of 1,290 days until 1,335 days is 45 days. Precisely 45 years passed between 1967 and 2012, when this ten-day tribulation period for the nation of Israel took place.



Will the warnings of Elohim's two witnesses in Jerusalem be heeded, when they warn the people of the world that Immanuel's return is imminent? It is doubtful. People have been saying the same thing for almost two millennia. Elohim's angel (meaning
in the original Greek) will soon arrive to warn the people of Rome to evacuate. He will most likely be dismissed as a madman once again, when he exclaims,
"Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth... the second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly. Come out of her, my people..."
--Revelation 8:13; 11:14; 18:4.


15. The Children of the Dragon

"And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying,
The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.


And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God, saying,
We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.


And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail."
--Revelation 11:15-19



Over three years have passed since the Anunna ship carrying Elijah, Enoch, and Jesus ben Ananias left Eris headed for Earth. The time has come for the rest of the fleet to depart and join them. Transport ships have transferred all remaining resurrected martyrs and the last three generations of resurrected saints into the orbiting flagship. It is fully loaded and headed for the first rendezvous location. A final loading of all remaining passengers aboard the hundreds of transport vessels is underway. Before giving it to Immanuel to take on his journey, Elohim explains the history behind the sword
and how it was forged using the fiery breath of a dragon. Filled with emotions, like parents whose child is leaving home for the first time, Elohim and Anna say their farewells and retreat to their palace beneath the dome. Immanuel gives the command to have all aboard prepare for lift-off. The entire crew, with their 144,000 passengers safe and accounted for, take their assigned positions. The command module is situated at the highest peak of the structure. Abgal, the ship's commander, gives the order to raise all decks. He is accompanied by Gabriel, who will coordinate all ship-to-ship and ship-to-base communications.


The golden decks, still in a ziggurat configuration, are raised from the inside going upwards and outwards at each of the twelve levels of New Jerusalem. They are hinged at the outermost edges, so that they rise to an angle of 51 degrees and meet with the base of the next level above to form a perfectly shaped, gold-covered pyramid. The palatial ship now has the exact slopes and angles as those of the Great Pyramid at Giza, but on a much grander scale.


When the sides are sealed and all systems are thoroughly checked, the general announcement is made for all passengers to secure their belongings and take their launch positions. A final countdown begins as the center section at the top of the glass dome is unlocked and begins to retract. Immediately, the pressurized atmosphere inside the dome starts to escape into the open space above it. While the pressure inside the giant spacecraft remains the same, the pressure outside begins to drop rapidly, causing the outside walls to hiss, squeak, and groan as they seal even more tightly. When the outside pressure exchange in the dome finally equalizes, the main engines of the craft, below the first and largest deck, are fired up.


As the countdown expires and Abgal simultaneously gives the signal to launch, all of the ship's engines are boosted into full operational thrust, and the New Jerusalem begins to rise, passing unhindered through the opening in the dome above it, as the white hills and valleys of Eris come into full view. When the opening in the dome is re-sealed, the Eridian landscape below the craft reveals no hint of life in any direction. It soon appears below them as a large, cold, grey ball with its moon, Dysnomia, approaching on the horizon. Both grow smaller and smaller until they fade from view.



The fleet plans to assemble for formation when they reach the orbit of Pluto. All craft are to remain cloaked at all times during this part of the journey, invisible at any wavelength, including radar. Radio silence is also mandatory, except for a single tone on their most secure channel. Though there are several hundred, the various tones which can be used, like the eighty-eight keys of a piano, each represent a different coded message. The New Jerusalem is one of the last ships in the fleet to depart from Eris.


Abgal soon detects a signal which indicates the flagship carrying the Ancient of Days has arrived at their rendezvous location. Gabriel calculates how long it will take for them to meet up and informs the commander, while relaying a single tone message for the flagship to hold their current position until they arrive. All of the fleet's ships will then assume their pre-determined formation for the duration of the journey. Immanuel and Tetu are the only members of the Anunna fleet who will be entrusted with the exact date and hour for the invasion of Earth to begin, but until New Jerusalem crosses the orbit of Pluto, Elohim's orders are to remain sealed and held in Gabriel's possession. Should anything unexpected occur before that time which would be significant enough to cause Abgal to retreat and return the fleet to Eris, the sealed orders are to be destroyed.


The New Horizons space probe is located on radar, and its trajectory is plotted to determine at what point the fleet will be nearest to the small observation craft. It currently holds the record for having the highest velocity of any human-made object from Earth, but it is slow by comparison with any of the Anunna vessels. It is on course from Neptune to Pluto and currently making long-range observations of small


New Jerusalem arrives at the rendezvous point, and those in the command module soon spot the flagship in their vision screen using adjustable polarized lensing that has been set at the encrypted wavelength of the cloaking devices aboard each ship. In order to observe another cloaked ship, it is necessary to know its precise location and the code that corresponds for that particular ship. These settings are normally adjusted randomly at random intervals if a ship is traveling alone, but when there are two or more traveling together each share their flight logs, which contain the encrypted cloaking code information for each period of time between alterations.



Abgal gives the signal for
All Stop
at the Plutonian orbit location, and Gabriel removes the sealed orders from the ship's private safe. Immanuel and his younger brother, Tetu, arrive at the command module momentarily. Gabriel hands the sealed envelope to Immanuel, who withdraws from the command module with Tetu into the adjacent ready room, where they open the envelope.


Elohim's message is addressed to Immanuel and reads, "Earth is yours to do with as you will. Trust your brother, Tetu, to join Jesus ben Ananias in Rome for the work that must be done. As Rome is
, so John was
. Its end is your call.


Gabriel must retrieve his seraphim secretly upon your arrival. On the first day of the seventh month, when the day begins at sunset, he must blow the dragon's
. Then he must make the sound again three more times in each of the four corners of Earth, so that all who are worthy are changed and brought aboard our ships. Gabriel must blow the shofar again at sunset above Jerusalem when the last day, the great day of the feast, has passed. Preserve Rome until then, so that Tetu can first seal all who call on your name. Of the embryos, let the last be the first in rebirth. May the Creator of All be with you."



Tetu reacts to the message with a puzzled look on his face. He looks to the left, then to the right, and then to the ceiling above them. "I have a question to pose to the Ancient of Days. Will you join me to confer with him?" asks Tetu.


"Of course," says Immanuel. Arrangements are made and the two princes transport to the flagship to meet with the Ancient of Days privately.


The Ancient One is pleased in having been sought out for his counsel and greets Immanuel and Tetu with gladness. "Now then... a question is it? You have a question to pose?"


"It's the dragons... tell us more about the dragons, Ancient One. There is more I wish to know before we proceed to Earth," says Tetu.


"What more is there to tell, my Prince?"


"Do they breed in captivity?" asks Tetu.


"No, indeed they do not... unless one is willing to risk life and limb and the lives of his pets by giving them the fruit of the Dragon Fire tree. But it is never done. They become wild creatures, bereft of their senses and dangerous beyond control."


The Ancient one is perplexed by Tetu's interrogation. He can't understand the relevance of such a discussion to their mission. There are no more dragons on Earth.


Tetu continues, "The dragons nest. Their eggs hatch during the winter season, and the seraphim hatchlings are fed raw meat by their parents like birds, no doubt. In the spring, do all of the yearling seraphim eat the Dragon Fire fruit and begin to mate?"


"Oh, no," says the Ancient dragon master. "Some may go as long as two years or two shars on Eris... sometimes three summers pass before they fly to the Dragon Fire trees and change into monstrous beasts."


"And do they ever breed and nest before they change?" asks Tetu.


"I've seen them playfully copulating, but never brooding. Seraphim lay no eggs... only dragons that have fully changed."


"I must confess," says Tetu."My children were born after their mother and I took the Dragon Fire elixir. Anunna children have become more rare since Elohim ascended the throne. We want another child, but none have come since we stopped using it."


"None will," says the Ancient of Days. "We rarely speak of it, but there was a time when the first of us who arrived on Eris thought there would never be children among us. That is when the Dragon Fire fruit was found to be essential, and the elixirs were first used."


"This means that the seraphim are a naturally sterile hybrid species, whose predecessors became extinct," says Tetu. "The Dragon Fire fruit activates their dormant genes that are necessary for breeding. The fully activated Paraclete suppresses those genes, making all Anunna naturally sterile as well. So will all of mankind become when their nature is changed."

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