Elohim III: The Return (15 page)

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Authors: Kerry Barger

BOOK: Elohim III: The Return
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"When the seraphim begin to chatter and bicker ceaselessly, I blow on the golden horn to calm them and stop the noise. I can play one song on my golden harp, and by the time it is done they are sound asleep for the night."


"Parat... tell us the fertilizer used to grow the Manna Fruit trees.


"We use gold powder in a solution of water to stimulate the growing of the fruit."


"Gold is it? In the trees and the fruit? In the harp and in the horn that calms them? Yes! And what does the seraphim do in the wild after it eats the Dragon Fire fruit, changes into a monstrous beast, mates with another, kills its victims and fills its belly with blood and meat?" He pauses for an answer, but no one in the group responds. "It goes into the mountain where it scratches for gold to swallow and put out the fire in its belly!"



Elohim had learned the ways of dragons when he was young and rode on the back of his faithful Kur, but even he was unaware of this strange behavior. However, he knew that Kur would steal any gold that was unattended. He never knew why he wanted it, just that he did. He used to hide gold coins and tell Kur he had lost them. Then he would hide and watch as the majestic seraph scoured the grounds for the coins. He would always find them, no matter where they were hidden. Then he would deny it. It was quite an amusing, if not an expensive game for Elohim. But Earth's gold seemed to be everywhere on Eris and worth little for trade at the time.


There were times when Kur was lonely and disheartened, having little desire for sport or racing. All it took was a bite of the Dragon Fire fruit to perk him up again and make him ride on the wind. More than a bite and he would sometimes fly away for days.
"Perhaps Moses knew something of the gold as well,"
He thought.
"Had he not ground the golden calf of the Israelites into a powder and forced them to drink it? To what end? Merely to sicken them? Perhaps not. It is indeed the only way to disable a Paraclete."


Suddenly, what the Ancient of Days was saying started to make sense to Elohim.
"Yes! It all has to do with the Paraclete!"
Then he began to ponder about the resonant power of the horns that brought down the walls of Jericho. Elohim can no longer contain the thoughts stirring in his mind and begins to speak out loud so all can hear.



"I gave Enoch the Paraclete before we brought him to Eris. He has lived here for over ten shars! For more than 5,000 years Enoch has remained unchanged. Elijah has been on Eris for more than half that time. We all assumed it was our Anunna food keeping them alive, but perhaps we were wrong." Then he looks the Ancient of Days in the eyes and asks him, "Was it Gabriel's horn that caused his Paraclete, like a seed after the rain, to awaken and unfold, causing the tree of Long-Living to sprout forth in his blood?"


The old one first looks to his feet, then he raises his eyes to the gold ceiling above them, rolls them to the right, then left and begins to grin. "Oh... thank you, Ancient Father!" exclaims Elohim. "Through your words, the Creator of All has blessed all of our people on Earth this day!"


Overwhelmed with joy, Elohim jumps up from his throne, runs to the Ancient of Days and embraces him. Then he embraces Immanuel and says to him, "My Son, it is truly done indeed! All of our people are saved from the curse of dying." Then he turns back to the old one and asks, "Why have you waited all this time to tell us these things?"


"Had you known before, Tetu's work would have been unnecessary... but only if your father's law against cloning was disobeyed. This knowledge can never be used to raise the dead as clones and then change them with a piece of fruit and a horn. It is what led to the end of the Old Ones when they defeated death. Their numbers soon outstripped Earth's yield. Famines led to disease and wars. Evil men thrived and murdered one another for plunder. Bread became worth more than gold or silver. Billions upon billions suffered needlessly before the final war ended them all. The dragon's horn must only be used to change the living, and of those alone who are worthy to receive eternal life. Promise me this now. Swear it before all who are here and the Creator of All, lest we die as well."


"I do so swear it!" vows Elohim. "How can I repay you for your words this day?"


"I would lead your armies to Earth if you will permit me," requests the Ancient of Days.


Taken aback by his request, Elohim turns to look at everyone surrounding the throne room and asks if anyone has an objection. All nod as he catches their eyes, showing him their approval.


"So be it!" he declares. Then, borrowing from the call of his people on Earth, he boldly cries out, "Next year in Jerusalem!"


Immanuel, Enoch, and the rest reply in unison, "NEXT YEAR IN JERUSALEM!"


13. Dragon Fire

"Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed--in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality."
--1 Corinthians 15:51-53



In humans, the immediate effect of consuming the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil (Dragon Fire fruit or its extracts) is an increase in aggression and an increased desire for mating behavior (or libido), while simultaneously lowering inhibitions. After-effects include increasing activity in those parts of the brain that control moral behavior and a craving for animal protein that is similar to the experience of diabetics with low blood sugar. These uncomfortable sensations can be mitigated by eating red meat, eggs, cheese or other milk products.


In the seraphim and the Anunna, these effects are intensified because of particular changes that take place in the Annuna's twenty-fourth pair of chromosomes, the "Tree of Long-Living" that they share in common with the seraphim. The seraph is a highly intelligent creature that is normally very calm, gentle, sociable and loving. Even though they do tend to be very talkative and prone to incessant chattering among themselves, they make excellent pets that subsist primarily on a daily diet of fruit from the Manna tree (the Tree of Life), which is available throughout the year (or shar).


The seraphim only mate during the Eridian summer season, when the Dragon Fire trees bear fruit. They prefer it to Manna fruit whenever it is available. During the mating season, the normally docile seraphim morph into the fierce and frightening dragon creatures which became legendary when they were still extant on Earth.


When eaten by the seraphim, the chemicals in the Dragon Fire fruit react with undigested manna fruit in their
, which is also called a
or a
. This chemical reaction accounts for the dragon's legendary fiery breath, which is ignited by the roar of their calls that can be heard from mountaintop to mountaintop and beyond. Most raptors, including hawks, eagles and vultures, have a crop that is used for the storage of food prior to digestion. Crocodiles and alligators also have a crop, as do earthworms and particular species of
, fish, and


Undigested food that passes through the crop and the animal's stomach enters the
. The gizzard can grind food with previously-swallowed stones and pass it back to the stomach, and vice-versa. Bird gizzards are lined with a tough layer made of
to protect the muscles in the gizzard. Gizzard stones have been recovered with many dinosaur fossils, including those of some species of
(or "winged" lizards). Unlike birds that swallow small stones which are then used for digestion in their gizzard, the seraphim require the consumption of gold or gold ore to aide and complete their digestion.


The consumption of gold is unnecessary when their diet consists of only Manna fruit, because it contains a sufficient quantity of the metal to keep the gizzard of the animal functioning normally. However, during their mating season, when they are eating Dragon Fire fruit, the dragons begin to crave blood and seek out any and all red-blooded creatures (including their own kind) to kill and devour. They are unable to fully digest their prey without swallowing additional gold.


When a dragon locates a cache of gold or gold ore, either within natural rock or elsewhere, it will store the gold in its underground lair. The lair serves as a nesting site for mated pairs during the rest of the shar, or as a means for a male to attract a female when he has a sizeable cache. A single nesting dragon or a mated pair will hoard and guard their gold cache, defending it to the death.



The Anunna process the fruit of the Dragon Fire tree to create elixirs that are used as aphrodisiacs and to prepare themselves for physical combat, or in the arena for intense sporting competitions. Care must be taken during such events to insure that participants do not inflict or sustain permanent injuries from overly aggressive behavior. Strict rules and careful officiating of such events are imperative.


After using Dragon Fire elixirs, individuals and teams participate in ritualized animal sacrifices that restore the depleted nutrients in their bodies. At one time, these sacrifices also included the drinking of fresh blood from sacrificed animals. But when Elohim came to power, he outlawed this practice altogether, including the indiscriminate use of Dragon Fire in any public setting. Despite objections from Baalthazar's supporters, who hold the practice of drinking blood sacred, his exile following the Anunna wars finally ended the illegal practice that had been perpetuated by his loyal supporters in their the secret ceremonies.


Baalthazar and his Anunna comrades on Earth continue to collaborate and meet in secret on those occasions when he calls them together. When they do, a sacrificial ceremony consisting of drinking human blood is always performed before any secret information is shared or any confidential discussions can begin. These human sacrifices only account for a very small number of missing persons. Those who refuse to participate in the ritual murders do so at the expense of their lives. In this way, Baalthazar creates an unbreakable bond among the members of the group and weeds out any who are not truly committed to his goal of eradicating all human life and ultimately overthrowing Elohim's rule. Baalthazar considers humanity to be an intolerable infestation by an inferior species. He once ruled Earth with absolute authority, until he was defeated in the Anunna Wars.


Baalthazar continues to claim among his Anunna rebels that he is the only legal heir to the throne of Eris and Earth, according to the Eridian rules governing the rights of succession. However, in order to legally claim the throne, he must successfully challenge the appointed ruler to hand-to-hand combat and be ordained by the Anunna High Council. That will never happen. He was defeated during the Anunna wars that devastated Earth in the ancient past, and the Anunna High Council sentenced him and his rebels to death by fire following their murder of Elohim's firstborn son. His death sentence has been commuted to imprisonment for a thousand years, and that sentence is scheduled to begin in the next few years. His only hope is to destroy Elohim and Immanuel before they can capture and imprison him.


Baalthazar's greatest propaganda tool for the past millennium, since the time of the Renaissance, has been promoting the idea that Elohim and the gods of old never existed. However, he also knows that when Immanuel returns and all of humanity is faced with the reality of the Anunna's existence that they will react in one of two ways. Those who believe in Elohim and what his prophets have foretold will welcome the arrival. However, the majority of people will react with panic and extreme fear. In order to take full advantage of that fear, Baalthazar has intentionally perpetuated the idea that what will soon take place can only be an invasion from an extraterrestrial species intent on destroying humanity. He plans to garner every possible means to have humanity do his bidding and destroy the fleet when it arrives.


By using every weapon available, including nuclear missiles, Baalthazar will attempt to manipulate the nations of the world into destroying the Anunna fleet before he is captured and imprisoned. Elohim has already anticipated humanity's response and prepared an impenetrable defense system that will neutralize any and all resistance.



The best method of defense in avoiding a nuclear missile strike is the use of cloaking devices that make the fleet's ships virtually undetectable. The second is early detection and the ability to generate enough speed, swiftness, and maneuverability to outrun or escape the weapons and the effects of their detonations. Elohim's Igigi surveillance fleet knows precisely where every nuclear weapon is stored and the capability of each deployment missile or vehicle.


NASA has only released to the public one captured video of either a missile or one of several "star wars" type defenses against an Igigi craft. It was taken in 1991 by the crew of Space Shuttle Mission STS-48 and can be viewed in a two-minute video entitled
INCREDIBLE Alien UFO Dodges Missile Attack from Earth?
NASA's Alien Anomalies caught on film - A compilation...
(after seven minutes), or
Banned Videos - UFO Filmed From NASA Shuttle
(in file #2 as a 29-sec. video).



"And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels,
Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.
And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image. And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea. And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood... And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat... And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain... And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared... And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air... And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell... And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great."
--Revelation 16

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