Eleanor Of Aquitaine (65 page)

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H of H Henry of Huntingdon,
Historia Anglorum
, Thomas Arnold, ed. (R 74).

HB     Herbert Bosham,
Life of Becket, J
. C. Robertson, ed. (R 67, III).
Versus et Ludi, .
. Champollion-Figeac, ed. (Paris, 1938).
                Hill, R. T., and Bergin, T. G.,
Anthology of the Provencal Troubadours
(New Haven: Yale                             University Press, 1941).
Historia Episcoparum Autissiodorensium (HGF

Hist Fr Historia Francorum (HGF

HGRL VII Historia Gloriosi Regis Ludovici VII (HGF

                Holmes, U. T.,
A History of Old French Literature, from the Origins to
(New York: F. S.                             Crofts and Co., 1937).
                    Hucher, Eugene,
Etudes sur l'histoire et les monuments de la Sarthe
                    Mans, 1856).
                    Hugh of Sens to Suger,
Epistolae (HGF
                     Hutton, W. H.,
Philip Augustus
(New York,1896).
                    Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury
(rev. ed.; Cambridge University Press, 1926).
                    Imbert, Hugues,
Notice sur les Vicomtes de Thouars
(Thouars, 1864).

Itin     Itinerarium Peregrinorum et Gesta Regis Ricardi
("Vinsauf"), William Stubbs, ed. (R 38, I).

J de V
Jacques de Vitry, Histoire de Jerusalem
(Mich I, 168ff).

J of S John of Salisbury,
(R 67, V, VI; also
Historiae Pontificalis Quae Supersunt.                     See
Life of Becket
, J. C. Robertson, ed. (R 67, II).
Polycraticus (PL 199: 385ff). See also
                        Dickinson, Pike.

JF     Jordan Fantosme,
Metrical Chronicle
, Richard Hewlett, ed. (R 82, III).

        Kiessinann, Rudolph,
Untersuchen uber die Bedeutung Eleanorens von Poitou fũr die Litterature                 ihrer Zeit
(Bernberg, 1901).
             Kirby, T. A.,
Chaucer's Troilus, A Study in Courtly Love
(Louisiana State University Press, 1940).
            Lachmann, Karl, and Haupt, Moriz,
DCS Minnesangs Fruhling
             La Monte, J. L.,
Feudal Monarchy in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem 1100-1291
(Cambridge:                         Mediaeval Academy of America, 1932).
            Landon, Lionel,
The Itinerary of King Richard I
(London: printed for Pipe Roll Society by J. W.                 Ruddock and Sons, 1935).
            Langlois, C. V.,
La Vie en France au moyen áge
(Pans, 1926).
             Le Roux de Lincy, A. J. V.,
Recueil de chants historiques francais depuis le XII' jusqu'au XVIII'                  siécle
, 2 vols. (Paris, 1841-42). Lewis, Charlton T.,
A History of Germany from the earliest Times
            (New York, 1885).
            Lewis, C. S.,
The Allegory of Love
(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1936).
             Lewis, George, tr.,
Saint Bernard, On Consideration
(Oxford, 1908).
            Loomis, R. S., "The Arthurian Legend before 1139,"
The Romantic Review
(February 1941).                                Blehens and the Tristram Story,"
Modern Language Notes
, vol. XXXIX, no. 6.
                    The Romance of Tristram and Ysolt by Thomas of Britain
, tr. from Old French and Old Norse                         (rev. ed.; New York: Columbia University Press, 1931).
                 "Tristram and the House of Anjou,"
Modern Language Review
,XVII (January 1922).

    Louis VII to Suger,
Epistolae (HGF
           Luchaire, Achille,
Histoire des institutions monarchiques de la France
, vols. (Paris, 1891).
           Lyttelton, Lord George,
The History of the Life of King Henry the Second
, 4 vols. (London,                             1767-1771).     McCabe, Joseph,
Peter Abélard
(New York, 1901).
           McNeal, E. H., tr.,
Robert de Clan, The Conquest of Constantinople
(New York: Columbia                             University Press, 1936).
Magna Vita Sancti Hugonis Episcopi Lincolniensis
, J. F. Dimock, ed. (R 37).
            Mariana, Juan de,
Historia de España
(Madrid, 1780).
            Margan (Margain), Annals of, H. R. Luard, ed. (R 36, I).
            Markham, V. R.
Romanesque France
(New York, 1929)
MP      Matthew Paris,
Historia Anglorum, sive, ut vulgo dicitur, Historia Minor
, Sir Frederick                     Madden, ed., 3 vols. (R 44).
            Michaud, Joseph,
A History of the Crusades
, W. Robson, tr., 3 vols. (New York, 1881).
            Minstrel of Reims,
Chronicle of Reims. See
            Molinier, Auguste,
Les sources de l'histoire de France des origines aux guerres de Italie, 6
vols.                    (Paris,         1901-1906).
            Vie de Louis le Gros par Suger, suivie de l'histoire du roi Louis VII
(Paris, 1887)
            Morey, C. R.,
Mediaeval Art
(New York: W. W. Norton and Co, 1942).
            Munro, D. C.,
The Kingdom of the Crusaders
(New York: D Appleton-Century Co., 1935).
            Nicetas Choniate,
Histoire de
(Mich III, 402ff).
            Niño, Don Pedro,
Sumario de los Reyes de España
, in
Colleción de las crónicas de Castilla
                           (Madrid, 1782), vol III, pt. i.
            Nitze, W A, and Dargan, E. P,
A History of French Literature
(3rd ed , New York, 1938)
            Norgate, Kate,
England under the Angevin Kings
, 2 vols (London and New York, 1887).
John Lackland
(New York, 1902).
Richard the Lion Heart
(London, 1924).
            Nostredame, Jehan de,
Les Vies des plus célèbres et anciens poètes provencaux
, Camille                                     Chabaneauand Joseph Anglade, eds. (Pans, 1913)

    Nykl, A. R.,
Hispano-Arabic Poetry and its Relations with the Old Provencal Troubadours
                                    (Baltimore: J. H. Furst and Co, 1946), esp chap. VI
O of D     Odonis de Diogolo (Odo of Duilio),
De Ludovici VII Francorum Regis
Profectione in
                Orientem (PL
is 1205).
OV         Ordericus Vitalis,
The Ecclesiastical History of England and Normandy
                Thomas Forester, ed. and tr, 4 vols. (London, 1853). (Bn)
O of F     Otto of Freising,
Des Gestes de l'empereur Frédéric I"
(Mich II, 528ff).

O of St B Otto of St. Blaise,
(Mich II, 540ff).
                Pagés, Amadeu, ed.,
as Capellanus, De Amore
(Castelló de la Plana,).
                Panofsky, Erwin, ed. and tr.,
Abbot Suger, on the abby Church of Saint Denis and its Art
                Treasures (De Administratione and De Consecratione)
(Princeton: Princeton University s,                 1946).
                Parry, J. J, ed and tr.,
The Art of Courtly Love (De Amore) by as Capellanus
(New York-                   Columbia University s, 1941). Unless otherwise indicated, this edition of as is cited                      throughout the notes

P of B Peter of Blois,
Opera Omnia (PL
                Petrus de Ebulo (Pietro da Eboli),
Liber ad Honorem Augusti
, G. B.
                Siragusa, ed. (Rome, 1906), with Part II, which contains reproductions of miniatures of the                             period. Pierre de la Celle,
Epistolae (HGF
XII, sgSff).

P de L Pierre de Langtoft,
, Thomas Wright, ed, 2 vols. (R 47).
                    Pike, J. B ,
Frivolities of Courtiers and Footprints of Philosophers
(Minneapolis: University of                         Minnesota s, 1938). Portions of John of Salisbury's
                    Pirenne, Henri,
Economic and Social History of Mediaeval Europe
, tr. I. E. Clegg (New York:                         Harcourt Brace and Co., 1937).
                    Poete, Marcel,
L'Enfance de Paris
(Paris, 1908).
                    Polydore Vergil,
Anglicae Historiae
(Basle, 1557).
                    Poole, R L.,
Illustrations of the History of Medieval Thought and Learning
(2nd ed, rev.; New                         York, 1920).
                        John of Salisbury's
Historiae Pontificalis Quae Supersunt
(Oxford: Clarendon s, 1927).
                    Porter, A. K,
Mediaeval Architecture, its Origins and Development
, 2 vols. (New York, 1909).
                        Romanesque Sculpture of the Pilgrimage Roads
, 10 vols with plates (Boston, 1923).
                    Potthast, August,
Bibliotheca Histories Medn Aevi
, 2 vols (Berlin, 1896)
                    Power, Eileen,
Mediaeval English Nunneries
(Cambridge University s, 1922).
                    Powicke, F. M.,
The Christian Life in the Middle Ages
(Oxford: Clarendon s, 1935).
                        The Loss of Normandy
(Manchester University s, 1913).

R of C     Ralph of Coggeshall,
Chronicon Anglicanum
, Joseph Stevenson, ed. (R66)

R of Dic Ralph of Diceto,
Opera Histonca
, William Stubbs, ed., 2 vols. (R 68).

RN         Ralph Niger,
, Robert Anstruther, ed. (Caxton Society, 1851).
                     Ramsay, Sir J. H.,
The Angevin Empire
(Oxford University s, 1903).
A History of                                         Revenues of the Kings of England, 1066-1399
, 2 vols. (Oxford: Clarendon s, 1925).
    R Hig     Ranulf Higden,
, 9 vols.: I-II, Churchill Babington, ed.;III-IX, J. R. Lurnby, ed.
                    (R 41).
                    Rashdall, Hastings,
The Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages
, 2 vols in 3 (Oxford:                                     Clarendon s, 1895).
                    Raynouard, F. J. M.,
Choix tics poésies originales des troubadours
, 6 vols.
                    (Paris, 1816-1821).
                    Reese, Gustave,
Music in the Middle Ages
(New York: W. W. Norton and Co., 1940).
                    Richard, Alfred,
Histoire des ducs et des comtes de Poitou, 778-1204
                        2 vols. (Paris, 1903).

R of D     Richard of Devizes,
, Richard Hewlett, ed. (R 82, III).

R le P     Richard le Poitevin,
Ex Chronico (HGF

Rig         Rigord,
Vie de Philippe Auguste
(Guiz XI).

R of Clari Robert of Clari,
The History of Them that Took Constantinople. See

R of T     Robert of Torigni (Robert de Monte),
, Richard Hewlett, ed
                        (R 82, IV).
                        Robinson, J. A., "Peter of Blois," in
Somerset Historical Essays
(London, 1921).

R of Hov Roger of Hoveden,
, William Stubbs, ed., 4 vols. (R 51).

R of W Roger of Wendover,
Flores Historiarum
, H. G. Hewlett, ed., 3 vols. (R 84).
                Rorimer, J. J.,
The Cloisters
(New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1938).
                Runciman, Steven,
Byzantine Civilisation
(London, 1936), esp. chap. viii.
                  Sigebert, Appendix (HGF XII).
                Smith, C. E.,
Papal Enforcement of Some Mediaeval Marriage Laws
                    (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University s, 1940).
                Stenton, F. M.,
Norman London
, Essay with translation of William Fitz Stephen's description                         by H. E. Butler and a map of London under Henry II by M. B. Honeybourne, annotated by E.                         J.Davis (London: G. Bell and Sons, 1934).
                Stephen of Paris,
Fragmentum Historicum de Ludovico VH (HGF
                Stimming, Albert,
Bertian von Born
(Halle: Romanische Bibliothek,).
                Stone, E. N., tr.,
Three Old French Chronicles of the Crusades
: Ambrose
                                Le Estoire de la guerre samtc;
Robert of Cleri,
L'Estoire de chiaus qui conquisent Constantinople;
Minstrel de Reims,
La Chromque de Reims
(Seattle: University of Washington, 1939).
                Stothard, C. A.,
The Monumental Effigies of Great Britain,
. Hewitt, ed.
                                    (new ed.; London, 1876).
                Stubbs, William,
Historical Introductions to the Rolls Series
, Arthur Hassell, ed. (London,                                             1902).
                                    Lectures on Mediaeval and Modern History
(Oxford, 1887).

Sug        Suger,
De Administrations and De Consecrations, See
                                 Epistolae (HGF
                                Vie de Louis le Gros
Vie de Louis VII. See
Suite des grandes chroniques de France = Clironique de St. Denis
, q.v.
                    Thomas Agnellus,
De Motte et Sepultura Henna Regis Angliae Junioris
                        Joseph Stevenson, ed. (R 66).
                    Thomas, Antoine,
Bertran de Born, Poésies Complètes
(Toulouse, 1888).
                    Timbs, John,
Curiosities of London
(London, 1868).
                    Turner, T. H.,
Some Account of Domestic Architecture in England, from
                        the Norman Conquest to the 13th Century
, 3 vols. (Oxford, 1851-1859).

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