Eleanor of Aquitaine (71 page)

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Authors: Marion Meade

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Ambrose, troubadour
Andreas Capellanus
Angers, description of
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
Anselm, chaplain to Richard
Antipopes: Anacletus II Paschal III; Victor IV
Dukes of: William I: William V: William IX; William X 1
Eleanor as ruler of
Henry as ruler of
politics of
position of women in
Arthur of Brittany
Aymar, Viscount of Limoges
Aymer. Count of Angoulême
Baldwin, King of Jerusalem
Baldwin. Archbishop of Canterbury
Baldwin of Bethune
Ballad of Fair Rosamond
Bardon of Cognac,
Becket, Gilbert
Becket, Thomas
as Archbishop; martyrdom
as Chancellor; siege of Toulouse; education of Prince
relationships: with Eleanor ; with Henry ; with women
Berengaria of Navarre
Berlai, Gerald
Bernard of Clairvaux, Abbot
meeting with Eleanor
Second Crusade
Bernard of Ventadour
Bertha of Sulzbach
Bertran de Born
Bertrand of Toulouse
Biographical sources
Blanche of Castile
Boccaccio, Decameron
Bohemund I, Prince of Antioch
Bourges, archbishopric of
Brittany, duchy of
Brulart, Adam
Bury St. Edmunds
Byzantium, politics of
Cade. William
Calixtus II, Pope
Canterbury, Archbishop of, see Baldwin; see Becket; see Theobald; see Walter
Canterbury, pilgrimage to
Capet, Hugh
Capet, Louis, see Louis VII
Castles built by Henry II
Celestine II, Pope
Celestine III, Pope
Cercamon, troubadour
Champagne, war with
Château Gaillard
Chevauchée, see Royal progress
Chivalry, cult of
Chrétien de Troyes
Christmas courts: Argentan, 1167 ; 1168; 1174; Bayeux, 1161; Berkhampstead,1163 ; Bermondsey, 1154 ; Bonneville-sur-Touques,1191 ; Bordeaux, 1156 ; Bourges, 1145 ; Bures, 1170; Caen; 1202; Cherbourg, 1158; 1162; Chinon, 1172 ; Falaise, 1159; Le Mans, 1160; Lincoln, 1157; Marlborough 1164; Westminster 1192; Windsor 1184
Church courts, conflict with
Church freedom
Cité Palace
Clairvaux, Abbey of
Clarendon, Constitutions of
Clermont, Council of
Clifford, Rosamond
Clifford, Walter de
Communal movement
Comnenus. Manuel
Conrad of Hohenstaufen, Holy Roman Emperor
Constance of Antioch
Constance of Brittany
Constance of Castile.
Constance, sister of Louis VII
Constitutions of Clarendon
Council of Clermont
Courts of Love
Crown, renounced by Henry.
Crusade, First
Crusade, Second
in Antioch
in Constantinople.
Damascus, attack on
early days
Germans on
in Jerusalem
Louis as commander
on Mount Cadmos
notable Crusaders.
preached by Bernard of Clairvaux.
preparations for
winter hardships
women on
Crusade. Third
financing of
military details
preparations for
Richard as hero of
Philip Augustus, role of
Damascus, attack on
Dangereuse of Châtellerault
Dieu-Donné, see Philip Augustus
Dorylaeum, battle at
Earthquake in England
Eble II of Ventadour
Eleanor of Aquitaine:
as administrator: in Aquitaine; in England ; in France
appearance of
biographical events: birth; childhood and youth; marriage to Louis; as Queen of France; meeting with Bernard of Clairvaux ; Crusade; attempted divorce ; decision to marry Henry; annulment of marriage; return to Aquitaine; marriage to Henry; crowned Queen of England; return to Aquitaine; regent of England; regent of Normandy ; separation from Henry; ruler of Aquitaine ; conspiracy against Henry; imprisoned by Henry; release from prison; rule of Aquitaine; regent for Richard; marriage arranged for Richard ; negotiations to free Richard; retirement to Fontevrault ; campaign for John ; kidnapped; visit to Castile; attacked by Arthur; death
See also
Christmas courts
biographical sources
children of, Marie; Alix; William ; Henry; Matilda; Richard; Geoffrey; Eleanor; Joanna; John
education of
financial independence
life style
in literature and folklore
as mother
relationships: with Alais Capet ; with Becket ; with Henry ; with Louis ; with mother-in-laws; with sister; with Raymond of Antioch
Rosamond Clifford, reaction to
sister of, see Petronilla
tomb effigy
Eleanor of Castile, daughter of Henry II
Emma of Limoges
Emma, daughter of Geoffrey of Anjou
reforms by Eleanor
See also
English people
Ermengarde of Anjou
Esnecca, royal yacht
Eugenius III. Pope
Eustace, son of King Stephen
Fabri, Etienne
Finances of Third Crusade
Fitzneale, Richard
Foliot, Gilbert, bishop of London
Folklore, Rosamond Clifford in
See also
Literature and folklore, Eleanor in
Fontevrault, Abbey of
childhood of John at
Joanna at
Richard buried at
tomb effigy
Frankish Syrian states
Frederick Barbarossa.
of London, The
Fréteval, conference at
Fulcher, Patriarch
Fulk, Count of Anjou
Fulk, King of Jerusalem
Gaillard, Château
Galeran, Thierry
Geoffrey of Anjou, father of Henry II
Geoffrey of Langres, Bishop
Geoffrey du Lauroux, Archbishop
Geoffrey de Rancon
Geoffrey of Vigeois
Geoffrey of York, see Geoffrey, bastard son of Henry II
Geoffrey Plantagenet, son of Henry II
Geoffrey, bastard son of Henry II.
Geoffrey, brother of Henry II
Gerald of Wales
German Crusaders
Gervase of Canterbury
Gisors, see Vexin, The
Green. J. R., Short History of the English People
Guillaume de Ponthieu
Hamelin, brother of Henry II
Henry I, King of England
Henry II, King of England:
as administrator
biographical events: birth; suitor of Marie of France; marriage to Eleanor ; victory at Malmesbury ; coronation; Becket as chancellor; son betrothed to French Princess. ; siege of Toulouse ; Becket made Archbishop ; son married to French Princess; clashes with Becket; reconciliation; assassination of Becket ; conflict with Young King; uprising of sons ; imprisonment of Eleanor; war with Philip Augustus; death
children of; William; Henry; Matilda; Richard; Geoffrey: Eleanor; Joanna; John; illegitimate
education of
as father
mistresses of
officers of
temper tantrums
relationships: with Becket ; with Eleanor ; with God; with mother; with Philip Augustus: with Rosamond Clifford; with sons ; with women; with Young King

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