Eleanor of Aquitaine (70 page)

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Authors: Marion Meade

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Roger of Hovedon. Annals. Edited and translated by Henry T. Riley. 2 vols. London: H. G. Bohn. 1853.
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Abbot Suger, see Suger, Abbot
Abélard, Peter
assembly at, Second Crusade.
battle for, Third Crusade
Adam of Churchdown
Adam de Petit Pont
Adelaide, Dowager Queen of France
Adelaide, sister of William IV of Aquitaine
Adele of Blois and Champagne
Adrian IV, Pope
Aelith, see Petronilla
Aenor, mother of Eleanor.
Agnellus, Thomas, Archdeacon of Wells
Agnes of Meran
Aimery, Viscount of Châtellerault
Alais Capet, Princess of France.
betrothed to Richard
married to Guillaume de Ponthieu
relationship with Henry II.
Alexander III, Pope
Alfonso I, King of Aragon
Alice of Maurienne
Alix Capet, Princess of France
Alphonse VIII of Castile
Alphonse-Jourdain, Count of Toulouse
Amaury of Thouars

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