Read Eighteen Summers Online

Authors: Jessie M

Eighteen Summers (14 page)

BOOK: Eighteen Summers
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I feel guilty at what I am starting, forcing him this way, but I can't think what else to do. I can't forget him or hide my feelings forever. He is going to be my guardian until death. He will always be there. Always making me feel this way. It's too hard. Too difficult already. We sit and talk for a short while. I sit close to Gabriel by design, draping my hand over his shoulder. I yawn loudly. I haven't quite got my sleeping pattern sorted out yet. I either sleep too much or too little. Either way, it tends to make me tired. Suddenly Gabriel drops his bedroom bombshell.

Calista, I see you are tired, as am I. Would you care to join me for a nap in my room?” He hugs me around the shoulders and speaks close to my ear.

Hey, what a lovely idea. Maybe I will.” I daren't look at Nico or Sofia as I rise and he takes my hand and walks me away.

You'd better just be sleeping,” Nico says loudly.

Why the sudden interest in my sleeping arrangements, Nico?” Gabriel replies innocently.

She is a lady, untouched. You should not play with her in the bedchamber.”

Someone will one day, and I think I am a great place for her to start,” He adds provocatively.

Gabriel, can I have a moment, privately?” Nico requests in a voice that suggests he should not refuse.

If you must.” Gabriel gives me a wink as he makes his way off with Nico. I sit down with Sofia. She gives me a warm smile. I do love Sofia. She is the older sister I never had.

Don't worry Cali, Nico will come to you soon, I am sure of it. He has great affection for you. I can see he has problems with his position, he will need to overcome them at some stage.”

My God, can everyone see it except for him?

I feel the need to justify my budding relationship with Gabriel.

Sofia, Gabriel and I are just friends,” I assure her.

It's not a problem. He does not belong to me. I don't own Gabriel in any way. He can do as he pleases, as can I. We are all friends here, are we not?” Her warm smile appears again.

Nico and Gabriel return after their brief 'word'. Surprisingly, Nico offers me his hand. My heart begins to pound as I take it.

“You and I need to talk. Now,” he says harshly. “Come, let's go to our room.” I follow him along the corridor and into our room. He turns to face me inside the door.

Are you deliberately trying to make me angry?” He rubs his face in frustration.

I don't know, am I? You're doing a fucking good job on me though.”

And why is that? I have been quite clear on where I stand with you.”

You know what? It's time to face up to yourself... I know you want me but for some weird, honourable but misguided reason you won't do anything about it and you don't want anyone else to have me either.” I can tell by the expression on his face I have hit his raw spot dead centre.

Don't be so ridiculous.” He shoots me a dark moody look.

Oh well, if that's not true and you don't mind, then I'll go find Gabriel and pick up where we left off. We had a long heated kiss in the kitchen just now. I'm up for more of that.”

I grab hold of the door handle to leave but he spins me 'round.

“NO! You'll not go to him. He is my best friend Cali. What are you doing?”

I push him hard in the chest. He growls at me loudly and I snarl back. My temper is heating up nicely. We face each other in a mild rage.

“WHY THE HELL NOT?” I ask in a loud voice. “Why does it matter so much to you? I'm an adult vampire for crissakes. I have strong needs. Like you. You can go with Sofia and whoever else you decide to fuck, can't you? Now if you don't mind, surely what I do in the bedroom is up to me, isn't it?” I stare into his eyes in blazing defiance. “I think our talk is over. Please go, I want to be alone.”

NO. We still have issues to resolve. I don't want this to hang between us any longer. You need to come to terms with 'us'.”

His face is inches from mine and we are both full of passion and emotion.
Our chests are heaving with the strength of our unspoken feelings.

Right, this is it... the moment of truth.

I wrap my arms around his neck. “I have come to terms with us, it's you who needs to and this should resolve it for once and for all. Kiss me and then tell me you don't want me. If you dare...” I almost don't get the words out before his mouth is on mine. I feel a surge of rising heat and deep muscle contraction engulfs me at the touch of his soft lips. My head spins in ecstasy. My teeth extend, saliva pools in my mouth, and wetness gathers between my legs in an instant. He kisses me so passionately I melt all over. He pushes me back to look at me.

Cali... I cannot deny you any longer.” His eyes glow so beautifully, I am entranced.

I tempt him back close and kiss him gently all over his face. How I've longed for this.

“I really don't want you to deny me either.”

Please forgive me my Lord,” He whispers suddenly, his eyes downcast.

No, no. You have it all wrong. My father would have approved.” I try to explain with perfect reasoning. “You should be looking after me in this way. Who else could he trust as much as you Nico? No one.” His eyes soften with enlightenment.

Perhaps you are right.” He wraps his arms around me tightly. “You really want all of me?”  His eyes suddenly blaze so brightly I am blinded.

Every single part and so much more.” My breathing is accelerating off the scale.

By nature we are very passionate creatures. I will try and be gentle with you.”

No, don't try anything. Just be yourself. Please.”

He strokes his thumb across my lips. “As you wish. Now, lie down.”

I lay back on the bed, in the very middle with my heart pounding and my stomach as tight as a drum. I so want this and yet I am so nervous. Supposing he doesn't find me interesting or appealing enough in this way? I know I am worrying about things beyond my control. I try to clear my mind of negative thoughts and enjoy the experience. I couldn't have found anyone better for my first love session than this vampire, and I know it.

He springs on the bed after me and sits astride me, pulling off my t-shirt with a quick, unexpected tug.

“Nico!” I gasp out loud, wild with excitement at being exposed so fast. His eyes take in my naked breasts with a flicker of fire and he makes an animal growling gasp of a sound that turns me on so much I feel faint. His hands and mouth devour my face and neck and I give myself up to him, moaning with pleasure at his enthusiastic response. He removes his shirt, and kneeling to one side of me, picks me up clasping me tightly to his chest. I am shocked at his superior strength. He can move me as if I weigh nothing. I wrap myself around him in absolute rapture. I run my lips up and down his neck tasting him, licking him softly, grazing my teeth over him. His taste is so perfect.

There is nothing I want more than this vampire.

Nothing I have ever wanted more in my whole damn life.

I love the taste of you,” I murmur against his ear.

Bite,” He commands. “Softly. Not to feed, to enjoy.”

My heart skips a beat. I so want to do this. I hesitantly sink my teeth into his neck. The feeling is so arousing. I feel myself spiralling away as his blood hits my mouth in a small jet. It doesn't taste like human blood. It is light and silky and fresh. Like a shot of pure nectar. I groan with delight at the taste and suck a little more. But he pulls away.

“Now it is my turn. Feel the rush Cali.” I wait for the pain, but instead there is a highly sexually stimulating pinch, then the feel of his lips caressing my neck and the sucking that follows as he draws his taster from me. I sigh with pleasure.

My God, could things get any better than having sex with a 500 year old experienced vampire who I've got a severe case of the hots for?

We fall back on the bed together and things suddenly heat up between us. I rub his head and probe his ears with my fingertips, kissing him with unreserved passion. He tugs at my hair, wrapping it around his hands. His mouth travels down to my neck and he nips at it and down to my breast, just breaking the skin with his sharp tips. I gasp in wonder as he sucks at the hard nipple, biting gently. My whole body is on fire, a glorious heated blaze, with every touch and bite.

Nico, my Nico...” I groan. I can't get enough of him. He is everything I have dreamed of. Suddenly he stops nipping and sucking at me and pulls off my jeans roughly. I tug at his pants in a frenzy. His hands push mine away and he removes them quickly himself. And we are finally naked together. He kisses me in a hard and deeply probing way. His tongue pushing against mine, exploring all around my teeth. I am shaking all over with desire. The feeling of skin against skin and mouth against mouth is so erotic and powerful. I rub my legs up and down his and grind my hips against him fiercely in pent up passionate need.

Oh how I so want to look at him.

I turn us over in a gentle roll and boldly kneel astride his legs looking him up and down. I have only ever seen images of naked male bodies before and this living one is beyond the realms of anything I could have imagined. I lick my lips and saliva gathers again at the sight before me. My gaze moves slowly from his broad shoulders to his narrow flat muscular stomach and down to his male hardness. I look at his penis in wide eyed fascination. There is no way on earth that I can take all that inside me. It is massive. I bite my lip as a wave of concern floods through me.

“I know what you are thinking,” he says, voicing my worry out loud.

Oh my God Nico...” I gasp. “Are all male vampires this size?”

I am not in the habit of comparing, but I believe we differ in the same way humans do. Now Ssshhh... Trust me. You will love it.”  He pulls me down to him, kisses me briefly and rolls us over.

And it begins.

His slow, erotic, wonderful exploration of my body which makes me moan out loud with pleasure over and over again. 

How can this be possible? His fingers and tongue must be made for this, for doing these things to me.  I don't ever want him to stop. His long tongue slips between my legs and deep inside me dozens of times. His lazy swirling licks just about send me crazy.

“So you're ready, and now we fuck.” His manner changes abruptly and I heat up in response. The slow laziness has gone and in its place is a hard raw passion. He positions himself against me and I feel his head enter my wet opening and suddenly he is inside me in a long hard thrust that literally knocks all the breath out of my body. There is no pain, only a feeling of pressure and fullness that is so heady and intense that amazingly I want even more of it. Sublime shivers run up and down my spine. I squirm up against him, wrapping my legs around him hard, squeezing him in even further.

Now you'll see what vampires are really like.” He looks down at me with a dark, deep expression. He begins to move inside me and I move against him. It is soon hard and fast. I hear myself growling and snarling, in a deep animal voice that I can't seem to control. He is making similar gorgeous exotic sounds. I look into his face and I am amazed by what I see. Two deep red eyes stare back. He picks me up and we continue our wild fast fuck around the room. I am up against the wall, on the floor, on the bed, on the sofa... everywhere within a split second of the last. I feel a wave of euphoria rush through my brain and tingle all the way down my spine, my eyes burn hotter with intense sexual arousal. He flips me over onto my hands and knees and takes me from behind, his fingers sliding down my stomach and lower, stimulating me more and more. I am so gone, I am flying high. I lose my mind as I come in a wild, snarling, flash of blinding red light. I am aware of his teeth sinking into my neck roughly and his strong suction tasting me once more as he comes deep inside me. I feel it all so vividly, every spurt of wet heat leaving him. My pleasure goes on and on as I contract hard and tight around his huge size for an age. His arms wrap in front of me and his hands hold my breasts firmly. His teeth withdraw and he kisses my neck over and over, licking and tasting. Then he takes hold of my legs and twirls me round to face him. I gaze at him in a blur of sexed up adoration.

Could there be anyone more gorgeous on this whole planet?

We lie facing each other side by side, still joined, and staring silently. He strokes and kisses my face. That was the most intense and lengthy orgasm I could possibly have had. I can't believe it. What an amazing loss of my virginity. Way beyond my wildest dreams.

And shit... I am so completely lovestruck. Who the hell wouldn't be?

“You are a very beautiful fuck Lady Calista,” he smiles and picks up a strand of my hair, kissing it.

Why thank you Nico,” I reply with a modest blush. “You are a most handsome fuck yourself. I love your red eyes even more than the yellow.”
Of course I don't just love his eyes. The rest of him is pretty damn loveable as well. 

BOOK: Eighteen Summers
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