Read Eighteen Summers Online

Authors: Jessie M

Eighteen Summers (11 page)

BOOK: Eighteen Summers
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He turns to face me with a smile returning to his handsome face. “I shall arrange something for you shortly.” I change the subject quickly.

“Tell me about our travel plans... I've never been to Italy.” In fact I've only ever been to Spain and that was camping with my mum and dad and the cub scouts.

His face lights up with joy. “It is such a beautiful place, the country of my birth... You will enjoy it I am sure. We could stay for some time, if you find it acceptable.”

“Where are we staying exactly?”

In Etrusca, with Savio and Messia. They have a vineyard.” He pauses for a moment as if far away in his thoughts. “It's a large estate with a substantial villa.”

It sounds lovely. And you think we'll be safe there?”

As safe as we can be.”

What are we going to do about My Lord?”

We shall investigate his past. Examine records of the Caprices, in the time of the Etruriae. There cannot be that many Raffaeles' born to them. The Tarquiini monastery museum at Vulci is the place to start. Monasteries were the central point for collecting information in ancient times. The monks must have kept some records we can access. But they will all be in Latin of course. Perhaps you will be able to assist us, with your knowledge of the language Cali?”

Well I can try. What will this record search prove anyway?”

It could establish his lineage, whether there could be truth in his story.”

But he could have taken anyone's name?”

We will check all the records we can and follow things through to a conclusion. Gabriel is a most excellent Legal counsel, an Advocatus. He is an academic and a linguist and has a great deal of knowledge of historical matters, being an Oxford 'don'. He is most proud of that fact. He will know where to look and what to do.”

My Lord told me he is writing a book, about his family. Maybe you could take a look at that somehow?”

He is? Now that could prove to be more than helpful. Perhaps you could entertain him in your room and I shall see what I can find.”

I was hoping I wouldn't have to see him again.”

I think he is expecting to see you tomorrow. Sofia can sit with you.”

I'm sure she'll love that.”

Sofia will always do her best for you Cali.”

* * *

The next morning, I spend a pleasant hour in the pool and spa in the garden, swimming and chilling with Sofia. But now I sit fidgeting, anxiously waiting for Raffaele to arrive. Nico has gone to invite him to my room. I have several games to play with him today. None involve pain, sitting in the dark or anything remotely weird. He will definitely find my games dull compared to his. Sofia sits quietly in the corner of the room, with a book. There is a knock at the door and he enters in his usual theatrical rustle of deep purple robes and dark, devilish good looks. He is a very striking Lord, I must admit.

My Lady summons me?” He bows briefly and his eyes flash with a tinge of yellow.

I nod my head at him in return. “I thought we could play a game in my room today.”

“This is most acceptable. What do you have in mind?” He takes a seat next to me draping his arm across the back of the sofa.

QatQi. It's a word game. I have it on my iPad. Here.” I show him the game.

I like to play with words. I confess I have never played 'QatQi' before. This will be very interesting.” He smiles at me broadly flashing his white teeth. “Explain it to me.”

We can play against the computer or anyone else in the world. Today we'll play against the computer.” Basically because I have no one else to play with, but I don't mention that. I run through the rules and we begin our game. I'm hoping and praying Nico will find something useful in Raffaele's room. After an intense hour of Scrabble-like QatQi, at which he excels of course, we move on to cards. My Lord seems to like my App games. We play a quick game of Solitaire together.

I must acquire an iPad Calista. It's a useful and enjoyable device and so very portable.” He turns it over and looks at it carefully, touching the screen with his long sharp nails.

With difficulty, I try to hold a normal, modern conversation with him.

“You can play chess, mahjong, lots of other games... you download the app.”

What app is this?”

It's short for application. They are little programs for the iPad.”

I see. I am not very technologically minded I'm afraid. I only use the computer as a research tool and for my 'amusement'.” I shudder at the type of amusement he might look for on the net.

I realise I haven't been very hospitable and I offer him a belated drink, but he declines. “No thank you Calista. I shall retire in a moment. I have my work to do. Perhaps tomorrow, in my rooms again?”

“I'll look forward to it.” I lie. With a bit of luck, I'll be half way to Italy by then. I offer him my hand and he rises and takes his leave. I breathe a deep sigh of relief as he closes the door behind him. I really do find his company so tortuous, whatever we do. I certainly won't miss My Lord for one single second. I allow Sofia to leave after having chaperoned me for hours.

I wait for a few moments more and then call for Nico. He knocks and enters. I rush up to him in excitement.


I couldn't find any sign of his book I'm afraid, but I did find something much better. His research notes... I copied everything as best I could in my haste. I now have a list of names and dates. This should make our research so much more targeted.”

That's cool. Hopefully we'll find what we need faster as well. We don't want to spend all our time in the Tacky monastery, or whatever it's called, up to our eyeballs in dusty old records, do we?”

It's the Tarquinii monastery. And I do have other ideas planned for your entertainment.”

Such as?”

A trip to Rome... Some time at the coast... Whatever else you wish to do, literally. Gabriel informs me your trust fund has become available to you today. You are financially independent forever Cali. It is a sizeable inheritance, so you really can have a holiday for a lifetime, if you wish.”

I gulp. “Nico... How much is my inheritance?” I ask with a pounding heart. A broad grin appears on his face.

“Almost 180 million Euro.” His eyes glow with happiness and yellow warmth.

No!” A wave of heated shock runs through me.

Yes, it is a good sum, is it not?”

Can I send some money to my parents?”

You can arrange to do whatever you wish with it.  It is not my fund or my business what you do. I shall provide details of your fund manager and you can contact him and discuss it directly. The fund is in the name of Miss Jane Gray. She is your pseudonym. You will travel as Jane and I shall address you by that name, for reasons of safety and privacy. I will become Jason. Sofia becomes Susan and Gabriel, John.”

Do you have a fund Nico?”

Your father's estate provided me with a generous sum for my own personal use.”

Did you get on well with my father?”

My Lord Aule was a fine leader and a master swordsman. We used to fence and travel together. I was his aide.”

A bodyguard?”

No, he was more than able to look after himself.” His face looks strained as he realises the irony of his words.

How did he die?”

Unpleasantly of course.”

Tell me.”

He was decapitated, your mother too.”

Oh no Nico, and were you there?”

No, they went out, to the theatre. Their car was found outside the next day, containing their bodies and that of their chauffeur. Their heads were missing.”

And you think the Ristoria murdered them?”

Who else?”

I don't know. Perhaps he had new enemies?”

It's possible of course, but most unlikely.”

What happened after that?”

My Lord Raffaele took over the household, being in favour with My Lord and an elder of course. I began my role, as promised to your father.”

You promised him?”

Yes, I gave my word that I would guard you with my life, and put you out of harm's reach, should anything happen to him and your mother. At eighteen you would inherit. It was planned between us. As any parent plans as best he can for his offspring after his death. It was his will. I removed you immediately, within hours of their deaths, before My Lord had a chance to interfere with our private arrangement.”

So you placed me in care?”

No, I used a private adoption company. It was all conducted anonymously. I knew where you were, but your parents did not know where you came from. I arranged a fake birth certificate with no parentage. You were offered as a foundling, Candace Anna, and you were adopted by the Roberts family. I visited you from time to time over the years. You were a very sweet and beautiful child Cali.” He smiles wistfully with the memory of me as a child and my heart melts.

I don't ever remember being that sweet.”

In appearance you were.”

They never told me I was adopted.”

I know, it was a condition of the contract. That you were never to know. Never to ask about your real parents as they were unknown to everyone but myself.”

So nobody else knew I was there?”

No. Only myself, and Sofia in the past few months.”

You guarded me from afar.”

As best I could.”

And always will?”

Always.” His look is so serious. I am wondering why he is so dedicated to me.


The promise I made to My Lord. I owe him my life many times over. He took me from a starving hell-hole and helped me live again.”

Why did he do that?”

I don't know. It was circumstantial and coincidental. He was passing, he found me. I had just lost my wife and son. He had suffered similarly. Perhaps it was a shared feeling of loss. We shall never know. He could have left me to my fate, but he did not. I am and always will be grateful and I am honoured to serve his daughter.”

So whose idea was it to marry me off to Lord Raffaele?”

It was My Lord Raffaele's idea. And an obvious progression.”

Not obvious to me.”

I simply meant that he, as Lord Protector of the household for the last eighteen years, and you, the rightful incumbent, but not yet experienced enough to manage such a position, would do well to join forces. It makes sense.”

What happens if I die? Where does the money go?”

It passes to the next living relative.”

Don't tell me... Lord Raffaele?”

At present he is the only other blood born relative. A very distant one. I don't know how he would prove it in a court of law... ” he laughs suddenly.

What's so funny?”

The thought of proving you are at least fifteen hundred years old and a thirteenth cousin twenty times removed and still alive to tell the tale. That would be a huge task to undertake.”

So it's best I stay alive then. So that he can marry me, in a human ceremony and then, after a decent period of time he can kill me to get my money....” I think out loud, in a completely serious tone. And I'm not being funny at all.

That would be the best option for sure.” His face suddenly darkens with realisation. “No. I am not going down that avenue of thought.”

I already have.”

Calista... Are you now thinking he killed your parents so that he can marry you and then planned to murder you for your money?”

That would be a fitting end to the feud, wouldn't it? The Ristoria finally winning the game. And doesn't My Lord Raffaele love evil games?” I am not entirely sure I believe my theory, but it fits and it's food for thought.

BOOK: Eighteen Summers
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