Eden's Pleasure (Pulse Book 1) (23 page)

BOOK: Eden's Pleasure (Pulse Book 1)
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“What kind of bad memories? It’s just a room in your apartment. You make it sound emotional, and that doesn’t make sense.”

They shared a long, awkward silence until he lifted his head as if the answer suddenly came to his head. “I used that room for lovers and one-night stands, for sex and somewhere for them to sleep, if they chose to stay.” He looked into her eyes; his confession humiliated him. “For my whores,” he said bitterly, looking away and staring down at her knees.

“That’s harsh.” She wasn’t shocked as much as saddened. “You never found that someone special to share your bed?”

“I thought so a few times, but I was proven wrong. I was just fooling myself.” He stared at his hands as he rubbed them over her thighs. “I never found a woman that completely shared my needs. They misunderstood my passion to control for anger and something perverted and ugly. I have a strict personal rule never to invite a woman into my own bed.”

“So you have a room for sex? You slept with them in that room only. That is a little strange.” She truly wanted to understand.

He shook his head. “I didn’t sleep with them, it was only sex. No intimacy.” His answer was blunt, no mincing words, his point was clear.

Scratching at his beard, he looked so uncomfortable. Eden put her hands on either side of his face and smiled into his eyes. “I don’t think it’s that bad. You have that room, I had
. Did you think it would upset me because you’ve had a numerous sexual past? You can choose to tell me or choose not to tell me. The reality is we don’t have a
relationship here. You owe me nothing. We’re just sexual acquaintances. I don’t have a right to judge you.”

“Jesus! Is that what you think? Is that how I make you feel? Baby, you’re so much more to me than that.” He kissed the palm of her hand as she smoothed her other hand over his rough beard.

“You deserve to know.” He kissed her palm again, holding her hand tenderly. “Because I have money…well, mainly that…I attracted many women over the years, and in almost all cases, they used me for the money, what I could buy them. I stupidly moved two of them into that room, not together of course.” He gave a little nervous laugh. “The first one, Shelly, stayed for six months. I came home one day, she had gotten into my safe and cleaned it out…I never saw her again.”

“The second, Carmela, got a hold of some very important paperwork regarding a not so on-the-up-and-up contract dealing and used it to blackmail my father, causing quite a rift between us. That was eight months ago, and the room hasn’t been used since.”

Is that why he got so angry with Hazel when she put Eden’s clothing in there? Eden had thought something was weird. She had a bit of clarity now. The woman thought she was just a piece of tail, one of many.

“I said I’d never bring another woman to the apartment. That’s when I discovered
.” He squeezed her hand and smiled that melt-her-into-a-puddle smile trying to smooth the conversation.

Eden tugged at Chase’s earlobe playfully. “You brought me to your apartment and you share your bed with me. You sleep all night with me. Why?” she asked, longing to hear his reassuring words.

“In very rare cases, rules are meant to be broken, like your business and pleasure rule.” He looked at her with a raised brow. “I chose not to share my room, my most private and personal space with anyone. It requires a certain level of intimacy, a certain kind of trust that I wasn’t willing to put out there.” His eyes told her exactly how serious he was.

“There was no one I trusted until I met you,” he went on. “I need to care for you, make you my own. It’s a need stronger than I can tell you. You do something to me, Eden. You can unravel me with one look. Each touch of your skin sends me on an intense high. Your perfect body makes me fall apart, and when I’m deep inside you, I know that you’re the one.”

Eden threw herself onto his lap, melting her lips over his, running her tongue along them and delving into his mouth with a frenzied need. She ran her hands over his shoulders and down his back, pulling at his shirt.

“Whoa, baby! Not here. Mason could walk in. Come.” He took her hand and they ran up the stairs to his room. “This is where you belong, with me in this room.”

They undressed hurriedly. Chase lifted her to the bed, laying her beneath him and moving his hands down her sides, taking hold of her ass, and pulling her tight to him. He nibbled at her mouth, moving to her neck. Their breathing was heavy and loud in the air, thick with each intake. Eden’s hands explored up and down his back, moving to caress his full, bare ass. It was smooth, hard, and tight. She smiled wickedly when his hips moved in a forward thrust each time she squeezed his ass tight. She was so horny for him.

“Oh, what you do to me, baby!” He breathed into her neck.


Chase reached for the bedside table drawer, and Eden stopped his hand. He looked at her for a moment with wonder on his face.

“No, Chase. We don’t need to use those anymore,” she insisted. He smiled and rolled her over with him so that she was now on top, straddling him.

“Bareback it is, baby. But you’re going to ride me,” he directed, his eyes lighting up bright green as he reached up and tugged lightly at her nipples, causing them to pucker into tight buds. She leaned forward to bite gently at one of his nipples, making him moan loudly.

She took her time licking and playing with his nipples as Chase reached between her thighs and searched her wetness until he found her clit. He pinched it tenderly between his fingertips, and she thrashed wildly, arching back. He inserted a finger, thrusting it deep into her opening. She was so wet and ready for him. He took a hold of her hips and raised her up slightly.

Eden reached between her legs and found his immense arousal and adjusted herself to aim him at her opening. She rubbed the head of his cock over her opening, running it over her clit several times. Her mind clouded over as the extrinsic sensation set her on fire, her wetness increased. She held him to her opening and pressed down pushing him with sweet pain into her inch by inch.

“Take your time, baby, you’re gonna kill me,” he growled.

Chase pulled back, easing out of her slightly and taking her by the hips, and slowly lowered her, raising her up again and lowering her until she picked up his rhythm. He lessened his grip, allowing her to take over. She was in control of just how deep she could take him. It sent her clit pulsing for attention as she buried him deeper, enjoying her control over him.

Sitting herself up with her hands resting on his chest, he shifted deep into her to his full length. He let out a cry like it was the best pain, digging his fingers into her hips. She knew that it was going to leave a mark, but she didn’t care. She was so close to the edge, making her ride him deeper and faster, taking each stroke to her full depth.

“Touch me,” she purred, wanting help to reach her climax. Her head was swimming with need. “Make me cum.”

Taking her hand from his chest, he spread out her fingers and pushed them against her. She was shocked at first, but it made her feel free to explore and be playful. Eden smiled, rubbing her clit as he watched. Hot excitement on his face, she was wet and creamy, and with him inside her she tingled. The feeling was phenomenal.

Eden pulled her fingers free and sucked one into her mouth with an
sound as Chase watched. “Oh fuck,” Chase moaned. Eden grinned as she slipped her fingers between his waiting lips, and he sucked them in, closing his eyes and moaning, and then returned to rubbing her clit as she pumped up and down, wildly.

Massaging faster and riding him harder, she began a slow tingling wave exploding around him. Chase could feel her orgasm ripple over his cock as she tightened around him, her warm juices trickling over his balls.

He grabbed her around the waist and rolled her under him, taking over the rhythm, and fucked her almost violently. Thrusting harder and deeper, he wrapped his arms behind her knees, spreading her open wider to him. His rise was almost more than she could take. She dug her fingers into his back, her nails tearing his flesh. She shouted his name in the air. He erupted deep into her, holding her tight with a warm discharge of cum. He pumped into her two more times, humming in her ear with each blast.

As his crest diminished, he let go of her legs. Resting on her chest, he tenderly held her face, planting tiny kisses to her lips. She was truly spent.

“I didn’t hurt you, did I, baby?” he asked, breathless.

“No, never. That was amazing,” she whispered, closing her eyes. Her breathing slowed until she was nearly asleep. Chase rolled off of her, smiling at how fast she faded. Lifting the sheet over them, he pulled her into his side, closing his eyes to join her.




Chase opened his eyes to the darkness of night. Only the moonlight gave a slight glow to the room. He grinned and rolled onto his side. He would wake her gently before they packed to go to the house. He reached over but the bed was empty. Alarm came over him, and he turned on the bedside lamp to reveal her absence. He bound from the bed, slipping into his jeans, and made his way out the door and down the stairs, checking each room as he went.

A soft light glowed dimly from the kitchen through the darkness. He came to the doorway, leaning against the frame and watched as the pair, with their backs to the door, carried on as he went unnoticed.

“I do understand. It just seems so drastic to me, that’s all,” Eden said as Mason topped up her wine glass. “I thought it was safe here, top security and all.”

“Sweetheart, we wouldn’t be making the move if I thought you’d be safer here.” He chinked her glass with his coffee cup and blew over the hot liquid before taking a sip. “Just can’t believe the asshole didn’t tell you, said he would. He’ll bullshit me saying he got distracted with something.”

A slight smile crossed Eden’s lips, remembering racing up the stairs in a frenzy of sexual desire. His touch to her flesh and the feeling when she rode him hard had her heading to breathlessness. She had to take a sip of her wine to cover her heavier breathing from Mason.

“I did have other matters to deal with, thank you,
,” Chase stated. They both turned their heads to see him.

His eyes met Eden’s, and he winked as she swung around on her seat to watch him leaning in the doorway in nothing but a pair of jeans, his muscles defined by the light and shadows cast from the night. His feet were bare, adding to his sexy male physique. It turned her on in an instant, making her heart beat a little faster.

Mason winked teasingly. “Hey, man, how long have you been standing there? Come and join us. Want a drink? Coffee, tea, something a little stronger?” Mason patted the seat beside him, making Chase roll his eyes at the amusingly intimate offer.

He strode over to the fridge, opening it. “I’ll get myself a bottle of water, thanks.” He retrieved a bottle, opened it, and drank down half. Coming to the table, he slid in beside Eden, pulling her chair over playfully to him so he could touch her and take in her scent. She smelled fresh and clean, like bed sheets hanging in the wind, her hair damp from her shower. It made him hard when their skin touched.

He whispered into her ear, “You scared me when I woke and you were gone.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t let it happen again,” he cautioned her, licking behind her ear for effect, and sending a visible shiver up her spine, causing her nipples to become erect.

“So, Mason filled you in on the move?” he asked, as he curled his fingers around hers and traced the length of each with the fingertip of his other hand. He was in a playful mood, given the circumstances, and it made her heart warm with this new attention she was receiving. She liked it very much.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

Chase put a finger over her lips to quiet her. “The less you know.”

Pretending to bite out at his finger, he withdrew with a scowl. “You’re not going to tell me where we’re going?” she asked, looking at him with raised eyebrows, then turned to look over at Mason.

“He’s right, sweetheart. The less you know, the better. Trust me, ok?”

“Yes, for some strange reason, I do.” She smiled at the tough-as-nails blond hottie. “What about work? Mr. Hawthorn’s going to flip out if he hasn’t already. I’ve probably been fired and don’t know it yet.”

“As far as Hawthorn is concerned, your Uncle Joe passed away in a tragic accident. You’re in Miami helping Aunt Rose with arrangements. He thinks that’s why the police came to your office.” Chase waited for a reaction from her for the lie that he told.

“And he bought that, seriously?” She almost laughed.

“Hook, line, and sinker…I actually had Mason call him. By the way, meet your cousin.” Chase laughed, pointing to Mason, who shrugged and gave a half smile.

“We’re going to rot in hell for the lies we’re telling.” Eden eyed the pair of them.

“Little white lies. Our hands are tied, baby. We better get packed. We have to leave soon.” Chase rose first and took Eden’s hand, leaving the room.

“Chase, I don’t have any clothes to pack. I can’t go to the apartment for anything. What am I supposed to do?” The fact that they hadn’t shopped for new clothes was now more than apparent. Was she supposed to wear the same outfit forever? The nightmare was just getting better and better.

“I have clothes you can use. Remember the closet in the guest room?” When they got to the guest room, Chase opened the door and pushed her in ahead of him. He opened the closet doors and waved his arms like a model showing the next prize to be won. “There you go. Shop until your heart’s content.”

Turning to face Chase, she asked, “Where did this all come from? I mean, did it belong to one of those girls?” She watched him nervously, not wanting to upset him with her questions.

“I bought everything in there. There must be plenty that will fit so just pack a bag, please. I’ll go pack my things and toiletries for both of us.” He grabbed her elbow and leaned in, giving her a kiss on her cheek, escaping without an answer to her query.

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