Ecstasy (5 page)

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Authors: Lora Leigh

BOOK: Ecstasy
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Halliburton project was obviously already taking a toll on Craig, but nothing
could deter him from Monica. She knew that. Once again, he proved he could
satisfy her every need. She got out of his bed while he watched her and gently
walked to the shower. Just before to go in, she turned to him.

you like to take a shower together? It's been a while. Or...are you too
tired?" she smiled. His face lit up and reciprocated the smile.

really think you wore me out, don't you?" he asked her with a smirk on his

darling, you did get one hell of a workout today. Do you realize we've spent
over three hours in that bed?"

I am ready for three more with you, if you'd offer!" His ego was getting
the better of him and she knew it. It wasn't like him to brag, but he splurged
a little every once in a while. Nevertheless, he made his way out of the bed
and to the shower.

soaped her back first and then worked his way to her thighs. He loved Monica's
thighs and she loved that fact. She let him wash her and then turned to him.

how is the project going?"

my project and you know how that is going."

You know what I mean! The exploration stage."

Well, so far so good. I still don't understand how the Feds let Halliburton go
on the Southern slope and compete with BP, but I guess everything will come out
in good time."

know, you don't really have to take on this contract. You have so much to do
here already," she tried to sooth his worries. He scrutinized her eyes, trying
to figure out why she was going with the idea.

is a lot of money and if I am to marry you someday, I must have some green to
back me up, hehe," he made light of it.

honey. I'd marry you even if you were broke and you know that! I'd take you just
as you are right now: naked!"

I have a feeling you'd prefer me naked anyway, money or no money. But seriously
now, I have to take this contract. There's something intensely interesting
about it, not to mention downright mysterious."

do you mean by '
'?" She perked up fast. He knew she loved
mysteries and loved to solve them.

that kind of mystery, darling. A different kind. There is something here I
can't quite put my finger on. Look at it like this. No one likes to have
somebody come in our yard and do as they please. That's what Halliburton's
doing to BP. Except that BP simply doesn't mind it. And the Fed, the EPA gave
their blessings to this. None of this makes sense, not only because there is so
much money at play, but also because prestige is important to BP, especially
after Katri..." His words stopped cold in the warm shower.

she looked at him inquisitively and confused.

That is it! I bet that's it! That must be it!" he exclaimed as he reached
for the towel. "Honey, I have to go to the office right now. Gotta go. See
you in about two hours. Ok?"

just gonna leave me here, worked up and in suspense?"


wrapped her arms around his neck and then down his back. She knew his body liked
her breasts and she knew how he'd respond. Her hands grabbed his ass and hung
on to it firmly. With smoothness, they made their way toward his hips and soon
they were holding his cock. She began working it slow with her left hand, while
the right reached for the massage oil. She knew he loved a nuru massage and it
never failed to gather his entire attention. She leaned over to his right ear
and whispered in it.

oil on that slope can wait... it ain't going anywhere. This one
wait..." He was all hers and he knew that the quickest way to his office
was to take care of her first. He was all hers and at her command and nothing
could change that. She commanded his body, his thoughts, his actions, all
through his heart. Her presence in his life was everything, even if he had to
put out as much as she asked. It was a small price to pay for her presence in
his life, in his heart.




Carl. How was your day?"

was all right. Yours?"

was great. And it can get even greater," she tried to allure him with a
direct innuendo.

do you see that happening?" he responded with a sarcastic smile.

start with the first thing first. How about you fix me a drink? A margarita on
the strong side, but very little salt."

walked to the bar, made the drink quietly and handed it to her.

not going to have one?"

oh, yeah. But not margarita." He reached for the Jack Daniels bottle and
poured a generous shot over the ice cubes. Then turned to her.

where were we?"

were about to kiss my neck..." her words dissipated as he didn't wait for
her to finish. He kissed her gently at first, feeling every bit of her lips.
Carl always liked Lisa's lips and he thought they were a lot more inviting than
her breasts. He broke away from the kiss, sipped a little more of his bourbon
and put it down. With a gentle but firm move he took the drink out of her hand,
put it down on the bar and wrapped his arms around her back. Lisa felt his body
and she also felt his cock getting invitingly harder.

are you waiting for, Carl?" she whispered a little impatiently.

wonder that myself. I'm going to come in my fucking pants if I wait
anymore," he quipped.

reached for her dress and in a few seconds they were both almost naked. He took
his time in undressing her but then, to her surprise, he stopped with her bra
and panties. She reached for her hips to take them off, but his hands stopped
her before she could do so.

you want me naked?" she asked softly.

do, but in my own time."


leaves a lot to the imagination, baby. It should."

let his lips play a symphony of pleasure on her thighs and she let him. She
enjoyed every touch he laid on her and her mind was soon disconnected from the
world. Pleasure - his pleasing kisses and touches, were all she could think of.
She wished for his body, not just any body and she wished for all of it. There
was no way of getting enough of it and her brain couldn't fathom anything
except the ecstasy he could deliver her.

teeth grabbed her panties and dragged them off her slowly, while stopping along
the way to lay more kisses on her inner thighs. Lisa couldn't take it anymore.

your ass on the top of me and penetrate me
, man!" she demanded
of him.

needed no further incentive and soon his entire length was inside her. She let
out a growl of pleasure and submitted to his thrusts. He felt like an energized
fucking machine and she lifted her knees higher to make it easier for him. His
erection took over her body and she clamped her legs around him to make sure
he'd go nowhere. His seductive pounding and sexy face soon spiraled her mind
into an exquisite rapture of ecstatic climax. He felt her midriff pouring
fluids over his cock like a warm honey from a comb.

gosh! Carl!
! Fuck me silly, man!" she screamed at him.

intend to," he assured her.

! Do it like you mean it! Quit playing around and get to
fucking me! You owe it to yourself! Oh, yes, that's it! That," she
let out with rasping voice between her heavy breaths as his cock orgasmed her
out. She panted heavily and rested her arms on him.

my g-o-s-h
! You are amazing!" she complimented him as she coiled from
the pulsating orgasm given by his lovely meat.


thought of her feelings for Carl as they laid in bed looking at the ceiling.
She wondered what was going on with her heart and couldn't put her finger on
it. Soon, he broke the silence and brought her back to reality.

you still want to know about that Halliburton licensing, dear?"




opened his laptop as quick as he could and searched for the Katrina file. He
knew that BP delivered a load of
crude to a subsidiary of Halliburton right
before Katrina. It was as part of an exchange between the two companies,
something that happened routinely. An oil company would lease the license over
a certain proven area to another company, usually a subsidiary. The subsidiary
would then drill the area and turn a percentage of the oil over to the oil

search didn't take long. Soon Craig was looking at the subsidiary and began
connecting points. This was no coincidence and he knew it.

 am looking forward to working here full time!"his time of
the day,' she thought to herself.

oyees. e ideas on a new investigat










could never get enough of something she liked. Once she liked something, she
strived to get more and more of it. Until she got completely tired of it.

licks could talk, then her licks would have so much to say about her. They'd
tell the story of a woman whose satisfaction drove her to more desires, while
desires drove her to search for more satisfaction. One fed the other and she
was perfectly ok with her wishes.

let her mind wonder and she kept on licking it. She tasted every inch of it and
she enjoyed doing it quietly. When she finally took the whole thing in her
mouth, it melted slowly and filled her taste buds with the cream she needed.

door opened impertinently and interrupted her pleasure.


Carl. How are you?"

I'd like us to talk for just a minute."

Not a problem."

feel we need some sort of a new venue in our social section. Some new endeavor.
Some new concept that might jive with the people if not nationwide, then in
Los Angeles
for sure."

put the chocolate bar aside and thought for a while.

you give me a better direction?"

not really. But it should be out of ordinary. That's for sure. For example, why
would anyone in the Bay Area vote for Trump? What is the social background that
would make that happen?"

that as 'social' as we can get with it?" she probed the limits of his

do you mean?"

mean there are some other things that might be just as interesting."

do tell."

was looking at a French sex festival news outside
the other day and it seems they are way ahead of us in that

festival?" asked Carl puzzled.

The first-time for everything festival. I don't remember what they called it,
but it was along those line."

laughed briefly.

first-time for everything
!' What are you talking about?" He could
scarcely believe his ears. Here was this gorgeous intern talking to him about
god knows what sex festival in
, knowing darn well that would never fly at
CNN. Or would it?

it's a quite interesting idea as far as sex education is concerned. And once I
looked at the numbers, I realized it was quite handsomely economic, too! It
brought in about 5 million dollars last year for the local community."

could be said about Carl, one thing was sure. He loved money. He loved making
money for himself, for the company and he loved the idea of generating money in
any legal way possible. His entire position at CNN was centered on his ability
to raise money for all sorts of research the company might think of. He lived
for financial orgasms and his entire life was built around the satisfaction of
making money. The sound of money perked his attention and he  focused on
Jennifer's words.

Continue. Please don't stop."

festival is kind like a big roster. People sign up for it in advance. It's
'designed' to help the sexually uninitiated with things their partners desire
from them for a long time, but couldn't or wouldn't do for one reason or

me an example."

say you have a young couple. A girl and a guy. And she always wanted him to
last a little longer than he usually did. So, they'd like to have somebody to
'train' them how do that."

face was transcending from the office mode to a smirky smile slowly. He
couldn't help himself.

how would that work?"

they come up with a pseudo name, kind like a pen name and they'd put it on the
festival's list. Something like 'young couple desires experienced couple in
teaching the man sexual tenacity'. Their sign-up board is either on the
festival's site and I think they even use a sort of a facebook page or
something like that."

they basically take out a free add on that site, right?"

So, some other couple responds to the add and if they all agree, they then
reserve a sex booth at the festival."

sex booth
? Like the ones down on
?" Curiosity
and laughter were getting the better of him and he couldn't contain either

quite," answered Jennifer. 'How do you know about the sex booths anyway,
Carl?' she thought to herself. "They are a little larger than that and
they are like glass houses."

This seems nuts. Glass houses?"

You see, the booths are provided by different vendors in the sex industry, like
rubber makers, vibrator manufacturers and the like."

would they get involved in that?"

because there is money. Second because they get to promote their product."

Ok. Go on."

the two couple reserve the booth for a particular time and that's then
advertised on the festival's site. So now other people know about it and can
come and watch the 'event' in details."

This is a little too much. That sounds like nothing more than porn,"
complained Carl.

nothing like porn. That's because the viewing public gets to grade the 'lesson'
based on the couple's performance. So, there are hundreds of these booths and
events and each offer a different sexual experience and display, all with the
intent of educating through entertainment. And it's nothing like porn because
there are no video recordings allowed."

about the grades?"

festival then selects the top 100 contenders for the second stage based on the
grades given to the booths. Remember, the booths are provided by the vendors,
so actually the vendors get graded based on the couple's performance. So, they
have every reason to 'assist' the couples with everything they might need for
their 'class'."

whoa! Then what?"

the festival chooses the top 100 'aspiring' couples and their 'teachers', the
'students' have to perform once more for the top prize. They have to show what
they've learned and how well they can apply it."

that's some story. It really is. So, what's the prize?"

the festival sets a date and time for the top 100 contenders to perform and the
public gets to vote for the top 10 couples based on their acting and

sounds like the quarter finals!"

not too different! The winning couple gets to go on a vacation with their
'teachers' or 'educating couple' somewhere in the world, like
or some such. The vendors fork the bill for it, because this
is actually great advertising for them and it's a lot less expensive than other
marketing methods. There's also a small admission fee for viewers only."

that?" asked Carl even more intrigued.

someone is not signed up to 'perform', then they'd be there only as viewers.
That would draw a small admission fee. Yeap, more money," clarified

French are something else, aren't they?"

get this. The vendors often engage porn stars to come and participate as

sure! Why am I not surprised?" Carl injected sarcastically.

only that's not what you might think, but the porn stars are only too glad to

am sure they are!" he smirked again.

other reason, Carl," objected Jennifer as she rolled her eyes. "In
fact, they often forgo the money the vendors pay them, or they do it pro bono,
with one condition."

what might that be?" Carl was about to let out an explicative term.

be surprised. I am sure you will."

come on, tell me then!"

porn stars do this work pro bono so long as the vendors donate to different
medical institutions or programs that treat AIDS research or other STDs."

morning could not have been better. Carl didn't ask for this, but it was sure
getting better by the minute.

why in the world would porn stars want to donate to a hospital or medical
research center?" he felt floored.

because in their 'profession' so to say, AIDS is a devastating disease. It can
wreck havoc among their ranks and break up team work and all sorts of things
and they want it stopped. So they do their part."

they wear rubbers?" he asked innocently.

couldn't help but wondering. 'Is this guy really that naive or is he just
putting me on?'

not all their movies allow for rubbers. And movies without rubbers pay more to
the actors. Also, AIDS can be transmitted through saliva, too."

see. So, how do you think this could happen here? There are a lot of
conservatives around here, you know."

think we have to appeal to the people who already accept these things."

Sex in public. That's all we need," he muttered mostly to himself.

just 'sex in public'. It's sex at a pre-arranged location and time and an in
vivo education for many young - and not so young people. All of age, of course.
I mean, what's the difference between that and trying to teach sex education in

am not sure our folks would accept
kind of sex education,
Jennifer," resisted Carl.

we already do in some ways! That's exactly what all those LGTB protests and
demonstrations do in a sense! If you stop to think, they are indeed a public
display of sexuality, even though they don't actually have sex in public!"

these people protest and demonstrate to have some rights recognized, not to
have sex in public, Jennifer! Let's get real!" protested Carl.

enough, but the whole thing revolves around their sexuality, be that they
choose it or not. It all comes down to the sexual life of some people and
whether that's accepted by others. In a sense, that is a way of expressing
one's self and opinions."

you're saying this can be done through freedom of expression?"

And the government would love it, because they would be able to tax it. And god
really needs money. We're broke."

it would be something if we could fuck our way out of this financial
mess," reflected Carl.

is a lot more in this thing, Carl."

How is that?"

a good thing for everyone. It teaches guys how to treat a woman."

how exactly is that?"

the way a man treats a woman in bed is a good reflection of how he treats her in

thought the bed thing is just for sex," wondered Carl outright.

most men, yes. And perhaps some women, too. But overall men just don't know
what women want."

because women themselves don't know what they want, haha," interjected

it right or wrong, it's the man's job to help women define what they want
sometimes. Or, better yet, what women should choose sometimes from all the
options available to them."

Let me think about it," concluded Carl and walked back to his office.

does he not understand?' wondered Jennifer quietly. 'I'll make sure he does, by
the time I get through with him. He may be 'the man', but I am

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