Easy Way to Stop Smoking (26 page)

BOOK: Easy Way to Stop Smoking
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Once you have him believing that maybe he can stop, his mind will start to open. Suggest that it seems obvious non-smokers aren't missing out on anything, and that it looks to you like smokers don't enjoy smoking, but that they smoke to remove the need to smoke.

For many smokers, this observation—so obvious to non-smokers—comes as a bolt from the blue. At this stage, he is ready to start reading this book. He'll be expecting to plough through reams of statistics and technical data about lung cancer and heart disease. Tell him that this book was written by a former chain-smoker and that a grand total of nine pages of this book talk about anything related to health. Keep pointing out that it's only a book and that there is no pressure to quit—if he wants to keep smoking afterwards then he can. Tell him that one of the instructions in the book is to keep smoking—that will get his interest!

Help During the Early Days of a Quit

Whether a recent quitter is suffering or not, assume that he is. Do not try to minimize his suffering by telling him how easy it is to quit. This will merely irritate him and earn you a filthy look.
Instead, tell him how proud you are, how much better he looks and smells, how much easier he is breathing and point out that his smoker's cough has disappeared. Keep this praise and support going. I cannot even begin to explain how important this is.

Because he is not talking about smoking, you might think he's forgotten about it. He hasn't. Don't avoid talking about it, unless you are asked to do so.

Go out of your way to relieve him of additional stresses and pressures during the early days of his quit. Try to think of ways to make life more interesting and fun. If you want to pamper him and treat him like royalty for a while, I'm fairly sure that he won't complain.

Be aware that if the newly launched ex-smoker has a bad day, he is likely to blame it on having quit smoking. When I was trying to quit using willpower I used to throw a tantrum in the hope that my wife or friends would say, ‘I can't bear to see you suffering like this. For goodness' sake, have a cigarette.' This would thrill me because it gave me an excuse to smoke without losing face. I wasn't ‘giving in'; I was being instructed to smoke. If the ex-smoker uses this ploy, under no circumstances fall for it. Instead say, “If that's what cigarettes do to you, thank goodness you'll soon be free. How wonderful it is that you had the courage and intelligence to stop.”

: H

n my opinion, cigarette smoking is the biggest scandal in our society. The hypocrisy is incredible. We get uptight about glue sniffing and heroin addiction, but it is smoking that is decimating our society, and it has been doing so for decades. In the US alone, smoking kills an estimated 450,000 people every year, making it easily the biggest cause of preventable death. It is estimated that over thirty million Americans alive today will die from smoking related causes.

State and Federal government is by far the biggest beneficiary of tobacco sales in the US. The most recent figures indicate that Government makes over $25 billion every year. This dwarfs even the profit that the tobacco companies make, or their-$12.6 billion marketing and promotional budget.

Compare this huge sum with the less than $500 million spent on tobacco control every year. This equates to less than
2% of the tax revenue generated by the sale of tobacco products. And of that miniscule $500 million, a negligible sum is spent on helping smokers quit.

The Government's annual investment in tobacco control amounts to around $10 per smoker per year and just over $1,000 per smoking related death. A comparable calculation for the annual cost of the ‘War on Drugs' reveals spending of $54 billion. This equates to a staggering $27,000 per head for the estimated 2,000,000 users of illicit drugs excluding cannabis, or a staggering $908,000 per death.

There is the application of double standards here. We throw resources at heroin addicts—who are technically criminals—giving them treatment, shelter, safe injection sites and subsidized drugs or substitutes; yet the smoker—addicted through no fault of his own to a legal product—is left to suffer with little or no support and to pay a truly exorbitant price—most of which goes to the Government—to get his drug.

Doctors, who have been tasked with sticking a band-aid over this gaping wound are over-worked and poorly trained in cessation techniques. More often than not, the best a doctor can do is to say a few encouraging words and give you a prescription for a pill or patch that likely contains the drug you are trying to break free from.

In the meantime, incidence of smoking in movies, particularly in movies aimed at teenagers, has never been higher. We have legislation to make it illegal to purchase cigarettes below a certain age, but no law prohibiting possession. Schools are powerless to implement no-smoking rules, apart from in areas where smoking is banned by state or local legislation. Up until 2003 we allowed tobacco companies to continue to sponsor key sporting and cultural events and to promote their brand to impressionable children along the way. We are virtually guaranteeing that our kids will see smoking as cool, desirable and rebellious rather than sad, disgusting and depressing. In their tens of thousands, they are
falling into the same trap we fell into, for the same reasons. I really cannot believe that we are standing by and letting this happen.

It is bad enough that smoking has decimated my father's, my own and, most likely, the next generation. Are we going to impose this dreadful burden onto yet another generation? Have we learned nothing?

I just don't understand it. If a salmonella or mad cow outbreak results in a single death we all but call a state of emergency; but here we have a disease which kills around 1,300 Americans a day (and has done for years), yet all we seem to be able to do is tax it.

It has often been said that tobacco is the only legal product that if used precisely as the manufacturer intended, kills you. How many more billions of dollars will we give tobacco companies by way of tax breaks to make products that, sadly, work too effectively? How many more innocent people are we going to let die from this terrible disease? And how many more are we going to allow to become infected with the disease in the first place?

I won't wish you luck—you don't need it. Just follow the instructions contained on the following page. Once you have broken free yourself, please spread the word. I really welcome comments and letters from readers so please feel free to contact us via our network of centers.

I wish you every success and all the best for a healthy and happy future free from the slavery of smoking.

Allen Carr


ou can now enjoy the rest of your life as a happy non-smoker. In order to make sure that you do, you need to follow these simple instructions:

Keep this book safely in a place where you can easily refer to it. Do not lose it, lend it out or give it away. It's no bad thing to pick it up occasionally and read a couple of pages. It'll keep you ‘in the zone'. This is your shortcut to attaining the right frame of mind about smoking. Keep it close at hand, in case you need it. Rather than lend it out (trust me—you'll never get it back) gift copies to any friends who show an interest in it.

If you ever find yourself envying a smoker, realize that they will be envious of you. You are not being deprived. They are.

Remember you did not enjoy being a smoker. That's why you stopped. You do enjoy being a non-smoker.

Remember, there is no such thing as just one cigarette.

Never doubt your decision never to smoke again. You know it's the correct decision.

If you have any difficulties contact your nearest Allen Carr's EASYWAY center. You will find a list of these on the following pages.


Now at last you can say


You have achieved something really marvelous.

Please share your success with us. Sign the following, add your comments and send it to:

Allen Carr USA, Suite 706, 1133 W Broadway, NY, NY 10010 or email us the same information to: [email protected]


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he common thread running through Allen Carr's work is the removal of fear. Indeed, his genius lies in eliminating the phobias and anxieties which prevent people from being able to enjoy life to the full, as his bestselling books
Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking, The Only Way to Stop Smoking Permanently, Allen Carr's Easyweigh to Lose Weight, Allen Carr's Easy-way to Control Alcohol, How to Stop Your Child Smoking
, and
The Easy Way to Enjoy Flying
, vividly demonstrate.

A successful accountant, Allen Carr's hundred-cigarettes-a-day addiction was driving him to despair until, in 1983, after countless failed attempts to quit, he finally discovered what the world had been waiting for: an Easy Way to Stop Smoking. Together with Robin Hayley, whom he appointed as Managing Director of Allen Carr's Easyway Worldwide, he went on to build a global publishing program and a network of centers that span the globe and have a phenomenal reputation for success in helping smokers quit.

His books have been published in thirty-six different languages in over fifty different countries and DVD, audio, CD-ROM, video game and webcast versions of his method are
also available. Allen also nominated Robin as his successor and gave him responsibility for his lasting legacy.

Hundreds of thousands of people have attended Allen Carr's Easyway clinics where, with the highest success rate in the quit smoking industry, they guarantee that you will find it easy to quit smoking or your money back. A full list of centers appears in the back of this book. Should you require any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact your nearest center.

Weight-control and alcohol sessions are now offered at a selection of these centers. A full corporate service is also available enabling companies to implement stop smoking programs in the workplace simply and effectively.

All correspondence and enquiries about Allen Carr's EASYWAY books, DVDs, audios, CD-ROMs, video games and webcasts should be addressed to the London Head Office and Clinic listed at the back of this book.


‘I started smoking when I was twelve, and I tried quitting with almost every method. I used the gum, patches, I even tried using an anti-depressant called Zyban. When I was 25 a friend gave me the book, unfortunately they had not read it and they re-gifted it to me thinking I might read it. I did and I have been a non-smoker since, it has been close to two years and I have no desire for a cigarette ever. In fact the thought of smoking repels me and the smell is barely tolerable. I swear by the book and have since bought copies for friends, recommended it to every smoker I know, and everyone that I know has read it has been successful in quitting.'

N. Mallet

‘I was a smoker for 34 years. I smoked one pack a day, every day!!! I've tried different methods (medication, patch and the gum) to stop smoking, but nothing worked until I read the book “The Easy Way to Stop Smoking”. The book was recommended to me by a co-worker. It's incredible, I've been smoke
free for 8 months now and it's been the longest that I ever been without smoking. Thank you, Mr. Carr for giving me my life/freedom back!!!!'

James Rozoff

‘It's been over 12 days and I'm going strong. I've replaced killing myself with living. Thanks to Bertrand who recommended the book to me after quitting himself. Today is day 40 for me and breathing easier walking 3 miles a day and loving life.'

Rob Wimmer

‘Thanks to your book I was able to quit smoking four-and-a-half years ago. My quality of life has been so much better. The book was so well done. Mr. Carr did a great job. I have found it so easy to stay a non-smoker. Using his methods to not only achieve quitting, but to remain so. Thank you.'

Angela Jones

‘I am a 69-year-old male who has been smoking for 55 years. Many times attempting to stop but it never worked. Someone directed my attention to your book. I bought it at
, started reading it in 2 sessions and when I finished I stopped smoking “Cold Turkey”. It was mainly because your book recognized smoking as an addiction which I had never seen it that way.

I am now smoke-free for over a month and I am convinced that I am from now on a Non-Smoker. Thanks for your assistance with my stopping smoking.'

Robert van Oeveren

‘My acupuncturist told me about Allen Carr's book because she was having trouble taking care of other problems I had. I really did not want to quit—I loved smoking. Also I had this huge fear of going through the agony of trying to quit because I had failed so many times before and thought I had tried everything. However, I trusted my acupuncturist, so I decided to try one last time with Allen's book. I had a terrible attitude about my chances of success and the whole way through the book I was saying to myself, “How can reading a book make you quit smoking?” But, miracle of miracles... It did! I followed his instructions to the letter and at the end of the book I was a non smoker. I had just two days of getting the nicotine out of my system and then I was over it all. There was no agony, no cravings, no overeating—nothing. That was almost 4 years ago. Since then, I have been able to afford life insurance so I can leave something to my daughter—it's not affordable if you're a smoker. I have no problem being around people who do smoke and have never had any desire to start smoking again. By the way, if you have any mistrust of these testimonials, just read the totally unbiased ones on
and you will see that they all say the same thing. Allen Carr was a true genius. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!'

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