Dynomite!: Good Times, Bad Times, Our Times--A Memoir (37 page)

BOOK: Dynomite!: Good Times, Bad Times, Our Times--A Memoir
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Show business is like a greased pole—even if you have climbed to the top, sooner or later you are going to slide back down. I still climb the pole every day. I may not reach the top again, but at least my butt is off the ground!

In 2011
magazine published a special edition titled “1000 Greatest Moments in Pop Culture 1974–2011”—and J. J. saying “Dyn-o-mite!” was among them. That word has been woven into the fabric of American life, something I never could have imagined when it first came out of my mouth.

I will always be the guy in the floppy hat who said “Dyn-o-mite!” As Steve Crantz once said, “Your obit’s going to read: ‘Today the dyn-o-mite fizzled.’”

It hasn’t all been “dyn-o-mite!” . . . but you should see the guy they sent to the ghetto.



Jimmie thanks Randie Gorbena, Diane Cantor, Kaye Morano, Harris Peet, Adam Chromy, David Brenner, Ben Schafer, Chuck Hurewitz, and Craig Glazer.

Copyright © 2012 by Jimmie Walker and Sal Manna


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. For information, address Da Capo Press, 44 Farnsworth Street, 3rd Floor, Boston, MA 02210.


Set in Goudy Old Style by the Perseus Books Group


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Walker, Jimmie, 1947–

Dyn-o-mite! : good times, bad times, our times—a memoir / Jimmie Walker ; with Sal Manna.—1st Da Capo Press ed.

p. cm.

eISBN : 978-0-306-82110-3

1. Walker, Jimmie, 1947–2. Comedians—United States—Biography. 3. Actors—United States—Biography. I. Manna, Sal. II. Title. III. Title: Dynomite.


PN2287.W24A3 2012


First Da Capo Press edition 2012


Published by Da Capo Press
A Member of the Perseus Books Group


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Table of Contents

Title Page



Chapter 1 - Our Times

Chapter 2 - I’m from the Ghetto

Chapter 3 - Stand-up for the Panthers

Chapter 4 - Making It in New York

Chapter 5 - Kid Dyn-o-mite!

Chapter 6 - I Am Not J. J.

Chapter 7 - The Whipping Boy

Chapter 8 - Freddie, Richard, Andy, Mitzi, and Budd

Chapter 9 - A Black Sheep among Black People

Chapter 10 - The Late-Night War

Chapter 11 - The N-Word

Chapter 12 - On the Road


Copyright Page

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