Read Dynomite: A Stepbrother Cowboy Romance Online

Authors: Layla Wolfe

Tags: #romance, #Fiction

Dynomite: A Stepbrother Cowboy Romance (14 page)

BOOK: Dynomite: A Stepbrother Cowboy Romance
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“Virility? Force? Domination?”

She giggled. “Supremacy. Mastery.”

That last part got to me. As much as I hated her, I loved her just as much. It made for some sleepless nights, some massive distractions, some accidents at work while I fixated on her. “I’d like to master

Had I really fucking said that? That didn’t even sound like something I’d say. But now that I fucking
, I had to follow through with it. Gripping her by the waist, I backed her up against the lowered bucket of a John Deere loader. My prick was bulging, actually throbbing in the opening between my chaps, and I had no shame about pressing it to her pussy mound.

Raking my fingers through her cotton candy hair, I didn’t care if I was getting her prim white dress all dirty. I spoke against her mouth, just lightly dusting her shapely lips with mine. “April. We’ve been doing this dance for a long-ass time. I’m going to take you even
you don’t admit you want me. So you might as well admit it.”

She didn’t, but she didn’t deny it either. She had no makeup on and looked even more stunning than usual, especially up this close where her own unique scent, a combination of cinnamon and pussy, wafted into my nostrils. Her voice was low and smoky. “That’d be wrong, Dyno, and you know it. Our parents aren’t about to get unmarried anytime soon, unfortunately. That makes us relatives.”

“Not by blood.” I’d thought about this long and hard. We were of age. We had no blood between us. And if we didn’t tell anyone, no one would find out. I did a little dip and took a bite out of her jawbone, making her sigh. “We share no blood, April. It’s not unnatural. There’ll never be a boring moment with us. I know you’re not my normal type with your prissy highfalutin ways. But you get me all kinds of hot and bothered and I can’t deny that anymore.”

She practically purred when I bit her earlobe. She squirmed to sashay her cunt bone against my hard-on. She even lifted up her sandal and stuck it around the back of my boot. She was encouraging me in the worst way to slide my hands down her curves and lift her by the ass. Her dress fabric was flimsy as hell—I could even feel the elastic of her panties underneath.

She wove her fingers through my damp hair down to my scalp, massaging me, urging me on. “Dyno.
Our parents are married
.” It was as if she wanted to underline the illicit nature of our coupling. That’s why she kept mentioning it. I didn’t mind. The forbidden had always attracted me—not that that was my reason for wanting her. “You’re my stepbrother, if you didn’t notice. Isn’t this kind of kinky?”

“All kinds of kink,” I agreed, snaking my tongue down her throat.

She squirmed some more. She rolled her shoulders like a lap dancer, gyrating her hips almost as if she
her pubic bone kneaded my pulsing glans. What was that douchetard Willard doing with her? I used to make fun of April for being slutty, but the truth was, I probably didn’t want her to be. It dilled my pickle thinking of her putting out for that moron.

She pushed my head down to her chest. If I squeezed her ribcage between my palms, her tits practically popped out of her dress on their own. I licked and lapped at this juicy bounty, barely hearing her words.

“Is that all you want, the kink? I should’ve known. You’re a damned pervert, just like the rest of them.” But she didn’t push me away. Instead, she shimmied her shoulders back and forth so her tits would slap me upside the head. This was the ultimate of the Force-Me Queen way, talking out of both sides of her mouth. Her body said one thing, and her words said another.

I pulled away. “I ain’t a perv like your fucking uncle Marcus.”

She pulled away too. “Don’t bring him up. That’s disgusting.”

“You admit he’s a disgusting pig.” Here I was with her heavy tits in my hands accusing a leader of the community of being a pig. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. That was the nature of my style back then.

“Yes, of course he’s disgusting. But we’re not allowed to say or do anything about it.”

I pulled back even farther. “According to who? Oh, I see. Your dad. It’s his brother. He don’t want to rock the boat.”

A sexy expression came over her face again, and she urged my face to her chest. “Let’s not discuss that. Ruins the mood.”

So I’d created a “mood”…I definitely didn’t want to wreck that, so after lapping away at the coral pink tips of her nipples for a while and humping away at her leg, I took her inside of the loader’s bucket. This way the vaqueros down at the corral couldn’t see us.

The bucket wasn’t tall enough for her to stand, so I wound up sort of folding her back inside of it. She slid like she was in a giant pipe, giggling. I could stand while hunched over, propping myself up with my hand flat against the dirty bucket. I swear it didn’t occur to me my crotch was at her face level. I was just in a masterful, superior mood, ready to show April who was boss. But actually, it was April who took the bull by the horns, like they said in that corny article about the “lowdown thugs” who stole Bull Gravy.

Before I knew it, she was undoing the buckle that covered my fly.
Was this really fucking happening?
I leaned into her as her fingers flew, fumbling with my buttons. How many hot, sticky nights had I dreamed of this? How many squeaky-clean sessions in the shower had I envisioned April Pleasure parting her succulent lips and taking my dick between them?

Well, dream no more, pal.
This was real.

My cock sprang out like it was three steps ahead of me. It took every shred of steely nerve in my body not to plunge it down her throat. She took it in her cool palm and seemed to be admiring it. I knew it was something to envy, but now wasn’t the fucking time. I had to grit my teeth and squeeze my eyes shut while she breathed on the damned thing.

It sounded like she said, “I’ve been wondering what this looked like up close.”

A powerful wave of pride came over me and I could feel a few drops of precum seep from my slit. “Wonder no fucking more, young missy.”

Her breath feathered my sensitive tool. “I’ve been dreaming about your cock while I, ah, masturbate.”

“I reckoned,” I said arrogantly. She delicately licked the jizz from my glans, and I hissed and jumped. “Watch it, woman! Not unless you intend to do something about it.”

In the darkened atmosphere of the bucket, the whites of her eyes shined up at me. She was the devil incarnate, that girl. “Why do you think I’m lying here with your giant prick in my hand?”

Okay, that was just about fucking enough. I’d been called giant, huge, humongous, and even whaling, but never by a prim rah-rah like this with cotton candy hair. I choked my meat, rubbing the head furiously against her lips. She didn’t protest, didn’t seem to mind. The precum glossed her lips, and I imagined I could actually
her smiling. She darted her little tongue out like a lizard and suffered to give me a few quick swipes that nearly had me shooting my load.

She was a cocktease, that was for sure. I was still unsure whether she’d do me to completion, but I was past the point of no return now.

“I think you’re lying there just to tease me,” I rasped. “You’ve been fantasizing about sucking me?”

“Oh, God, yes. For weeks. Since you got here.”

I wiped my cockhead against her mouth so fast it blurred. “Oh yeah? Then take
.” And finally, at long last, I plunged it down her throat.

I knew I didn’t hurt her. I’d done this countless times and knew how far and deep to jab without choking the poor cocksucker. But she made choking sounds and sucked in air through her nostrils, so I tried to go easy on her.

Man, it wasn’t simple. Trying to hold back when the girl of your dreams is kicked back in a loader bucket blowing you, well, that experience wasn’t in my wheelhouse. She choked and moved her tongue around my boner, and I tried with all my might to pull back.

But every cell in my body screamed at me. “Do it, you moron! Spew your load down her throat! She wants it! She’s thirsty!” Well, okay, my body might not be
ignorant. But I’ve never been known for eloquence, and pretty soon I was holding the back of her skull and pistoning my cock in and out of her sweet, hot mouth.

Good Lord Almighty
. I didn’t have the inclination to stop to be jealous, but
had been teaching that girl to hoover. I would just kick Willard’s ass later in the arena.

I knew it was difficult to blow me, and April did have a small, pouty mouth. But she did her best with my tool, and within forty-five seconds I was on the verge of blowing my wad. Her hungry, slick tongue slithering all around my dick, her little hand holding my hip, her other hand massaging the bush at the root of my rod. It was all a fucking scene I’d never really envisioned coming true, and it was too much, even for a smug bastard like me.

I popped a nut embarrassingly soon. It was one of those weird orgasms that explodes on a sudden, sort of ruptures up the length of your cock. My balls tightened like rubber bands as the jizz rocketed out my slit. It was suddenly sweltering in the bucket, the sun beating down on the thick metal, and a drip of sweat flicked off the tip of my nose and onto the crown of April’s head. She was smoking my dick like there was no tomorrow. To my utter surprise, she swallowed, too.

She could barely contain the load, though, and I even sort of laughed to myself, in mid-orgasm, to feel some slimy gobs roll down her chin. It made me proud that I was filling her up, that she eagerly gulped me. She was snorting like mad down there. She couldn’t have been a better Bull Gravy if I’d of put a ring through one of her nostrils. She did me proud.

I didn’t realize that I was gasping for air until she’d nearly drained me dry. I let her detach her mouth, but with regrets. She lay back panting like a squid on a beach, and I just let my big dick hang there, throbbing. Wouldn’t hurt to paint an indelible picture in her brain.

“Wow,” she said weakly. One of her hands lay back against the bucket like a paper towel.

I fell to my knees in front of her. That bucket was fucking dirty—what did I expect? It was used to move earth, to make berms, to build roads. And here I was firing a shot down her throat like some hustler, some hard-on from the sticks.

I took her weak hand in mine and sort of wrung it against the dusty leather of my chaps. “April.” I seriously didn’t know what to say. I wasn’t the most expert at this cornball sort of talk. “Sorry. I got…all riled up. I ain’t been with a girl like y’all in a while.”

She smiled distantly. She even had a slight twang when she spoke, like I was rubbing off on her. “Why you apologizin’? You ain’t done nothin’ wrong.”

Gratitude washed over me, I swear. I wrung her hand like a chicken’s neck. “Good. I wouldn’t ever want to hurt you, not like that asshat Marcus.”

Her eyes snapped to attention. As usual, I’d said the wrong thing. “Stop. Mentioning. Him.”

I had to admit defeat. “All right. But I don’t like how he’s treating y’all.”

I’d managed to ruin the mood. April started squirming to sit up straight, wiping her face off with the back of her hand. “How you going to get Bull Gravy back to Mario Lanza?”

This was where I could win back her approval. “I figured we’d move him somewhere neutral, like downtown behind the bowling alley. Then you could find him and be the lion of the day. Let the school get him back onto their lawn.”

She did smile again at that. She’d never been prettier, her hair all mussed, no makeup, with that “just fucked” look on her face. “Why you being so nice to me? I thought you hated me.”

I frowned. “Then why’d you give a hummer to a guy you thought hated you? You shouldn’t be going around doing that. Show some self-respect.”

She giggled. “Good point. I guess there’s a lot of good feelings underneath our hatred.”

I smiled too, and held out a hand. “Come on. I’ve got to get back to the corral or Javier’ll have my hide.” We clambered out of the bucket. April had to slide on the ass of her pretty white dress. I buttoned my fly and said, “I might be the lion of the day over at the arena, but here I’m just another vaquero.”

“I’ll talk to my dad about getting you—”

No, you will not
.” I startled even myself with how fierce I sounded. I tried it again, but softer. “No, you will not. I can fight my own battles, April. It’s enough that he’s helping me in the CCPRA. If I’m lucky I’ll make it to nationals in Pocatello in March.”

I helped her stand. She shook her hair out like a Venus emerging from a shell. I knew she had dirt all over her butt. “Oh, you will. I’ve seen you ride. Haven’t seen anyone as good as you in the California circuit. You’ll make it pro. Oh, shit. Who’s that?”

A cloud of dust on the horizon told us a car was coming. Anyone from my outfit would’ve been driving a truck, or just coming up on their own mount. Who was this asshole in a…Camaro?

Then it struck me clean to my heart.
Lawson Willard
. Sure enough, that was his dickhead vehicle. I’d know that front grill anywhere from the time he ran me off the road, not far from here. Instinctively, I took a step away from April and looked sideways at her.

“You call that asshat?”

Her face genuinely looked innocent. “No! Why would I do that?” She took her phone from her pocket and looked blankly at it, thumbing it. “All I did was text Olivia that I thought I knew where—

I snorted. “Yeah. Oh. Now your BFF who’s running around calling Sequoia and me
has corralled my fucking archenemy. Thanks, April. Y’all have a loyal set of friends.”

Her mouth was a perfect
as the car headed directly for us. “I swear, Dyno! I didn’t think Olivia would do anything like this! I thought she’d just go oh, hey, that’s great you found Bull Grav—
Hi, Lawson!

April pasted on a happy smile and approached Willard like nothing was wrong. But there was something wrong. A fucking one-ton statue of a hung bull taller than me at the shoulder was standing right there, evidence of my felony. I’d thought I was doing April a romantic favor, confiding in her, letting her in on my secret. To show her gratitude, she’d turned around and stabbed me in the back.

BOOK: Dynomite: A Stepbrother Cowboy Romance
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